Year 6 – Your Country Needs You! WW1 – Autumn 1 Notes: Anderson Shelter – (Mini) War Horse Beamish Trip (World War Workshop) Dress up Evacuees Offices Mess – Invite parents – Tea party Take one picture History – Objectives: (Historical understanding) ++ can make links between events and changes; giving reasons for them and explaining the result. (Historical understanding) ++ can identify and describe changes within and between different periods in history. (Historical understanding) ++ can use and understand abstract terms such as empire, civilisation, parliament and peasantry. (Historical understanding) ++ can place events, people and changes into correct periods of time and the periods of time in chronological order. (Historical enquiry) ++ can create historically valid questions about cause and significance. (Historical enquiry) ++ can suggest reasons for conflicting historical accounts. (Historical enquiry) ++ can analyse sources of information for//accuracy, usefulness and relevance and combines them to answer questions. (Historical enquiry)++ can examine artefacts and explain what they show us about that time in history. (Periods in history) ++ can discuss the impact of significant historical events, people and places in their own locality making links with changes in national life. (Periods in history)++ can discuss the impact and causes of historical changes in Britain. (Periods in history)++ can examine periods in world history; identifying contrasts with and influences on British society at the time. Science – Objectives: I can associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit. I can compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches. I can use the recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram. Art and Design – Objectives: (Developing/ Applying Ideas) ++ can use a sketchbook to show how ideas have been improved. (Developing/ Applying Ideas) ++ can use a sketchbook to produce labelled diagrams for // 3D work. (Art in Context/History) ++ can use observational skills to replicate images by well-known artists and explain how their work is similar/different. (Art in Context/History) ++ can use stylistic features of well-known architects in their 3D work and explain how their work is similar/different. (Art in Context/History) ++ can explore the impact of well-known artists’ work on the society at the time. (Art in Context/History) ++ can explore the impact of well-known architects’ work on the society at the time. D&T – Objectives: (Make) ++ can include an electrical circuit that produces more than one outcome e.g. Light and sound. Year 6 – V for Victory – Autumn 2 Notes: VE day – Street party Cross stitch/knit poppies History objectives: (Historical understanding) ++can make links between events and changes; giving reasons for them and explaining the result. (Historical understanding)++ can identify and describe changes within and between different periods in history. (Historical understanding)++ can use and understand abstract terms such as empire, civilisation, parliament and peasantry. (Historical understanding)++ can place events, people and changes into correct periods of time and the periods of time in chronological order. (Historical enquiry)++ can create historically valid questions about cause and significance. (Historical enquiry)++can suggest reasons for conflicting historical accounts. (Historical enquiry)++can analyse sources of information for//accuracy, usefulness and relevance and combines them to answer questions. (Historical enquiry)++can examine artefacts and explain what they show us about that time in history. (Periods in history)++can discuss the impact of significant historical events, people and places in their own locality making links with changes in national life. (Periods in history)++ can discuss the impact and causes of historical changes in Britain. (Periods in history)++can examine periods in world history; identifying contrasts with and influences on British society at the time. Animals, including humans objectives: I can identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. I can recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drug and lifestyle on the way their bodies function. I can describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. D&T objectives: (Make)++ can use applique to decorate by gluing, and stitching. (Make)++can cut internal shapes. (Make)++can select the most appropriate joint for//design. (Make)++ can create // own simple sewing pattern or printing block to use in // design. PSHE objectives: (Health and wellbeing) ++can explain how the media can have positive and negative impacts upon // health including dental health. (Health and wellbeing)++can share personal successes with the class and set further goals form those achievements. (Health and wellbeing)++can explain when they have experienced conflicting emotions and how they dealt with the situation. (Health and wellbeing)++understands the risks of not maintaining good levels of personal hygiene. (Health and wellbeing)++can predict and assess risks in different situations and explain how to manage them responsibly. (Health and wellbeing)++understands when and how to help others if they feel they are at risk. (Health and wellbeing)++understands the importance of resisting pressure to do something that is wrong or they feel uncomfortable with and who they can go to for help with this. Year 6- On top of the world – Spring 1 Notes: Volcanoes – Science Penshaw monument Geography objectives: (Map making) ++ can make a scale drawing using scales based around the power of 10. (Map making)++can make//own simple thematic map base on // own data. (Map making)++can use photographs and standard and non-standard measurements to create an accurate map of an area. (Enquiry and investigation)++can explore and explain topical geographical issues in // places of study and understand how these issues have changed over time. (Enquiry and investigation)++ can analyse the relevance of information from a range of sources and make conclusions about places studied at KS2. (Locational knowledge)++ can locate the world’s continents/countries including North and South America identifying key human and physical characteristics, countries and major cities. (Locational knowledge)++ can understand how human and physical features in places in the UK have changed over time. (Locational knowledge)++ can locate the position of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the Greenwich Meridian and time zones. (Human and Physical Geography)++ can understand similarities and differences in the human and physical differences with a region of the UK, the region of a European country and a region within North or South America. Science objectives: I can use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. I can explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes. I can use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them. Geography objectives: (Human and Physical geography)++can describe and understand climate zones, biomes, vegetarian belts and the water cycle. (Human and Physical Geography)++can describe and understand economic activity and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water. (Following directions and maps)++can locate places on an OS map using a 6 figure grid reference. (Following directions and maps)++ can use the 8 points on a compass. (Following directions and maps)++can follow a route on a small scale map. (Following directions and maps)++can use a range of maps to plan the quickest route and find alternative routes. (Following directions and maps)++can use longitude and latitude as a guide to a location on an atlas. (Following directions and maps)++can use digital/computer mapping to locate places in the KS2 PoS. (Following directions and maps)++can read the scale on contour lines on an OS map. Art and Design objectives: (Drawing) with pencil, ++can use hard and soft lines to record detail in the distance, foreground & create shadow and avoid using an eraser. (Drawing) with coloured pencil, ++can layer colours to create depth of colour and tone. (Drawing)++can prepare a drawing surface to create a wax crayon imagine e.g. colouring in a solid area; applying a top player of black paint mixed with washing-up liquid; drawing by scraping into the surface with a sharp tool. (Drawing) with pastel/charcoal, ++can use the tip to create detail. (Drawing) with pastel/charcoal, ++can use blending and overlaying colours to create soft backgrounds, using fingers to smudge. (Drawing) ++can use pens to record minute detail. Year 6 – Read around the world – Kensukes Kingdom - Spring 2 Notes: Art Gallery – Silhouettes & Sunsets Science objectives – living things and their habitats: I can describe how living things are classified into broad group according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms, plants and animals. I can give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. Art and Design objectives: (Painting)++ can create layers of paint to add detail to background colours. (Painting)++ can create different effects e.g. wet paint to create a watercolour; texture by adding PVA or sawdust; using brushes in different ways with thickened paint. (Painting)++ can create layers of paint to add detail to background colours. (Painting)++ can create different effects e.g. wet paint to create a watercolour; texture by adding PVA or sawdust; using brushed in different ways with thickened paint. Year 6 – Evolution – Summer 1 Notes: Discovery Museum Sculpture – Wiremesh Changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age – break out week. Half – Dracula Walking with dinosaurs History objectives: (Historical understanding)++ can make links between events and changes giving reasons for them and explaining the result. (Historical understanding)++ can identify and describe changes within and between different periods in history. (Historical understanding)++ can use and understand abstract terms such as empire, civilisation, parliament and peasantry. (Historical understanding)++ can place events, people and changes into correct periods of time and the periods of time in chronological order. (Historical enquiry)++ can create historically valid questions about cause and significance. (Historical enquiry)++ can suggest reasons for conflicting historical accounts. (Historical enquiry)++ can analyse sources of information for// accuracy, usefulness and relevance and combines them to answer questions. (Historical enquiry)++ can examine artefacts and explain what they show us about that time in history. (Periods in history)++ can discuss the impact of significant historical events, people and places in their own locality making links with changes in national life. (Periods in history)++ can discuss the impact and causes of historical changes in Britain. (Periods in history)++ can examine periods in world history; identifying contrasts with and influences on British society at the time. Evolution and inheritance objectives: I can recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago. I can recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. I can identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaption may lead to evolution. Art and Design objectives: (Sculpture)++ can add detail to a clay sculpture using clay tools or to a 3D sculpture using different materials. (Sculpture)++ can make a 3D sculpture using a range of joining methods e.g. gluing, stitching, weaving, tying. Year 6 – Eurekia! – Inventions Notes: Carnival Game Wacky races D&T objectives: (Make)++ can cut accurately to 1mm: strip wood, dowel & square section. (Make)++ can use a screwdriver to secure materials with accuracy. (Make)++ can select the most appropriate way to join or secure materials within // design. (Evaluate)++ can explore the impact of well-known designers and inventors and how their products helped to shape the world. (Make)++ can use a computer program to control // products. E.g. using a program which would allow them to program a delay or use of a sensor. (Evaluate)++ can evaluate existing products in relation to their purpose and audience. (Evaluate)++ can collect feedback from others to find out how to improve // product. (Design)++ can create an exploded diagram of//design. (Design)++ can use a computer design program to communicate // ideas. E.g. use a computer-aided design program to create designs with text and graphics. (Make)++ can build frameworks using a range of materials: wood, card, corrugated plastic. (Make)++ can use a glue gun with close supervision. (Design)++ can design products that are innovative and appeal to individuals or groups. (Design)++ can create a prototype of // design. Year 6 – International Breakout Week PSHE objectives: (Living in the Wider World) ++fulfils//responsibilities at school in different contexts e.g. the playground, the classroom. (Living in the Wider World)++ follows the classroom and school rules and works as a role model to younger children. (Living in the Wider World)++ has a basic understanding of money concepts. E.g. tax, interest, loan and debt. (Living in the Wider World)++ develops an initial understanding of how to become a critical consumer. (Living in the Wider World)++ can describe the different cultural, ethnic and religious groups that make up the world. (Living in the Wider World)++ explains and understands the need to respect the differing ideas of a range of people in society. (Living in the Wider World)++ understands that rules and laws differ in different parts of the world. (Living in the Wider World)++ understands reasons why the media may present information in different ways. Year 6 – Fair trade week Year 6 – Community Notes: Police Father David’s shop Gentoo – Gardening – Ryhope council Art and Design objectives: (Independent Artist)++ can select the most effective medium for different pieces of work and explain//choices. (Independent Artist)++ can make a clear plan for//working area and the equipment needed for a complete art project. ^^^^^^ use in all art lessons. Year 6 – Anti-Bullying Week Notes: Book – The island by Arimm PSHE objectives: (Relationships)++ can recognise a wide range of emotions in others and know when to support them or to seek help from someone else. (Relationships)++ understands that different people will respond to the same situation in different ways and how to deal with a variety of scenarios. (Relationships)++ recognises from//own actions what is fair and unfair, kind and unkind and right and wrong and that people’s opinions may differ. (Relationships)++can show respect to people around them and if necessary constructively challenge their own point of view. (Relationships)++ can explain the nature and consequences of discrimination, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours and how to respond to it. (Relationships)++ recognises and challenges stereotypes.