Make Sure to Get the New Notes 2007 by David A. Prentice copyright 2003 by David Prentice, M.Ed., M.A.S.T. REVISION DATE 09/05/2009 This material is made available by the author at no charge. It may be reproduced for use in a Christian environment such as Sunday schools or Bible classes, but it may not be used for any commercial purposes. 2007 by David A. Prentice ? ? HOW DO YOU ? KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW? Or at least what you think you know? ? 1-1 ? ? 2007 by David A. Prentice Exposing the World’s Beliefs What must be present, repeatable & have eyewitnesses? – Belief History Science Evolution: – Observable in the present? Yes or No – Repeatable by humans? Yes or No – Have eyewitnesses? Yes or No So, Is Evolution: – Belief History Science 2007 by David A. Prentice DVD & Class 1 - 2 Questions What must be present, repeatable, & have eyewitnesses Is evolution presently happening, is it repeatable, does it have eyewitnesses? So, is evolution science? What is evolution? Answers Science No No Belief/Religion 2007 by David A. Prentice DVD & Class 1 - 2 Questions Answers What is in the past, & History Does Genesis 1-3 have an eyewitness? So, is Genesis 1 – 3 belief or history? Yes History How do they know that? not repeatable but must have eyewitnesses When anyone says something is fact, we ask what? 2007 by David A. Prentice HOW TO TELL SCIENCE FROM STORYTELLING 1. W ___ said they saw it? Can I trust them? 4. H ____ could I test this to see if it’s true? 2. W_____ did they actually see? 5. What does _____have to say about it? HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? 3. W ___ are they N __ telling me? 1-25 2007 by David A. Prentice We Have Lots of Review to do but We Want to Learn About God, Right? 2007 by David A. Prentice Let’sAnd Hold Him Give High inthe Our God HeartsPraise! and Smile 2007 by David A. Prentice ??? Does it really matter what you believe? – Yes or No “It doesn’t matter what you believe, as long as you’re sincere.” – True or False 2007 by David A. Prentice ??? “Are all religions just different roads to heaven?” – Yes or No “Can anyone really know what happens after death?” – Yes or No 2007 by David A. Prentice ! ! ! It Matters What YOU Believe! ! 1-1 ! ! 2007 by David A. Prentice 1. Is there a God? Yes No Can’t know what happens after death 2. Can He communicate if He Wants to? No Can’t know what happens after death Yes 3. Are there any books that claim to be words from Him? No Yes Can’t know what happens after death 4. Is there a way to test such books to see which is really from Him? No Can’t know what happens after death Yes WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? TEST THEM!!! 2-1 2007 by David A. Prentice All Religions Are Not The Same! 2007 by David A. Prentice Contradictions All the “Holy Books” contradict each other. If any one of them is right, all the others have to be wrong. 2-4 2007 by David A. Prentice The Mormon Religion Where Did it Come From? What Do Mormons Believe? What’s in the Book of Mormon? The story of an Israelite family, told by God to sail to America. Only 1 side worshipped God. The 2 sides fought until Jesus came to the Americas. Later, the “bad” side turned away from God again. So He turned them dark-skinned. They exterminated the “good” light-skinned side and lived on as “Native Americans”. The story was written on a set of gold plates. Which was later loaned to Joseph Smith to translate them into the Book of Mormon. 2-5 2007 by David A. Prentice Why Can’t We Just Get Along with Mormons? Because Mormons believe our Holy Bible is not enough! Also, our beliefs are so different that if theirs are right, then ours must be wrong! 2007 by David A. Prentice Non-Christian Mormon Doctrines ____ & Jesus ____ used to be a flesh1. The Father and-blood men. ____ (not woman) can become a 2. Each man God. (Women can only hope to be chosen by their husbands to receive eternal life or else they’ll remain “in the grave”) ____ 3. Polygamy: The more wives and children they have, the more people will be in their kingdom 2-6 2007 by David A. Prentice Non-Christian Mormon Doctrines ___ person they’re 4. Each dead baptized for becomes part of their kingdom _____ 5. Sinners must shed their own blood to be forgiven. (This is actually why Utah still allows death by firing squad) 2-6 2007 by David A. Prentice Non-Christian Mormon Doctrines 1. 7. All souls ____ already exist and new babies just get old souls with amnesia. _____ and 8. Humans may become angels angels _____ may become human. _____ 9. There are many inhabited planets throughout the universe. 2-6 2007 by David A. Prentice Origin of the Book of Mormon: What really happened. 1. Smith said he received his vision after revival broke out in 1820. • There were no revivals in western New York in 1820. 2. They say, There were 3 “witnesses” who actually saw the plates and the angel 1. The “Witnesses” only claimed to see a vision of the plates, not the plates themselves. All 3 were later excommunicated from the church. 2-9 2007 by David A. Prentice Origin of the Book of Mormon: What really happened. 5. Smith claimed to use Biblical tools to translate • Smith did his “translation” by looking into a “seer stone” placed in his hat. The plates were not even in the room at the time. 6. Smith said that the first edition of the Book of Mormon was the “most correct of any book on earth.” • Yet the second edition had at least 3,913 corrections! 2-9 2007 by David A. Prentice On Page 8 – “Smith’s Translation of the Book of Abraham” WE’RE FINALLY BACK TO NEW STUFF!!! What!?! 2007 by David A. Prentice SMITH’S “BOOK OF ABRAHAM” - In 1835, Smith purchased 4 Egyptian mummies and 2 scrolls - Smith declared one of the scrolls to be the “book of Abraham” much older than most of the Bible - Smith used his “seer stone” to translate the book and recorded his translation in Doctrine and Covenants (4 lines became 49 verses) - He also produced Joseph Smith’s Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar, in which he printed several of the Egyptian characters and their meanings. 2-10 2007 by David A. Prentice Sadly the Scrolls were Misplaced But wait . . . - In 1967, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York found the scrolls and returned them to the church! - The church then admitted that they had a piece of the scrolls but had hidden it for over 130 years. - Pictures of the scrolls were published. People who could actually read Egyptian translated them to find that they were only directions on how to embalm bodies 2-10 2007 by David A. Prentice SMITH’S “BOOK OF ABRAHAM” Photo from The Changing World of Mormonism, ©1980 by Jerald & Sandra Tanner. Used by permission. - nothing but an Egyptian burial scroll. His translation was wrong in every detail. 2-10 2007 by David A. Prentice How Could Anyone Make Up Such a Story? Page 9 - In Smith’s day the Rosetta stone had only been discovered a few years before he purchased the scrolls - The Egyptian language was becoming known but by a very small percentage of people, normal people like us and Smith would not have heard about it for years - So, to most people of the day, Egyptian was a mystery language that no one knew. It would be pretty safe to make up a story about something like that! 2-10 2007 by David A. Prentice Smith’s Death - Smith Died in 1844, martyred according to his church - In reality, a newspaper had begun printing things about the Mormon church that he did not want known - He died in a gunfight with the town after he burned down their newspaper printing office and equipment 2-10 2007 by David A. Prentice Errors in the Book of Mormon - The Mormon’s claim to base their faith on the Book of Mormon but constantly have to fix things it says through Doctrine and Covenants, For example: - The Book of Mormon condemns polygamy - It also says that God the Father and the Son are one God 2-10 2007 by David A. Prentice More Errors - Mormons claim the “Egyptian” language Smith described was used all over North America, yet not one inscription has been found - The Smithsonian reveals that not one of the places in North America quoted in the Book of Mormon has ever been located 2-10 2007 by David A. Prentice Wrong Alphabet - The Book of Mormon tells us that Jesus told the Nephites, “I am the Alpha and Omega” but also says that the Nephites left Jerusalem before Greek was written - Why would Jesus tell them He is the first and last letter of an alphabet they didn’t know? 2-10 2007 by David A. Prentice A GLARING ERROR IN THE BOOK OF MORMON: “... the Son of God cometh upon the face of the earth. And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers...” (Alma 7:9-10) Jesus was born in Bethlehem, not Jerusalem! 2-11 2007 by David A. Prentice Page 10 Mormons believe American Indians descended from Israelites Like all living things, humans inherit our DNA from our parents. One part, mitochondrial DNA, comes almost entirely from the mother. By examining similarities between the mitochondrial DNA of different ethnic groups, scientists can determine which are more closely related to each other. 2-12 2007 by David A. Prentice Extremely simplified diagram of a cell showing mitochondria 2-12 2007 by David A. Prentice The Fundamental Story of the Book of Mormon: FALSIFIED! The Book of Mormon says that the American Indians are descended from Israelites. However, DNA studies show that American Indians have almost NO similarity in mitochondrial DNA with Jewish people. Instead, DNA confirms that they are extremely similar to the peoples of East Asia, who have long been suspected to be their ancestors based on archaeology, linguistics, and physical appearance. American Indians are NOT descendants of the Israelites. 2-12 2007 by David A. Prentice We’re on Page 11 The Islamic Religion Where Did it Come From? What Do Muslims Believe? Who Told us All this Stuff About Islam? Ankerberg & Weldon, – The Facts on Islam Dr. Robert Morey – An Analysis of the Hadith Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan – The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih ABukhari 2007 by David A. Prentice The Islamic Religion Like Christianity, it has a billion or more professing members worldwide Islam is the religion and Muslims are the members Muslims believe that the Bible is corrupted and that their holy book, the Koran or Qur’an, is the true word of God Next to the Bible, the Koran is the most influential book in the world 2007 by David A. Prentice Bible vs. Qur’an The Bible contains a great deal of history and prophecy as well as preaching The Qur’an is almost entirely a preaching book dedicated to telling how one should live It contains 114 chapters/“Suras” 2007 by David A. Prentice About Suras They’re arranged according to tradition, not chronology or doctrine Each can also be identified by its name usually taken from a significant feature – Ex: Sura 2 is also known as “Al-Baqarah” (The Cow) because that animal is mentioned prominently 2007 by David A. Prentice ORIGIN OF ISLAM AND THE QUR’AN • Muhammad claimed to begin receiving revelations from the angel Gabriel (the “holy spirit”) about 600 A.D • Being unable to write, he dictated what He heard often while in a trance • Sura 68:1, tells us that at first he wasn’t sure if he was mad or possesed but later became convinced that he was really hearing from God • They wrote on any material available (leaves, stones, bones, etc) - much is preserved in the Qur’an but none of the originals have survived 2-13 2007 by David A. Prentice THE PRESENT VERSION OF THE QUR’AN • Muhammad didn’t bother to collect all of the pieces of the Koran before his death in 632 A.D. • So, for about 19 years there were four contradictory versions in circulation • In 651 A.D., the 3rd caliph Othman, compiled the present version (the Othmanic Rescension) and had all other copies destroyed • They claim that an original of that compilation exists but they won’t let non-muslim scholars see it 2-13 2007 by David A. Prentice Other Islamic Religious Books • Muslims also reverence the Hadith, a collection of sayings of Muhammad, his wives, and his successors • Different sects accept different amounts of these sayings from only a few thousand to 70,000 • The Hadith is so massive that few Muslims have read it nor know what it says • For instance, Vol. 1, no. 63; Vol. 4, no. 709; Vol. 6, no. 507 & 510 confirm that there were discrepancies in the Koran until Othman made his final copy 2-13 2007 by David A. Prentice ALLAH, THE GOD OF ISLAM Few Muslims realize that the crescent moon on the ancient symbol of Islam dates back before 570 A.D. when “Allah” was the name of the Arabic moon god. Muslims believe that they are worshipping Almighty God, not some sort of moon god. Allah is a god of power, not love. 2-14 2007 by David A. Prentice DO CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS WORSHIP THE SAME GOD? NO! The God of the Bible has a Son named Jesus, who created the universe and became a man to die for our sins and now offers eternal life to all who are convinced that He can Allah of the Qur’an has NO SON. (18:4-6, 23:91 et al.) Jesus is merely one of Allah’s many prophets Allah Offers NO SALVATION They believe salvation is through one’s works 2-15 2007 by David A. Prentice