2002 Revision of AACR2 LC Implementation

2002 Revision
of AACR2
Jan. 2003
Based on presentations at LC by:
Barbara B. Tillett & Judy
& at ALA/NASIG 2002 by
Jean Hirons
Scope of this Briefing
• Handouts
• Highlights of changes in rules
• Changes to specific rules, especially
MAJOR/MINOR title changes
• MARC 21 bibliographic format changes
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Chapter 12
Continuing Resources
• Name now “Continuing Resources”
• Scope expanded:
– Serials
– Integrating resources
– Some finite resources:
• Reprints of serials
• Finite integrating resources
• Resources with characteristics of serials … but
whose duration is limited
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New Definitions
• Bibliographic resource
--forms the basis for bibliographic description
--may be “tangible” or “intangible”
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New Definitions
• Continuing resource:
“A bibliographic resource that is issued
over time with no predetermined
conclusion. Continuing resources include
serials and ongoing integrating resources.”
• Examples of finite resources: books,
multipart monographs
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Revised Definition
• Serial:
“A continuing resource issued in a
succession of discrete parts, usually bearing
numbering, that has no predetermined
conclusion. Examples of serials include
journals, magazines, electronic journals,
continuing directories, annual reports,
newspapers, and monographic series.”
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New Definition
• Integrating resource:
“A bibliographic resource that is added to or
changed by means of updates that do not
remain discrete and are integrated into the
whole. Integrating resources can be finite or
continuing. Examples of integrating
resources include updating loose-leafs and
updating Web sites”
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New Definition
• Updating loose-leaf:
“An integrating resource that consists of one
or more base volumes updated by separate
pages that are inserted, removed, and/or
substituted." ”
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Integrating Resources
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Multipart item
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• What is the type of issuance?
– Monograph vs. serial vs. integrating resource
– Workflow decisions on monograph (i.e.,
multipart item) vs. serial (both have successive
issues or parts)
– MARC “serial” fields now used in monograph
and integrating resources
– Information on bibliographic resource may not
be explicit enough to determine type of
– When in doubt, consult with supervisor
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• Publications of limited-duration activities to be
cataloged according to rules in chapter 12 (as serials):
– Provided that resources have some characteristics of serials
(successive issues, numbering, and perhaps frequency)
E.g., a daily bulletin of non-recurring meeting,
a quarterly report of a project.
an annual report of an expedition
– Doesn’t include five-year plans or censuses
– No recataloging of existing records
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Changes to Specific Rules
Title Proper
• Changes in AACR2 and U.S. practice:
– All resources: Introductory words (1.1B1)
– Serials (including monographic series) and
integrating resources:
• Typographic error (12.1B1)
• Initialism vs. full form (12.1B2)
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Title proper: 1.1B1
• Introductory words (1.1B1)
– Don’t transcribe “… words that serve as an introduction
… not intended to be part of the title.”
– Give form with those words in note.
245 00 $a Sleeping Beauty
246 1# $i Title appears on item as:
$a Disney presents Sleeping
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Title Proper: 12.1B1
• Typographic error (12.1B1)
– Preliminary record: correct an obvious error when transcribing in
245 but check with supervisor
– Receiving issues of previously cataloged serial: 246 is generally
made only if the typo is on the first issue, not subsequent issues,
but check with your supervisor
– Receiving updates to previously cataloged integrating resource:
246 required; check with supervisor
– Typo in series statement (490) of monograph: check with your
supervisor; series authority record needs to be updated
245 00 $a Ohio adventures
246 1# $i Title on no. 1: $a Ohioo adventures
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Title Proper (245 $a): 12.1B2
• Initialism/acronym
– If both initialism/acronym and full form on
chief source, now prefer full form when
creating a preliminary serial record (or
transcribing series in 4XX)
– Search serial records and series under both full
form and initialism/acronym to be safe
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On chief source:
research in biology
245 00 Research in biology : $b RIB
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246 30 RIB
Title Proper: 12.1B2 (cont’d)
• Receiving issues of a previously
cataloged serial: do not change existing
records that have initialism in 245
• BUT: if there is no 246 for the fuller
form, notify your supervisor
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Numbering Area: Serials (362)
Monographs (4XX/8XX … $v )
• Staff receiving issues of previously cataloged serial: if
the numbering starts up again (v. 1-35, then the next issue
you receive is v. 1), notify your supervisor
• Monograph copy catalogers: if the series numbering
starts up again but is not accounted for on the series
statement & SAR, notify your supervisor
• Serial copy catalogers: if source copy followed the old
rules and separate records were created when the
numbering re-started, go ahead and use separate records
for the new titles. If no records are found to account for the
new numbering, refer to supervisor
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Numbering Area: 12.3G1
• When resource is in a monographic series:
– Supply wording in series statement of monograph
analytics (1.6G1)
Latest issue of series in database published in 2001;
issue of same series to be cataloged published in 2002
and has numbering “volume 1”
4XX in bibliographic record: … $v [new ser.], v. 1
4XX in bibliographic record: … $v [n.F], Bd. 1
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Numbering Area: 12.3G1
• When resource is in a monographic series:
– Do not create new SAR if wording comparable
to “new series” is lacking (LCRI 1.6)
– Add new 642 field to existing SAR
$a [new ser.], v. 1 $d 2002- $5 DPCC
added 642
$5 CtY
642 $a v. 1 $d 1989-2001 $5 DLC
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Relationships to Other Resources
• Reciprocal linking notes (780/785) between:
Serials and serials
Serials and integrating resources
Serials and monographs
Integrating resources and integrating resources
Integrating resources and monographs
– monographs and monographs (not LC practice, but if
used on member copy, accept it)
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Integrating Resources: Description
• Base description on current iteration
– New definition: “Iteration”
“An instance of an integrating resource, either as first
published or after it has been updated.”
• Change existing record when data element changes
– Re-do the description to match current iteration
– Give earlier information in a note
– As long as the resource is the same resource
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Integrating Resources:
Description (continued)
Existing record for an updating loose-leaf:
245 00 $a Scholarship opportunities for
future math teachers
500 ## $a Description based on: release 5,
published 1999.
Same record updated after change in title proper:
245 00 $a Future math teachers’ scholarship
247 10 $a Scholarship opportunities for future
math teachers $f <release 5,
published 1999>
500 ## $a Description based on: release 9,
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Rule 1.4F8
• Rule 1.4F8 revised: covers serials and integrating
resources in addition to multipart items
– Give earliest and latest dates when first and last published
issues, parts, or iterations are available
260 ## $a ____: $b___, $c 1985-2001.
– If first/last issue/part/iteration is not available, give
information about dates for first/last issue/part/iteration in a
362 1# $a Began publication in 1954?
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1.4F8 Option: Serials
• Do not supply a date in 260 $c if the
first/last issue or part isn’t available
– Current practice
– Will continue to give information in a note
(362 1 field)
-- “Description based on" note if first issue not
available (500)
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1.4F8 Option: Serials Workflow
• Staff receiving issues of a previous cataloged serial.
– If there is a Description based on note and the issue is earlier than
the issue cited in the note, check with your supervisor
– If there is a Description based on note and the issue is later than the
the issue cited, add the issue unless there are major/minor
• Serial copy catalogers
-- If there is a Description based on note in the source copy and the
issue received is earlier than the issue cited, check with your
-- If there is a Description based on note and the issue is later than the
issue cited, use the source copy as found unless there are
major/minor differences
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1.4F8 Option: Integrating
• Integrating resources (e.g. an updating loose-leaf): if
the first iteration wasn’t in hand at the time of
– there may or may not be a date in 260; if a date is present
it will be in brackets; copy catalogers should leave the
date as is, if there
– there may be a 362 1 field if information was available
about the first iteration; copy catalogers should leave it as
– 500 “Description based on” note ALWAYS
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1.4F8: Multipart Items
• Multiparts: if the first volume wasn’t in hand at the
time of cataloging,
– there may or may not be a date in 260; if a date is present it will be in
square brackets [date of first vol.] or angle brackets <dates of
earliest/latest available volumes>
– Information about the first part in 362 1 only if no square bracket date
– 500 “Description based on” note
260 ## $a ______ $b ______ $c <2003>
362 1# $a Began publication in 1999?
500 ## $a Description based on v. 3,
published 2003.
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Rule 21.2A
• Rule 21.2A revised to identify which
changes in title proper are “major changes”
and which are “minor changes”
– “Major changes” require a new bibliographic
record or new SAR for serial (including
monographic series)
– With AACR2 2002, fewer major changes, more
MINOR changes
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Why are major/minor changes
• If the latest title change is not accounted for in a 246 field of
the existing serial record or the 245 field of a new serial record,
the user will not be able to find our serial holdings for that title
• The latest title change needs to be accounted for in 246 or 245
of the existing serial record to facilitate communication with
the serial vendor; when a title change requires a new record, the
ordering information must be associated with the new record
• If a title change for a series is not accounted for on the series
authority record, the user will not be able to find all the items
in the series held by Yale
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What should I do if I notice a
major/minor change?
• Acquisitions staff who receive issues on an existing
Orbis cataloging record: check with your supervisor
if you notice a major or minor change if the title
change is not accounted for on the serial record
• Monograph copy catalogers: check with your
supervisor if you notice a major or minor title change
on a member record if the change is not accounted for
on the series authority record
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What should I do if I notice a
major/minor change?(cont’d)
• Serial copy catalogers. If the change appears
to be MINOR:
• first check the resource file (LCDB) for an updated record
and replace the Orbis record if an updated record is found
that accounts for the discrepancy
• if separate record cataloged under the old rules is found in
LCDB, go ahead and use it
• if no LCDB record is found, refer the issue and bib. record
to a catalog librarian for updating
• avoid searching the utilities for a record updated for minor
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What should I do if I notice a
major/minor change?(cont’d)
• Serial copy catalogers. If the change appears
to be MAJOR:
• first check the resource file (LCDB) for a new record;
replace the in-process record or import a new record as
• if no LCDB record is found, search OCLC/RLIN for copy
• if no copy is found in the utilities, pass on to a cataloging
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Major change: first five words
• Addition, deletion, change, or reordering of any of the first five words
(minus initial article) unless the change
is among the minor change exceptions
– The mining review
industry review
The mining and
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Major change: if it isn’t in the
first 5 words
• Words are added, dropped, or changed anywhere in
the title that change the meaning of the title or
indicate a different subject matter
• New record:
 The best bed & breakfasts in the world
The best
bed & breakfasts in the United States
• Update the existing record:
 Directory, educational and career information services
Directory, educational, and career information
services for adults
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Major change: edition statement
• NEW RECORD: Change in edition statement indicates
change in subject matter or change in physical
 250 North American ed.
250 North and Central
American ed.
 250 Doctor’s ed.
250 Physician’s ed.
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Major change: when corporate
name is in the title proper
Major change in the name of a corporate
body (i.e., new heading needed)
recorded as part of the title proper
• New record:
 Reports of the Institute of High Speed Mechanics
Reports of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics
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Major change: more changes
with corporate bodies
• Main entry (110) changes:
 110 2# $a Connecticut Public Transportation Authority.
245 10 $a Annual report and recommendations.
 110 2# $a Connecticut Public Transportation
245 10 $a Annual report and recommendations.
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Major change: more changes
with corporate bodies (cont’d)
• Name of corporate body used in a qualifier changes
 130 0# $a Bulletin (Colorado State University. Animal
Reproduction Laboratory)
245 10 $a Bulletin.
 130 0# $a Bulletin (Colorado State University. Animal
Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory)
245 10 $a Bulletin.
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Major changes: change in
original title
• Translated serial undergoes a change in the original
title (even if the translated title doesn’t change)
 130 0# $a Izvestiia Akademii nauk Armianskoi SSR. $p
Fizika. $l English.
245 10 $a Soviet journal of contemporary physics
785 00 $t Izvestiia Akademii nauk Armenii. Fizika. English.
Journal of contemporary physics
 130 0# $a Izvestiia Akademii nauk Armenii. $p Fizika. $l
245 00 $a Journal of contemporary physics / $c Armenian
Academy of Sciences.
780 00 $t Izvestiia Akademii nauk Armianskoi SSR. Fizika.
English. Soviet journal
of contemporary physics
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Major change: change in physical
• Rule of thumb: a change that would result in a
different 300
 Print to online
 Microfilm to microfiche
• But not HTML to PDF
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Minor changes to title: the basics
• Minor change in a title does not require a new
serial cataloging record; existing record is updated
(usually with 246 or 500 “Title varies slightly”)
• Minor change in a series title does not require a
new series authority record; existing series
authority is updated with a reference (4XX)
• Multiple minor changes do not make a major
• When in doubt, consider it to be a minor change!
• Separate records created under the old rules will
not be merged
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Minor change: representation of
• One spelling vs. another
(both variations and
official changes)
• Abbreviated word, sign,
symbol vs. spelled-out
• Arabic vs. roman
• Numbers or dates vs.
spelled-out forms
• Hyphenated vs. unhyphenated words
• One-word vs. two-word
• Acronym or initialism
vs. full form
• Change in grammatical
form (sing. vs. plural,
different case)
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Minor changes: examples of
changes in representation
246 30
Fishery report
Television monthly
Openhouse review
Ga. peach statistics
Saint Paul reporter
Africa news watch
Fisheries report
TV monthly
Open house review
Georgia peach statistics
St. Paul reporter
African news watch
LA woman
• Journal of applied mechanics
• Los Angeles woman
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Minor changes: articles,
prepositions, conjunctions
• Difference involving addition, deletion, or change
of articles, prepositions, or conjunctions anywhere
in the title
 Annual report of pipeline safety
on pipeline safety
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Annual report
Minor changes: corporate bodies;
change in punctuation
• Difference involving the name of the same
corporate body anywhere in the title
 Bulletin of the Willower Group
Willower Group
 Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery
Journal of the ACM
• Difference involving addition, deletion, or change
of punctuation, including initialisms and letters
with separating punctuation
 J.A.M.
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Minor changes: parallel titles ch;
words linked to numbering
• Difference involving order of titles in different
 South African medical journal = Suid Afrikaanse
tydskrif vir geneeskunde
Suid Afrikaanse tydskrif
vir geneeskunde = South African medical journal
• Difference involving addition, deletion, or change
of words anywhere in the title that link the title to
 OSMRE annual report for …
report for the year …
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OSMRE annual
Minor changes: lists
• Difference involving addition to, deletion from, or
change in the order of words in a list anywhere in
the title, provided there is no change in the subject
 245 00 $a Philosophical magazine. $n B, $p Physics of
condensed matter, electronic, optical, and magnetic
245 00 $a Philosophical magazine. $n B, $p Physics of
condensed matter, structural, electronic, optical, and
magnetic properties
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Minor changes: type of resource
• Difference involving addition, deletion, or
rearrangement anywhere in the title of words that
indicate type of resource such as “magazine,”
“journal,” or “newsletter” or the equivalent in
other languages
 245 Organic chemistry review
246 Organic
246 Review of organic chemistry
 MAJOR CHANGE: Atlantic
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Atlantic monthly
MARC 21: “New” Fields
Variable fields, generally used in records for serials
until now, also will be used in records for integrating
022/222 – ISSN/Key title
247/547 – Change in title proper
310/321 – Frequency
362 1 – Beginning/ending date of publication*
550 – Earlier corporate body statement of responsibility
580 & 760-787 – Relationships with other resources
* also for multipart items
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MARC 21: IR with “new” field
000 00888nam 2200277 a 450
001 6045533
005 20030227130845.0
008 030102m20029999mnu 001 0 eng
010 __ |a 2003615041
040 __ |a DLC |c DLC |d DLC
043 __ |a n-us--050 00 |a KF3463 |b .A97
082 00 |a 343.73/0723 |a 347.303723 |2 19
100 1_ |a Aspelund, Donald J.
245 10 |a Employee noncompetition law / |c by Donald J. Aspelund, Robert B. Lytle.
260 __ |a [St. Paul, Minn.] : |b West Group, |c c2002300 __ |a v. (loose-leaf) ; |c 26 cm.
310 __ |a Updated annually
440 _0 |a Intellectual property library
500 __ |a Includes index.
500 __ |a Description based on: update 7 published in 2002.
650 _0 |a Covenants not to compete |z United States.
650 _0 |a Labor contract |z United States.
700 1_ |a Lytle, Robert B., |d 1964780 00 |a Aspelund, Donald J. |t Employee noncompetition law. |z 0876325444 |w (DLC) 87011759
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•AACR2 2002 amendments & C&T workflow:
•Major/minor changes:
•Major/minor examples:
PowerPoint Presentation:
Cataloging at Yale/Tools and Resources (under “AACR2 and
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