4248 Economics Syllabus

Economics 4248
Course Description
Economics is a semester-long course that provides students with an understanding of the principles of economics.
As they become familiar with how markets work, students interact with lessons to apply the key microeconomic
concepts of supply and demand as well as the role of prices. This course targets important aspects of the world
economy, including international trade and global economic challenges, and encourages students to apply the
economic way of thinking to a variety of situations relevant to their everyday lives.
Course Objectives
Throughout the course, you will meet the following goals:
 Interpret graphs, market data, and vocabulary used by economists
 Compare and contrast economic systems, and describe how government, the factors of production, and the
principles of private ownership of property influence these systems
 Understand how basic economic principles, including opportunity cost, specialization, and comparative
advantage, affect markets and the production of goods and services.
 Analyze the relationship between supply and demand and the roles of consumers and producers in
influencing markets and trends
 Examine the qualities of market systems, banking systems, and financial markets, and assess the causes
of economic instabilities
 Explore the role of government and government agencies in the United States economy, and assess the
arguments for and against government intervention in economic matters
Your teacher will communicate with you regularly through discussions, e-mail, chat, and system announcements.
Through this communication with your teacher, you will monitor your progress through the course and improve your
learning by reviewing material that was challenging for you.
You will also communicate with classmates, either via online tools or face-to-face, as you:
 Collaborate on projects
 Ask and answer questions in your peer group
 Develop speaking and listening skills
Scope and Sequence
When you log into the Virtual Classroom, you can view the entire course map, which provides a scope and sequence
of all topics you will study. Clicking a lesson’s link in the course map leads to a page listing instructional activities,
assignments, and learning objectives specific to that lesson. The units of study are summarized below.
Unit 1:
Introduction to Economics
Unit 2:
Introducing Microeconomics
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Business and Government
Unit 5:
Financial Literacy
Grading Policy
You will be graded on the work you do online and the work you submit electronically to your teacher. The weighting
for each category of graded activity is listed below.
4248 Economics
Student Expectations / Course Structure
This course requires the same level of commitment from you as a traditional classroom course would. Throughout
the course, you are expected to spend approximately 5–7 hours per week online on the following activities:
 Warm Up- You will be introduced to a new lesson. This is a great opportunity to take eNotes by clicking the +
button in the top right corner of the screen. This section will include video as well as questions which you
must answer. You are able to use eNotes to answer these questions. If you do not answer correctly you will
be given a second attempt with help from the virtual teacher. I will review your answers and look for effort.
If you are consistently getting most of the questions wrong you will lose participation points which will affect
your grade. The Warm-Up will end with the lesson objectives.
 Instruction- You will be given a “Lesson Question” followed by instructional information. Once again this is a
great opportunity to take eNotes. After some instruction you will be given questions which you must
answer. You are able to use eNotes to answer these questions. If you do not answer correctly you will be
given a second attempt with help from the virtual teacher. I will review your answers and look for effort. If
you are consistently getting most of the questions wrong you will lose participation points which will affect
your grade.
 Summary- You will review the information presented in the lesson. Once again you can take eNotes in this
section. You will also revisit the lesson objectives.
 Assignment- You will be given text, video, or photographs as resources to answer questions. If you do not
answer correctly you will be given a second attempt with help from the virtual teacher. YOU MUST ANSWER
to review any assignment and change a grade. If you disagree with a score that has not changed
in 48 hours feel free to contact me with questions.
 Teacher feedback- In the Assignment section you should look for feedback from me where you
missed points. This will most often be the case when you miss points on short answer questions.
You will know if there is teacher feedback by selecting
for this symbol
from the lobby and looking
for the assignment in question OR by choosing
and looking for
next to an assignment.
Quiz- You will have two attempts to take the quiz. The quiz is graded for accuracy! When you are finished with the
quiz you must click
. If you take the quiz twice the higher score will be accepted.
Unit Test Review- You will have a Test Review before each Unit Test. You have one chance to take the Review. You
are able to
if necessary. When you are finished you must click
accuracy and is part of your Assignment grade!
. The Review is graded for
Unit Test- You will have a test at the end of each Unit. You will have two chances to take the test and you are able
to use your eNotes.
Relative Grade / “Passing” Grade- Since this course is a credit recovery course, you will need to obtain a passing
grade in the course. Once your grade is beyond a 60% relative grade, once the work has been graded and the
relative grade is beyond a 60%, the student will be notified and the course will be completed. A passing grade,
indicated by a “P” in SV gradebook, will be issued.