Glorious Revolution Notes

Do now:
Magna Carta
Welcome back! I sincerely hope you had a great break!
Answer the following question in 3-5 complete sentences:
• What were the basic principles of the magna carta?
• How did the magna carta influence democracy?
You may look at your notes and previous assignments if needed!
• Quiz on Thursday!!!
Glorious Revolution
Describe the causes and effects of the Glorious Revolution
• Revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government or
social order in favor of a new system
Are these
1. Great Britain begins to pay more attention to its colonies
2. Japanese armies restore the Meiji emperor to his throne.
3. The French King calls a rare meeting of the EstatesGeneral.
4. Sardinia won some territory from Austria after defeating
Austria in war.
5. Slaves in Saint-Domingue overthrow the French and set up
the new nation of Haiti.
6. The French throw off the monarchy and establish the rule
of law
Glorious Revolution
• About 30 years after a civil war, James II was king.
• wanted to rule without the say of parliament
• Parliament invited William of Orange (Netherlands) to
overthrow James
• William led his army to London
• James fled to France (to save his head)
• = a BLOODLESS overthrown of a King
The “Conditions”
• William & Mary had to agree to rule according to English Law
• They had to sign the Bill of Rights
Recognizing Parliament as their Partner in governing.
No suspending of Parliament’s Laws
No taxes w/o a specific grant from Parliament
No interfering w/ freedom of speech in Parliament
No Penalty for a citizen who complains to the King
• William & Mary Consented
• Constitutional Monarch is Born
• King claimed divine right.
• King dissolved Parliament.
• Parliament sought guarantee of freedoms.
• King wanted money for wars.
• King levied taxes and fines without Parliament’s
• A constitutional monarchy was established.
• The Bill of Rights increased Parliament’s power and
guaranteed certain rights.
• The overthrow of a monarch helped inspire American
• Because it was answerable to taxpayers, Parliament
encouraged trade.
• England remained Protestant
So far…
• Scientific Revolution
• Enlightenment
• Glorious Revolution
• American Revolution
Review sheet
• Use your notes and textbook at home (if
needed) to complete the review sheet (2 pages
front and back)
• If you do not finish it in class, you must finish
for homework!
• Don’t forget – Quiz on Thursday!
• Use your review sheet to study for the quiz!!!!
English Bill of Rights