Weekly Log 1

Week 1 Log
1) Plan: We intend to implement a kiosk at the main student entrance that interfaces with the ITTTech ID card.
a. Agree on team name
b. Create the Letter of Introduction
c. Assign areas of responsibility
d. Agree on online documentation placement, and usage
e. Design and turn in the Log (group) as per Rocki’s agreement
f. Place documentation into a folder – starting a project, engineering log, and network
interface description.
g. Set up meeting time/days for outside class – Saturday afternoon
h. Phone numbers and locations for all members
2) Action:
a. Create folder on DropBox for the Capstone Project
b. Create Members List – phones and addresses on DropBox
c. Settle on possible meeting times/dates outside class
d. Create website for Capstone (Joshua Reil)
e. Website information to Rocki – for weekly updates, information on the project, etc.
f. Create and review Project Description- Introduction for deliverable to ITT (Rocki)
g. “TO DO” list by member:
i. Josh
1. Add content and create / edit website
2. Send URL for website to Rocki
3. Presentation and graphic collation and audio editing for video on
ii. Mark
1. Donations for hardware – canner, computer and possibly kiosk
2. Cleaning up and printing documentation for next meeting/class
iii. Jason
1. In contact with Rocki in with PM docs
2. Starting to schedule the project (timeline creation)
iv. Matt
1. Contacts for donations (hardware)
3) Problem/Resolution
a. Mark has to input information on DropBox – contact info (Mark Sinn) Just do it at home
this week, or else Mark.
b. No Hardware or Software currently available / asking previous and current employers
for donations. This includes looking to ITT Tech, or to local businesses. Each member will
make the attempt and have information on the possibilities by Saturday this week. (ALL)
c. Scanner – hardware available online (Newegg) is ~ 40.00 USD. We will show up to class
Saturday with $10 each if we cannot get a donation by then. (Matt McCauley)
The Four Horsemen: Reil, Sinn, Maes, McCauley
March 21, 2011
Week 1 Log
March 21, 2011
d. Finding a room to work our project in during class time. Rocki allows the use of T8
classroom to work in (until May) _ another room will be needed during construction
this quarter… no resolution at this time
4) Comments
The Four Horsemen: Reil, Sinn, Maes, McCauley
During the project documentation and creation phase, we allowed ourselves to be business-like with
a small amount of enjoyment. Creating our own project has an inherent feeling of well-being. Our
own whiteboard for collaborative mind mapping and a quieter environment is essential to getting
some actual work done.