General Information Thank you for being part of our research. You will be participating in a study of labor markets. If you read these instructions carefully you may earn a significant sum of money. Each of you will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: “Managers” and “Employees.” Whether you are a manager or employee is noted at the top of your record sheet. Each market period will have three stages: Stage 1: The managers assign wages to the employees. The manager records the wage assigned to his or her employee(s) on the record sheet provided. A monitor will record the wage chosen by each manager. Stage 2: The monitor will record (on the employee’s record sheet) the wages received by the employee. The employee then chooses the amount of work to provide. Stage 3: The monitor informs each manager about the amount of work provided by his or her employee(s). As an employee, your income depends on the wage received and the amount of work you provide. As a manager, your income depends on the wages paid and the amount of work provided to you. Details for computing employee and manager earnings will be provided. Please record (on your record sheet) the wage in each period and the amount of work chosen. After recording this information you will then calculate the income you have earned. Once everyone has calculated and recorded their income, the first period of the labor market will be over. Over the course of the session, you will not be matched with the same person for two consecutive periods and will not be matched with the same person more than twice in total. In addition, you will not know with whom you have been matched in any of the periods. Your total income for participating in this market will be the sum of the earnings in each of the ten periods. 1 How the Labor Market Works 1. At the beginning of each period we will open the labor market. In Stage 1 each manager chooses a wage for his or her employee(s) and records the wage on the record sheet. Employees receiving a wage must accept the wage they have been assigned, forming a labor contract with the manager. Some workers will not receive a wage meaning that they are unemployed. Workers who do not receive a wage will receive a fixed unemployment payment. Workers who will receive wages (versus those who are unemployed) are determined randomly at the start of today’s session. 2. A monitor will write the wage given to each employee on his or her record sheet. The monitor will write a “U” on the record sheet for all workers who are unemployed. 3. No manager will know the identity of the employees with whom s/he has been paired, and no employee will know the identity of the manager. 4. After all wages have been communicated to each employee Stage 2 begins. Employees who have received a wage choose an amount of work to provide and record it on the record sheet. 5. In Stage 3 a monitor will write the amount of work provided on the manager’s record sheet. Both managers and employees can then compute the earnings for the period. Employees should not tell anyone what amount of work they have chosen and managers should not tell anyone about the work level of their employees. 2 How Do Employees Calculate Their Income in Each Period? 1. Employee income in Experimental Dollars will be determined by the following formula: Employee Income: If Employed = 100 – Amount of Work Provided + (Wage * 5) If Unemployed = 70 2. If you receive a wage, you determine the amount of work by choosing a number from 0 to 100. The lowest amount of work you can choose is 0, 1 is a slightly higher amount, and so on up to 100, which is the highest amount. If you are unemployed, you do not choose an amount of work and you will receive an income of 70. 3. The higher the amount of work that you choose, the better it is for the manager. That is, the higher the number you choose the higher the manager’s income. 4. The higher the amount of work you choose, the higher your work-related costs. 3 How Do Managers Calculate their Income in Each Period? 1. Manager income in Experimental Dollars will be determined by the following formula for employed workers: Manager Income = 100 – Wage + (Amount of Work Provided * 5) 2. You determine the wage by choosing a number from 0 to 100. The lowest wage you can choose is 0, 1 is a slightly higher amount, and so on up to 100, which is the highest amount. 3. The higher the wage that you choose, the better it is for the employee. That is, the higher the number you choose the higher the employee’s income. 4. The higher the wage you choose, the higher your costs. 4 Practice Exercises Employee Income = 100 – Amount of Work Provided + (Wage * 5) Manager Income = 100 – Wage + (Amount of Work Provided * 5) 1. Assume that a manager assigns a wage of 80 experimental dollars to the employee. At the second stage of the period, the employee chooses an amount of work of 20. What is the income for the employee and for the manager? Employee’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars Manager’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars 2. Assume that a manager assigns a wage of 80 to the employee. At the second stage of the period, the employee chooses an amount of work of 90. What is the income for the employee and for the manager? Employee’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars Manager’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars 3. Assume that a manager assigns a wage of 30 experimental dollars to the employee. At the second stage of the period, the employee chooses an amount of work of 80. What is the income for the employee and for the manager? Employee’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars Manager’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars 4. Assume that a manager assigns a wage of 30 to the employee. At the second stage of the period, the employee chooses an amount of work of 10. What is the income for the employee and for the manager? Employee’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars Manager’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars 5 During the experiment your income will be calculated in “Experimental dollars,” which will be converted into real dollars at the rate of: 250 Experimental Dollars = $1 In addition, you will receive a $6 payment for showing up for the experiment on time. There will be a total of 10 market periods. Workers who are unemployed will remain unemployed for the first three (3) market periods after which there will be opportunities for them to work. Your total earnings for participating in the experiment will be the sum of your earnings in each of the ten market periods plus the $6 participation fee. You will be paid privately at the conclusion of the experiment. Are there any questions? 6 EMPLOYEE RECORD SHEET ID#____________ Employee Income = 100 – Amount of Work Provided + (Wage * 5) Period 1 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 1 __________ Period 2 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 2 __________ Period 3 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 3 __________ Period 4 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 4 __________ Period 5 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 5 __________ Period 6 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 6 __________ Period 7 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 7 __________ 1 ID#____________ Employee Income = 100 – Amount of Work Provided + (Wage * 5) Period 8 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 8 __________ Period 9 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 9 __________ Period 10 Your Wage ____________ Your Work Amount _____________ Your earnings for Period 10 __________ 2 MANAGER RECORD SHEET ID#____________ Manager Income = 100 – Wage + (Amount of Work Provided * 5) Period 1 Wage Paid ____________ Amount of Work _____________ Your earnings for Period 1 __________ Period 2 Wage Paid ____________ Amount of Work _____________ Your earnings for Period 2 __________ Period 3 Wage Paid ____________ Amount of Work _____________ Your earnings for Period 3 __________ Announcement for Second Employee: Managers will now have the opportunity to employ the previously unemployed. Now managers can employ two employees, one previously employed worker (Employee A) and one previously unemployed worker (Employee B). Manager’s Income: The structure of manager’s income is similar to before, but now the average work provided by two employees will determine the manager’s income. Manager's Income = (Average Work) * 5 + 100 - Wage = (EmployeeA Work + EmployeeB Work) * ½ * 5 + 100 - Wage As with the workers you have been hiring previous to this, you determine the wage by choosing a number from 0 to 100. The higher the wage that you choose, the better it is for the employees. The higher the wage you choose, the higher your costs. The only restriction is that managers must offer the same wage to both workers. Employee’s Income: Income for employees will be calculated just as before, but now no one will be unemployed. Employee income = (Wage * 5) + 100 – Amount of Work Provided Just as before, you determine the amount of work by choosing a number from 0 to 100. The higher the amount of work that you choose, the better it is for the manager. The higher the amount of work you choose, the higher your work-related costs. Note that this income schedule is the same for both previously employed and previously unemployed workers. The employee’s income depends only on the wage offer and his or her own work choice and not the work choice of the other employee. Practice Exercises (part 2) Employee Income = (Wage * 5) + 100 – Amount of Work Provided Manager's Income = (Average Work) * 5 + 100 - Wage = (EmployeeA Work + EmployeeB Work) * ½ * 5 + 100 - Wage 1. Assume that a manager assigns a wage of 70 experimental dollars to the employees. At the second stage of the period, a previously employed worker (Employee A) chooses an amount of work of 20 and a previously unemployed worker (Employee B) chooses an amount of work of 80. What is the income for the employees and for the manager? Employee A income =__________ Experimental dollars Employee B income =__________ Experimental dollars Manager’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars 2. Assume that a manager assigns a wage of 60 experimental dollars to the employees. At the second stage of the period, Employee A chooses an amount of work of 40 and a Employee B chooses an amount of work of 20. What is the income for the employees and for the manager? Employee A income =__________ Experimental dollars Employee B income =__________ Experimental dollars Manager’s Income =__________ Experimental dollars MANAGER RECORD SHEET ID#____________ Manager's Income = (Average Work) * 5 + 100 - Wage = (EmployeeA Work + EmployeeB Work) * ½ * 5 + 100 - Wage Period 4 Wage Paid ____________ Work amount Employee A ________ Employee B ________ Total Earnings Period 4 _____________________ Period 5 Wage Paid ____________ Work amount Employee A ________ Employee B ________ Total Earnings Period 5_____________________ Period 6 Wage Paid ____________ Work amount Employee A ________ Employee B ________ Total Earnings Period 6 _____________________ Period 7 Wage Paid ____________ Work amount Employee A ________ Employee B ________ Total Earnings Period 7 _____________________ Period 8 Wage Paid ____________ Work amount Employee A ________ Employee B ________ Total Earnings Period 8 _____________________ MANAGER RECORD SHEET ID#____________ Manager's Income = (Average Work) * 5 + 100 - Wage = (EmployeeA Work + EmployeeB Work) * ½ * 5 + 100 - Wage Period 9 Wage Paid ____________ Work amount Employee A ________ Employee B ________ Total Earnings Period 9 _____________________ Period 10 Wage Paid ____________ Work amount Employee A ________ Employee B ________ Total Earnings Period 10 _____________________ MATCHING SHEET Period M1 E# E# M2 E# M3 E# M4 E# M5 E# M6 E# M7 E# 1 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 2 11 9 7 5 3 1 13 3 9 7 5 3 1 13 11 4 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 13 14 11 12 9 10 5 5 6 3 4 1 2 13 14 11 12 9 10 7 8 6 3 4 1 2 13 14 11 12 9 10 7 8 5 6 7 1 2 13 14 11 12 9 10 7 8 5 6 3 4 8 13 14 11 12 9 10 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 9 11 12 9 10 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 13 14 10 9 10 7 8 5 6 3 4 1 2 13 14 11 12