Aerospace Studies 202 Syllabus All Sections Spring Semester – 2012 Capt Jonathan Reeves Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies Capt Christopher Grady, (Course Coordinator) Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies Phone number: 953-5206 Phone number: 953-5211 Email: Email: Office Location: Room 303, Jenkins Hall Office Location: Room 303, Jenkins Hall Office Hours: 0900-1200 / 1300-1600 Wednesday – 1400-1600 only Thursday – 1400-1600 only Office Hours: 0900-1200 / 1300-1600 Wednesday – 1400-1600 only Thursday – 1400-1600 only Class Schedule: 0900/1000/1100 (Wed) 0800/0930 (Thurs) Room 307, Jenkins Hall Class Schedule: 0900/1000/1100 (Wed) 0800/0930 (Thurs) Room 307, Jenkins Hall Click here to view Citadel Plagiarism Guidelines: Plagiarism Guidelines Note: If you need accommodations because of a disability, please inform your instructor immediately. Please see your instructor privately after class or at their office. Office locations and office hours are displayed above. To request academic accommodations (for example, a note taker), students must register with Academic Support, 101 Thompson Hall, 953-5303. This office is responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting academic accommodations, and for accommodations planning in cooperation with students and instructors, as needed and consistent with course requirements. ***THIS SYLLABUS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE*** CLASSROOM CONDUCT: BE ON TIME! Personal appearance/conduct will comply with Citadel standards. Classes will be called to attention when the instructor enters and anytime an officer of higher rank enters the room. Only AS200 texts and pens/pencils will be on student desks during class. Jackets will be hung outside the classroom. Eating/drinking is permitted only if you clean areas when class ends. REQUIRED TEXTS: 1. T-206, The Evolution of USAF Air & Space Power 2. AFPAM 10-100 Capt Wood AS202 Spring 2011 Syllabi 7 Dec 2011 COURSE DESCRIPTION: AS 202, The Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power, is a survey course designed to facilitate the transition from AFROTC cadet to Air Force ROTC candidate. Featured topics include: Air Force heritage, Air Force leaders, Quality Air Force, an introduction to ethics and values, introduction to leadership, group leadership problems, and continuing application of communication skills. ROTC TRAINING DAY REQUIREMENTS: Attendance for scholarship/contract and pursuing cadets is MANDATORY for all ROTC Training Day sessions. Sophomores considering an Air Force career are highly encouraged to attend. Training will provide more detailed information about the Air Force than is covered in the classroom. CLASS ATTENDANCE POLICY: Refer to regulations in the Student Catalog regarding class attendance. Any cadet with absences in excess of 20% will receive an “F” for the course. Punctuality, attendance, and participation contribute to your grade. There will be frequent handson activities and you must participate in order to benefit. MAKE-UP TESTS AND LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Make-up tests and late assignments will only be accepted if coordinated and approved by instructor. Coordination and approval must occur before class starts. In the event of extenuating circumstances special consideration will be given by instructor (see below for examples of extenuating and non-extenuating circumstances). In the event students do not coordinate a make-up test or late turn in of assignment with instructor, a penalty of 5 points per day will be given until test in completed or assignment is turned in. It is the student’s responsibility to coordinate with the instructor for any make-up tests or late assignments. 1) Extenuating circumstances are death in the family or medical treatment. 2) Non-extenuating circumstances are sleeping through class, special leave, special orders, and/or meeting with other professor/group/club. GRADE COMPOSITION: 1. EXAMS: Two exams will be administered during the semester. These exams are mandatory and each exam is 25% of your grade. Excused absences must be coordinated with the instructor at least 24 hours PRIOR TO the test date. This includes any cadets placed on special orders. Failure to show for the exam or coordinate an excused absence will result in a grade of ZERO. 2. COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS ASSIGNMENT: Each student will prepare and submit an Air Force official memorandum and Air Force talking paper on an assigned topic. The memo and talking paper will be prepared in accordance with guidance in AFH 33-337, The Tongue and Quill. These assignments will be worth 20% of your final grade. 3. CLASS PARTICIPATION: Class participation is 10% of your grade. Class absences could negatively impact your participation score. You can't earn the full 10% if you don't participate during discussions. 4. QUIZZES: Random quizzes will be administered during the course to ensure students are prepared for class and reading the assigned material. The quizzes will account for 20% of your final grade. Capt Wood AS202 Spring 2011 Syllabi 7 Dec 2011 GRADING CRITERIA: GRADING SCALE: EXAM # 1 EXAM # 2 Writing Assignmnets Quizzes Class Participation 25% 25% 20% 20% 10% 25pts 25pts 20pts 20pts 10pts 90 – 100% 80 – 89.99% 70 – 79.99% 60 – 69.99% 59.99% and below TOTAL 100% 100pts = = = = = A B C D F COURSE SCHEDULES: CLASSES WILL NOT BE HELD ON: 26-30 Mar – Spring Break Capt Reeves Wed 11 Jan 18 Jan 25 Jan 1 Feb 8 Feb 8 Feb 15 Feb 22 Feb 29 Feb 7 Mar Capt Reeves Thur 12 Jan 19 Jan 26 Jan 2 Feb 9 Feb 9 Feb 16 Feb 23 Feb 1 Mar 8 Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 21 21 Mar 4 Apr 4 Apr 22 Mar 5 Apr 5 Apr 22 23 24 11 Apr 12 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr Capt Wood AS202 Spring 2011 Syllabi 7 Dec 2011 Chapter 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Topic Intro Vietnam Part I Vietnam Part II Rebuilding for an Air & Space Force Part I Rebuilding for an Air & Space Force Part II Mid-Term Review Mid-Term (Exam # 1) The Persian Gulf War Post-Gulf War Air Operations Conflict in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia Operation Enduring Freedom Draft Communications Skills Assignment Due Operation Iraqi Freedom USAF CONOPS Air And Space Power Review FINAL Review Final Communications Skills Assignment Due FINAL (Exam # 2) Text Book Turn In