Mobilizing Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP

Mobilizing Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP)
Community of Practice Reconvene
MAPP Vision for Shelby County
A Shelby County that provides and assures opportunities for every resident to develop and
participate in activities and services that enhance their health, wellbeing, and quality of life.
Meeting Purpose
 Briefly review of MAPP Process and CoP concept
 Review timeline
 Brainstorm and identify goals for the strategic health priority
2:00-2:20 Introductions and Current Involvement/Work in Priority Area
2:20-2:35 MAPP Review
MAPP process and timeline
Define CoP concept
2:35-2:55 Categorizing Ideas
Brainstorming activity
Consensus of Topic(s)/Theme(s)
2:55-3:30 Brainstorm and Identify goals
Initial thoughts
What goals will help to “answer” our strategic health priority issue?
o Do these goals align with our MAPP vision?
3:30 Meeting adjourned
Thank you!
Please continue discussion via community commons!
Mobilizing Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP)
Community of Practice Reconvene
MAPP process
Phase 1:
Organize for
Phase 3:
Phase 2:
Phase 5:
Goals and
Phase 4:
Phase 6:
Action Cycle
MAPP Goal Examples
From MAPP in Nashville:
The MAPP Community Health Assessment process yielded three strategic issues, each with two
goals for Nashville to address through its community health improvement plan (CHIP) during the
next 5 years.
Issue: How can Nashville advance equity in health and well-being for all people regardless of race,
ethnicity, age and income?
Goals: Ensure a strategic focus on communities at greatest risk for health inequities; Develop better
systems to support all individuals to achieve their optimum level of wellness.
Issue: How can Nashville collectively support the emotional and mental health of all our neighbors?
Goals: Provide individuals and families with the support necessary to maintain positive mental
well-being; Promote positive parenting and violence free homes.
Issue: How can Nashville maximize the built and natural environments to optimize health?
Goals: Improve and protect the quality of air, land, and water; Increase active transportation
options and utilization.
Questions to Think about when Selecting Themes, Goals, and Strategies
Why is [Insert CoP] an issue in our community?
What needs to happen to create a safer community?
What data is available to showcase prevalence of the issue?
Are there particular hotspots where issue is prevalent?
What place-based strategies can you or your organization adopt or expand to address this issue?