“THE URBAN HEALTH PLAN EXPERIENCE: A SUSTAINABLE SAFETY NET PROVIDER” PALOMA IZQUIERDO-HERNANDEZ NATIONAL HISPANIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION March 19, 2011 Overview - Urban Health Plan • • Founded in 1974 by Dr. Richard Izquierdo Became Federally Qualified Health Center in 1999 • • • • 4 practice sites in the South Bronx and Corona, Queens in New York City 5 School Sites 4 Off Sites 3 Administrative Sites Expansion Plans • Fully implemented EHR System since 2006 • Largest Employer in our Zip Code: 488 • • • • 2007 National Exemplary Award, US EPA 2009 Selected as one of the top performing Health Centers in the US by HRSA 2009 Nicholas E. Davies Award by HIMSS 2009 NCQA PCMH Level 3 Certification • 2010 Actual Visits: Projected Users: 230,000 43,000 • 2011 Visit Projections: Projected Users: 250,000 50,000 Community Profile – South Bronx Source: NYCDOHMH Community Health Profiles 2005 * per 100,000 HUNTS POINT/ MOTT HAVEN BRONX NYC Diabetes – (% of Adults) 17% 12% 9% Obesity – (% of Adults) 25% 25% 20% Asthma - (5 of Adults) 9% 7% 5% Child Asthma Hospitalization* 12% 10% 7% Heart Disease Hospitalization* 2,773 2,201 1,856 61 39 18 People Living w/ HIV/AIDS* 3,149 2,017 1419 Hospitalization Mental Illness* 1051 949 831 Teenage Mothers, 15-19 Year* 155 120 45 MORBIDITY/MORTALITY Death Rate Due to HIV* URBAN HEALTH PLAN’S PERFORMANCE Percent of Patients Ages 18+ with Smoking History Documented Source: NYCDOHMH PCIP Percent of Patients Ages 18+ with Smoking History Documented 100% 93.6% 98.2% 98.9% 99.1% 80% 60% 41.0% 40% 20% 0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 NYC DOH Percent of Patients ages 18+ screened for Alcohol Use Source: NYCDOHMH PCIP Percent of Patients Ages 18+ Screened for Alcohol Use 100% 97.9% 98.9% 99.5% 89.3% 80% 60% 40% 33.0% 20% 0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 NYC DOH Percent of Patients Ages 18+ with a Documented BMI within the past 24 months Percent of Patients Ages 18+ with a Documented BMI within the past 24mos 100% 97.7% 98.6% 98.9% 99.0% 76.0% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 NYC DOH CHILDHOOD OBESITY Source: NYCDOHMH New York City South Bronx Dr. Ally 3 to 4 y/o Underweight 5% 5% 4% Healthy Weight 53% 49% 64% Overweight 15% 16% 6% Obese 27% 31% 26% Total percentage Overweight/Obese 42% 47% 32% Percent of Patients Ages 50+ with an Influenza Vaccine Percent of Patients Ages 50+ with an Influenza Vaccine 40% 31.5% 30% 21.7% 24.1% 19.5% 20% 15.0% 10% 0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 NYC DOH Percent of Patients Ages 18+ Screened for Depression Source: NYCDOHMH PCIP Percent of Patients Ages 18+ Screened for Depression 28.5% 30% 25% 20.5% 20% 18.0% 14.1% 15% 10% 7.3% 5% 0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 NYC DOH UHP Asthma Registry Size Average Symptom Free Days (out of last 14) Hunts Point-Mott Haven NYC Comparison of Asthma Emergency Room Visits 2003 to 2008 Rate per 1,000 Population Source: NYCDOHMH PCIP 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 48.60 55% Decrease 21.90 2003 2008 Business Case Affinity Health Plan PMPM Comparative Data of UHP v. All Affinity Network 2006-2007 Non-UHP Providers Pediatrics Adults UHP % Difference Network $81.11 $49.18 -39% $280.62 $219.96 -22% URBAN HEALTH PLAN’S JOURNEY • Stable business operation • Embraced a Culture of Performance Improvement • Embraced the Use and Sharing of Data • Adopted Health Information Technology – SUPPORTS A P4P PROGRAM • Transformed Health Care Delivery System STABLE BUSINESS OPERATIONS • Sufficient infrastructure to support innovation • Good financial position • Motivated to invest resources in making change • Senior leadership buy in to make improvements PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT • Became biggest proponent for PI work • Embraced Performance Improvement throughout the organization • Developed infrastructure to support PI • Critical Mass of Staff involved in PI activities • Multiple Internal PI teams • Standard methodology USE AND SHARING OF DATA • Each PI team shares data with each other and the organization • Storyboards are everywhere • Bad data is good • Dash Boards are used organization wide ORGANIZATIONAL DASH BOARD JUL 2008 1 Cur r ent Rat i o 29 P edi at r i cs: I mmuni zat i ons Rat es 140.00% 2 Days I n A ccount Recei vabl e 28 A dol escent Car e: % of B ehavi or al Ri sk A ssessment s 3 Days I n A ccount P ayabl e 120.00% 27 P r enat al Car e: P ost P ar t um V i si t s Rat e 4 Days cash on hand 100.00% 26 P r enat al Car e: E nt r y i nt o P r enat al Car e: 1st T r i mest er 5 A ct ual V i si t s 81.60% 73.50% 78.63% 73.86% 95.16% 65.89% 80.00% 104.08% 72.89% 88.11% 25 Cancer Scr eeni ng: M / F 51+Wi t h A n FOB T Done I n T he P ast 2 Y r s 6 Rat e of Change 60.00% 130.00% 40.00% 24 Cancer Scr eeni ng: 21+Wi t h A P ap Smear Done I n T he P ast 2 Y r s 7 St af f T ur n Over Rat e 20.00% 57.56% 87.50% 15.00% 23 Cancer Scr eeni ng: 42+Wi t h A M ammogr am Done I n T he P ast 2 Y r s 8 New P at i ent Sat i sf act i on 102.04% 73.86% 0.00% 94.18% 94.94% 55.55% 22 Di abet es- A ver age A 1C 76.33% 9 E xi st i ng P at i ent Sat i sf act i on 31.37% 21 Depr essi on 50% Reduct i on I n P HQ 10 P t Cnt s: P at i ent Cont act ed w/ i n 48hr s 48.74% 106.00% 80.72% 20 A st hma A vg Sympt oms Fr ee Days 68.38% 77.92% 19 P r i mar y P r ovi der P anel Si ze 18 A ver age Cycl e T i me 17 % of Reschedul e A ppoi nt ment s due t o V acat i on 90.65% 75.88% 11 P at i ent Compl ai nt s per 1000 130.00% 12 P r ovi der Changes: Unaccept abl e 90.14% 13 T hi r d A vai l abl e A ppoi nt ment I ni t i al 14 T hi r d A vai l abl e A ppoi nt ment F/ U HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION • Early Adopters • Second EHR system • Full implementation of second system in 6 months • Productivity increased as we implemented • “Never go back” mentality has developed • Ability to collect data has been facilitated • Decision Support tools are invaluable • Provider incentive program TRANSFORMATION OF UHP HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM • • • • • • Through re-engineering Through performance improvement Through data sharing Through improved knowledge Through HI adoption We have transformed our health care delivery system • Not in an additive way but through true transformation WHERE WE ARE NOW…. • 2009 HIMSS Nicholas E. Davies Award for Adoption of Health Information Technology • 2009 Recognition as a Level 3 Patient Centered Medical Home • Ready for Meaningful Use Incentives • Ready for Research Initiatives • Ready for Accountable Care Organizations THE JOURNEY BEGINS … WITH QUALITY….. TO PATIENT CENTERED MEDICAL HOME….. TO MEANINGFUL USE TO PAYMENT REFORM through ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS CONTACT INFORMATION Paloma Hernandez Urban Health Plan 1065 Southern Boulevard Bronx, New York 10459 (718) 991-4833 paloma.hernandez@urbanhealthplan.org