LIBRARIES BUDGET CUTS—FY 08/09 TO FY10/11 Allocation Summary FY08/09 FY09/10 FY10/11 FY08/09-10/11 Beginning Core Base (000s) 1 29,464 29,010 26,379 Perm Additions (000s) 149 0 831 Perm Subtraction s (000s) (440) (3,338) (2,056) Total Permanent (000s) (291) (3,338) (1,225) Total Perm Change % of Core Base -1% -12% -5% 980 (5,834) (4,854) -16% 2 1 Figures for FY08/09 and FY 09/10 taken from March 30 Campus approximations which delay recognition of ICR adjustments. FY10/11 cut will be adjusted for March 30 summary. 2 Total cut over three years from FY08/09 beginning base. Since 2008/09, the Libraries have sustained permanent budget cuts of almost $5 million, or 16% of the Libraries Core Base budget. Moreover, the Libraries have sustained an additional $2.9 million in one-time cuts. The Libraries have taken, or are taking, these cuts as follows: FY08/09-FY09/10 Services & Operations: $4.8 million Have eliminated 22 provisions (7.2% of 306) and left vacant an additional 28 positions (9.9% of 284) Have cut library hours by 12%, in addition to closing all libraries on campus holidays Have reduced Geisel Library service points by 20% Have extended public computer replacement cycle from 4 to 5 years Have discontinued main campus intra-library book/journal paging and delivery service Are now phasing out mediated circulation in Geisel & the Biomedical library Collections: $1.2 million (14% of $8.4M) Cancelled print subscriptions to journals also received electronically Reduced collections/binding budget FY10/11 Services & Operations: $900K Will eliminate 16 provisions (5.6% of 284%; 12.3% cum.) and leave vacant an additional 14 provisions (5.2% of 268) Collections: $600K (8% of $7.2M; 21% cum.) Will continue to cancel journal subscriptions, cancel online databases, and reduce book expenditures Libraries Budget Cut Summary January 27, 2011 2 FY11/12 The Libraries strongly object to the formula currently being used to allocate budget reductions on campus because 1) it bears no discernible relationship to the size of the Libraries’ budget vis-à-vis the campus’ budget and 2) it’s in no way consistent with a stated intention to “protect the academic core.” If the Libraries are not central to the academic core, what is? Plainly put, the formula needs to be recalibrated. If it isn’t, and the Libraries are allocated a $6M+ budget cut in FY 11/12, the impact on UCSD’s faculty and students will be truly cataclysmic. Indeed, cuts of the magnitude being proposed by the Governor for FY11/12 already have the Libraries needing to plan for the following, substantial changes, which, you’ll note, do not add up to $6M+. Close the Medical Center Library, the Science & Engineering Library, and the Scripps Library, and consolidate select collections and services from those libraries into the Biomedical Library, creating a single Science Library. o Eliminate staff and librarian provisions not needed to operate the library (10.75 FTE): Close the IR/PS Library, and consolidate select collections and services from that library into the Geisel Library building, creating a single Social Sciences & Humanities Library. o Eliminate staff and librarian provisions not needed to operate the library (5.75 FTE): Close the CLICS Library. o Eliminate services, collections, and staff provisions (7.5 FTE): Eliminate 10 vacant provisions: Further reduce internal support services (6 FTE): SUBTOTAL Services and Operations (40 FTE; 15% of 268; 25.5% cum.): Collections: (9% of $6.6M; 28.5% cum.) o Will cancel more journal subscriptions and online databases, and further reduce book expenditures TOTAL: $645,000 $345,000 $450,000 $600,000 $360,000 $2,400,000 $600,000 $3,000,000 (-12%; -25.2% cum.) Libraries Budget Cut Summary January 27, 2011