домашнее задание 11класс профиль

Тест для проведения контрольного среза
по английскому языку
(наименование дисциплины)
Номер варианта
В заданиях 1-40 выберите из предложенных ответов один, который считаете
правильным, и поставьте соответствующую букву против номера задания на бланке
Where is Washington D.C. situated?
The UK
What is the capital of Scotland?
The United Kingdom is ….
a monarchy
a republic
an anarchy
a colony
The official head of the UK is ….
the queen
the Parliament
the president
the prime minister
Great Britain is situated in ….
The car consists of … details.
a much
What is your job? – I am ……
a mechanic
an mechanic
the mechanic
My classes usually…… at 8:30 in the morning.
Yesterday we ….. the museum where we saw the old documents.
How … coffee does your sister usually have for breakfast?
a lot of
What is the official residence of the US President?
The White House
Buckingham Palace
The Capitol
The Kremlin
The climate of Great Britain is ….
humid and mild
hot and dry
arctic and sub arctic
extremely hot with heavy showers
I must … this work today.
to do
His parents and his sister … from India.
… Volga river is … longest river in … western part of Russia.
The, the, the
A, a, a
The, a, The , the, a
Can you tell me … your home country, please?
Next summer Den and Terry …… to Canada.
will travel
to travel
The boys are very good …….
If the snowstorm …, we … skiing.
stops, will go
will stop, will go
stop, go
stops, goes
Father … when the telephone ….
was sleeping, rang
slept, rang
sleeps, rings
was sleeping, was ringing
The president of the Russian Federation … by the people.
is elected
has elected
is electing
Russia …… by three oceans: Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic.
is washed
are washed
She wants to be a programmer. (Choose the correct question)
Does she want to be a programmer?
Wants she to be a programmer
Does she wants to be a programmer?
Do she want to be a programmer?
Kevin … swim well when he … 5 years old.
could, was
can, was
could, is
can, are
How many parts does the UK consist of?
It consists of 4 parts.
It consists of 3 parts.
It consists of 2 parts.
It consists of 5 parts.
Millions of people travel every day either … business or … pleasure.
on, for
for, on
in, in
at, at
They travel … plane, … train, … sea or … foot.
by, by, by, on
on, on, on by
at, at, at, at
in, in, in, in
This hotel is … one.
the most expensive
more expensive
the expensivest
Billy is my … friend. We became friends many years ago.
most good
John plays … basketball and volleyball very well.
When we came home the children … .
were sleeping
was sleeping
When mother opened the door she saw that the cups and plates ….
were washed
was washed
are washed
is washed
I want you … me with my English.
to help
to helping
Meggy works hard at her diploma. (Choose the correct question).
What does Meggy work hard at?
What Meggy work hard at?
What Meggy works hard at?
What does Meggy works hard at?
If you … Sasha to do history she … very thankful.
help, will be
will help, will be
will help, is
helps, is
I … a cinema goer, I … fond of watching films.
am, am
is, is
are, are
-, -
Chukotka is located in the ….
north-east of Russia
north-west of Russia
south of Russia
centre of Russia
The Russian Federation is …, so the president is the head of state.
a presidential republic
a monarchy
a colony
an anarchy
My little brother wants to be ….
an engineer
a engineer
the engineer
I would like …a cup of coffee with milk.
to have
to had
Either person associates the 21 century with the progress of science. Tremendous changes in the life & conditions
of people took place in it. Centuries ago we couldn’t` t even think about the things we deal with now.
100 years ago people didn` t fly to various cities, countries & continents. And now we just buy
a ticket & fly to any place of destination at a great speed, make long – distance flight to any
direction. The speed of some planes is about 1000 km per hour. So you can cross the Atlantic
using only 1,5 hour. Such planes may connect various remote places by the direct flights.
Speaking about the inventions of the previous century it` s important to mention radio. It was
invented by Russian scientist Alexander Popov & it changed the whole life of people. It found a
great use in the 20 century. By means of it people can do an endless number of jobs, get all kinds
of information, direct the work of machines, help planes to land etc. It also was extremely
strange for our parents to here Gagarin` s talking from the space.
Nowadays radio of course gave its place to TV & computer but in some remote places of the
world it` s still known as the only way of getting information from the “Big Land”. And it
becomes more precious because of that. And also how soldiers in different hot points would
communicate if they had not radio transmission?
So people have a right to say that radio is a masterpiece of science & technology.
So is TV. It` s the most magnificent source of Mass Media. It gives us either pleasure or
amusement, useful information, 70 per cent of which we get by the means of eyesight, 15 – by
listening. TV displays us the entire picture of current events, showing the details live or in
Using TV people control technique & equipment, industry & traffic. In the field of medicine it
gives us an opportunity to make so – called “jewelry” surgeries which can be directed by famous
doctors & professors over TV.
Speaking about medicines science gave a chance to the great amount of people to survive.
And now many of them date back their lives to the day of medical intrusion. Not long ago the
Medical Committee for Inventions & Discoveries recognized a new scientific discovery in
cancer diagnostic.
A great amount of people live only because they have an artificial heart or kidney which is the
products of science.
The medical equipment is improved day by day. Tremendous money is impact in this
engineering & either person understands the great use of it.
Also one of the wonders of our age is so – called “electronic brain” or computer as we call it.
Some models of it can touch, smell, hear, see &feel. The considerable amount of people have
computers at home. Such mechanisms organize the life & work of people in various spheres of
human activity.
But the most magnificent scientific achievement is, of course, “Nuclear Fission”. It put upside
– down all the life of previous generations.
When atom splits it sets free much energy & people try to use it. The former USSR was the
first country in the world which learned to use it in peaceful purposes. Atomic power
theoretically can be used in ships, locomotives, and jet – planes. For example the first atomic ice
– breaker “Lenin” was launched in the USSR. But the greatest fame atomic energy got by means
of weapons. Either country knows about such energy & weapons but only several countries of
the world have the technology. Such information is, of course, Top – Secret. `cause using it in
peaceful life is useful. But in the case of war, as a weapon, it may bring global catastrophe
including ecological, environmental damage. It can become the reason of exhaust & pollution &
of course it can lead to death of either living organism.
But the advantages of atomic power are tremendous. The atomic fuel has no smoke, no fire, no
noise. Atomic power stations are the most pure stations among the traditional stations when they
work normally. But in the case of collapse they bring death.
Many scientists declare that we are on the way to a new kind of life – “The Age Of Atom”.
Among other scientific discoveries are telephone, various home equipment, satellite antennas, flights to the space
We use either of these things in our current life & don` t think about the life without them.
They bring pleasure & comfort to our houses, health to our organisms & new methods to make
our life secure. They are usual for us. But science develops very fast & if a few years we may
have other new facilities which we can` t imagine now.
Tasks for checking the understanding.
Find the English equivalents to the following words:
Разнообразные – various
Прямые рейсы – direct flights
Передача информации по радио – radio transmission
Шедевр науки и технологии- the masterpiece of science and technology
Передавать детали в прямом эфире- to show the details live
Медицинское участие- medical intrusion
Огромные деньги вкладываются в инженерное дело – tremendous money is
impact in engineering
Ядерная реакция – nuclear fission
Атом расщепляется – atom splits
Спускать на воду- to launch
Совершенно секретно – Top Secret
Вред для окружающей среды – environmental damage
Истощение, опустошение – to exhaust
Спутниковые антенны- satellite antennas
Answer the following questions on the text.
Why is the XXI century called the century of progress of science?
What inventions of the XX century are mentioned in this text?
Which way of carrying out medical surgeries is remembered in the
How is computer called in the text?
How do you understand the meaning of the words Nuclear Fission?
Where can Nuclear Fission be used?
III. Comment on the idea.
We are on the way to a new kind of life – the Age of Atom. Give not less than
three arguments proving your point of view.
Speak on the topic “Science”.
Стратегия и тактика подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Раздел
Последние 10 лет наша российская школа переживает качественно новый этап в своём
развитии, который связан с кардинальным изменением задач обучения. Основной целью
совершенствование и развитие личности, способной к достижению необходимого уровня
коммуникативной компетенции. Эффективность обучения во многом определяется
уровнем коммуникативных умений.
Контроль уровня сформированности иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции и
призван осуществить Единый Государственный Экзамен. О нём пишут, говорят, спорят.
Важной задачей является разработка и освоение технологий обучения, позволяющих
выпускникам достигать хороших результатов на экзамене. Сейчас появилось много книг
по подготовке учащихся к сдаче Единого Государственного Экзамена (ЕГЭ). Все они, как
правило, предлагают готовые задания для учащихся в формате ЕГЭ. А как же
подготовить учащихся к выполнению этих заданий?
Важной задачей является разработка стратегии и тактики подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ.
Стратегия-это общий план, задачи на перспективу. Тактика - способы и методы
выполнения этого плана и задач. Короче….
Стратегия- Что делать? Тактика- Как это делать?
Раздел "Говорение" представлен тематическим монологическим высказыванием и
диалогом с целью обмена оценочной информацией.
1. Тип задания: Монологическое высказывание по теме ( 10-15 фраз, 3-3,5 мин.)
В первом задании предполагается два вида монологического высказывания:
Высказывание по ситуации с раскрытием всех предложенных аспектов
Развёрнутый аргументированный ответ на вопрос экзаменатора
При этом проверяются следующие умения:
Уметь высказаться по теме в виде монолога,
Логично построить своё высказывание, используя средства логической связи
Соответственно поставленной задаче использовать такие типы речи , как
повествование, описание, рассуждение и характерные для них языковые средства
Продемонстрировать владение грамматическими структурами и хорошим
словарным запасом в соответствии с поставленной задачей
Уметь дать развёрнутые ответы на дополнительные вопросы собеседника
Стратегии работы над монологическим высказыванием
1. Внимательно прочитайте текст задания на карточке для экзаменуемого и выясните:
- в чем заключается предложенное задание
2. Определите тему высказывания. Обратите внимание на то, что ваше высказывание
не должно быть воспроизведением изученной в школе темы. Оно должно
предложенные в задании аспекты.- сколько и какие аспекты вы
должны раскрыть
3. Продумайте, что вы можете сказать по каждому из аспектов тремя — четырьмя
предложениями. Не следует увеличивать объем высказываний, так как в противном
случае вам может не хватить времени на раскрытие одного или более из
предложенных аспектов. Ваши высказывания по каждому аспекту должны быть
предельно конкретными, соответствующими данной формулировке. Продумайте,
как распределить время между высказываниями по всем пунктам задания.
4. Напишите план логично построенного высказывания, осветив все пункты задания.
5. Выпишите отдельные фразы, которые вы обязательно хотите употребить в речи.
6. Обратите внимание на то, что вы должны говорить в течение 2—2,5 минут, а затем
экзаменатор-собеседник задаст вам один или два вопроса, связанные с темой
вашего высказывания.
7. Внимательно слушайте эти вопросы и старайтесь давать как можно более
развернутые ответы. Если вы что-то не поняли в вопросе, обязательно попросите
повторить его или пояснить то, что вам было непонятно; баллы за это не
снижаются, а наоборот, это является плюсом в вашем ответе, так как вы смогли
продемонстрировать умение восстановить беседу в случае сбоя. Если же вам что-то
будет непонятно в вопросах экзаменатора-собеседника и вы не постараетесь выйти
из этой ситуации, то это может привести к снижению баллов при оценке вашего
Как готовить учащихся к тематическому монологическому высказыванию и
отвечать на вопросы экзаменатора
В своей педагогической практике учитель постоянно задаёт ученику вопросы и желает
получить на них ответы. Сейчас мы требуем от учащихся аргументировать свои ответы.
Учащиеся должны говорить логично, используя "linking words" типа: moreover; in addition
to however; on the other hand; as soon as; in particular; in conclusion; all in all; in the long run,
etc. Если ученик не понял вопроса, то его умение задать вопрос собеседнику (учителю)
поощряется, так как ученик показывает умение восстанавливать беседу в случае сбоя.
В отечественной методике обучения иностранным языкам выделяют два основных пути
формирования умений монологического высказывания:
развитие монологических навыков на основе прочитанного конкретного текста
развитие этих навыков без опоры на текст, отталкиваясь от тематики и
проблематики обсуждаемых вопросов
Задания для монологического высказывания с опорой на конкретный текст:
1. Ответить на вопросы на понимание содержания и смысла прочитанного текста.
2. Прочитать текст и найти предложения, в которых сформулированы ответы на все
аспекты, представленные в ситуации.
3. Согласиться с утверждениями, представленными учителем, или опровергнуть их.
4. Доказать что……….
5. Найти в тексте предложения , которые можно употребить для обобщения,
заключения, выводов.
6. Соотнесите план тематического высказывания с возможностями данного текста и
выясните, какую информацию нужно ещё найти и добавить.
7. Составьте план монологического высказывания, подберите к нему информацию из
дополнительных текстов.
8. Подготовьте развёрнутое монологическое высказывание с использованием
текстовых материалов для раскрытия всех аспектов, представленных в ситуации.
Задания для монологического высказывания без опоры на конкретный текст:
Данный путь может быть выбран на среднем и старшем этапе обучения, когда языковой и
содержательный уровень знаний по обсуждаемой теме или проблеме достаточно высок.
Этапы работы:
1 этап- высказывание в течение 1 минуты по тематической ситуации с использованием
опор. Назначение опор- помочь порождению речевого высказывания. Для того, чтобы
учащиеся захотели высказаться самостоятельно, нужна помощь в виде речевых образцов,
разговорных клише, таблиц, схем, блоков. Другие учащиеся могут добавить, не
согласиться с мнением говорящего и выдвинуть своё мнение. Таким образом, может
проходить дискуссия по обсуждаемой ситуации.
2 этап- высказывание в течение 2 минут по тематической ситуации с использованием
опор. Экзаменационное высказывание по тематической ситуации проходит в течение 2-х
минут. Чтобы подвести учащихся к успешному выполнению задания, необходимы
предварительные задания по совершенствованию разговорных навыков. (в работе
представлены упражнения с использованием разных обучающих технологий)
2. Тип задания: Диалог с целью обмена оценочной информацией (не менее 10 реплик,
4-5 минут)
При этом проверяются следующие умения:
Уметь начать, поддержать и закончить беседу,
предлагать варианты к обсуждению,
выражать свою аргументированную точку зрения и отношение к обсуждаемому
соблюдать очередность при обмене репликами
выбирать адекватный стиль речи, употребляя формулы речевого этикета
принимать совместное решение
Монологическая речь зависит от стратегий , выбранных самим говорящим, в то время как
диалогическая речь – это прежде всего взаимодействие двух партнёров и стратегии
выбирает каждый участник свои.
Стратегии работы над диалогическим высказыванием
объясните своему собеседнику, что надо сделать и почему ( на базе задания)
выберите один из предложенных вариантов в задании и предложите его
объясните, почему он подходит, представив 1 аргумент
спросите, что думает ваш собеседник об этом предложении
продолжайте отстаивать своё мнение, представив ещё один аргумент ( или 2
аргумента) в пользу своего мнения
предложите рассмотреть другой вариант, далее действуйте по предыдущей схеме
спросите, что может предложить ваш собеседник
вежливо не согласитесь с предложением собеседника
после обсуждения всех вариантов предложите своё решение и придите к единому
Как готовить учащихся к диалогу по ситуации?
Второе экзаменационное задание предполагает диалог с целью обмена оценочной
информацией. Студенту предлагается какая-то проблема / ситуация и обычно три или
четыре варианта её решения. Задача студента обсудить все предложенные варианты и
прийти к обоюдному согласию
( с экзаменатором) решения данной проблемы. Я
предлагаю студентам работать над двумя типами диалогов:
диалог с обменом информацией (ролевая игра)
диалог с обменом оценочной информацией (модулированная ситуация)
Любой из этих диалогов проходит 3 стадии:
1. Инициирование разговора
 Объяснение ситуации
 Запрос информации
 Выдвижение предложений
2. Развитие разговора
Ответная реплика (согласие/ несогласие, выражение
предпочтения /удивления/ сожаления/ уверенности…..)
Реакция на сбой разговора (просьба разъяснить/
Вовлечение партнёра в разговор (выяснение мнения
партнёра; заставить партнёра делать предложения,
выдвигать свои идеи…..)
3. Завершение разговора
Прийти к определённому мнению /согласию
Подвести итоги дискуссии
Выдвинуть основания закончить разговор
Диалогическая речь на иностранном языке сложнее, чем монологическая, поскольку в ней
должны быть задействованы умения не только говорения, но и аудирования. Реакция
партнёра по общению непредсказуема, кроме того, логика развития диалога неизвестна
партнёрам заранее.
Работу по подготовке учащихся к диалогу можно условно разбить на три этапа.
Первый этап подготовки – составить свой диалог на основе готовых диалогов и выучить
его. Контроль диалогической речи проводится в классе ( пары постоянного состава) , но
это контроль подготовленной речи дома.
Второй этап подготовки – учитель задаёт ситуацию (т.е. ученики знают тематическую
ситуацию заранее и могут повторить лексический материал), а для парной беседы в
классе учитель сам выбирает пары (т.е. ученики не знают, кто с кем будет беседовать и
как будет развиваться беседа). Контроль диалогической речи проводится в классе ( пары
сменного состава) , при этом речь неподготовлена заранее.
Третий этап подготовки – учитель задаёт только тему, по которой будет проходить
беседа, но учащиеся не знают ни ситуацию, ни собеседника. В данном варианте проходит
контроль неподготовленной речи.
При обучении диалогу большое значение имеет обучение спонтанному реагированию на
реплики партнёра. Естественно, диалог не может звучать вне тематической ситуации.
Источником порождения диалогической речи может быть тематическая ситуация,
основанная на программе школьного курса, (например, « В магазине», «Разговор по
телефону» и т.п.) или на свободном общении ( интервью, дискуссия, диспут).
Задание 1. –монологическое высказывание ( пример взят из демонстрационного
варианта 2007 г.)
Task 1 (3-3,5 minutes)
Give a 2-minute talk on famous people.
Remember to say:
what makes people famous (writers, singers, politicians, etc.)
where you prefer to get information about famous people from, and why;
if the life of a famous person is easy, and why/ why not.
You will have to talk for 2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then
she/he will ask you some questions.
Подготовительные упражнения (к заданию 1)
Exercise 1. Read the card and make notes to complete the table.
name of famous person
his/her appearance
what he/she is famous for
why you like him/her
Exercise 2. In pairs , discuss the question below. Use the phrases to help you.
What are the good and bad things about being famous?
1. There are lots of good/bad things about being famous, such as……..
2. Famous people usually /often /sometimes………
3. One good /bad thing is that you can /can't……..
4. If you are famous, you can /can't………..
5. If you're famous, you have to/ don't have to……
 HELP! Useful Vocabulary
Have to look perfect all the time because………….
Be in the centre of attention / be written about / be photographed for……
Be followed by crazy fans , paparazzi ………
Sacrifice their private lives ………..
It's difficult to know who to trust…………
Have a lot of money , can travel…….. can meet………. can buy………..can help….
Worry about their reputation because………..
What is the price of fame? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
being famous?
Celebrities have to look perfect
all the time. There’s always a
photographer ready to take a
picture of a famous person.
Famous people will always be in
the centre of attention
Famous people are written about
and photographed for newspapers
and magazines
Famous people have a lot of
money and can buy anything
they want
They can live in a luxurious
house anywhere in the world
Famous people can travel a lot
and meet celebrities
Famous people can use wealth
and influence to help charity
You will always be in the centre
of attention
Celebrities sacrifice their private lives.
Their personal problems, divorces, or
family tragedies all end up as front-page
 They are followed by crazy fans wherever
they go. The paparazzi follow celebrities
and take pictures of them in unflattering
and compromising poses. But for the
celebrities these photos are an invasion of
 They worry constantly about their
reputation. Actors may lose their
popularity, singers may lose their voices,
athletes may be injured…
 It’s difficult for famous people to know
who to trust. Ex-lovers may sell their
stories to the newspapers.
accountants or impresarios may be secretly
cheating them…
 Famous people can never be sure whether
people like them for themselves or because
they are famous. For this reason, it’s
difficult for them to make true friends.
 Furthermore, celebrities are in constant
danger of the wrong kind of attention.
Threatening letters and even physical
Задание 2. - Диалог с целью обмена оценочной
attacks from
crazy fans are not unusual
things in their lives.
of them suffer nervous breakdowns
Примерная схема модулированной
or drugs and alcohol problems.
say you
their lives are far
Ученик 1: Введение в ситуацию диалога (на базеMany
What can
from being
Ученик 2: Выдвижение предложения 1 + 2 аргумента
"за" happy.
Ученик 1:Реакция.Отказ+2 аргумента "против".Выдвижение предложения 2+2 аргумента
Ученик 2:Реакция.Отказ+2 аргумента "против".Выдвижение предложения 3+2аргумента
Ученик 1:Реакция.Отказ+2 аргумента "против".Выдвижение предложения 4+2 аргумента
Ученик 2:Реакция. Согласие + 2 подтверждающих аргумента.
Ученик 1:Реакция. Согласие.
Речевые образцы для диалогического высказывания
1. Как инициировать диалог
 There are several possibilities for…. / So, we have to… / Let’s talk about……first, shall
 What do you think? What shall we do first?
2. Выражение просьбы / Реагирование на просьбу
 Excuse me. Can I ask you a personal question? – Of course, go ahead / Would you mind if
I ask you…..
 I’d also like to know some information about……
 Could you tell me about……..?
 Could I have a …..Could you take this….. to…., please? / Would you mind +Ving ? / Is it
all right if …..? Could you possibly……. ? / Would it be possible to ………?
 OK / Yes, sure / Yes, certainly / Yes, of course / Yes, I’ll do that / I’m sorry, but…..
 Thank you.
– You’re welcome.
3. Как внести предложение
 Why don’t we do this? / How about …+Ving? / What about…+ Ving ?
 Let’s do this /
Let’s decide about…first, shall we?
 What do you think…? / Do you think we should…?
 Perhaps we should… / What shall we do first? / So, what do you think we should do……..?
 How do you feel about this?
 It’d be a good idea if we…
/ What would be really great is if we… /
It’s about time
 OK, let’s do that / Why don’t we both do that?
4. Как согласиться или не согласиться с чьим-то предложением
 That’s a good point / I absolutely agree / You’re right
/ That’s true / Yes, but…..
 I’m afraid you’re wrong /
I see what you mean, but don’t you think………. ?
 I don’t think I would go along with that / Yes, but isn’t it also true that……..?
 That sounds like a good idea / I’m not sure about that
 What a pity / Never mind I don’t like………. / I can’t stand……….. / I hate…….
 Personally, I’m not that keen on…/ You know, it’s not really my thing / Don’t you
think……? / And, to be honest…./ That’s not the point
5. Как отреагировать на чьи-то предложения / реплики
 Wow! / Really! / Goodness! Oh dear. / What a surprise! / It can't be true./ You must be
 I (really) like/ enjoy / love /
I really like doing that too / I’m not keen on…/
 That’s a good idea …..
/ Surely, it’d be better…
That sounds like a good idea / I think the best thing to do would be to… / It would be a
good idea to…/ I’ve got a good idea…/ I’ve got a better idea ……./ That sounds a bit
boring…/ I don’t think that’s such a good idea because……..
I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)
It makes me….(angry/ worried / smile / want to…..)
6. Как сделать выбор
 I prefer…..to……./ I’d rather …..(do/have…) than…/ I’d rather we had……than……/ I
much prefer………/ I wouldn’t mind +Ving
 I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)
7. Как высказать мнение
 It’s very difficult to say, but I think……/ What I mean is……/ In my opinion…..
 It’s not something I feel very strongly about, but………
 Actually I feel quite strongly that……./ I’m quite certain that………
 Personally , I feel…/ think…/ suppose…/ guess…
 I’ve never really thought about it, but I suppose…/ I don’t really like…but if I had to
 I think it’d be better if…./ I think we should…
8. Как прийти к обоюдному согласию
 Neither of us liked…………/ So that was the conclusion we reached:……………
 What have we decided then? / So, let’s decide which one……… / OK, so which (two) are
the best?
 I think we’ve agreed that…….. / So, we’ve decided………
 Well, I chose……../ We both agreed that………/ N. was in favour of…..but I thought…….
Task2. Choosing a way of travelling" – a 3-4 minute talk (Модулированная ситуация)
You are staying with your friend who lives in the UK. You would like to travel across the
together. Discuss the following options and choose one kind of transport that appeals
to both of you:
* train
* car
Remember to:
Discuss all the options
Take an active part in the conversation and be polite
Come up with ideas and give good reasons
Find out your friend's attitudes and take them into account
Invite your friend to come up with suggestions
Come to an agreement
 Help!
They travel too fast, so we won’t be able It's not expensive. You cab buy a return
to see much. We’ll have to change trains. ticket and spend the rest of your money on
Some trains aren't very comfortable and if other things. We’ll be able to see much as
you sleep on the upper berth, you may be trains cover very long distances. Trains in
afraid of falling down. Sometimes the the UK are very comfortable. They are
are always on time. There are no traffic jams.
unpleasant and very talkative.
A cruise holiday can be too expensive I think it’s the most comfortable and
for us. There is usually nothing much to relaxing way of traveling. We’ll be given a
see in the ports. Young people may feel chance to see many different sights at each
lonely and get bored. You may be sea- port within a short time. We don’t have to
sick. You have to follow a strict time- worry about travel arrangements during the
table and are not able to explore places as trip and we can spend all day sunbathing
much as you'd like.
and swimming. Many ships have swimming
Bicycle We’ll never be protected from weather It’s a well-balanced combination of rest and
(sunny or rainy). It’s very tiring. We can’t exercise. It’s very economical. We’ll be
take much luggage with us.
It's able
dangerous as a cyclist can be knocked environmentally friendly. We are not afraid
over. It's not good for long trips.
of traffic jams.
on Travelling by car is safer and more
motorways and that’s very stressful. I comfortable than walking. We don’t have to
always get tired of sitting in a chair for a look for a seat. We can leave when we want
long time. I get sick travelling long and we can stop when we want, we don't
distances. Petrol is expensive. It's difficult depend on time table. We can take more
to find a parking lot.
Подготовительные упражнения для совершенствования навыков диалогического
Exercise 1. Как реагировать на реплики? Отреагируйте на различные высказывания.
1. I'm interested in taking a holiday abroad. Could you tell me what holidays are on
2. I hate packed holidays- too many excursions……………
3. It's too crowded there and we wouldn't feel comfortable ……………………….
4. Well, what do you think about travelling by ship. I think that it would be fun…………
5. Well, I still doubt it would be nice to travel by car………..
6. Our friends would enjoy the view of these buildings. What do you think of it?
7. It's dangerous as a cyclist can be knocked over. It's not good for long trips……………
8. Trains in the UK are very comfortable and they are always on time……….
Exercise 2. Как выразить согласие / несогласие на просьбу? Прочитайте следующие
предложения и ответьте на них согласием и несогласием.
1. Cooking meals over the fire is great fun. Agree: / Disagree:
2. Travelling by car is safer and more comfortable than walking. Agree:/Disagree:
3. Sometimes the neighbours in the compartment are unpleasant and very talkative. Agree:/
4. Travelling by train is more economical than travelling by taxi. Agree:/ Disagree
5. The best way of spending your holiday is in Spain. Agree:/ Disagree
Exercise 3.
Как внести предложение и как сделать выбор? Выскажите своё
You are discussing with your friend where to go in summer. You have some options:
Spain, Bulgaria, Canada, England, Scotland, Italy, Egypt, Africa, North Pole, Japan.
Работа в парах По очереди выдвигайте предложение и делайте выбор где провести
лето, используя фразы:
1. Why don't we…
How about…
Do you want to… Do you feel like…Would you
like to… Do you think we should … What do you think of… Do you fancy…
2. I …….if we should……. Maybe the best…….would be to…… What do you think……? I
think the ……thing might be to… I'm not……..I agree, to be honest……… I'm not
convinced it's a good…….because….
Exercise 4. Как закончить диалог? Прочитайте высказывания одного участника
разговора и подберите подходящую реплику партнёра.
1. Excuse me, could you tell me where School #45 is?......................
2. Excuse me, is it possible to buy postcards here? ………………
3. Do you happen to know when the supermarket closes? ……………
4. Could you tell me where I can find a police station? ………………
5. ………………….There are two planes to London on Saturday –at 2.30 and 8.00
6. …………………. It's about 20 minutes by bus and 10 minutes by taxi.
7. …………………...We have classes from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and some optional classes after
Exercise 5. Как составить диалог? Прочитайте эти фразы и составьте короткий
1. Travelling by…….would be a good idea because……………
2. One thing we should remember is that………
3. Personally, I suggest………because………
4. One advantage of traveling by……is………….
5. In my opinion, the way to…………….
6. Maybe the best………would be……..
7. I think it's not a good idea……because…….
8. I wonder…………….if we should……….
9. I'm not convinced it's a good idea………..because……….
10. Let's think about………..
Организация контроля диалогической речи ( в плане обмена опытом)
Экзамен по иностранному языку в 9-м и в 11 классах ставит своей целью проверку уровня
сформированности коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в говорении (в двух
формах: монологической и диалогической ). Сейчас в книжных магазинах появилось
много литературы по подготовке учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ. Все они, как правило, предлагают
готовые задания для учащихся в виде "топиков" или ситуаций для монологических
высказываний, а подготовка учащихся к диалогическому высказыванию остаётся за
Учить учащихся тематически высказываться можно индивидуально, в парах, в группах (
более подробно см. Т.Киреева "Системный подход к подготовке учащихся е единому
государственному экзамену" Английский язык №3 2006)
При обучении диалогу большое значение имеет обучение спонтанному реагированию на
реплики партнёра. Естественно, диалог не может звучать вне тематической ситуации.
Источником порождения диалогической речи может быть тематическая ситуация,
основанная на программе школьного курса, (например, « В магазине», «Разговор по
телефону» и т.п.) или на свободном общении ( интервью, дискуссия, диспут). Диалог
может быть подготовленным дома, в классе же проводится контроль подготовленной речи
постоянных пар. Диалог может быть частично подготовлен дома , но контроль проводится
в классе со сменными парами. И наконец, высший пилотаж- когда диалог проходит
спонтанно, с незнакомым партнёром.
Любой диалог проходит три стадии:
1. Инициирование разговора ( объяснение ситуации, запрос информации,
выдвижение предложений)
2. Развитие разговора ( ответная реплика ( согласие \ несогласие, выражение
предпочтения, удивления , сожаления, уверенности….) , реакция на сбой разговора
(просьба разъяснить \ объяснить), вовлечение партнёра в разговор (выяснение мнения
партнёра, заставить партнёра делать предложения, выдвигать свои идеи…)
3. Завершение разговора (прийти к определённому мнению, согласию, подвести
итог дискуссии, выдвинуть основания, закончить разговор)
Сначала необходимо закрепить в речи «речевые образцы» по всем трём стадиям диалога.
There are several possibilities for…. / So, we have to……. / Let’s talk about……first,
shall we?
Let’s see what the good points are / I think we will (would) need to ….so…
What do you think? / Do you think we should…..? / What shall we do first?
What’s your opinion? / What about you? / Do you agree? / And what else?
Initiating / Focusing
Polite Requests
Can I ask you a personal question? – Of course, go ahead / Would you mind if I ask you…..
I’d also like to know some information about……. /
Could you tell me about……..?
Could I have a …..( receipt) ? / Do you think I could have…?
Could you take this….. to…., please? / Would you mind +Ving ? / Is it all right if …..?
Could you possibly……. ? / Would it be possible to ………?
OK / Yes, sure / Yes, certainly / Yes, of course / Yes, I’ll do that / I’m sorry, but…..
Excuse me. Could you……., please? – Yes, certainly.
Thank you.
– You’re welcome.
3) Making Suggestions / Discussing Suggestions / Giving Opinion
Why don’t we do this? / How about …+Ving? / What about…+ Ving ?
Let’s do this /
Let’s decide about…first, shall we?
What do you think…? / Do you think we should…?
Perhaps we should… / What shall we do first? / So, what do you think we should do……..?
How do you feel about this?
It’d be a good idea if we…
/ What would be really great is if we… /
It’s about time
That’s a good idea
/ Surely, it’d be better…
OK, let’s do that / OK. Why don’t we both do that?
That sounds like a good idea / That’s a great idea / I think the best thing to do would be
to… / It would be a good idea to…/ I’ve got a good idea…/ I’ve got a better idea ……./
That sounds a bit boring…/ I don’t think that’s such a good idea because……..
Personally, I’m not that keen on…/ You know, it’s not really my thing / Don’t you
think……? / And, to be honest…./ That’s not the point
4) Agreeing / Disagreeing
That’s a good point / I absolutely agree / You’re right
/ That’s true / Yes, but…..
I’m afraid you’re wrong /
I see what you mean, but don’t you think………. ?
I don’t think I would go along with that / Yes, but isn’t it also true that……..?
That sounds like a good idea / I’m not sure about that
5) Expressing Feelings / Likes and Dislikes
Wow! / Really! / Goodness! / What a surprise!
I (really) like/ enjoy / love /
I really like doing that too / I’m not keen on…/ Oh
dear. What a pity / Never mind I don’t like………. / I can’t stand……….. / I hate…….
I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)
It makes me….(angry/ worried / smile / want to…..)
6) Making Choices
I prefer…..to……./ I’d rather …..(do/have…) than…/ I’d rather we had……than……/ I
much prefer………/ I wouldn’t mind +Ving
The thing I like best is………./
I don’t think I’d like to ……..
I find it really….(interesting / awful….) / It looks a bit……(strange / difficult…)
7) Offering and expressing opinion
It’s very difficult to say, but I think……/ What I mean is……/ In my opinion…..
It’s not something I feel very strongly about, but………
Actually I feel quite strongly that……./ I’m quite certain that………
Personally , I feel…/ think…/ suppose…/ guess…
I’ve never really thought about it, but I suppose…/ I don’t really like…but if I had to
I think it’d be better if…./ I think we should…
8) Developing the discussion
I’d like to add something to what you / I just said………
There’s another thing I wanted to say…….
The good / bad thing is……./ One advantage / disadvantage is……/ On the other
9) Speculating
It could be…./ might be…/ might have been…/ must be…/ can’t be…
this would be good for ……….
I think…
this might not help in the situation / this could cause problems
I getPerhaps…
the impression that …………/ I would imagine ……..
/ I would guess ………
It’s hard to say, but I think… / It seems to me that…/ It looks like a…./ It looks as if it’s…
10) Summarizing and Reporting a decision / Coming to a conclusion
So, shall we say……..? / I think we’ve agreed that…….. / So, we’ve decided………
What have we decided then? / So, let’s decide which one……… / OK, so which (two) are
the best?
Well, I chose……../ We both agreed that………/ N. was in favour of…..but I thought…….
Neither of us liked…………/ So that was the conclusion we reached:……………
Предлагаемые экзаменационные билеты носят примерный характер и могут быть
использованы в качестве основы при разработке экзаменационных материалов с учетом
образовательной программы данной школы. Диалогические умения предлагается
проверять в ситуации общения ( в режиме: Учитель-Ученик; Ученик-Ученик).
Card 1
You decided to take a language course. Telephone the secretary and ask about:
length of the courses available / schedule
course fees
details of the admission and social programme
Remember to:
 be active and polite
 ask all the questions
 decide if this Language School suits you
 Help!
Инициирование разговора
 Hello. I’d like to do a course at this school. Can you
give me some information?
 Hello. I’d like some information on …..
 Hello. I’m interested in courses for learning English.
 I want to improve my English speaking skills.
Could you give me some information about your
Развитие разговора
 What courses are available?
Could you tell me what….is like?
First of all, when does …….start?
When do the lessons begin/ finish?
How long does the class last? Do you know how
long it takes? How long does the course take to
And on which days are the lessons?
And what time are the classes?
Hello, school ……. Can I help you?
Of course. What would you like to know?
Certainly. What exactly are you looking for?
We’ve got two courses, Learn English (for
beginners) and Real English (intermediate
It teaches you all the grammar. It also comes with a
CD so that you can hear people speaking
Well , the course begins …. ( December 1st) and
goes through to ……(May 12th)
We have… lessons a day. Students go to school 5
days a week.
It takes about eight months to finish the course.
You can choose to enrol for the Monday and
Wednesday classes or attend Tuesday and
Thursday classes.
Again you have a choice. Either 3.00 to 5.00 or 5.30
to 7.30.
They are £150. No/Yes.
And how much do the courses cost? Do you have
any price rebates for schoolchildren?
Do we have to pay an enrolment fee?
One more thing. Could you send me an application
form, please? What else do I need to have?
Завершение разговора
OK. I’ll take…..(make choice)
Thank you. / Thank you very much! Goodbye.
Certainly, if you’ll just give me your name and
So, have you decided? Would you like me to put your
name down for this course? Which day would you like?
That’s fine. I hope to see you on…….(Monday)
You’re welcome.
Card 2.
You and your friend are thinking of where you could go for a Sunday morning. Discuss with
your friend all the options and choose one you both like most of all.
have a picnic
Remember to :
go cycling
play a sport
organize a
ask your friend when he/she can go
discuss all the options
be active and polite
agree or disagree with your friend, give reasons
take your partner’s attitudes into account
come to an agreement
 Help!
Have a picnic
Go cycling
Play a sport
Organize a party
The weather forecast isn’t so good. If
it rains, we’ll get wet. We’d have to
prepare lots of food . There are
always lots of ants and other insects at
picnics and it can really spoil the fun.
It’s dangerous as a cyclist can be
easily knocked over. Your bike’s
faster than mine. I’d be struggling to
keep up. Not all our friends have
bicycles; so we couldn’t ask them to
join us. You breathe unhealthy fumes.
It doesn’t protect from rainy weather.
It can be quite tiring and I’m not sure
I’ve got the energy. Some people will
want to play football and some will
want to play basketball. They might
It sounds like a lot of hard work. We
don’t have enough time to organize it
and tell everyone about it before the
weekend. I don’t think our parents
would let us have a party instead of
revising for our exams.
It’s the end of the summer and it might be our last
chance to do something outdoors. We could enjoy
picturesque scenery and clean air. Escape from the city
life. Nobody to remind us about homework. We could
get all our friends to bring one dish each so that we don’t
have to make all the food.
It is environmentally friendly. It’s economical. Cycling
is a great way to get some exercise and have fun at the
same time. We could take our bikes on the train
somewhere outside town and cycle there.
It’ll be a great chance to enjoy the last of the summer
sunshine. It’s something that everyone can easily join in
with. We can have a prize for the winners.
It would be a great way to celebrate the summer, and
I’m sure all our friends would love to come. I’ve got
some new CDs. We could play those at the party. We
could ask our parents to prepare food and drink.
Card 3.
You are going to spend one day with your British friend in St Petersburg. Discuss with him/ her where you would
like to go and choose one place you’ll both enjoy visiting.
Here is a list of possible places:
You have to decide on one place only.
Football match
Remember to:
 Ask your friend who he’s going to invite
 Discuss all the places;
 Take an active part in the conversation and be polite;
 Come up with ideas;
Give good reasons;
Find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account;
Invite your friend to come up with suggestions;
Come to an agreement.
 Help!
I think museums are boring. It closes
early on Wednesdays, at 2 o’clock, so
we haven’t got time to see everything.
We’ll be tired and exhausted the next
I have been there hundreds of times. I
feel very uncomfortable while seeing
the animals in the narrow cages. Some
cages don’t smell very nice. It is too
childish! We are not little children.
It might rain and we’ll be outdoors.
There’s nothing to do if the weather is
bad. Young people play football on the
grass and there’s nowhere to sit. People
walk their dogs there and the grass is
There are too many people; it’s too
noisy and crowded. I don’t want to
queue for tickets. I’m not a football fan
and I prefer playing
football to
watching the game.
We’ll be indoor if it rains. There is a nice café where
we can have lunch. There is a gift store where we can
buy souvenirs. We’ll learn something new and
interesting about people, traditions and customs.
We can see lots of exotic animals there. We can take a
lot of pictures. It’s fascinating to watch sea animals in
the pool! We could see some new born animals. It is so
exciting. I think it’s worth going there.
We can take my dog, he will enjoy it. We can feed the
ducks on the pond. We can take some nice walks. We
can have a picnic if the weather is fine. We don’t have
to spend any money.
It’s easy to get to the stadium because it is situated in
the centre of the city. Our favourite team may win.
They may show the match on TV and our friends may
see us.
Card 4.
You are calling an employment advertisement for a ……..job. You want to get some information about the job:
Don’t forget to:
 ask for a job as a ……./ ask about the salary
 ask if the position is full-time or part-time
 Tell employer about your work experience, what you can do
 Discuss conditions
Remember to:
 Be active and polite
 Ask all the questions
 Consider your interests
 Accept/ refuse
 Help!
Инициирование разговора
 Hello, I’m calling in reference to the
advertisement in the paper.
 I heard you are looking for………? I think I
could work for you.
 Where did you see the advert for this post?
Could you tell me where you saw the advert for this job,
please? (Yes, in the StPetersburg News.)
Развитие разговора
I would like to know if it’s a full or parttime position? (We are presently looking
for part-time workers.)
How many hours of work is it per week? /
What are the working hours for this job?(
The working hours are 9- 5. That’s Monday
to Friday. You might be asked to work the
occasional weekend but we do pay overtime
for that.)
Is ……experience necessary? ( –We would
prefer it if you had at least
Can you tell me what the salary is.
Can I come in for an interview? ( Sure pass
by tomorrow at……o’clock with your
Завершение разговора
 When could I expect to hear from you?
 Okay. Thank you very much. Good bye. 
Why are you interested in this sort of job?
Tell us about your educational background.
Why do you think you’d be good for this job?
Do you have any experience in this kind of work?
Do you have any special skills? What are they?
How well can you…….?
Are you good at……..(doing / using/ making/ writing…..)?
What do you think are your strengths and personal
Have you had any experience? Have you done anything
similar? Have you done anything like that before? Have
you done that kind of thing before? (No, I’m more or less
straight from school ./ - Not so far, no. / - Yes, I was doing
the same job last summer.)
Why did you leave your last job? / Could you tell me why
you left your previous job?( -Well, I felt I wanted to pursue
a more professional and more advanced career. And I
think a ….. business manager of a small company like this
would be perfect for me.)
We have a few more people to see, but we hope to reach a
decision by Friday. We’ll be in touch by the end of the week.
You’ll be informed within the next three days.
Card 5.
You are going to the cinema /theatre / concert hall with your friends. You call to the cinema / theatre to find out
some information. Ask a box-office attendant questions about:
sort of performance / types of films
the time of the performance / length of films
the ticket price / discounts
better seats
Remember to:
 be active and polite
 ask all the questions
 decide if you go or not
 Help!
Инициирование разговора
 Hello! I’d like to book two seats for tomorrow.
 Are there any seats left for Saturday night?
 Is it still possible to get tickets for tonight?
Hello! Can I help you? ( Yes, please. I would like a
ticket for the Saturday
performance in the front
Would you like something in the front stalls? OK. We’ve
got a few left.
The front row of the dress circle is fairly free.
You can sit wherever you like in the first row.
A-12 and B-13 are all that’s left.
Sorry, but we also have got some in the balcony.
Развитие разговора
 Could you tell me about…..?
What about
 Excuse me, can I ask you a couple of questions
 I’d like to know how long the films are?
 I wonder if there are night performances?
 Could you possibly tell the time they are on?
 Please can you tell me how much it costs?
 Could I book?
 I wonder if there are any discounts?
 Have you got cheaper tickets? Haven’t you got
anything cheaper? (- No, I’m afraid that’s all
there is.
- Only if somebody cancels. )
 How much are the tickets close to the stage?
Выражение одобрения / сожаления по поводу
ответной реплики:
 Sounds good! That’s a good /great idea.
 Wow! Really? What a surprise!
 OK. I think, it’s what I want.
 What pity! I’m afraid I don’t like the idea.
 Oh, that’s too much. They are very expensive.
 Oh, no! That’s too far from the stage. I won’t be
able to see the stage, the actors, the scenery
Of course, what would you like to know?
Just a moment. There’s the same performance in the
afternoon on Saturday.
Let me have a look. A front row ticket is £50.
You could borrow opera glasses.
Завершение разговора
 Thank you. / Thanks a lot.
 Here you are.
 Good. I’ll buy it. Here is the money.
You’re welcome.
Hope you’ll enjoy the performance.
Card 6
You meet a friend who has just come from……( Australia/ Canada/ Britain/ US) . You haven’t seen her/him for a
long time and are happy to see your friend again. Ask your friend questions about:
 the journey
 interesting places he visited
 his impressions
Remember to:
 Be active and polite
 Ask all the questions
 Help!
Инициирование разговора
 Hi, how are you? I haven’t seen you for ages!
Where have you been?
Развитие разговора
 Oh, great! I have always wanted to visit…. this
extraordinary land. But it is a long way, isn’t it?
 How was the flight?
 What are the people like? / What are the
Australians like?
 How do they look like?
 What ( places) impressed you greatly? Why?
 Where did you go? What did you see? ……..
Завершение разговора
Would you come to my place for a longer talk? It
sounds so interesting. I think my family will get real
Yes. It’s been a long time. I have just returned
You are quite right. It took me more than ….. hours to
get there by air / by train/ by ship
 Well, it was rather long but very comfortable. I love
flying, you know.
 They are very relaxed people. And they love outdoor
Just like you and me. But you know, Australia /…. is a
country of immigrants. So you can meet people of all
nationalities there………
With great pleasure. What time is OK for you?
pleasure from your travel story!
Card 7.
You are travelling in a foreign country . During an excursion you are lost. You need to get to your hotel as quickly
as possible. Ask a passer-by questions about:
Time to get there
Where the stop is
Remember to:
 Be active and polite
 Ask all the questions
 Choose the quickest kind of transport
 Help!
Инициирование разговора
 Excuse me. I’m a stranger here.
I’ve lost
my way.
 Excuse me, sir. I think I’m lost. Could you tell
me how to get to….?
Развитие разговора
 Which is the quickest way to get to…?
 Can you tell me the way to…?
 Excuse me, can you tell me where …..is?
 How can I get from here to…?
 Could you tell me the shortest / quickest way
Can I walk there or must I take a bus? /
How long will it take me to get there?
How long will it take me to get there by ( bus) ?
How far is it to….?
Is it far from here? / Is it too far to walk?
Where is the stop? Where is the nearest bus
Where does the number….bus stop?
At what stop do I get off? / When shall I get
How many stops are there till……?/
Can you tell me where to get off?
-Of course, what would you like to know?
- Certainly. Would you like to walk there or to go by the
-The best way…/ the quickest…../ the nearest…..
- Go to the bus stop and take No 40 bus. Then you must get
off at the metro station… and change to……
- Well, you go down this street until you get to the
church…..then you turn right…..
- You may get there by….or by….. The best way to get
there is by the underground.
- Go as far as……… This street is the first turning on the
left. - Take the second on the left and then ask again. / Turn
left at the traffic- lights.
- It’s up to you to decide. Trolley bus-about ……minutes.
- Oh, you know, it’s about ......(5 minutes) from here;
-That depends on the kind of transport.
- Well, it’s rather far from here. It’ll take you …..minutes to
get to…….
- No, you can walk it in under 5 minutes.
Выражение одобрения / сожаления по поводу
ответной реплики:
 Oh, great! That’s a good /great idea.
 OK. I think, it’s what I want.
 What pity!
 Oh, wait.
Завершение разговора
Many thanks. – Not at all. Thank you. – That’s
Thank you very much indeed. – That’s quite all
-You are welcome. / - It’s a pleasure.
-Not at all.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for the information.