CPR/CHOKING Katie McCarthy Grades 9-12 CHAIN OF SURVIVAL Immediate recognition and activation of the emergency response system Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR ) Rapid defibrillation Effective advanced life support Integrated post-cardiac arrest care WHAT IS CPR? Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Pumps blood through the heart Keeps blood moving to the body and brain. Can help revive the heart and lungs Can prevent severe brain damage or death. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS CPR Signs Choking signs Unresponsive Not breathing normally Not breathing No pulse Can’t cough speak or breath Coughing or gagging Turning blue Wheezing Clutching throat BEGINNING STEPS TO FOLLOW CPR Check the scene for safety Tap shoulder and ask “Are you ok?” Call 911 Obtain permission if under 18 Tilt head back and lift chin Look, listen and feel (10 seconds) Check for severe bleeding Begin CPR if needed CHOKING ADULT ■ Check the scene ■ If cannot cough, speak or breath call 911 ■ Position self slightly behind person ■ Place one arm diagonally across person’s chest ■ Lean the person forward ■ 5 back blows between shoulder blades ■ Use the heal of hand ■ 5 abdominal thrusts with fist above naval VIDEO1 Choking Adult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE45ks9miIw CHOKING CHILD Check the scene Obtain permission to treat If cannot cough, speak or breath call 911 Position self slightly behind person Place one arm diagonally across person’s chest Lean the person forward 5 back blows between should blades Use the heel of hand 5 abdominal thrusts just above naval VIDEO2 Choking Child https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjmbD7aIaf0 CHOKING INFANT Check the scene Obtain permission to treat If cannot cough, speak or breath call 911 Position facedown on your forearm Lower infant to thigh Keep infant’s head below their chest 5 back blows between shoulder blades 5 chest thrusts with fingers on sternum Compress chest ½ inch to 1 inch VIDEO3 Choking infant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEzBQlyRpRI CONTINUE STEPS FOR CHOKING Continue until: Object is forced out Person can breathe, speak or cough forcefully Person becomes unconscious WHEN TO PERFORM CPR ■ Heart stops beating ■ Not breathing ■ Not breathing normally ■The steps of CPR are C-A-B: ■ C for compression ■ A for airway ■ B for breathing CONTINUING CPR Continue CPR until: The scene becomes unsafe You see an obvious sign of life An AED arrives and is ready for use Another trained responder or EMS personnel take over You are too exhausted to continue CPR/ADULT Give 30 chest compression 2 inches deep Look for foreign object Remove it with your finger if seen Tilt head back and lift chin Give two breaths Repeat VIDEO4 CPR Adult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG6sTRBa2pY CPR/CHILD Obtain permission to treat Give 2 slow breaths (1 second) Position heel of hand on breastbone Grasp hand with other hand with fingers extended Position shoulders over hands 30 chest compressions (2 inches) in cadence Give 2 slow breaths VIDEO5 CPR Child https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gpLz2OCkig CPR/INFANT Give 2 slow breaths (1 second) Re-tilt head if breaths don’t go in Attempt to give 1 breath 30 chest compressions (.5 inch to 1 inch) 2 -3 fingers Check for foreign object Remove with finger if seen (pinky) Tilt head and lift chin Give 2 slow breaths Repeat VIDEO6 CPR Infant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkZA -C0hj6E HOW TO GET CPR CERTIFIED American Red Cross courses are available High school courses are available College courses are available American Heart Association courses are available National Safety Council courses are available Local hospitals and community centers Check on-line for local facilities REFERENCES Standard First Aid/AED Review ECC Guidelines 2010. ( n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2015, from http://www.ct.gov/dmhas/lib/dmhas/publication What is CPR. ( n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2015, from http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/CPRAndECC/WhatisCPR/What -is-CPR_UCM_001120_SubHomePage.jsp