GOVERNMENT OF SOUTHERN SUDAN SUDAN CONSORTIUM “SUSTAINING PEACE THROUGH DEVELOPMENT” 5TH-7TH MAY 2008; OSLO, NORWAY Pre-Consortium Session: Planning for National Elections in Southern Sudan LUKA BIONG DENG Office of the President MINISTER OF PRESIDENTIAL AFFAIRS 1. CPA and Democratic Transformation CPA provides a framework for a democratic transformation in Sudan based on the values of justice, equality, democracy and human rights . CPA provides a new basis for the relationship between government and its people. CPA reaffirms the sovereign authority of state rests with people. CPA recognizes the current interim power sharing is to be subjected to the will of people through a transparent and fair general elections by 2009. CPA makes unity of Sudan to be based on free will of its people – referendum of the right of self determination, referendum for people of Abyei area, popular consultation for people of Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. 2. CPA and General Elections General elections to be conducted by the end of the fourth year of Interim Period – this implies the first quarter of 2009. Fair, transparent and inclusive general elections (independent electoral commission, independent national and external monitors) Elections conducted with clear legal framework (new national electoral law, respect of bill of rights, national security law and media law). Census results as prerequisite for elections 3. Elections: Gaps and Challenges National Election Bill with Presidency (electoral collage (national vs. state), proportional representation (40% vs. 60% including 25% for women)). Experience of population census (funding, logistics and infrastructure, accessibility, publicity, advocacy, civic and voter education). Number of decisions, level of literacy and limited experience in elections. Census results to be acceptable Timing for general elections is so limited Kenya and Zimbabwe experience in general elections. 4. Elections: Planning and Preparations Political commitment to conduct general elections as per the provisions of the CPA. National Elections Bill to be finalized and presented to the National Legislature. Establishment of National Electoral Commission and other electoral bodies as per the law. Assessment of current conditions and gaps in capacity, infrastructure, timelines, public outreach, human resource and logistical preparations for general elections. Mobilization of resources and funding (next Consortium to focus on general elections). 5. Elections Preparation in Southern Sudan Census experience (planning, UNMIS, timing, logistics, security, awareness and publicity, human resource, coordination with different levels of government). GoSS/UN Joint Assessment Mission to assess and cost the elections operational requirements in Southern Sudan. The Assessment will review the previous election operations in Southern Sudan and field assessment in terms of infrastructure, accessibility and transport requirements, communications, facilities, personnel, public outreach campaigns, basic security and costing. Institutional and capacity building in elections and election fund raising for political parties (GoNU, NDI and IRI programmes) 6. Conclusion Prior to the formation of National Electoral Commission, we may need to consider to set up a joint election assessment team (GoNU, GoSS, Donors and UNMIS). Support of GoSS/UN Joint Election Assessment Mission. As funding of general elections is the primary responsibility of GoNU, it is necessary a comprehensive costing of all elections operations to be prepared for possible funding by donors. Support civil society and national NGOs to start