First Aid - Copyright

Welcome to the
Canadian Red Cross
First Aid & CPR
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
The Red Cross
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Red Cross Fundamental Principles
• Humanity
• Impartiality
• Neutrality
• Independence
• Voluntary Service
• Unity
• Universality
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Canadian Red Cross Mission Statement
“To improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the
power of humanity in Canada and around the world.”
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
The Founders
Henry Dunant
Founder of the Red Cross
Dr. George Sterling Ryerson
Founder of the Canadian Red Cross
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Canadian Red Cross Services
Disaster Services
International Programs
First Aid Programs
Water Safety Services
RespectED: Violence and Abuse Prevention
Homecare Services
Contact your local CRC or visit
to find out about volunteering.
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
The Red Cross – Summary Questions
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Who is the founder of the Red Cross?
Who founded the Canadian Red Cross?
Name three volunteer opportunities at the CRC.
Name two services or programs offered by the CRC.
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Preparing to Respond
What would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Definition of First Aid
First aid is the immediate care that you give to a sick or
injured person until more advanced care can be obtained.
The First Aider’s Role:
1. Recognize the
2. Call EMS/9-1-1
3. Act according to your
skills, knowledge, and
comfort level
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First Aid & CPR
Injuries Are . . .
1. Predictable
2. Understandable
3. Preventable
Prepare! Stay Safe! Survive!
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Common Concerns About Providing First Aid
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Other people at the scene
The ill or injured person
Unpleasant injuries or illnesses
Catching a disease
Doing something wrong
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First Aid & CPR
First Aid Kit
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
An infection is a condition caused by the invasion of
the body by germs.
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Germs in the environment
The germs enter body
Enough germs to cause infection
The individual’s natural defences must be weak
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How is an Infection Spread Between People?
Direct contact >
Indirect contact >
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transmission >
Vector transmission >
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Preventing Diseases From Spreading
• Take personal
• Wear protective
• Take
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Preparing to Respond – Summary Questions
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List three examples of a medical emergency.
How can a disease be transmitted in first aid?
How can disease transmission be prevented in first aid?
Can you be sued for doing first aid?
Name three elements of a home safety plan.
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Preparing to Respond – Scenario Review
So, what would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
The Emergency Medical Services System
What would you do?
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First Aid & CPR
EMS/9-1-1: Who’s Coming?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
When to Call EMS/9-1-1:
• Dangers present
• Change in level of
• Breathing difficulties
• Deadly bleeding
• Seizures, severe headache,
or slurred speech
• Injuries to the head, neck,
or back
• Blood in the vomit, urine or stool
• Imminent childbirth
If in doubt, call!
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First Aid & CPR
Moving a Person Before Providing Care
Move an injured person only:
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To keep a person safe
To reach another person
To provide proper care when a
person’s position stops you from
giving care for a life-threatening
injury or illness
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
EMS System – Summary Questions
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Where can you find emergency phone numbers?
If you call EMS/9-1-1, who will come?
What information must you give EMS/9-1-1 dispatchers?
When should you move an injured person?
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First Aid & CPR
The EMS System – Scenario Review
So, what would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Check, Call, Care
What would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Check, Call, Care – Be Systematic
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Check – Begin a Primary Survey
Before helping at an emergency,
check the scene:
1. Is it safe?
2. What happened? How did it happen?
3. How many ill or injured people are
4. Is there someone to help me?
5. Is there someone who looks
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First Aid & CPR
If the scene is safe, check the person:
• Do they respond?
– Ask the person, “Are you okay?”
– If it is safe, get closer
– Gently tap the person on the shoulder
• Do they want your help?
– Tell them:
• Who you are
• You are trained in first aid
• You are here to help
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First Aid & CPR
Call EMS/9-1-1
Be ready to tell the dispatcher the
1. Where exactly the emergency is
2. What telephone number you are
calling from
3. What your name is
4. What has happened
5. How many people are involved
and what their condition is
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First Aid & CPR
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Determine care required: check ABCs
Treat life-threatening emergencies immediately
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First Aid & CPR
Check ABCs for Life-Threatening Emergencies
• Airway
• Breathing
• Circulation
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Shock is a potentially life-threatening condition in which
vital organs do not receive enough oxygen-rich blood.
Shock can be caused by injury, illness,
infection, or emotion.
Treat everybody for shock.
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
First Aid – Shock
While you are waiting for EMS
personnel to arrive:
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Care for the cause of the
Keep the person warm.
Monitor ABCs.
Have the person rest.
Give comfort and
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Secondary Survey: Are there any other injuries?
Only do a secondary survey if the ABCs are present.
Do the three-steps of a secondary survey:
1. Ask SAMPLE questions
2. Check vital signs
3. Do a head-to-toe check
Always complete the secondary survey before treating
any non-life-threatening injuries.
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Secondary Survey – SAMPLE Questions
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Signs and symptoms
Past medical history
Last meal
Events leading up to the emergency
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Secondary Survey – Vital Signs
• Level of consciousness
• Breathing
• Skin
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Secondary Survey – Head-to-Toe Check
Hands-Off Check
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Secondary Survey – Head-to-Toe Check
Hands-On Check
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Continual Care
Keep the person
Put an unconscious
person in the recovery
position if:
– The airway is open
– The person is
– There is no deadly
– You don’t suspect a
neck or back injury
Monitor the person
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Check the scene
Check the person
Call EMS/9-1-1
Deal with life-threatening conditions (ABCs)
Secondary Survey
Perform a secondary survey and treat any non-life-threatening
Continual Care
Keep the person comfortable and monitor vital signs
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Check, Call, Care – Summary Questions
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What should you do during the check?
What actions must you take in call?
What actions must you take in care?
What can you do to prevent shock?
What do you do during the secondary survey?
What does the acronym SAMPLE stand for?
What should you look for in a head-to-toe check?
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Check, Call, Care – Scenario Review
So, what would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Airway Emergencies
What would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Airway System – Anatomy and Physiology
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Airway Blockages
A mild airway obstruction
occurs when the airway is
partly blocked, reducing the
flow of air to the lungs
A severe airway obstruction
occurs when the airway is
totally blocked, stopping air
from reaching the lungs
If the person can speak, cough,
or breathe, it is mild choking.
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First Aid & CPR
Airway Emergencies – Summary Questions
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How would you prevent choking?
How would you recognize that someone is choking?
What are the first aid steps for mild choking?
What are the first aid steps for conscious severe choking?
What are the first aid steps for unconscious choking?
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Airway Emergencies – Scenario Review
So, what would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Breathing Emergencies
What would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Breathing Emergencies – Categories
Breathing emergencies fall into two categories:
• Respiratory distress
• Respiratory arrest
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No Oxygen: Brain Cells Die
Without oxygen, brain cells begin to
die in 4 to 6 minutes.
0 minute: Breathing stops. Heart will soon
stop beating. Clinical death.
4-6 minutes: Brain damage possible.
6-10 minutes: Brain damage likely.
10+ minutes: Irreversible brain damage
certain. Biological death.
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First Aid & CPR
Respiratory Distress
Signs and Symptoms:
• Difficulty breathing
• Anxiety
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First Aid & CPR
What to look for:
Rapid, shallow breathing
A feeling of suffocating or not
getting enough air
Fear, anxiety or confusion
Dizziness and numbness or
tingling of fingers and toes
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First Aid & CPR
What to look for:
During an asthma attack, a person may:
• Wheeze when exhaling
• Be gasping for air or seem unable to catch his or her breath
• Be upset
• Feel his or her chest tightening or feel tingling in the hands and feet
Normal Airway
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Narrowed Airway
E.g., Asthma
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Allergies are
sensitivities to specific
Anaphylaxis is a severe
allergic reaction.
What to look for:
• Rash, itching, or hives
• A feeling of tightness in the
chest and throat
• Swelling
• Abnormal breathing
• Weakness or dizziness
• Nausea or vomiting
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First Aid & CPR
Respiratory Arrest
Respiratory arrest is when a person stops breathing.
• Respiratory condition
• Electrocution
• A severe allergic reaction
• Drugs and alcohol
• Strangulation
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• Drowning
• Injury to the head, chest,
or lungs
• Poisoning
• Suffocation
• Airway obstructions
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Respiratory arrest
Signs and Symptoms:
• Unconsciousness
• Bluish-coloured lips and a face that is paler
than normal
• Lack of movement in the chest and abdomen
• Lack of normal breathing sounds
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Breathing Emergencies – Summary Questions
1. What are the signs and symptoms of breathing distress?
2. What is the first aid for an asthma attack?
3. How would you assist with or administer an epinephrine
4. How do you recognize respiratory arrest?
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Breathing Emergencies – Scenario Review
So, what would you do?
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Circulation Emergencies
What would you do?
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Anatomy and Physiology
To upper body
To lung
To lung
From lung
From lung
Right atrium
Left atrium
Right ventricle
Left ventricle
From lower body
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To lower body
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First Aid & CPR
Chest Pain
• Angina
• Heart attack
Partial blockage
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First Aid & CPR
Risk Factors for Developing
Cardiovascular Disease
Controllable factors:
• Smoking
• Poor diet
• High blood pressure
• Obesity
• Stress
• Lack of regular exercise
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Other factors:
• Gender
• Heredity
• Age
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack
and Angina
Squeezing chest pain
Problems breathing
Abdominal or back pain (most commonly in women)
Cold, sweaty skin
Skin that is bluish or paler than normal
Nausea and vomiting
Signs and symptoms vary from person to person.
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
First Aid – Heart Attack and Angina
1. Have the person rest.
2. Ask if they have taken any erectile dysfunction drugs. If
they have, do not allow them to take nitroglycerin.
3. Help the person take their nitroglycerin and ASA.
• Take one dose every 5 minutes (3 doses maximum).
• If they don’t carry nitroglycerin, or if the first dose
doesn’t make the pain go away, suggest they chew
two 80 mg ASA tablets or one 325 mg ASA tablet.
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Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating.
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Cardiovascular disease
Certain drugs
Severe chest injuries
Severe blood loss
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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and
Automated External Defibrillation (AED)
• Clinical death occurs when
the heart stops. It is
• CPR keeps oxygen-rich
blood circulating
throughout the body.
• AED can deliver a shock to
re-establish an effective
rhythm. Quick defibrillation
greatly increases chances
of survival.
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Early AED
• Survival rate decreases 7% to 10% with each minute
there is a delay
• Defibrillation combined with CPR, is the key treatment in
more than 80% of all sudden cardiac arrest victims
For unwitnessed arrest:
• 2 minutes of CPR can increase chances of the AED
detecting a shockable rhythm
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First Aid & CPR
A stroke happens when the blood flow to the brain
gets interrupted
• A clot in an artery to the brain
• An artery that ruptures in the brain
• A tumour
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First Aid & CPR
Signs and Symptoms of Transient Ischemic
Attacks and Stroke
F - Face
A - Arm
S - Speech
T - Time
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First Aid:
Call EMS/9-1-1
Have the person rest
Place the person in the recovery position
with the affected side up
Monitor ABCs and provide reassurance
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Transient Ischemic Attack and Angina
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) and angina are both
a temporary drop in the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a
vital organ.
Angina – a drop in blood flow to the heart
TIA – a drop in blood flow to the brain
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
First Aid – Deadly Bleeding
1. Call EMS/9-1-1.
2. Apply direct pressure to the
3. Treat the person for shock.
1. Call EMS/9-1-1.
2. Help person rest in the most
comfortable position.
3. Minimize movement.
4. Monitor ABCs until EMS
personnel arrive.
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Circulation Emergencies – Summary Questions
1. List the risk factors for developing cardiovascular
2. What is the first aid for someone complaining of chest
3. When do you do CPR?
4. What are the signs and symptoms of a stroke?
5. What is the first aid for a suspected stroke?
6. What is the first aid for external deadly bleeding?
7. What are the signs and symptoms of internal deadly
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First Aid & CPR
Circulation Emergencies – Scenario Review
So, what would you do?
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Special Considerations
Air in stomach
Vomiting >
< Mouth-to-nose
Mouth-to-stoma >
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First Aid & CPR
Using an AED
When using an AED:
• Turn on the machine
• Follow the diagrams to place the pads
• Use the age appropriate pads
• Follow the voice prompts!
No one touch the person.
When shocking, state, “I’m clear, you’re clear,
everybody’s clear.”
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First Aid & CPR
A Properly Prepared AED Should Have:
• Razor
• Scissors
• Cloth
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Things to Consider
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Nitroglycerin/nicotine/hormone patches
Implanted defibrillators
In a puddle of water
Agonal respirations
Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Electrocardiogram – Sinus Rhythm
For Healthcare Providers
Normal Sinus Rhythm >
Ventricular Fibrillation “Shockable” >
Ventricular Tachycardia “Shockable” >
Asystole “Not Shockable” >
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
First Aid & CPR
Bag-Valve-Mask Resuscitator (BVM)
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Copyright © 2006 The Canadian Red Cross Society
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