5-1 2nd reflexive verb game practice

5-1 2nd
Reflexive verb game/practice
In small groups
# off each person
Everybody answers question
Teacher rolls dado
If person with that number has the right
answer- the team gets a pt.
Keep track of your own pts.
Give two things that distinguish a
reflexive verb from other verbs.
They end in ‘se’
 The action reflects back to the speaker
Which one of these is reflexive-and why?
Lavarse is reflexive- it ends in ‘se’ and the
action reflects back to the speaker. Lavar
also means to wash but would be used
with something other than the speaker…
like the… dishes …the car ….the cat…..
I shower (myself).
Yo me ducho.
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
She puts on the clothes.
Ella se pone la ropa.
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
They comb
Ellos se peinan
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
We shave
Nosotros nos afeitamos
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
You pl/fam wash the hair
Vosotros os laváis el pelo
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
You s/fam go to bed
Tú te acuestas
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
I fall asleep
Yo me duermo
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
They f put on makeup
Ellas se maquillan
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
You pl/form wake up
Uds. se despiertan
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
I leave/go away
Yo me voy
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
Javier gets up
Él se levanta
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
We go to bed
Nosotros nos acostamos
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
Juana y yo dry ourselves
Nosotros nos secamos
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
Ana bathes
Ella se baña
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
Fabio y tú fall asleep
Vosotros os dormís
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
Olivia y Ud. brush the teeth
Uds. Se lavan los dientes
I can conjugate present tense
reflexive verbs.
If we were to write the following sentence
in Spanish- would we conjugate the
I’m going to put on the clothes.
No Yo voy a ponerme la ropa/me voy a poner
la ropa
I know when to conjugate and
when to use an infinitive.
¿Cómo se dice?
We’re going to shower ourselves
Nosotros vamos a ducharnos/nos vamos a
I know when to conjugate and
when to use an infinitive.
I have to brush my teeth
Yo tengo que lavarme los dientes/Me
tengo que lavar los dientes
I know when to conjugate and
when to use an infinitive.
She wants to get up at eleven
Ella quiere levantarse a las once.
I know when to conjugate and
when to use an infinitive.
He wakes up at 8:00
Él se despierta a las ocho
I know when to conjugate and
when to use an infinitive.
You s/fam need to shave
Tú necesitas afeitarte
I know when to conjugate and
when to use an infinitive.
I have to leave/go away
Yo tengo que irme/me tengo que ir
I know when to conjugate and
when to use an infinitive.
I’m going to get up early tomorrow
Yo voy a levantarme temprano
mañana/me voy a levantar temprano
I know when to conjugate and
when to use an infinitive.