PART I - Süleyman Şah Üniversitesi

NAME: ………………………………………………
Worksheet 5, Week 5
14th March, 2014
Listen to the conversation between Sandy and Frieda
and complete sentences 1-5.
1. When Sandy arrives, Frieda
a) finishes the book.
b) stops reading.
c) continues reading.
2. The detective in her book started chasing the ‘bad
a) last month.
b) for a month.
c) months ago.
3. Sandy has
a) passed her exams.
b) looked for a job.
c) to take her exams.
4. Frieda’s company has promised her a promotion
a) once.
b) last month.
c) many times.
5. Sandy thinks Frieda should
a) leave the company.
b) ask for a promotion.
c) work longer.
A teacher is using a questionnaire to ask a student about
how she learns English. Read the questionnaire and then
listen. Tick the answers for the student.
1. When you hear a word for the first time, do you
a) look it up in a dictionary?
b) ask to hear it again?
c) repeat it a number of times to yourself?
2. Do you write new words
a) on cards?
b) in a notebook?
c) on the board?
3. When you write a new word in your notebook, do
a) translate it?
b) write it in a useful sentence?
c) write a definition?
4. When you learn a word for the first time, do you
a) write its opposite (antonym)?
b) write a word with a similar meaning (synonym)?
c) try to make other words from it?
5. Which technique do you use to revise new words?
a) Write them on small pieces of paper and test
b) Choose seven new words and write a short story
using them.
c) Try using them in sentences when talking to
people in English.
A. Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the texts for each answer.
1 Where is the Picasso Museum?
2 Who once lived in the villa?
3 When are there special programmes for school children?
Enjoy the display of Tall Ships on the harbour
Watch two tug boats guide a cruise ship into port
4 Which months is it open all day?
Experience the conditions on board The Vampire
Learn about Captain Cook's original sailing ship The
Endeavour — short film in theatre
Chateau Grimaldi, Antibes, France
Refreshments with
views of the harbour
The Picasso Museum of Antibes is housed in a
beautiful old villa built on ground that was
once occupied by the ancient Greeks and later
by the Romans. Picasso himself lived in the
house and painted there in 1946.
Guided tours can be organised on request.
There are several programmes for children
(ages 4-11) and workshop visits for school
groups on Wednesdays and holidays.
Opportunities exist for interested people to donate
Crammed with books
and unusual souvenirs
their time by becoming tour guides at the museum.
Enquire at the Volunteers' desk.
June 1 - September 30 10am - 6pm
Use of flash not permitted inside the museum.
October 1 - May 31 10am - noon and 2 - 6pm
5 Which of the
boats Mondays
can you visitand
at the
10am — 5pm daily, except Christmas Day
6 What can you see from the cafe?
7 Where can you find out about showing people around the
8 What should you not do in the museum?
9 When is the Maritime Museum not open to the public?
Is Tea Beneficial
Tea had a reputation for being both safe and almost always beneficial. However, scientists are
now suggesting that tea may not be as safe as we had previously believed. Tea contains
caffeine, and caffeine has been linked to sleeplessness and to the unpleasant jumpy feeling
some people get when stressed. More seriously, there is a link between miscarriages, and
pregnant women are advised to reduce their intake of tea until after their baby is born. Due its
dangerous side-effects, many people who drink a lot of tea solve the problem by drinking a
beverage from which the caffeine has been removed, decaffeinated tea, but others claim that it
simply doesn't taste right. The sensible course is probably one of moderation: continue to
enjoy your cup of tea, but don't enjoy too many!
1. As it is pointed out in the passage, tea used to be considered to be ----.
A) having no damaging effect on people's health
B) beneficial in moderation
C) more dangerous than alcohol
D) causing jumpy feeling if drunk excessively
E) the only drink which people enjoyed in the morning
2. According to the passage, tea can be dangerous because it ----.
A) causes people to suffer from stress more than ever
B) makes all drinkers nervous and unable to sleep
C) reduces miscarriages if it is drunk too much by a pregnant woman
D) may bring about many illnesses that cannot be cured easily
E) may cause the loss of the baby before it is able to survive
3. The writer points out that the best solution is to drink ----.
A) decaffeinated tea
B) instant coffee
C) tea in moderation
D) other beverages like hot chocolate
E) no tea at all
A. Complete the sentence with the correct word from the word bank:
1. Painting is a ____________________ that takes many years to perfect.
2. The dance was ____________________ by the story of Romeo and Juliet.
3. Because she showed a natural ____________________ for art at a young age, her
parents decided to put her in art classes.
4. The photographer ____________________ a new project for the art museum last year.
5. Movies can be ____________________ to books because they can’t tell the whole
6. The artist answered the reporter’s questions about the problems she
____________________ on her road to success.
B. Match the word with the correct definition.
continuous effort
to succeed in defeating something
to not take care of
the act of showing or receiving respect or
E. calm determination
F. to give a lot of time, energy, effort to
A-Complete each sentence with a properly formed noun clause:
1. I don't know ________________.
1. how many children he has
2. how many children does he have
2. ________________ was sad.
1. What did she say
2. What she said
3. We are not responsible for ________________.
1. what our children say
2. what do our children say
4. I'm not going to tell you ________________.
1. what should you do
2. what you should do
5. I wonder if ________________ from Germany.
1. is he
2. he is
6. The teacher told us ________________ our finished exams.
1. where we should leave
2. where should we leave
B-Complete each sentence with what or that. In this particular exercise, what is used for
noun clauses and that is used for relative adjective clauses:
1. ………………………………..he said is not important.
2. The book…………………………….. I'm reading is very interesting.
3. I'm not responsible for ………………………………… you do.
4. P1: Do you believe……………………………… he told us? P2: Yes, I think he was
telling the truth.
5. The world needs more people ………………………………………help animals.
6. Tom's parents care about …………………………. he watches.
7. Many of the people ………………………………… saw that movie were disappointed.
8. You have to let me know …………………………………….you plan to do.
9. The coffee ……………………………………you made is very strong.
10. We loved the story …………………………………… you told in class.
C- Read the text and circle the appropriate words for the gaps:
Environmental Concerns
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1) ... human
activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2) ... on consuming
two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (3) ... to stay
alive we are rapidly destroying the (4) ... resource we have by which all people can survive
and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (5) ... built on or washed into the sea. Renewable
resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (6) ... We discharge
pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (7) ... the
planet's ability to support people is being (8) ... at the very time when rising human numbers
and consumption are (9) ... increasingly heavy demands on it. The Earth's (10) ... resources
are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and
minerals to (11) ... us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use
the resources they will (12) ... indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively they
will soon run out and everyone will suffer.
Multiple Choice Cloze
Gap 1
Although / Still / Yet / Despite
Gap 2
continues / repeats / carries / follows
Gap 3
already / just / for / entirely
Gap 4
alone / individual / lone / only
Gap 5
sooner / neither / either / rather
Gap 6
quite / greatly / utterly / completely
Gap 7 development / result / reaction / product
Gap 8
stopped / narrowed / reduced / cut
Gap 9
doing / having / taking / making
Gap 10
natural / real / living / genuine
Gap 11
hold / maintain / stay / keep
Gap 12
last / stand / go / remain
D-'Key' Word Transformation : Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
1. I want to go to university this year.
I ........................................ to university this year.
2. "Have you been on holiday recently, Jane?" asked Tony.
Tony asked Jane ........................................ on holiday recently.
3. I was too tired to go to the party.
I was ........................................ I couldn't go to the party.
4. There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.
It's ........................................ asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.
5. The union claims its members will only return to work if the company agrees to a meeting.
The union claims its members will ....................................... the company agrees to a meeting.
6. I'm sure it was Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.
It ........................................ Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.
7. We demanded to see the hotel manager to make our complaint.
We ........................................ the hotel manager to make our complaint.
8. The boss wouldn't object to you going early today.
The boss would not ........................................ you going early today.
E-Rewrite the following sentences placing the adjective clause in the correct place.
1. The tall man was stopped by a police officer who had been acting suspiciously.
2. We found the key under the couch that had been lost.
3. She took the letter to the post office which she had written earlier.
4. The rosebush is next to a weedy lot that is very beautiful.
5. The tanker sailed into the harbor which was carrying a load of oil.
I was at Manchester’s Bridgewater Hall last week to hear an all-Byrd programme performed
to a packed hall. This would have been unimaginable (1)—20 years ago. Not surprisingly, a
good (2)—of the audience applauded in the wrong places. I regard this as good news (3)—bad
news. This was a new audience (4)—to a concert hall by CD recordings and I (5)—the
experience of being a part of it.
1) a. for
b. hardly
c. still
d. yet
2) a. impression
b. supply
c. example
d. proportion e. quality
3) a. apart from
b. so long as
c. rather than
d. in addition to e. except
4) a. attracted
b. having been attracted
c. having attracted
e. even
d. to attract
e. attracting
5) a. discerned
b. abandoned
c. preferred
d. sensed
e. valued
James Joyce was born in Dublin of a middle-class Catholic family.(6)—his mother was a
devout Catholic, his father was a man who was opposed to the Church and fiercely
objected to the interference (7)—the Catholic clergy in Irish politics. Joyce attended
Clongowes Wood College for several years, but (8)—to leave when his family fell upon
increasing economic hardship. Then, he attended a Christian Brothers school, Belvedere
College and later University College Dublin, where he (9)—modern European languages.
He left Ireland for Paris but returned to Dublin for a short while (10)—learning that his
mother was dying.
6) a. Besides
b. Since
c. As if
d. Though
e. Even
7) a. for
b. of
c. about
d. in
e. to
8) a. was forced
b. is forced
c. has been forced
d. would have forced
e. would be forced
a. assumed
10) a. whenever
b. studied
b. until
c. involved
c. after
d. established
d. while
e. affirmed
e. as