CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Sayyed Ahang Kowsar Date and

Name: Sayyed Ahang Kowsar
Date and Place of Birth: 25 May 1936, Shiraz, I.R.Iran
Nationality: Iranian
Citizenship: Iranian
Marital Status: Married, 3 children
Education: Teacher’s Training Certificate, 1953, Jahrom, Iran; High School Diploma, 1957, Shiraz, Iran; B.S.,
Soil Science, 1966, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, USA; M.S., Soil Physics, 1968, Oregon State Univ.,
Corvallis, USA; Conservation of Natural Resources Certificate, 1970, Wagga Wagga, Australia; Ph.D., Soil –
Plant - Water Relationships, 1976, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, USA.
Employment Record: Teaching elementary schools 1954-1960, Jahrom and Kerman, Iran; Accountant, The
Export Bank of Iran, 1960-1961, Kerman and Ahvaz, Iran; Research Assistant, Oregon State Univ., 1966-1968;
Research Scientist, Res. Inst. of For. and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran, 1968-1991; Senior Research Scientist, Fars
Res. Cent. for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Shiraz, Iran, 1991-present. Guest Professor: Shiraz
University, the Isfahan Technical University, Tarbiat Modarres University.
Current occupation/Focus of activities: Senior Research Scientist (Emeritus), Kowsar Floodwater Spreading
& Aquifer Management Research, Training & Extension Station/Planning, implementing, and administering
research projects on different aspects of water harvesting for the artificial recharge of groundwater (ARG);
improvement of environmental quality through floodwater spreading; flood damage mitigation. Advisor to 5
Ph.D. and 20 M.S. students.
Reason for Nomination: Water is a liquid that sustains all life. Unruly population growth and development
have depleted and polluted the world’s water supply, raising the risk of starvation, epidemic, even war.
Therefore, any significant attempt to alleviate water shortage, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas, deserves
recognition. Dr. Kowsar is a dedicated scientist who has been working in water conservation since 1966, when
he started his master’s degree thesis research project at Oregon State University , USA . He studied effects of
petroleum mulch on soil water content and soil temperature at OSU. Later on, he used asphalt to harvest water
for afforestation on sloping surfaces. It was during this period that he realized that how much water is being
wasted in flooding while causing untold damage and fatalities.
Iran is the land of flood, drought and qanat. Groundwater has sustained Iranians for millennia.
Therefore, harvesting floodwater in wet years, storing it underground, and delivering it commensurate with
genuine needs through qanats and wells should mitigate the sufferings in drought periods that sometimes last for
many years. This statement has been the basic tenet of Dr. Kowsar in his long struggle to lay a solid foundation
for water sector in Iran , and through his cooperation with the United Nations University , UNESCO, and
ICARDA (the SUMAMAD Project) in some other countries.
Floodwater spreading activities for rangeland improvement were initiated in 1971 at the Nowdehak Research
Station near Qazvin, the I.R.Iran. The significant preliminary results encouraged large scale application of this
improved traditional technology to other parts of the country. Floodwater irrigation of rain-fed farms and
pastures, and the artificial recharge of groundwater in Iran is a significant undertaking of Dr. Kowsar and his
team that has been going on since 1979. Dr. Kowsar has made a tremendous effort to prove to a few policy
makers that contrary to popular belief, flood is a blessing in disguise. Moreover, he maintains that coarsegrained alluvium is the best place for the long time storage of water in arid and semi-arid areas. These credos
have put him at odds with the large dam builders. As the most recent publication reports ( Mesbah et al., 2016),
more than 193 million m3 of freshwater have been provided for 4 farming communities in the Gareh Bygone
Plain in southern Iran since 1983, and year-round forage for about 700 sheep has been provided since 1991.
Acceptance of the Kowsar Floodwater Spreading Project as a National Plan by the Government of the
I.R. of Iran on 2 November 1988 is a milestone in the life of an ongoing endeavor. It has been through such
efforts that the Watershed Management Authority of Iran has accepted the ARG as one of its main
responsibilities, and is implementing it at large scales. Some of the offshoots of floodwater harvesting have
been enhancement of environmental quality through reclamation of degraded land, sand dune fixation and flood
damage mitigation, and creation of employment opportunities. These, for a country faced with expanding
deserts and millions of unemployed workers, are the main reasons for nomination of Dr. Kowsar for this
meritorious award. The national and international honors bestowed upon him testify to his lifetime
Description of outstanding contribution: As water is the most precious commodity in deserts, and the best
adhesive that glues the dryland farmers to their fields, the nominee’s efforts have resulted in the reverse
migration of environmental refugees, particularly in the Dorz-Sayehban, and also in the Gareh Bygone Plain,
both in Fars province. Water shortage in the former had caused migration of many irrigators to the Emirates in
search of livelihoods. The ARG activities since 1983 have caused reverse migration. Now they annually sell
21000 tons of surplus wheat grain to the government as opposed to no-sale prior to that date. The number of
high yielding wells in the Gareh Bygone Plain has increased 10-fold to 130, and the area of irrigated farms has
expanded 8-fold to 1193-ha. Many dried and low yielding qanats in Ab-Barik (Bam area), Zanjan and Delijan
have been put back into service due the ARG of their aquifers. Dr. Kowsar and his trainees have been involved
in these vital endeavors.
The I.R.of Iran is endowed with about 42 million ha of deep, coarse-grained alluvium and colluvium
suitable for the ARG. The known depth and storage coefficient of these material range 30-1000 meters and 135%, respectively. Assuming that the mean depth and storage coefficient of the coarse-grained material are 100
meters and 10%, respectively, 4200 km3 of water, 10 times Iran ’s mean annual precipitation, can be stored
underground! Considering only the costs of dam building, and disregarding all of the environmental impacts, the
real value of potential aquifers would be realized. In fact, none of Iran ’s resources can compete with this
strategic, subterranean empty space. The volume of unused floodwater in Iran annually exceeds 50km3. Therefore, it is suggested that 42-km3 of that water be diverted to 14 million ha of the most suitable
aquifer-forming alluvium and colluvium, irrigate 6 million ha of newly plowed land using the renewable water,
create occupation for 4 million persons, forage for 20 million heads of sheep and goat, and sequester upwards of
30 million tons of carbon per year.
Establishment of 38 research stations at representative locations in the land of Iran to study the site
specific conditions for the ARG has been another achievement of the research arm of the Ministry of Jihad-e
Agriculture based on the previous works of Dr. Kowsar and his team.
Dr. Kowsar is a strong believer in knowledge dissemination; therefore, he has directed or currently
supervising 20 MS and 5 Ph.D. students from universities in Iran, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, and
Malaysia universities.
The most ambitious plan of Dr. Kowsar, which is currently underway, is creation of an Aquitopia, a
utopia based on aquifer management. This action research project, which is partly financed by a UNUUNESCO-ICARDA consortium, low-interest loans from the Iranian Government, and may also receive some
funds from Global Environmental Facilities, will recruit 40 young couples and 30 research scientists and
technicians. They will reclaim a1000-ha degraded land, recharge an aquifer with an estimated capacity of 50
million m3 and implement research projects related to improvement of water use efficiency. This shall become
the prototype of hundreds of potential aquitopias in Iran, and perhaps other desert countries.
Selected Publications:
Mesbah, S. H., M. Mohammadnia, and S. A. Kowsar. 2016. Long-term improvement of agricultural
vegetation by floodwater spreading in the Gareh Bygone Plain, Iran: is artificial recharge of groundwater more
lucrative than selling oil? Hydrogeology Journal ((Hydrogeol J
DOI 10.1007/s10040-015-1354-y.
Hashemi, H., S. A. Kowsar, R. Brandtsson, X. Wang, and H. Yasuda. 2016. Using floodwater for artificial
recharge and flood irrigation. Chapter 25. InSustainable water resources management (book chapter). American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (accepted).
Mohammadnia, M., and S A. Kowsar. 2015. Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. offers excellent potential to
reduce NO3 concentration in groundwater.Global Advanced Journal of Plant Science 1: 17-29.
Pakparvar, M., W. Cornelis, D. Gabriels, Z. Mansouri and S.A. Kowsar. No date. Enhancing modeled water
content by dielectric permittivity in stony soils. Journal of Soil Research (accepted).
Pakparvar, M., W. Cornelis, , M. Rezaei; D. Gabriels, H. Hashemi, Gh. Nekooeian, S. A. Kowsar. No date .
Assessing the efficiency of recharge by a modeling approach based on the measured soil water content in a
multi layered vadose zone. Journal of Hydrology (in review).
Pakparvar, M., W. Cornelis, L.S. Pereira, D. Gabriels, H. Hosseinimarandi, M. Edraki, and S.A. Kowsar. 2014.
Remote sensing estimation of actual evapotranspiration and crop coefficients for
a multiple land use arid landscape
of Hydroinformatics 16:1441-1460.
data. Journal
Rahnemaei, M., F. Boustani, and S. A. Kowsar. 2013. Achieving groundwater
sustainability in Iran
through qanat rejuvenation. Hydrol. Current Res. 4:150 doi: 10.4172/2157-7587.1000150.
Kowsar, S.A., and S. Sh. Kowsar. 2012. Karaji: Mathematician and qanat master. Ground Water 50:812-817.
Rahbar, G., S.A. Kowsar, and M.M. Hanafi .2012. Assessment of infiltration rate changes in a floodwater
spreading system, Gareh Bygone Plain, Iran. Soil and Plant Nutrition (submitted)
Kowsar, S. A., and G. Rahbar. 2011.3.5 Flood water spreading, Iran. p. 40-45. In F. van Steenbergen, A.
Tuinhof, and L. Knoop (eds.) Transforming landscapes, transforming lives. The business of sustainable water
buffer management. Meta Meta, IFAD, Acacia Water.
Kowsar, S.A. 2011. Flood water spreading and spate irrigation in Iran: Overview paper. Spate Irrigation. Meta
Meta, IFAD, FAO, 20p.
Khanmirzaei, A., S.A. Kowsar, and A. M. Sameni. 2011. Changes of selected soil properties in a floodwaterirrigated eucalyptus plantation in the Gareh Bygone Plain, Iran. Arid Land Research and Management 25: 3854.
Mohammadnia, M., and S A. Kowsar. 2011. Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.: An effective remediator of
geologic nitrogen in groundwater. p. 2-85. InR.H. Laughton (ed.) Aquifers: Formation, transport and
pollution Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA.
Rahbar, G.R. ,M. Musa Hanafi, S.A. Kowsar, and R. Othman. 2011. The effects of sowbug (Hemilepistus
shirazi Schuttz) on some physico-chemical properties of soil in a desert region. Agricultural Journal 6:392-300.
Mesbah, S.H., and S.A. Kowsar. 2010. Spate irrigation of rangelands: A drought mitigating mechanism. p. 3978. In F.C. Wager (ed.) Agricultural production, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY, USA.
Emadi,M., M. Baghernejad, M. Pakparvar, and S.A. Kowsar .2009. An approach for quantitative land suitability
evaluation using geostatistics, remote sensing and geographic information system in arid and semiarid
ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 164 (1-4):501-ISSN 0167-6369 (Print)
1573-2959 (Online)doi:10.1007/s10661-009-0909-6
Khanmirzaei, A., E. Adhami, S.A. Kowsar, and A. M. Sameni. 2009.
Organic and inorganic forms of phosphorus in a calcareous soil planted to four species of eucalyptus in
southern Iran. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 40: 3194–3210.
Kowsar, S.A. 2008a. Failed strategies for dryland management: Lessons from history. P.12. In Z. Adeel, C.
King, T. Schaaf, R. Thomas, and B. Schuster. People in marginal drylands: Managing natural resources to
improve human well-being. A policy brief based on the Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands
(SUMAMAD) project. The United Nations University.
Kowsar, S.A. 2008b. Using community mobilization and engagement to design management practicesAquitopia: Living versus existing.P.17. In Z. Adeel, C. King, T. Schaaf, R. Thomas, and B. Schuster. People in
marginal drylands: Managing natural resources to improve human well-being. A policy brief based on the
Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands (SUMAMAD) project. The United Nations University.UNUINWEH, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Kowsar, S.A. 2008c. Desertification control through floodwater harvesting: The current state of know-how.
P.229- 241.In Cathy Lee and Thomas Schaaf (ed.): The Future of Drylands. International Scientific Conference
on Desertification and Drylands Research. Tunis, Tunisia, 19-21 June 2006. Man and Biosphere series.
UNESCO Publishing, Paris.
Raes, D., D. Gabriels, S.A. Kowsar, P. Corens, and N. Esmaeili. 2008. Modeling the effect of floodwater
spreading systems on soil-water balance and crop production in the Gareh Bygone Plain of southern Iran. P.243254. In Cathy Lee and Thomas Schaaf (ed.): The Future of Drylands. International Scientific Conference on
Desertification and Drylands Research. Tunis, Tunisia, 19-21 June 2006. Man and Biosphere series. UNESCO
Publishing, Paris.
Mohammadnia, M., C. Fauziah Ishak, S. A. Kowsar, M. Khanif Yosup, and R. AbuBakr.
2008. Effects of soil minerals and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. on the removal of nitrogeneous
compounds from floodwater. Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research 15:379-394(in Farsi with English
Mousavi-Haghighi, M.H., S.A. Kowsar, and M.N. Shamsuddin. 2008. Production technology in the Iranian
agricultural sector. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2(Supple 1): 8690.
Kowsar, S. A. 2008d. Gareh Bygone Plain, Islamic Republic of Iran. P.104-125. In Cathy Lee and Thomas
Schaaf (ed.): Sustainable management of marginal drylands: Using science to promote sustainable development.
SUMAMAD project findings from North Africa to Asia. UNESCO-MAB, Paris.
Kowsar, S. A. 2008. Viewpoints: "Are poverty and land degradation inevitable in desert-prone areas?" Natural
Resources Forum 32:79.
Kowsar, S. A. 2008. Viewpoints: "How can sustainable land management contribute to mitigating climate
change?" Natural Resources Forum 32:254.
Kowsar, S.A. 2008. Viewpoints: “Are women more severely affected by desertification, ...and if so,
how?” Natural Resources Forum 32:343-344.
Edraki, M., Kowsar, S.A., Mehrbakhsh, A.A., and Bordbar, A. 2007. Water consumption of a six year old river
red gum plantation in the southern Zagros Mountains, Iran. Journal of Mountain Science 4:136-145.
Adeel, Z., Bogardi, J., Braeuel, C., Chasek, P., Niamir-Fuller, M., Gabriels, D.,
King, C., Knabe, F., Kowsar, A., Salem, B., Schaaf, T., Shepherd, G., and Thomas,R.
2007. Overcoming one of the greatest environmental challenges of our times: Re-thinking policies to cope with
desertification. A policy brief based on the Joint International Conference:" Desertification and the International
Policy Imperative"
Algiers, Algeria, 17-19 Dec. 2006. UNU- INWEH, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 37p.
Kowsar, S. A. 2006a. An empirical design of stilling basins for the artificial recharge of groundwater. p.207218.In B.Neupane, R. Jayakumar, A. Salamat, and A. Salih(ed.) Management of Aquifer Recharge and Water
Harvesting in Arid and Semi-arid Regions of Asia. Proceedings of a Regional Workshop held in Yazd, I.R.Iran,
under the auspices of UNESCO. 27 Nov.-1 Dec.2004. Oxford&IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Kowsar, S.A. 2006b. Addressing competing claims- Case study, Iran. p. 42. In Toward a sustainable water
future: Strategies to address competing claims. UNICEF, Italian Cooperation, Jal Bhagirathi Foundation,
UNDP, Sida, 29-30 March 2006, Jodhpur, India.
Kowsar, S. A. 2006c. The SUMAMAD activities in the undulating area SW of the Gareh Bygone Plain: A
progress report. Sustainable management of marginal drylands (SUMAMAD).Proc. Proc.4th Project Workshop,
Islamabad, Pakistan 27-31 Jan. 2006. UNESCO-MAB, UNU, ICARDA, Flemish Gov. of Belgium, Pakistan
Council of Research on Water Resources.
Rahbar, G., S.A.Kowsar, and L. Jowkar. 2006. Bioassay of the sowbug’s burrowed material using barley and
wild rye. p. 127-130. In Sustainable management of marginal drylands (SUMAMAD). 5th Project Workshop,
Allepo, Syria 12-17 Nov.2006. UNESCO-MAB, UNU, ICARDA, Flemish Gov. of Belgium.
Kowsar, S.A.2005. Abkhandari (aquifer management): A green path to the sustainable development of
marginal drylands. Journal of Mountain Science2:233-243.
Kowsar, S.A. 2005. Aquifer management: A green path to sustainable development of marginal
drylands. CSA News. October 2005. p.17.
Kowsar,S.A., and M.Pakparvar. 2004. Assessment methodology for establishing an aquitopia, Islamic Republic
of Iran. p.40-55. In: T. Schaaf (series ed.) C.Lee (volume ed.) Sustainable management of marginal drylands
(SUMAMAD).Proc.2nd Int. Workshop. Shiraz, I.R.Iran. 29 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2003. UNESCO-MAB Dryland Series
Kowsar, S.A. 2004. Re-inventing the wheel: Floodwater management for rehabilitation of degraded
land. In Combating desertification: Traditional knowledge and modern technology for the sustainable
management of dryland ecosystems. Proc. of the International Workshop. Elista, Republic of Kalmykia (Russian
Federation). 23-27 June 2004. UNESCO-MAB Dryland Series No. 4.
Mohammadnia, M., C. Fauziah, and S. A. Kowsar.2004. Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.: A nitrogen
bioremediator of floodwater: A progress report. Sustainable management of marginal drylands (SUMAMAD).
Proc.: 3rd Project Workshop, Djerba, Tunisia. 13-15 Dec.2004.
Yazdian, A.R., and S.A. Kowsar. 2003. The Agha Jari Formation: A potential source of ammonium and nitrate
nitrogen fertilizers. Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology (Iran) 5:153-163.
Mohammadnia, M., and S.A.Kowsar. 2003. Clay translocation in the artificial recharge of a groundwater system
in the southern Zagros Mountain, Iran.Mountain Research and Development. 23: 50-55.
Mirnia, S.K., and S.A.Kowsar. 2000. Reclamation of a sandy desert through floodwater spreading: II.
Characterization of clay minerals in the watershed and freshly- laid sediment. Journal of Agricultural Science
and Technology (Iran) 2: 197-206.
Naderi, A.A., S.A.Kowsar, and A.A.Sarafraz. 2000. Reclamation of a sandy desert through floodwater
spreading: I. Sediment-induced changes in selected soil chemical and physical properties. Journal of
Agricultural Science and Technology (Iran) 2: 9-20.
Pooladian, A. and S.A.Kowsar. 2000. Aquifer management: A prelude to reclamation of salinized
soils. Desertification Control Bulletin (UNEP) 36: 78-82.
Kowsar, S.A. 1999. Water retention characteristics of a calcareous soil from Iran. p.94-103. In: Water
management in arid zones. UNU Desertification Series No.2.
Kowsar, S.A. 1998b. Aquifer management: A key to food security in the deserts of the Islamic Republic of
Iran. Desertification Control Bulletin (UNEP)33: 24-28.
Kowsar, S.A. 1998c.Aquifer management: A New approach to soil and water conservation. p.89-94. In: New
technologies to combat desertification. UNU Desertification Series No.1.
Raeisi, E., and A.Kowsar. 1998. A system performance evaluation of the Gooyom floodwater spreading
project. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology 22: 169- 184.
Kowsar, S. A. 1997. Assessment of damages sustained by the Gareh Bygone Plain floodwater spreading
systems in the deluge of 1986. p.113-117. In:B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (eds.) Proc. 8th Int. Conf.
Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29 Apr. 1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Mohammadnia, M., and S. A. Kowsar. 1997. Palygorskite transport through the vadose zone: A progress report.
p. 128-135. In: B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (ed.) Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29
Apr. 1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Bakhtiar, A., B. Najafi, S.A. Kowsar, and S.H.Habibian. 1997. Profitability and flexibility of floodwater
spreading in Iran: The case of the Gareh Bygone project. p. 161-168. . In: B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (ed.)
Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29 Apr. 1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Rahbar, G. and S.A. Kowsar. 1997. Infiltrability enhancement in sedimentation basins by sowbugs. p.169172. In: B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (ed.) Proc. 8 th Int. Conf. Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29 Apr.
1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Boustani, F., and S.A. Kowsar. 1997. Predicting the formation, dissipation and shape of mounds beneath the
artificial recharge of groundwater basins. p.231-240. In: B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (ed.) Proc. 8 th Int.
Conf. Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29 Apr. 1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Pooladian, A., and S.A. Kowsar. 1997. Salinity reduction in groundwater by floodwater spreading. p.596600. In: B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (ed.) Proc. 8 th Int. Conf. Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29 Apr.
1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Kowsar, S.A. 1997. Aquifer management: A key to food security in the deserts of Iran. p.990996. In: B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (ed.) Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29 Apr.
1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Khamesi, S.M.A., L. Jowkar, G.Habibagahi, and S.A.Kowsar. 1997. An improved design for semi-circular
reservoirs. p. 1194-1197. In: B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (ed.) Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Rainwater Catchment
Systems. 25-29 Apr. 1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Rahbar, G., and S.A.Kowsar. 1997. Izadkhast Darab: A flood-based civilization. p.1200-1201. In: B.Aminipouri
and J. Ghoddousi (ed.) Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29 Apr. 1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Mesbah, S.H., and S.A.Kowsar. 1997. Estahban fig orchards, rainwater optimal use. p.12061207. In: B.Aminipouri and J. Ghoddousi (ed.) Proc. 8 th Int. Conf. Rainwater Catchment Systems. 25-29 Apr.
1997, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Kowsar, S.A., S.M.Mortazavi, and M.Niazi Ardakani. 1996. Eight- year performance of Eucalyptus
camaldulensis in water spreaders in a sandy desert.Desertification Control Bulletin (UNEP) 29: 35-41.
Mortazavi.S.M. and A. Kowsar. 1994. Adaptability trials for eucalyptus and acacia species in a floodwater
spreader in a sandy desert. p. 204-206. In:M.AnayaGarduno, M.A.PascalMoncayo, and R.Zarate Zarate (ed.)
Proc. IV Int. Conf. on Desert Development. 25-30 July 2003, Mexico City, Mexico.
Kowsar, A. S.M.Mortazavi, and M.Niazi Ardakani. 1994. Pole and firewood production by 5- and 8-year
old Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. Trees in waterspreaders in a sandy desert. p.207213. In: M.AnayaGarduno, M.A.PascalMoncayo, and R.Zarate Zarate (ed.) Proc. IV Int. Conf. on Desert
Development. 25-30 July 2003, Mexico City, Mexico.
Kowsar, A. 1992. Desertification control through floodwater spreading in Iran. Unasylva 43(168): 27-30.
Kowsar, A., L. Jowkar, A.Tabibzadeh Ghiasi, and S.M.Khamesi. 1992. Design of crescent-shaped earth dams.
p.848-858. In: I. Minami(ed.) Global water use under limited water supply. Proc. Regional Conf., Int. Rainwater
Catchment Systems Association. 4-10 Oct.1992, Kyoto, Japan.
Kowsar, A. 1991. Floodwater spreading for desertification control: An integrated approach. Desertification
Control Bulletin (UNEP) 19: 3-18.
Kowsar, A., M.R.Khooban, and M.H.Borhan. 1991. Envelope curves for extreme flood events in SW Iran.
p.210-218. In: 5th International Conference .on Rain Water Cistern Systems. Keelung, Taiwan.
Kowsar, A., and E. Rahbar. 1991. Economics of flood-irrigated cereal-hay production. pp. 305316. In: 5th International Conference .on Rain Water Cistern Systems. Keelung, Taiwan.
Kowsar, A., and A. Zargar. 1991. A simple weir for economical floodwater diversion. p.521528. In: 5th International Conference .on Rain Water Cistern Systems. Keelung, Taiwan.
Kowsar, A. 1990. Artificial recharge of groundwater for small-scale water development in rural areas: A case
study. Poster abstract No.6.p.224. In:G.Tharun, M.Bautista.E.Calilung, and D.B.Canillas (ed.) Experiences in
the development of small-scale water resources in rural areas. Proc. Int. Symp. On Dev. of Small-scale Water
Resource. In Rural Areas. 21-25 May 1990. Bangkok and Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Farhoudi, G., N.Samani, and A. Kowsar. 1989. The origin of freshwater in the Persian Gulf: A new
hypothesis. Journal of Applied Hydrology (India) 2(3): 47-54.
Kowsar, A. 1982. Water harvesting for afforestation: III. Dependence of tree growth on amount and distribution
of precipitation. Soil Science Society of America Journal 46:802- 807.
Kowsar, A., and M. Abdi. 1978. Landslide stabilization by subsurface drainage and surface application of
asphalt. p.14. Final report of the 12 th Session of the Working Party of the Management of Mountain Watersheds.
18-22 Sept.1978, FAO, Rome, Italy.
Kowsar, A., P.Mehdizadeh, E.Vaziri and L.Boersma. 1978. Water harvesting for afforestation: II. Survival and
growth of trees. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42:650-657.
Mehdizadeh, P., A.Kowsar, E. Vaziri and L. Boersma. 1978. Water harvesting for afforestation: I. Efficiency
and life span of asphalt cover. Soil ScienceSociety of America Journal 42: 644-649.
Banai, M.H., and A. Kowsar. 1975. Sandy soils: Distribution, research and development. p.163-168. In: Sandy
soils. FAO Soils Bulletin 25.
Kowsar, A., P.Mehdizadeh, and E.Vaziri. 1972. Petroleum mulch: Its use in insulating the soil surface to
increase water availability in dry afforestation in arid and semi-arid zones of Iran. Presented at the VII World
Forestry Congress. 4-18 Oct.1972. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Kowsar, A., L.Boersma, and G.D.Jarman. 1969. Effects of petroleum mulch on soil water content and soil
temperature. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings 33: 783- 786.
Kowsar. S. A. , and L. Boersma. An introduction to flood mitigation and optimization of floodwater utilization:
Floodwater irrigation, artificial recharge of groundwater, small earth dams. A 431-page book ready for
Membership in Professional Association:
Soil Science Society of America, 1967- 2012
American Society of Agronomy, 1968- 2012
Iranian Society of Soil Science, 1972- present
United Nations University, Steering Committee member a for Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands
(SUMAMAD Progrmme), 1999-2003
Attached- member, Iranian National Academy of Sciences, 1993- 2004
In recognition of Dr. Kowsar’s achievements in floodwater harvesting, particularly for the artificial
recharge of groundwater, the Gareh Bygone research site, which is in operation since 1982, was named
after him. Kowsar Floodwater Spreading and Aquifer Management Research, Training and Extension
Station was inaugurated in 1992.
Principal Awards:
First position, the best published paper in watershed management for 1991; awarded by the Vice President,
I.R.Iran, 1993.
Medal of research, 3 rd degree, the I. R. of Iran, 1996.
Gold medal, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for outstanding invention, 1997.
Second position, applied research, 10th Kharazmi International Festival, 1997, Tehran.
Third position award, Environmental Protection Agency, I.R.Iran, 2000.
UN-HABITAT-Dubai International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment, 2004.
The UNESCO Great Man-Made River International Water Prize, 2005.
Distinguished Iranian Soil Scientist, 2007.
Fars Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, P.O.
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