Mobilizing Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP) Community of Practice Reconvene 01/12/15 MAPP Vision for Shelby County A Shelby County that provides and assures opportunities for every resident to develop and participate in activities and services that enhance their health, wellbeing, and quality of life. Meeting Purpose Briefly review of MAPP Process and CoP concept Review timeline Brainstorm and identify goals for the strategic health priority Agenda 2:00-2:20 Introductions and Current Involvement/Work in Priority Area 2:20-2:35 MAPP Review - MAPP process and timeline Define CoP concept 2:35-2:55 Categorizing Ideas - Brainstorming activity Discussion Consensus of Topic(s)/Theme(s) 2:55-3:30 Brainstorm and Identify goals - Initial thoughts What goals will help to “answer” our strategic health priority issue? o Do these goals align with our MAPP vision? 3:30 Meeting adjourned - Thank you! Please continue discussion via community commons! Mobilizing Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP) Community of Practice Reconvene 01/12/15 MAPP process Phase 1: Organize for Success/ Partnership Development Phase 3: Community Health Assessments Phase 2: Visioning Phase 5: Goals and Strategies Phase 4: Identify Strategic Health Priorities Phase 6: Action Cycle MAPP Goal Examples From MAPP in Nashville: The MAPP Community Health Assessment process yielded three strategic issues, each with two goals for Nashville to address through its community health improvement plan (CHIP) during the next 5 years. Issue: How can Nashville advance equity in health and well-being for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, age and income? Goals: Ensure a strategic focus on communities at greatest risk for health inequities; Develop better systems to support all individuals to achieve their optimum level of wellness. Issue: How can Nashville collectively support the emotional and mental health of all our neighbors? Goals: Provide individuals and families with the support necessary to maintain positive mental well-being; Promote positive parenting and violence free homes. Issue: How can Nashville maximize the built and natural environments to optimize health? Goals: Improve and protect the quality of air, land, and water; Increase active transportation options and utilization. Questions to Think about when Selecting Themes, Goals, and Strategies Why is [Insert CoP] an issue in our community? What needs to happen to create a safer community? What data is available to showcase prevalence of the issue? Are there particular hotspots where issue is prevalent? What place-based strategies can you or your organization adopt or expand to address this issue?