GROUP ACCEPTANCE PATTERN ASSIMILATION-BRINGING MINORITIES IN. Anglo ConformityThe minority adopting Majority way of life. “Out of Many One” “E Pluribus Unum” (U.S. motto) Minorities accept and blend into majority Knickname “Melting Pot” ACCEPTANCE CONTINUE Cultural Pluralism Groups keep part of their identity (language, dress) Bilingualism- legally accepting multiple languages Canada (French & English) Knickname: “Tossed Salad” Allows ethnic pride to be embraced/But still fit in. ACCEPTANCE CONTINUED Legal Protection Laws that require equal treatment of minorities. Civil Rights Act Affirmative Action Hate Crime Laws Normally resisted by majority at first ACCEPTANCE CONTINUED… ACCOMODATION The minority is allowed to keep unique way of life. Independent in language in Culture. Ex: Amish/ “Little Cuba”/Chinatowns GROUP REJECTION- KEEP APART Population Transfer Move minority away from Majority. Indians to Reservations Palestinian Refugee’s India/Pakistan 1947 (Religions) REJECTION CONTINUED… Subjugation Process to deny access to benefits available to rest of society. Different citizen status/Slavery De Jure Segregation; legal denial of rights De Facto Segregation; Denial in everyday life. Accepted fact. REJECTION CONTINUED… Genocide Legal extermination to destroy minority. Holocaust Darfur, Sudan Rawanda, Africa