Early 1800s Review Sheet #2

Answer Key
US History
Early 1800s
Review Sheet #2
Directions: Do your best to answer the following questions without the use of your notes/handouts.
Circle any of the questions that you find difficult or confusing. Then focus your studies on those
questions that you found to be the most challenging.
1. Define “Jacksonian Democracy”: The practice of spreading political power to greater numbers
of people (such as the working class)
(Reaching Out to the Working Class: Examining
Jacksonian Democracy handout)
2. Which of the following best describes the Andrew Jackson’s inaugural ball?
a. Jackson invited everyone – people from all walks of life were in attendance and it
turned into a big party where plates were being broken,
b. Jackson invited only the wealthiest members of society to attend this prestigious
event. People were dressed in the finest clothes in the world and ate the fanciest foods
available at the time.
c. When Jackson became president, there was no inaugural ball. Jackson cancelled the
inaugural ball because he hated parties and dancing.
(Reaching Out to the Working Class: Examining
Jacksonian Democracy handout)
3. What is the “spoils system”? a system in which government jobs are given to friends and
people who supported the candidate during the election
(Reaching Out to the Working Class: Examining
Jacksonian Democracy handout)
4. What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830? An act of Congress signed into law by President
Jackson, the Indian Removal Act stated that all Native Americans living in the eastern portion
of the U.S. would be forced to move west of the Mississippi River
(Treaty Breaking: How Can You Win the Game
When the Rules Keep Changing & Blankets for the
Dead handouts)
5. Define the word “assimilation”: Changes made in order to blend in/fit in with the majority
(Vocabulary Builder: Assimilation Nation handout)
6. Why did the U.S. government refer to the Cherokee as part of the Five Civilized Tribes (hint:
think about the word “assimilation”)? The Cherokee attempted to assimilate themselves into
white culture – they spoke English, practiced Christianity, changed their farming methods,
etc… – all of these changes made the Cherokee seem more “civilized” to the white population
(Treaty Breaking: How Can You Win the Game
When the Rules Keep Changing & Blankets for the
Dead handouts)
7. Briefly describe the infamous event known as the “Trail of Tears” The forced journey of the
Cherokee people from their homeland in Georgia to Indian Territory. Thousands of
Cherokee died along the way.
(Blankets for the Dead handout)
8. President Jackson wanted all Native Americans moved from the east coast to a place he called
“Indian Territory”. Where was Indian Territory located? West of the Mississippi in present day
(Treaty Breaking: How Can You Win the Game
When the Rules Keep Changing & Blankets for the
9. Some tribes refused to capitulate to the American government. These Native Americans,
such as the Seminoles, resisted against the government. Describe how the Seminoles resisted
the demands of the U.S. government. The Seminoles resited by fighting back against the U.S.
Army. They fought two wars (the Seminole Wars), but eventually lost their land.
(Native American Resistance & the Jackson
Administration handout)
10. What is “manifest destiny”? The belief that America should stretch from the east coast
(Atlantic Ocean) to the west coast (Pacific Ocean).
(It’s All Mine: Manifest Destiny Becomes a Reality