White Oak Elementary School/Parent Compact for Student Success

White Oak Elementary
School/Parent Compact for Student Success
Initial submission: April 30, 2014
Revision date: August 5, 2014
White Oak Elementary School
Andrew Clarke, Principal
White Oak Elementary + Coweta County: Working Together for Your Student
Our school motto directly reflects that of the county: Coweta Committed to Student Success. Based on
CCRPI part one, Coweta has set a goal of increasing student mastery in all content areas. Reflective of this
goal, White Oak would like to see student achievement in Kindergarten reading and math increase in
2014-2015 as measured by continuously collected/reviewed data on student performance. Data will be
collected through classroom assessments, work samples, and system-level benchmark assessments, and
will be shared with parents in a variety of ways including conferences, information sent home, and schoolwide meetings.
White Oak Teachers, Parents, and Students:
Growing Toward Excellence with Pride
In the Kindergarten classroom…
In order to best achieve our goal of increasing
reading and math scores this school year, White
Oak teachers have identified specific areas in
which students in Kindergarten should be
proficient. Teachers’ top priority was sight word
To help make that goal a reality, teachers will
provide high-quality, standards-based instruction,
and will support learning in the following ways:
*Provide parents with a compact kit containing
sight word flash cards
*Provide parents with a variety of resources that
are accessible from home (websites, etc.)
*Provide in-class practice and assessment, with
results communicated regularly to parents in a
variety of ways (individual conferences, Parent
Portal, phone calls, etc.)
*Provide students and parents with real-world
connections to college and career for the skills that
directly require sight word fluency
At home…
Understanding that parents play a vital role in
ensuring the academic success of their children,
White Oak met with and surveyed parents to
determine ways that families can support
students’ success in math and reading. Ideas
that we hope to encourage include the
*Use the sight word flash cards provided at our
annual Title 1 Meeting and Open House to
help students practice and achieve proficiency
*Allow children to go to teacher-suggested
websites to practice sight words
*Let students see sight words in action by
encouraging them to read items like menus,
kids’ meal bags, and road signs
*Support homework efforts by checking the
student’s agenda each night, and providing a
set time and space for work
*Listen to students read aloud nightly
Students are White Oak’s most important resource!
White Oak students participated in discussions and surveys with faculty and staff, helping to determine
ways in which they could better succeed in elementary school and beyond. Students were also asked
about specific ways they could make connections between home and school. White Oak students want
to help themselves achieve academic success by doing the following:
*Set personal goals and think of action steps to help meet them
*Practice with sight words every night for at least 10 minutes, using flash cards or websites
*Go over sight words with our families while doing errands, going to sports practice, or just at home
*Try to make up games or fun strategies to help learn and remember the sight words
*Read aloud for at least 20 minutes each night
*Pay attention to the ways that sight words are used outside of school
White Oak Teachers, Parents, and Students:
Building Lasting Partnerships
Opportunities for Involvement
Creating Achievement Together
Join us for activities throughout the year. Watch
your student’s agenda for notices of
*Read-A-Thon/Family Fun Night
*Open House + Title I Meeting
*Fall Festival
*Parent/Teacher conferences
More learning adventure opportunities will be
scheduled by your student’s teachers, so stay in
touch for more offerings!
If you would like to volunteer, participate, or
observe in the classroom, please contact White
Oak’s counselor, Ms. Silverlene Kindle at 770254-2860, or via the school’s website.
Parents, students, and staff of White Oak
Elementary jointly developed this 2014-2015
School/Parent Compact for Student Success.
Teachers identified key learning components
and suggested home learning strategies,
parents added ways to make those strategies
successful, and students contributed ways
that they could learn more easily. This
compact will be reviewed during regularly
scheduled meetings, giving all parties
opportunities to make changes based on
student needs. We welcome parent
contributions or comments any time!
What is a School/Parent Compact?
A School/Parent Compact for Student Success is an agreement that White Oak parents, students,
and teachers develop. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure that all
of our students reach grade level goals and standards. The compact will be revised annually with
input from all stakeholders, and it is available for viewing on the school’s website, in the Parent
Resource Center, and sent home with each student.