MAPP: Identifying Strategic Issues Erinn Green, MA Steven R. Howe and Associates Background One day retreat Did two MAPP stages--Identify strategic issues and formulate goals and strategies External Outside location, lunch provided facilitation team—2 facilitators and 3 health department planning staff Participants 32 participants / 89 invited Invitations went out 2 months prior Signed by chair of Board of Health and chair of Community Health Committee Groups Represented: Community Health Committee MAPP Assessment subcommittees Northern Kentucky Board of Health Method Small group work at assigned tables Started with list of issues developed by community health committee Lead group through nine-step process Method 9 steps: Brainstorming Combining in small group Discussion of each item Prioritization in small groups Reporting out Information gathering Combining in large group Ordering issues Evaluation Results Tables identified 32 issues Ended up with top 5 priority issues Let people fold in related issues not endorsed as highest priority in next stage Five Priority Issues Issue #1: How do we recognize and meet the needs of our diverse population and ensure access to the health care system? This includes the following populations: aging, minorities, imprisoned, homeless, uninsured, working poor, special needs, gay and lesbian and vulnerable. Five Priority Issues Issue #2: How do we gather, analyze, use and share data for program planning, evaluation and resource allocation? Issue #3: How do we ensure the quality of the public health system? Five Priority Issues Issue #4: How do we impact fragmented healthcare services to provide more seamless, integrated comprehensive care? Issue #5: How do we leverage our educational opportunities to disseminate health knowledge, skills and dispositions (attitudes)? Sharing the Results Well publicized results Distributed transcript to all participants and invitees Information included in: Public Health Improvement Plan Annual Report of Northern Kentucky Public Health Involving a consultant Clear RFP process Open relationship with planning staff Consultants familiar with strategic planning Anecdotal information from planning staff NACCHO MAPP materials—web and publications Excellent record keeping from prior stages Challenges Getting people there for an all-day event Moving people through an unfamiliar process Getting people to let personal priorities go and focus on the group endorsed issues Learnings People like being able to talk through these issues with others Able to get concentrated, specific work done with one day retreat Outside facilitator can be “bad guy” to move process along Need day to keep people moving throughout Additional resources Our final MAPP planning report: Contact information: Steven R. Howe and Associates 513.253.8719