The Scarlet Letter Study Guide Chapter 1 1. The founders of the new

The Scarlet Letter Study Guide
Chapter 1
1. The founders of the new colony deemed it necessary to allot land for what two reasons?
2. Estimate the chronological setting of the story? How did you arrive at this date?
3. To what is Hawthorne referring as “the black flower of civilized society”?
4. What do the woods outside the prison door symbolize?
5. What does the rose bush symbolize?
6. According to Hawthorne, what kind of story is this?
Chapter 2
1. What are some of the reasons for which the people of Boston might gather at the “grassplot
before the jail”?
2. How do the “fair descendants” differ from the first Puritan “maidens of old English birth and
3. What group appeared to take special interest in whatever penal infliction might ensue?
4. Why do women want to punish Hester?
5. Which character takes it “grievously to heart that such a scandal should have come upon the
6. What punishments were suggested for Hester?
7. What is the role of the “town Beadle”?
8. What is significant about the scarlet letter? What is its effect on the townspeople?
9. Describe Hester.
10. Note the scaffold-this is the first of 3 scaffold scenes. What does it symbolize?
11. Explain the term “Divine Maternity”.
12. What does Hester think about to calm her mind?
Chapter 3
1. What figure drew Hester’s attention and thoughts while she underwent her punishment?
2. Who is the small, scholarly looking man?
3. How long has Hester lived in Boston? What is assumed about her husband?
4. What is the stranger’s feeling about the punishment?
5. What is the Governor’s name- what is his responsibility?
6. Whom does he ask to persuade Hester to reveal the baby’s father?
7. Characterize Dimmesdale.
8. How is the baby affected by the minister’s speech?
Chapter 4
1. What effect does Chillingworth’s prison visit have on Hester?
2. What is the truth about him?
3. What happens when Chillingworth touches the letter?
4. Whom does Chillingworth blame for Hester’s “fall into the pit”? Why?
5. How have they wronged each other?
6. How does Chillingworth plan to reveal the baby’s father?
7. To whom does Hester compare Chillingworth?
Chapter 5
1. Why is the end of her confinement more torturous to her than the day when “all of mankind
was summoned to point its finger” at her in infamy?
2. What kept Hester from revealing the identity of her lover?
3. How does Hester supply food for the infant herself?
4. How does Hester remain isolated from society yet close to it?
5. What “new sense” does Hester believe she derives from wearing the scarlet letter?
6. How is the letter personified?
7. What rumor circulated about the letter?
8. Compare the character of Hester in Chapter 1 with the character she is now. How has she
Chapter 6
1. Why is the child called Pearl?
2. How does the man’s punishment for Hester differ from God’s?
3. Characterize Pearl.
Chapter 7
1. Why did Hester seek an interview with the governor?
2. Discuss Pearl’s relationship with the other children.
3. What is ironic about the reflections of Hester and Pearl in the suit of armor?
Chapter 8
1. How much time has passed since chapter 1?
2. What does Hester say she can teach Pearl? How does Pearl respond to Rev. Wilson’s question
about who made her? Why?
3. How has Chillingworth changed?
4. What defense does Hester offer for wanting to keep Pearl? Under what conditions do the Gov.
and Rev. Wilson agree to let Hester keep Pearl?
5. From what does Pearl save Hester?
Chapter 9
1. For what reasons does Chillingworth want to remain unknown?
2. Whom does Chillingworth choose as his spiritual guide?
3. Under what profession does he present himself?
4. What has befallen Dimmesdale?
5. What gesture becomes common with Dimmesdale?
6. Describe the relationship between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth?
7. What is the community’s reaction to this relationship?
8. How are the changes in Chillingworth becoming physically manifest?
Chapter 10
1. What fascination has totally possessed Chillingworth?
2. What is Chillingworth’s method of probing into Dimmesdale’s inner character?
3. What does Chillingworth say about the mysterious dark leaves he found growing on the
4. What comment does Dimmesdale make about confession?
5. What is Pearl’s comment about the Black Man?
6. What do you think Chillingworth sees as he stares at Dimmsdale’s chest? Why would he have
had a “wild look of wonder joy, and horror”?
Chapter 11
1. What is Dimmesdale’s attitude toward Chillingworth at this point?
2. Describe Dimmesdale’s self-punishment.
3. What is so essentially ironic and hypocritical about Dimmesdale’s position among his church
4. In contrast to Hester why is Dimmesdale’s sin harder to bear?
Chapter 12
1. Where does this scene take place? What is its relation to the first scaffold scene?
2. What causes Dimmesdale to shriek aloud? What is the state of Dimmesdale’s mind? What
effect do Hester’s and Pearl’s joining him have on Dimmesdale. Comment on the significance of
their joined hands.
3. What does Pearl ask Dimmesdale twice? What does he answer? What appears in the sky?
4. Why can’t Dimmesdale confess in daylight? Comment on the use of symbols in this chapter.
Chapter 13
1. Compare the attitude of the townspeople toward Hester now with that in the early chapters.
2. What does Hester plan to do to help Dimmesdale?
3. How has Hester changed?
Chapter 14
1. What is symbolic about Hester’s removal of the “A”?
2. Of whom has Chillingworth become a representative? What has caused his deterioration?
Does he realize what has happened to him?
3. Who takes the blame for Chillingworth’s relentless torture of Dimmesdale?
4. Locate a scene of mutual pity between Hester and Chillingworth.
5. What does Hester resolve to do?
Chapter 15
1. What is Hester’s conclusion about her feelings toward Chillingworth?
2. What sin of his does she consider greater than her own?
3. What is Pearl’s reply when she is asked why her mother wears the scarlet letter? Significance?
4. To what three questions does Hester answer falsely?
Chapter 16
1. What is significant about Pearl’s remarks about the sunshine?
2. Discuss the symbols- the brook- the narrow footpath.
3. What is the relationship between the forest, Mistress Hibbons and the Black Man?
Chapter 17
1. Contrast the characters of Hester and DImmesdale.
2. What two things does Hester reveal about Dimmesdale? His reaction? Note the changing
emotions of DImmesdale. What does this suggest? What does Dimmesdale (and Hawthorne)
state is the greatest sin- by whom is it committed?
3. How does nature respond to the two lovers? What does Hester urge Dimmesdale to do?
Chapter 18
1. What changes come over Dimmesdale in this chapter?
2. Discuss the significance of Hester removing her cap and letter. What change occurs in her?
3. The forest has symbolized both evil and natural law- note its affinity to Hester and
Dimmesdale- explain.
Chapter 19
1. Why does Pearl “burst into a fit of passion” about her mother’s changed appearance? What
happens when Hester restores her normal appearance?
2. What act does Pearl perform when the minister kisses her forehead?
Chapter 20
1. Where do Dimmesdale and Hester decide to go? Why?
2. Describe Dimmesdale’s physical change in this chapter.
3. What reasons can you give for his actions?
Chapter 21
1. What is the reason for the holiday?
2. What is the irony in Hester’s position- consider how she is regarded by both the sailors and the
3. What does the mariner say about the upcoming voyage?
Chapter 22
1. What special sermon is Dimmesdale going to deliver?
2. How is he characterized this day?
3. What is significant about where Hester stands while listening to the sermon?
Chapter 23
1. How does the crowd react to the minister’s speech?
2. What is the subject of the sermon? Significance? NOTE- Dimmesdale refuses the aide of the
state (Bellingham) and the aid of the church (Wilson). WHY?
3.Compare the final scaffold scene with the previous
4.What causes Pearl to change?
Chapter 24
1. What are the 4 theories about Dimmesdale’s own scarlet letter?
2. What moral does Hawthorne draw from the minister’s experience? Relate the moral to Hester,
Pearl, Chillingworth.
3. What do we learn about Hester and Pearl’s future lives?
4. Why does Hester return to Boston?
5. Where is Hester buried?