Summary of Caslon Primary Community School Attendance Policy 2014 The full policy is available on request or via the school website. Attendance Team The School Attendance Team is made up of Mrs Brass (Headteacher), Mrs Warford (Deputy Head Teacher), Mrs Hunt and Miss Burns. The Attendance Team meet monthly to monitor pupil attendance and punctuality. Attendance will be shared at weekly Mini-Best Meetings and half-termly pupil progress meetings to analyse impact on pastoral needs and academic progress. Basic Attendance Information It is the responsibility of parents to ensure their child attends school, punctually and in a fit state to learn. The National Target for attendance is 95%. We aim for this as a school and for each pupil. Reporting your child’s absence must be done daily for the period of illness to the school or a message left. Where a child is late, a valid reason must be given. If a child arrives unaccompanied by a parent, they should have a note explaining their lateness. Letters to parents are written where their child’s attendance is seen to be dropping towards 85%. Meetings with parents of children whose attendance is below 85% are set and improvement is expected from this point. Where a child’s attendance is below 85% or exceeds 10 days of absence, the school may decide not to authorise any further absence without proof of illness being provided by parents. A child arriving late to school is recorded as a whole session (am or pm) of absence. (In line with Local Authority Policy) Parents must notify the school of a child’s absence by 9:30am on the day of illness. Holiday taken during term time will be recorded as unauthorised absence on the registers. If a child needs medication, any that has been prescribed by the doctor can be administered by school. (Please see Medication Policy on our website.) Adequate reasons for absence/proof of absence: Diarrhoea and/or vomiting (48hrs from last episode) Flu (not just a cold or cough - until recovered) Chicken Pox (5 days from onset of rash) Impetigo (48hrs after commencing treatment, proof of treatment must be shown) Evidence of prescribed medication with child’s name and date of prescription. Appointment card for Doctors/Dentists/Hospital Examples of Inadequate reasons for absence: Moving house. Attending a funeral. Relative having a baby. Parent being sick. Sibling poorly. Snow fall (unless live a considerable distance away) Child having head lice. If you feel your child needs permission to be off for a specific reason, you may submit of detailed leave of absence request at least 10 days before the event to the head teacher for her to consider. How will we deal with attendance Attendance Action Flow Chart and Reward concerns? Systems In event of your child being ill, a phone call should be made at the start of the school How will we celebrate good attendance? day to notify school of absence. If the school are not notified of reasons Weekly class attendance trophy. for a child’s absence, and/or in the event Half termly ‘Goody Friday’ rewards for children of repeated absence (being above 18 with 100% attendance (hospital appointments sessions/equivalent to 9 days) the following actions will be taken; taken into account). ‘Greatest Improver’ awards for the biggest improvement in attendance and punctuality each 1st Day of Absence term. Letter of recognition to parent from DHT. Phone call to parent from school by 10am. If no reply - repeat phone call at 1pm from school. Hourly messages sent via Parent Mail throughout day 1 of absence. Late Arrivals 3 consecutive late arrivals or other regular logged lateness = letter to parent by Deputy Head Teacher. Target set for improved punctuality. Late Collections Day 2 of absence: Door knock by 2 members of Attendance Team. Request to see to child. Continued Parent Mail messages. In event of a different person collecting your child, school should receive a phone call with a ‘password’ for that person to relay to the class teacher. If there has been no contact with parents by 3:20pm, child will go to Day Care where a charge of £5 per 15 minutes applies. Day 3-6 of absence: Day 3 - 2nd door knock and letter of concern delivered. If child is still in the care of school with no contact from Parents by 4:30pm, Head Teacher will notify Social Services. Daily phone calls to all named contacts. Day 5 – final door knock. Referral In the event of continued absence with attendance below 85% or unauthorised absence of 10 days,a Penalty Notice may Attendance Meeting with Deputy Head Absence falls below 85%. be issued and/or a referral will be made to the Education Investigation Service. Target set for attendance improvement. School may refer more quickly where Attendance Contract signed. previous history or circumstances indicate the need.