Practice Questions and Answers

Human Body Unit Test Form A
Multiple choice:
1. Which job of the skeletal system is most important to maintaining homeostasis?
a. Shape
b. Movement
c. Protecting vital organs
d. Posture
2. The skeletal system and muscular system work together to do what job?
a. Maintain posture
b. Maintain temperature
c. Help you move
d. Protect Vital Organs
3. Which of the following words is a synonym for homeostasis?
a. Job
b. Balance
c. Clean
d. System
4. Stimuli is defined as
a) a cell in the human body
b) something that you react to
c) a type of muscle
d) food that people eat
5. The main job of the endocrine system is to:
a. Help you grow
b. Send messages to your body through hormones
c. Keep your blood healthy
d. Make you mature
6. Your muscular system helps you to maintain homeostasis by making you shiver. When you do this
it is your body’s way of:
a. Doing an involuntary movement
b. Maintaining temperature
c. Getting you to have better posture
d. Shivering has nothing to do with the muscular system
7. Corrina is missing platelets in her blood, what process cannot take place in by her blood?
a. Carrying oxygen to cells.
b. Carrying glucose to cells.
c. Clotting of blood to stop bleeding.
d. Fighting infections.
8. What is the job of Red blood cells?
A. Carrying oxygen to cells.
B. Carrying glucose to cells.
C. Clotting of blood to stop bleeding.
D. Fighting infections
9. Jontea has gone into cardiac arrest, meaning her heart has stopped beating. What would be the
consequence for her body’s cells if her hearts stopped beating?
a. A. Her blood would stop circulating and her cells would not get the needed oxygen,
nutrients and water
b. Her blood would circulate but only through the pulmonary circulation so her cells would
not get the needed oxygen, nutrients and water
c. Her blood would circulate but only through the systemic circulation
d. There would be no consequence. Just because the heart beat affects the blood not the
10. What organ system(s) work(s) with the circulatory system to help it perform its job?
a. The muscular system
b. The respiratory system
c. The digestive system
All of the above
11. Mr. Lard has a rare disorder where he is unable to fight off diseases. Which component of the
blood must be damaged by this rare disorder?
a. Red blood cells
b. Plasma
c. Platelets
d. White blood cell
12. While hiking on Mount Rainer, Deepak found that as he climbed higher up the mountain, he had
to take deeper breaths. Which reason explains why these deeper breaths were needed?
a. As Deepak climbed higher, and increase in air pressure made his lungs smaller.
b. Oxygen molecules in the air are spread farther apart as altitude increases.
c. As Deepak climbed higher, carbon dioxide concentrations increased.
d. The heart beats slower at higher altitude than at low altitudes.
13. What’s the job of the immune system?
a. Attacks bacteria and viruses in order to maintain homeostasis.
b. Attacks red and white blood cells.
c. Clots blood up after you have been cut.
d. Let’s viruses enter the body.
14. The nervous system helps the body maintain homeostasis by
a. Giving it the blood that it needs.
b. Regulating and controlling the rest of the human body.
c. Breathing in oxygen through the nose.
d. Providing nutrients to the rest of the body.
15. The central nervous system consists of our
a. Brain and lungs
b. Spinal cord and heart
c. Brain and Spinal Cord
d. Brain and heart
16. The human heart is an example of a ______________ muscle
a) Cardiac
b) Smooth
c) Involuntary
d) All of the above
17. Sammy suffers from a serious disease. His body does not respond to growth hormones and as a
result continues to grow each year. Select the disease that he suffers from below:
a) Diabetes
b) Stroke
c) Dwarfism
d) Gigantism
18. Select an example of stimuli below.
a) A person walking
b) Reading a book
c) Jumping when you hear a car horn blow
d) Sitting in class
19. The stomach is made up of ___________ muscle
a) Smooth
b) Cardiac
c) Involuntary
d) Skeletal
20. The _______________ is where blood cells are made
a) Nervous system
b) Bone marrow
c) Glands
d) Tissue
Short Answer:
21. Pick a disease that we have studied. What system does it affect? How does it affect the
body maintaining homeostasis?
Some examples:
Tourette’s Syndrome—Nervous System; body has unregulated, uncontrollable responses
known as “ticks”
Heart Disease—Circulatory System; heart is not working efficiently and blood flow is
decreased or interrupted
Diabetes—Endocrine (or Digestive) System; body has trouble regulating blood sugar
Asthma—Respiratory System; body does not get enough oxygen
22. Pick one human body system. Describe in detail the main job and parts of the system.
Include how this system helps you to maintain homeostasis and make one connection
between the system and another system we learned.
An Example Answer:
The Digestive system breaks down food and uses it to make energy. The digestive
system is made up of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, small
intestine, and large intestine. It helps maintain homeostasis because it provides the
necessary nutrients to maintain life. It is connected to the circulatory system because the
circulatory system takes the nutrients from the digestive system and transports them to
the cells of the body.
23. The endocrine and nervous systems both regulate the body. Describe how they are
different and similar.
The endocrine and nervous systems are very similar because they both regulate the
conditions of the body. The nervous system regulates the body using electrical impulses
through specialized cells called NEURONS. Some examples of activities regulated by
the nervous system are muscular movement and sensory perception. The endocrine
system regulates the metabolic processes of body using chemicals called HORMONES.
Some examples of endocrine system functions would be body temperature and blood
sugar levels.
24. Why is your respiratory system important for cellular respiration?
The respiratory system provides oxygen to the body (which is used along with nutrients
from digestion) to make energy in cellular respiration. Without oxygen, cellular
respiration can not occur.
25. Make a connection between the digestive system and the skeletal system.
Three possible answers:
The bones of the skeletal system provide structural support and protection for the vital
organs of the digestive system.
The digestive system provides nutrients (such as Calcium) that allow the skeletal system
to grow and develop.
The jaw (part of the skeletal system) helps grind food in mechanical digestion.
26. The skeletal system does 2 really important things, makes red blood cells in the marrow and
protects your organs. Which one do you think is most important? DEFEND your answer by
stating WHY.
State your choice…
I believe the Red Blood Cells, because without them your body would not be able to transport
the oxygen needed and you will die.
I believe the protection of organs, because if you get hit in your abdomen it would very likely
kill you.
27. How is the body like a system? Explain your answer by comparing it to another system you
know if (i.e. solar system).
As in all systems, the body has many different parts that work together to perform a common
function. The solar system is also comprised of many parts that are interconnected and work
together to create a greater function and purpose of the system.
Blast from the Past:
1. ______ The amount of water vapor
in the air
2. ______ A weather phenomenon
created by areas of unequal
pressure trying to balance out
3. ______ Part of the water cycle when
gas turns to liquid.
4. ______ Weather phenomenon that
occurs when water vapor in the air
begins to gather.
Water Vapor