AP U.S. History Unit 2: Independence Chapter 5 Study/Discussion

AP U.S. History
Unit 2: Independence
Chapter 5 Study/Discussion Questions
Austin biggs
A Fragile Peace, 1750-1754
1) why was the Ohio valley a tinderbox?
2) What was the Albany plan of union? Why is it impotant?
The Seven Years’ War in America, 1754-1760
1) Who was general braddock? What happened to him?
2) What two developments turned the tide of the seven years war for the british?
3) Who was William pitt? What was involved in his deal with the colonists?
4) What was the effect of the colonists newfound moral?
The End of French North America, 1760-1763
1) What was the treaty of paris? Who gained what?
2) What were the affects of the treaty of paris?
Friction Among Allies, 1760-1763
1) What were the casues of tensions between colonists and british officers?
2) How did people in England feel about Pitt’s deal with the colonists?
3) What was the effect of the seven years war on britains economy? the colonists?
4) Who was Neolin? What happened during Pontiac’s rebellion? What was its effect?
The Writs of Assistance, 1760-1761
1) What are writs of assistance?
2) What effect did they have on merchants and smugglers?
3) Who was james otis? What view of the writs did he represents?
The Sugar Act, 1764
1) What was the sugar act? Why was it enacted?
2) What was the significance of the sugar act?
3) How did the sugar act affect the colonies?
4) What did the sugar act disregard?
5) How was it eventually changed?
The Stamp Act, 1765
1) What was the stamp act? Why was it enacted?
2) What is virtual representation? How did I affect the colonies?
3) What were the colonists views of the stamp act?
Resisting the Stamp Act, 1765-1766
1) Who was Patrick henry? What was he known for?
2) What effect did henry’s words have in the colonies?
3) Who were the loyal nine? What was their goal concerning the stamp act?
4) What was the economy like in boston at this time?
5) Who were the sons of liberty?
6) What was the stamp act congress? What is its significance concerning the colonies?
The Declaratory Act, 1766
1) What was the declaratory act?
2) Why did the colonists see it as a good thing?
3) What was parliament actual intent?
Ideology, Religion and Resistance
1) What did the stamp act cause the colonists to think about?
2) What role did religion play in the colonies at this time?
3) What political parties arose during this time?
RESISTANCE RESUMES, 1766-1770 (139-145)
Opposing the Quartering Act, 1766-1767
1. What was the quartering act?
2. Why were the colonists against it?
3. How did new York try to oppose it?
4. What did Britain almost do to new York? What is the significance of the event?
The Townshend Duties, 1767
1. Who was Charles Townshend?
2. Why did parliament enact the Townshend duties?
3. What were the Townshend duties?
4. How did it effect colonial government?
The Colonists’ Reaction, 1767-1769
1. Who wrote Letters from a farmer in pennsylvannia?
2. What point did they illustrate?
3. What point did Samuel adams ‘circular letter’ illustrate?
“Wilkes and Liberty,” 1768-1770
1. What did john wilkes do?
2. What were his real motives, besides helping the colonies?
3. What did the colonies think of him?
Women & Colonial Resistance
1. What did nonimportation have to colonial women?
2. Who were the daughters of liberty? What did they do?
3. How did women use spinning bees to help with the resistance?
Customs “Racketeering”, 1767-1768
1. What was the American board of customs commissioners?
2. How did it affect the colonies?
3. What was rakecteering?
4. Who was the prime victim of this in the colonies?
THE DEEPENING CRISIS, 1770-1774 (145-149)
The Boston Massacre, 1770
1. What prior event caused the ‘spark’ that started the boston massacre?
2. What happened in the boston massacre?
3. What happened to the soldiers?
Lord North’s Partial Retreat, 1770
1. Who was lord north?
2. What did he do concerning the Townshend acts?
The Committees of Correspondence, 1772-1773
1. What were the committees of correspondence?
2. Who started them?
3. What Is the significance of them?
Backcountry Tensions
1. What conflicts were there in the colonies besides the ones with Britain?
2. What were the conflicts between the colonists and the Indians?
3. What were the conflicts between western settlers and their colonies?
4. what do these conflicts illustrate about the state of the colonies?
The Tea Act, 1773
1. what was the british east india company?
2. Why was the tea act passed?
3. What was the tea act? What did it mean for the colonies?
4. What was the boston tea party? Who was involved in it?
TOWARD INDEPENDENCE, 1774-1776 (149-155)
Liberty for Black Americans
1. Why was the case of james somerset important for black slaves?
2. What was the colonies reaction to the case of james somerset?
The Coercive Acts
1. What were the intolerable acts?
2. What were the coercive acts? What did the mean for the colonies?
3. What was the quebec act?
4. What did the intolerable acts illustrate about Britain?
The First Continental Congress
1. What was the first continental congress?
2. What was its importance?
3. What was the grand council? What was its affect?
From Resistance to Rebellion
1. Who were the tories?
2. What did Britain do in response to the colonies organizing a militia?
3. What happened at Lexington and concord?
4. What happened at bunker hill? What was the battles significance to parliament?
5. What was the olive branch petition?
Common Sense
1. Who wrote common sense?
2. What points were illustrated in it?
3. How did it affect the colonies?
4. What barrier did common sense break down?
Declaring Independence
1. What was the second continental congress?
2. What was the declaration of independence?
3. What is the significance of the declaration of independence?