Marshall University Department of Criminal Justice CJ 602: Law & Social Control Fall 2010 CJ 602: Law & Social Control Course Number & Title Dr. Gordon A. Crews Professor Phone: 304.696.3083 (Voice Mail) Email: Class Hours, Days, & Room: Office Hours & Days: 2:00 to 4:00pm Fall 2010 Semester/Year Th 4:00-6:20pm 3.0 (Graduate) Credits Office: Smith Hall 740D SH 416_(As assigned in syllabus below) Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00 to 11:00am; Wednesday, 9:00 to 12:00pm; Thursday, REQUIRED TEXTS/READINGS: Anleu, S. L. R. (2010). Law and social change. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publishers. Other readings as assigned. OPTIONAL TEXTS/READINGS: Oliver, W. M., & Hilgenberg, J. F., Jr. (2006). A history of crime and criminal justice in America. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon/Longman. Thistlethwaite, A., and Wooldredge, J. (2010). Forty studies that changed criminal justice: Explorations into history of criminal justice research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. COURSE DESCRIPTION: An examination of the nature of law and crime with a view towards determining the nature of control of social behavior by the legal system. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to: Understand the criminal justice system from a historical perspective. Examine the current issues and crimes by using historical lessons as a guide. Evaluate the effectiveness of law as social control and alternately, social control as a mechanism for influencing the law. Examine current social issues relative to social control, social justice, and law. Develop and enhance critical thinking and analytic skills by dissecting our criminological roots. Enhance professional presentation, facilitation, and communication skills. Write analytically and critically at the graduate level using correct citation and reference styles. 1 DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Describe and apply basic criminal justice information and concepts 2. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills relevant to criminal justice 3. Use appropriate social science and/or legal research and skills and resources to complete original research in criminal justice 4. Effectively communicate in both oral and written formats using discipline-appropriate vocabulary and dialogue 5. Recognize and apply ethical principles of the discipline in regard to research, use of sources, collaboration with colleagues, and principled decision/policy making 6. Successfully enter into discipline-appropriate employment as a professional in criminal justice or, if desired, continue education in graduate and/or law school 7. Demonstrate comprehension of discipline-appropriate technology, including computer hardware and software GRADING SCALE: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 59 and below EVALUATION OF LEARNER OBJECTIVES/COURSE REQUIREMENTS (Grades will be based on the following requirements): Score Sheet Requirement Points Team 1 Team 2 Due Date Team Lecture on Text Chapter(s) 200 4 x 50 = 200 3 x 50 = 150 As assigned below Team outline on Text Chapter(s) 200 4 x 50 = 200 3 x 50 = 150 As assigned below Individual Readings (Written) 150 3 x 50 = 150 4 x 50 = 200 As assigned below Individual Readings (Discussion) 150 3 x 50 = 150 4 x 50 = 200 As assigned below Final Exam 300 300 300 December 9 Total Possible Points 100.0 100.0 100.0 COURSE OUTLINE: The below outline is subject to change to meet the needs of the class. Topic Past to Present 1600-1775 Date August 26 Lecture/Activity Where Have We Been And Where Are We Going?: Thinking About Social Control Assigned Reading Chapter 1: The Meanings of Law September 2 As assigned No Class Meeting September 9 Crews on 16001775 Chapter 2 & 3: Law in classical social theory/Contemporary social theory and law 2 1776-1855 September 16 As assigned No Class Meeting September 23 Crews on 17761855 Chapter 4: The legal profession 1856-1935 The Mayflower Compact The 1629 Charter Of Massachusetts Bay The First Thanksgiving Proclamation The Fundamental Orders Of Connecticut The Character Of An Old English Puritan The English BOR On Crime And Punishment An Introduction To The Principles Of Morals And Legislation, 1789 The Articles Of Confederation And Perpetual Union Declaration Of Independence The Bill Of Rights 1789 Washington's Inaug. Speech The Writings of John Marshall On The Penitentiary System In The United States And Its Application In France, 1833 Class Conflict And Law September 30 As assigned No Class Meeting October 7 Chapter 5: Dispute resolution Crews on 18561935 The Constitution Of The Confederate States Of America Address Of Robert Rhett To Slave Holding States Declarations Of Causes Of Seceding States Abraham Lincoln 1st Inaug. Ordinances Of Secession The Gettysburg Address The Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln 2nd Inaug. Address 3 1920-1960 October 14 As assigned No Class Meeting October 21 Crews on 19201960 Chapter 6: Social control 1960-1980 The Fugitive Slave Act 1850 The Jukes A Study In Crime Pauperism And Heredity 1877 I Accuse Stalin 1933 What Is A Gang The Normal And The Pathological, 1893 Suicide Attachment To Social Groups The American Reformatory Prison System Criminal Man, 1911 Feeblemindness.1914 The Individual Delinquent, 1915 Marxism In The Us 1947 Culture Conflict And Crime Differential Association Juvenile Delinquency And Urban Areas (Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. Mckay) Primary And Secondary Deviation Punishment And Social Structure The Dramatization Of Evil The Professional Thief Wayward Youth The Death Agony Of Capitalism 1938 Social Structure And Anomie October 28 As assigned No Class Meeting November 4 Crews on 19601980 Chapter 7: Feminism and legal reform The Satanic Bible Outsiders The New Criminology A Control Theory Of Crime Challenge Of Crime In A Free Society Class State And Crime 4 1980-1999 November 11 As assigned No Class Meeting November 18 Crews on 19801999 Chapter 8: Rights and citizenship 2000-Present Satanic Tourism Article Class And State Richard Quinney The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment Does Arrest Deter Crime? The Newark Foot Patrol Experiment Should The Police Patrol In Cars Or On Foot? Broken Windows: Can A Broken Window Lead To Crime? Judges’ Assessments Of An Offender’s Risk For Future Criminality Are Sentences Affected By Stereotypes Of “Dangerous Offenders”? Felony Probation: Is It Safe To Put Felons On Probation? November 25 As assigned No Class Meeting December 2 What the hell now and who the hell cares? Chapter 9: Conclusion December 9 Final exam Every Day Is Halloween Horton Article West Online Version Of Complete Preppie Youth Gangs Vulnerable Populations Chapter Crews And Crews ON EVERYTHING FROM COURSE!!! 5 Crews’ Nine Academic Rules of the Earth 1. 2. 3. 4. Classroom Conduct: As a general rule, I, 1) show up for class, 2) arrive on time, 3) am semi-prepared, 4) sober/conscious, 5) stay off my cell phone, 6) am interested in the topic of the day, and 7) STAY THE ENTIRE TIME ~ I expect the same of you!!!! All cell phones must be turned off and put away (out of view) at the commencement of class, with the exception of emergency service personnel. Cell phones are disruptive not only to me, but your fellow students, so please be courteous. You will receive only one warning if your cell phone goes off in class, or if I catch you playing with it during class. You may NOT eat during class. This means food of any kind (chips, sandwiches, candy, etc.). However, drinks are permitted (non-alcoholic of course). Also, you should not be working on anything not related to this class once class commences (this includes reading, copying other’s notes, knitting, playing games on your cell phone, etc.). Do NOT leave the classroom once class has started, unless it is an absolute emergency or you have notified me before class that you will be leaving. You should use the restroom, get a drink of water, and make a phone call, etc. before class starts. Do NOT bring weapons into the class. If you are a law enforcement officer and required to be armed, please let me know. You are not allowed to smoke within the building, and I will not permit smokeless tobacco in my classroom. Student Participation: Don’t hesitate to ask questions, the dumbest question is the one not asked! If you ask a question I can’t answer, I’ll find out the answer and get back to you. Please remember that as a teacher, I am merely your guide through the field, I am not the field itself! (Although, my wife would say I think I AM!). During discussions please respect different viewpoints; there is always more than one side. Treat others’ views as you would want your own to be treated, with an open mind. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated! I like to run my classes as an open forum where we can all learn from each other, so I encourage intelligent discussions, questions, and comments, but at the same time we have to remember that we are at a university setting and must act accordingly. Professor and Student Responsibilities: I realize that every now and then, unexpected and difficult situations arise. However, when you enrolled in this class, you made a commitment to me, to yourself, and to your fellow classmates. I expect you to fulfill that commitment to the best of your ability. If you are unable to fulfill my expectation, I am really not interested in your reasons. That does not mean that I am cold and heartless, just that I have established standards for my classes that I know work from many years of experience. Experience has shown that it is impossible for students who miss class to pass this course. However, the reverse is also true. Those students who do not miss class and who submit work on time generally score quite high. This course is one that builds from meeting to meeting and one concept to another and requires that previously covered material be understood before one can reasonably expect to move to the next. Attendance is therefore expected. Attendance will be taken at various points during the term. Students who are not present when attendance is taken will not be credited with attending class on that day. Make up Policy: 5. Extra Credit: 6. There will be no excused absences on exam days and no assignments can be made up! Any paper/project/in class work not turned in/completed on the date and time specified in the syllabus will receive a zero. Only documented medical emergencies will be considered as reasonable excuses for allowing a paper/project to be turned in late, an exam made up, or a presentation delayed, all others will be given a zero. Due dates are set in the course schedule for turning in projects and for giving presentations ~ due to the nature of these requirements, they cannot be made up. At various points during the semester the instructor MAY offer opportunities for students to gain extra credit points. These are generally onetime events which reward students who take advantage of opportunities to attend out of class presentations or complete assignments in class. These can NEVER be made up; there is ample opportunity in this class for each student to obtain more than enough points to achieve an “A” ~ therefore, opportunities are a PRIVILAGE not a RIGHT and at the instructor’s discretion. Office Hours: 6 7. Course Materials: 8. A syllabus with a detailed schedule is provided for each course, the instructor will do their utmost to follow the syllabus and it is expected that the student will as well. All due dates are listed and will be enforced (do not ask for them to be altered for any reason). Most lectures will be on PowerPoint. These presentations will generally occur one time in the course while the material is being discussed in class. I may post online lecture shells for you to use.) Cheating, Plagiarism, and General Academic Dishonesty: 9. I encourage all my students to make use of my office hours, they are there for you. If you can’t make it at the scheduled times, let me know and we can arrange to meet at another time. However, this invitation is only for those students who come to class on a regular basis and put forth a genuine effort to learn. Also, please keep in mind that I have a life too (albeit, dark and demented), and while my office hours are mandatory, my other time is not, so my flexibility can only extend so far. Don’t cheat or plagiarize! Academic dishonesty is something I take very seriously and will not tolerate. Anyone caught cheating or plagiarizing will automatically receive a failing grade for the course and will be referred to the dean for appropriate disciplinary action. Plagiarism from the internet has become a very serious problem and professors now have access to various software programs to identify this behavior, so at this point in your academic career, don’t risk it! University Policies/Instructor Prerogative: University ADA Statement: The American with Disabilities Act has established a robust set of Federal Regulations that ensure employees and students receive fair and reasonable accommodations as they work and study. It has been my experience that students with disabilities exert considerable effort to achieve their educational goals. Moreover, I have found the accommodations to represent efforts in good pedagogy rather than special treatment for the student. As such, I hope each of you will work collaboratively with the Office of Disabled Student Services as the need arises. Any items or events not covered in this syllabus will be handled according to established university policies and/or instructor’s prerogative. Brief Faculty Member Biographical Sketch Dr. Gordon A. Crews is currently a Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Marshall University. Prior to this position, he served as Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Since 1990, Dr. Crews has served as a faculty member and/or academic administrator at Cameron University (OK), Roger Williams University (RI), Jacksonville State University (AL), Valdosta State University (GA), and the University of South Carolina Beaufort (SC). He earned a Ph.D. in Education/Criminal Justice, a Graduate Certificate in Alcohol & Drug Studies, a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, and Masters of Criminal Justice, from the University of South Carolina (SC). He served as Executive Counselor for the Juvenile Justice Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and as former President and member of the Board of Directors for the Southern Criminal Justice Association. Prior to teaching, Dr. Crews worked in law enforcement as a bloodhound officer & trainer, field-training officer, and criminal investigator; in corrections as a training and accreditation manager; and in insurance fraud as an investigator. His publications include journal articles dealing with school violence, Occult/Satanic involvement and youth, and various law enforcement and correctional issues. His books include Faces of Violence in America (1996), published by Simon & Schuster; The Evolution of School Disturbance in America: Colonial Times to Modern Day (1997), published by Praeger; A History of Correctional Violence: An Examination of Reported Causes of Riots and Disturbances (1998), published by the American Correctional Association; Chasing Shadows: Confronting Juvenile Violence in America (2001), published by Prentice Hall; Living in Prison: A History of the Correctional System with an Insider’s View 7 (2004), published by Greenwood Publishers; and, In the Margins: Special Populations and American Justice (2008), published by Prentice Hall. His most recent book is entitled, Juvenile Delinquency and Violence: Examining International Police and Societal Response (2009), published by CRC/Taylor and Francis. Dr. Crews' current research interests focus on an international comparison of police and societal response to individuals involved in alternative belief practices (e.g., Satanism, Wicca, Goth, etc.). Since 2000, he has conducted extensive field research in these areas across the United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Netherlands, Central Europe, Scandinavia, Turkey, Ghana, and most recently in Central and Eastern Europe (Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungry, Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia, and Croatia). LAW & SOCIAL CONTROL CHAPTER LECTURE Each student will be required to work with a team (1 or 2) to develop and present a lecture dealing with an assigned chapter(s) from the required text (see team assignments below). It is expected that the team will thoroughly offer the rest of the class an in depth analysis and review of the assigned chapter(s). The rest of the class is expected to have read the material as well and be ready to discuss the readings and ask questions of the lecturing team. LAW & SOCIAL CONTROL CHAPTER OUTLINE In addition to giving a lecture based on the assigned chapter(s), the team will also be responsible for giving the rest of the class a detailed outline of the chapter readings. CRITICAL ANALYSIS/ESSAY/DISCUSSIONS/WRITINGS (As developed by Dr. Kim Detardo-Bora) For each assigned reading/article (as assigned below) each student will submit a one-page, singlespaced, and typed essay. These analyses will be used for your presentation and our discussion as 8 facilitated by you during class, so you may write additional notes on them. Then, submit them to me by the end of class. The analyses are comprised of three parts and should be written as such using the headings “Criminal Behaviors,” “Criminal Law and Formal Social Control,” and “Informal Social Control.” FORMAT FOR EACH ESSAY/READING Part I: Criminal Behavior (or Not?) For the first part of each essay you will need to identify the types of behavior(s) that were prohibited and/or allowed (legal). In other words, briefly describe the types of crimes that needed to be controlled during this time frame. Also, categorize these crimes as being socially harmful, immoral, or consensual crimes. Part II: Criminal Law and Formal Social Control Address one or more of the functions of criminal law (see list below #1-#6) that apply to this time period in context with the crime(s) that existed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To enforce social control-law is a statement of rules; norms-folkways and mores To discourage revenge-revenge is the duty of the state not the individual who was wronged To express public opinion and morality-reflects changing opinions; mala prohibitum To deter criminal behavior-threat of punishment should outweigh the benefit of the crime (prevention) To punish wrongdoing-law has the power to punish (via fines and imprisonment) To maintain social order-law helps sustain our economic system (capitalism) Also, address the ways in which these behaviors were controlled or contained via law enforcement and government officials. Describe the agents of social control. What groups or social class were targeted, if any? Thus, was the law applied unfairly to one social group versus another based on class, race, ethnicity or gender? Was the function of law then to oppress? Explain. Overall, was the behavior quelled? Were agents of social control effective? How? Part III: Informal Social Control Finally, and if applicable, discuss the informal control mechanisms that were used to punish or reward acceptable or unacceptable behavior. Were they effective in containing behavior? How? Remember that informal social control is based on customs, traditions, norms, and values. Sanctions include ridicule, sarcasm, criticism, disapproval, social discrimination and exclusion. On the contrary, good behavior can be rewarded by praise, honors, and awards. 9 GRADUATE TEAM ASSIGNMENTS Rotation of Responsibilities DATE September 9 September 23 October 6 October 21 November 4 November 18 December 2 Law & Social Change Lecture 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Critical Analysis/Readings/Discussions 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 TYPICAL STRUCTURE OF EACH CLASS MEETING Time 4:00-5:00pm 5:00-5:45pm Activity Historical/Crews Class Lecture Law & Social Change Lecture 5:45-6:20pm Critical Analysis/Essay/Discussions Materials Based on Topic of class meeting Based on an individual team’s assigned chapters Based on each member of team discussing their assigned/chosen articles with the rest of the class 10 GRADING RUBRICS WHICH WILL BE USED IN THE COURSE Critical Analysis/Essay/Writings Grading Criteria: One-complete page, typed, singled-spaced (1 inch margins): Grammar, spelling, punctuation: Application of key concepts: Understanding of law and social control: Law & Social Change Lecture Grading Rubric Presenters: ____________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ (As developed by Dr. Kim Detardo-Bora) Date: __________ Points: ________ Presentation Grading Criteria: Was the presentation well organized? YES Somewhat NO Did the presenter make eye contact? YES Somewhat NO Did the presenter use a visual aid and/or handout? YES NO Did the presenter use PowerPoint? YES NO Was the color contrast effective? Were the slides free of overcrowding? Were the fonts and backgrounds consistent? YES YES YES Somewhat Somewhat Somewhat NO NO NO YES Somewhat NO Was the presenter professional when addressing the audience? YES Somewhat NO Was the presenter professionally dressed? YES Somewhat NO Was communication clear? YES Somewhat NO Was the visual aid used effectively? Did the presenter read verbatim from a paper? YES Did the presenter deviate at all from a paper? YES Did the presenter read the PowerPoint slides verbatim? YES NO NO NO Did the presenter demonstrate understanding of the material? YES That is, without relying on a paper? Somewhat NO Did the presenter cover the material thoroughly? YES Somewhat NO Did the presenter meet the time requirement? YES N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NO Instructor Comments: 11 Critical Analysis/Essay Grading Rubric (As developed by Dr. Kim Detardo-Bora) Essays/analyses-The analyses are comprised of three parts and should be written as such using the headings “Criminal Behaviors,” “Criminal Law and Formal Social Control,” and “Informal Social Control.” Grading Criteria: One-complete page, typed, singled-spaced (1 inch margins) Grammar, spelling, punctuation Application of key concepts Understanding of law and social control _____ _____ _____ _____ Facilitation of Classroom Discussions Grading Rubric (As developed by Dr. Kim Detardo-Bora) Facilitation As a facilitator it would be wise to come prepared to class with questions from the selected reading (presentation topic) and to develop additional questions from the presentation. As a facilitator you will need to guide the discussion by soliciting opinions about the subject, how this subject relates to our history, and if applicable, how this issue fits into the context of law and social control. Facilitators will be graded on keeping the group discussion focused, maintaining neutrality, listening skills, encouraging discussion, summarizing key ideas, and asking substantive questions. Facilitation Grade Rubric Facilitator: _________________________________ Points: _______ Facilitator/Moderator Grading Criteria: Criteria Poor Average Above Average Excellent Kept the group focused on the topic Maintained neutrality Attentive, demonstrated understanding, good listening skills Encouraged discussion Summarized key ideas Asked substantive questions Instructor Comments: 12