French Interm. 1 HS

2014-2015 Course Syllabus
High School French Intermediate 1
Room Number:
Office Hours:
E-Mail Address:
Course Website:
School Website:
Laure Kruger
Course description
Prerequisite: Novice High School or Novice 1 and 2 Middle School or placement test.
This course is designed for students beginning their second year of studying French
in High School and builds on the four language skills; speaking, listening, reading,
and writing using a wide range of authentic materials. Students will continue to
expand their language base, leading from controlled exercises to practice new
vocabulary and grammar, to bridging activities to encourage the student to become
more independent in speaking and writing the language with more emphasis on
accuracy. They already have a sound knowledge of the basic language to meet every
day needs and situations which will allow them to begin discussions. Students will
learn to talk about the past using both the perfect and imperfect tenses and will
refer to the future using both the simple future and future tenses. Aspects of the
Francophone world with its varied customs and points of interest will be included in
the course. Students will compare and contrast their own culture and way of life
with that of young people in various French speaking countries.
Learning Resources
Text Books:
Adosphère 3 & Le Mag 3
Adosphère 3 & Le Mag 3
Additional resources: Taxi 1 et 2, Echo Junior A2, MAG 3 et 4 pour les élèves plus avancés
Material necessary for the class
Lined paper or a notebook to take notes in class
A binder or a plastic folder to keep the class activities and homework
organized pertaining to grammar, vocabulary, listening activities, quizzes
and tests. This is a great way to organize a portfolio for parent’s conference.
Classroom Expectations
Homework: Homework is given as a means to support and extend classroom-based
learning. The amount of homework given will vary depending on the unit of study as
well as each student’s ability to utilize class time efficiently. All homework will be
posted on my website, so that in the case of
absence, a student will still be able to complete the homework. Parents are
encouraged to check the website regularly in order to be aware of what is expected
of the students. If homework is not handed in on time it will be held as missing and
at zero until the work is received. Any student who plagiarizes work or is strongly
suspected to have used a translator, will be given zero for an assignment
Participation: Please remember that your participation is expected daily as it is
part of your learning experience and evaluation. It will be associated with one or
more grading categories based on the assessed activity.
Late Work/Missing Work: Students should hand in assignments on the date they
are due. Late homework will be marked as “missing” and will receive a “zero” until
completed and handed in by next class and will only receive partial credit.
Absences: After an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to find out
what s/he missed and to turn it in according to SCIS policy found in the student
Plagiarism occurs when one uses the work or ideas of another without giving the
source credit, or when the work or ideas of another are not put into the student’s
own words and style. Please refer to the student handbook for greater detail. Any
student who plagiarizes an assignment will be given a zero for that assignment.
Drinking in Class: Students are allowed to have water bottles in class provided they
are not disruptive to their peers, themselves, or the teacher.
Cell phone, dress code: Read the student handbook and become familiar with the
school policies and guidelines (i.e. cell phone, dress code, etc.). Be considerate of
others and respect other’s property.
Extra Help: Should a student need extra help, s/he is encouraged to make an
appointment for a meeting with me either before or after school or during school
Tasks set in the classroom will assess all four primary skill areas of listening,
speaking, reading and writing. Participation during the task will be assessed as well
as the final submitted piece. Tasks will be assessed according to a rubric with
descriptors provided to the students in advance of the assessment. Assessment
tasks include, but are not limited to:
LISTENING: Listening to and responding to a dialogue, song or short video.
SPEAKING: Pair and group dialogues, role-plays and presentations.
READING: Reading and answering questions on a text, identifying grammar and
vocabulary in a text and true or false exercises.
WRITING: Writing sentences and paragraphs in different formats such as
emails, social network posts or SMS messages.
Each activity will be weighted as followed:
Speaking/Listening 20%
Reading and comprehension 25%
Writing 25%
Quiz/Test 20%
Project/Culture 10%
Useful Websites:
Premier semestre 2014
Module 1: Ouvre tes oreilles
Express musical tastes and preferences.
Pronoun ça
Give & react to an opinion.
Partitive article & pronoun en
Give advice.
Talk about instruments, musical styles and musicians.
Module 2: Trouve ton style
Describe physical appearance, clothes and accessories.
Position and agreement
of adjectives
Talk about different fashion styles.
Imperfect tense
Talk about past, and changes in, styles.
C’est/ce sont
Module 3: Aime la terre
Discuss positive actions to protect environment.
Discuss environment-related statistics.
Endangered species.
Adverbs of frequency
High numbers
Module 4: Sois branché(e)!
Describe items of modern technology and their impact.
Relative pronouns
How we coped in the past without modern devices.
Imperfect tense
Date and give opinions on inventions.
Comparative and superlative.
Deuxième semestre 2015
Module 5: Fais ton cinéma
Discuss film genres and preferences.
Compare and contrast TV and cinema.
Discuss filmmaking and making your ideal film.
Discuss books adapted for the cinema.
Pronouns y and en
Module 6: Croque la vie
Discuss young people’s eating habits and dishes.
Adjectives and indefinite
Discussing family recipes.
Expressions with infinitives
National cuisine
Module 7: Mets tes baskets
Identify reasons for practising different sports
Discussing unusual sports and their rules
Même si
Indirect object pronouns
Qualities of famous sports personalities
Extreme sports
Module 8: Explore le monde
Discuss different holiday destinations
Imagine dream holidays.
Space travel and exploration.
Prepositions of origin