Chapter 25 Land Empires in the Age of Imperialism, 1800-1870

Chapter 25 Land Empires in
the Age of Imperialism, 18001870
The Ottoman Empire
Egypt and the Napoleonic
Example, 1798-1840
In 1798, Napoleon invaded Egypt and
defeated the Mamluk.
Returned to France. In 1801 French
forces withdrew, leaving ________ in
control of the new Egyptian state.
French practices
Ibrahim invaded Syria and started
similar reforms there.
Ali ruled until 1849
– Family 1952
Ottoman Reform and the
European Model, 1807-1853
Sultan Selim III introduced European reform
– Military, central government, taxation, and
land tenure
– These reforms led to opposition from the
– Serbian peasants helped defeat the
Janissary uprising and went on to make
Serbia independent of the Ottoman Empire
Selim’s other opponents, ulama distrusted
his reforms. Why?
– Suspends reform but was executed
Greek independence 1829
– Triumph for European civilization
 Allies:
Sultan Mahmud II
– Uses popular outrage to reform
 New army
 Elimination of Janissaries
 Reduction of religious elites
 Tanzimat reforms
–Abdul Mejid 1839
– European Reform
French and German training
 General education
 Foreign instructors
 Language
 Education stimulated urban wealth
 Clothing
 Equal taxation
 Equal access to courts for all males
– Women
Forced women to give up inheritance to
 Competition
The Crimean War and Its
Aftermath 1853-1856
Russian’s southward expansion led to
the Crimean War w/ the Ottoman
– Enemies:
– Loss blocked expansion
into the Middle East and
Eastern Europe
Significant changes
– Russian government discredited
– French and English propaganda
Turk-French unity
– Warfare
Percussion caps and breech-loading rifles
Machine guns
Railways to transfer weapons
Trench warfare
Ottoman changes
– Continuation of European model
 Wage labor classes
– Problems
Fiscal problems
 Foreign loans
 Trade deficit
 inflation
In the 1860s and 1870s discussion of
a law that would have permitted all
men to vote left Muslims worried that
the Ottoman Empire was no longer a
Muslim society. This worry may have
contributed to Muslim hostilities
against Christians in the Ottoman
territories in Europe, Armenia, and the
Middle East.
Young Ottomans
– Constitutionalism
– Liberal reform
– Turkish national state
– In 1876 a ____ was granted but a coup
placed a more ______ ruler on the
The Russian Empire
Russia and Europe
In 1700, only __% lived in cities; very
slow development of infrastructure
and transportation.
What prevented development of
western modernization?
Russia and Asia
At end of 18th century, Russian Empire
extended from ____ Ocean to _____.
In the 19th century expansion brought
conflict with: China, Japan, Iran, and
Ottoman Empire.
______ took steps to prevent Russia
from gaining control of all of Central
Cultural Trends
Contact with Russia since late 17th century.
Opposition to reform came from wealthy
families fearing imperial despotism.
Penalties from Crimean War
Developed cultural relations with Europe
while the Ottoman would ultimately
succumb to European imperialism.
The Qing Empire
Economic and Social
Disorder, 1800-1839
When Qing conquered China in
1600s, they restored peace and
promoted expansion of agricultural
economy thus…
Population strain
– Itinerant farmhands,
laborers, and merchants
Discontent in Qing China
– Minorities
– Government
– Foreign merchants
– Manifested in a series of rebellions
White Lotus rebellion (1794-1804)
The Opium War and Its
Aftermath, 1839-1850
Qin did not take British seriously or the
growth of opium trade propagated in China.
– Banned in 1839
– Lin Zenxu was sent
to Canton to deal with matter.
– Opium War (1939-44)
ended with the Treaty of Nanking.
The Taiping Rebellion,
Guangxi providence
– Poor farmers
– Poverty
– Ethnic divisions
“Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace”
– Hong Xiuquan; Canton
– Recruits
– Captured Nanjing in 1853
– Fell to Chinese/British/French
– Legacy:
20-30 million deaths
 Depopulation
 Massive destruction of
Property and land
Decentralization at the End
of the Qing Empire, 18641875
____ led to the Tongzhi Restoration.
Reform modeled after _____.
Unable to prevent the Qing Empire from
disintegrating into a set of large power zones in
which provincial governors exercised real authority.