Increasing Cost Individual Cost Methods

General Principles of
Pension Valuation
• Basis for valuation of pension liabilities
has similar actuarial mathematics as
developed for life insurance
• Both create a liability
– The defined benefit pension plan is clearly a liability of the
plan sponsor – they have made the promise to provide
benefits – need to support with appropriate assets
– Life insurance benefits are clearly a liability of the insurance
company – policy reserves are the measure of that liability on
the insurance company’s balance sheet - they have made the
promise to provide benefits – need to support with
appropriate assets
General Principles of
Pension Valuation
• Mathematics often treated
– Pension laws have grown to develop specific
education standards for actuaries who sign off on
pension valuation
– United States Pension Law requires and Enrolled
Actuary (EA designation) see
– Licensed by a Joint Board of the Department of
Treasury & Department of Labor
General Principles of
Pension Valuation
• Other reasons why the mathematics is
often treated separately
– Number of participants in a pension plan typically less than
similar insureds in a life insurance portfolio
• As we saw… Can lead to different variances of benefit
– Discount rates used for pension valuation have more
• Life Insurance valuation interest rate set by the Standard
Valuation Law (“SVL”) adopted by the NAIC
General Principles of
Pension Valuation
• Other reasons why the mathematics is
often treated separately
– Benefit design in pension plans much broader and wider
than benefit designs in life insurance plans
• Benefits a function of many variables (service, salary,
factors, etc) while life insurance benefit is often fixed
– “Gains and/or losses” due to experience being “better or
worse” than what the actuarial valuation assumptions can
be a big part of a sponsor’s income statement
• Life insurance statutory valuation done typically on a
very conservative basis so that most “bad scenarios”
already planned for
General Principles of
Pension Valuation
• Main concepts of pension
– Accrued Liability (or Actuarial Liability) – how
much being set aside for future benefits – Balance
– Normal Cost – how much to pay in each year to
fund benefits – Income Statement
– Unfunded Liability – a comparison of the assets
and liabilities – Balance Sheet
– Actuarial Gain / Loss - how much was made or
lost due to actual activity being different than
expected – Income Statement
General Principles of
Pension Valuation
• Actuarial Liability calculations will vary
depending mainly on…
– whether the liability only looks at past service – often called
the traditional methods or accrued method – or whether the
liability looks at potential future service – often called a
projected method
– whether the liability is calculated separately for each
participant with specific data – often called the “individual
method” – or whether blanket assumptions are made –
often call the “aggregate method”
Actuarial Liability
• General description of an
“individual accrued” liability:
– In words….
• Accrued Benefit that will be paid annually
from retirement age forward, times
• Factor that pays the Accrued Benefit every
year in a monthly annuity, times
• Actuarial discount (which takes into
account interest, mortality, and completing
service) from the retirement age back to the
current attained age
Actuarial Liability
• General description of an “individual
accrued” liability:
– In mathematical symbols…
• ALx = Bx • är(12) • (D(T)r / D(T)x)
–where Bx = annual pension benefit
that has accrued to age x
–(D(T)r / D(T)x) represents the
discounting process from the
retirement age back to the current
age, involving interest and all
Actuarial Liability
Concrete Example – COUNTRY Financial DB Plan
Normal Retirement Age = 65
Annual Retirement Benefit
1. Calculate A = Average Annual Earnings during five highest
consecutive years of income out the ten years immediately
preceding retirement
2. Calculate B = Min (Years of Service, 32)
3. Annual Retirement Benefit = 1.65% x A x B
What is the Actuarial Liability under an Individual Accrued Method
(“Traditional Unit Credit”) for an employee age 40 with 15 years of
service where earnings have been constant at $50,000 the last 15
• ALx = Bx • är(12) • (D(T)r / D(T)x)
• ALx = [1.65% (50000) min(15,32)] • ä65(12) • (D(T)65 / D(T)40)
• ALx = [12,375] • ä65(12) • (D(T)65 / D(T)40)
Commutation Functions
• Commutation Functions
– A long time ago, in an actuary’s office, far, far
away…. An actuary got tired of writing out all the
different summations to indicate insurance and
annuity benefits
– So…commutation functions were invented
– Basic idea: take the most common terms in
insurance and annuities and create shorthand for
Commutation Functions
• Commutation Functions
– Today’s dilemma: The latest version of the Actuarial
Mathematics textbook used to teach actuarial
principles does not have any reference to
commutation functions
– But…you can’t avoid them in other texts or more
importantly, insurance laws and regulations
– And…Defined Benefit Pension Funding formulas
make use of them
– So…we’ll review briefly
Commutation Functions
• Commutation Function Initial
– qx = probability of dying during a year
• Mortality tables all are written in terms on qx’s
– px = probability of surviving during a year
– px = 1 – qx
– lx = number of people out of original group
surviving to age x = p0 * p1 * p2 * …. * px-1
– vx = 1 / (1 + i)x = interest discount for x years
Commutation Functions
• Natural extensions of these
– ly / lx = probability of surviving from age x to
age y = (y-x)px
– Often, y is described in relative terms to x, such
y = x +n, and therefore the notation becomes
lx+n / lx = npx
Commutation Functions
• The next steps in definitions
– Actuaries realized that a lot of what they needed
to do involved discounting future payments for
mortality and interest
– “How much do I need to invest today at a given
interest rate and assuming a given mortality to
provide a benefit down the road?”
– Thus… the birth of the Dx function
– Dx = vx lx
Commutation Functions
• The next steps in definitions
– More appropriately, the discounting needed to be done from
a future attained age to a known attained age today
– “How much do I need to invest today at a given interest rate
and assuming a given mortality to provide a benefit at
known point in time down the road given that the
beneficiary has already survived to a known age?”
– Answer? Simple. Divide one Dx function into another
– Dz / Dx = vz lz / vx lx = vz-x * lz / lx = vz-x *(z-x)px
– Read this as “discounted with interest for (z-x) years, times
probability of surviving from x to z”
– Example….
Commutation Functions
• The next steps in definitions
– More appropriately, the discounting needed to be done from
a future attained age to a known attained age today
– “How much do I need to invest today at a given interest rate
and assuming a given mortality to provide a benefit at
known point in time down the road given that the
beneficiary has already survived to a known age?”
– Answer? Simple. Divide one Dx function into another
– Dz / Dx = vz lz / vx lx = vz-x * lz / lx = vz-x *(z-x)px
– Read this as “discounted with interest for (z-x) years, times
probability of surviving from x to z”
– Example….
Commutation Functions
Interest Rate
Fund per life BOY Fund with Interest
Fund per life EOY
Commutation Functions
• Breaking down the lz / lx part so it
makes logical sense….
– Recall that lx = number of people out of original
group surviving to age x = p0 * p1 * p2 * …. * px-1
– lz / lx = (p0 * p1 * p2 * …. * px-1 * px * px+1 * …. * pz-1) / (p0 * p1 *
p2 * …. * px-1)
– What happens? All the terms from 0 to x-1 fall out
– So… lz / lx = px * px+1 * …. * pz-1 = (z-x)px
Commutation Functions
• Same thing but with hard and fast
– Let z = 65, x = 35
– For example, discounting a retirement benefit
from age 65 for someone currently age 35
– D65 / D35 = v65 l65 / v35 l35 = v65-35 * l65 / l35 = v30 *
– Read this as “discounted with interest for 30
years, times probability of surviving from 35 to
Commutation Functions
• Take a look at a general D65 / Dx
– What do you see happening at very young
employee ages, say age 25 – 35?
– Even as x nears 65, does D65 / Dx get close to 1?
– And this would just consider mortality – not
including employees leaving the company
Commutation Functions
• General notation for multiple
– In pension valuation you have several decrements
to the employee population
• Employees die
• Employees leave the company
– So it is common to distinguish the “mortality
only” Dx from the “total decrement” D(T)x
– (T) denotes that all forces of decrement are being
Commutation Functions
• In pension valuation you have several
decrements to the employee population
• Employees die
• Employees leave the company
• An example with multiple decrements…
• Assume 1000 people in a cohort,
mortality rate of 10% throughout each
year, and 5% of the surviving members
leave the cohort at the end of the year
Commutation Functions
• Expansion on Dx
– After inventing Dx, actuaries realized that often
times they needed to discount a whole series of
future payments
– So Nx came next
– Nx = Dx + Dx+1 + Dx+2 + … (goes on until the end of
the mortality table)
– We can prove that an annuity due (where
payments begin immediately) = Nx / Dx
Commutation Functions
• For defined benefit pension funding, Dx
and Nx are used quite frequently
• You are constantly talking about
discounting future benefits to the
current point in time
• Most pension funding notation, and
especially that which is used on the
current SOA exams, are written in this
Commutation Functions
• Monthly versus Annual
– Often times, pension benefits are talked about in
terms of monthly payments
– So annuities due are often the monthly versions
of the more common annual notation
– Example:
• äx is used to describe an annuity of 1 beginning
at age x and paid annually
• äx(12) is used to describe an annuity of 1/12
beginning at age x and paid monthly
Commutation Functions
• Combining äx and Dx
– Remember, we proved that äx = Nx / Dx
– And often times, we are talking about discounting
an annuity stream from retirement age, r, to
current age, x
– So the factor…. Dr / Dx times är … often enters
into the discussion
– Well… (Dr * är) / Dx = Nr / Dx … so that is a common
way to write it
– Or perhaps most frequently … N(12)r / D(T)x
Increasing Cost
Individual Cost Methods
• Individual cost methods calculate the cost that
a company should pay to fund a pension
benefit by looking at each participant one at
a time
• Increasing cost means that costs typically
increase as participants age and are not
levelized across the earnings period
• Each year, the “slice” of the benefit that is
earned is funded in that year
Traditional Unit Credit
(TUC) Method
• Liability under TUC is the value of the
accrued pension benefit as of the valuation
• Also called Unit Credit Cost Method (by
ERISA) and Accrued Benefit Cost Method
• No consideration is given to what salary
increases or years of service might occur in
the future – strictly look at what has
happened before the valuation date
Traditional Unit Credit
(TUC) Method
• Actuarial Liability for each
– ALx = Bx • (D(T)r / D(T)x) • är(12)
– where Bx = annual pension benefit that has
accrued to age x
– Perhaps we can read this as “Accrued Benefit,
times discount from r back to x, times annuity
forward from r”
Traditional Unit Credit
(TUC) Method
• Normal Cost for each participant:
– NCx = bx • (D(T)r / D(T)x) • är(12)
– where bx = annual pension benefit earned during
employment at age x
– Perhaps we can read this as “earned benefit this
year, times discount from r back to x, times
annuity forward from r”
Traditional Unit Credit
(TUC) Method
• Need to do some examples….
• Pull out your handy Commutation
Function sheet
Traditional Unit Credit
(TUC) Method
• There’s a clear relationship between Bx
and the bx’s
– bx’s are the slices of the accrued total benefit, Bx
– Many times bx is constant across all years
– Recall in some plans, benefits are a fixed amount per year of
– So Bx changes every year, but by the same amount all the
– NCx = bx • (D(T)r / D(T)x) • är(12)… and next year…
– NCx+1 = bx+1 • (D(T)r / D(T)x+1) • är(12)
– But if bx = bx+1, then the only thing different is the discount
Traditional Unit Credit
(TUC) Method
• An interesting twist on this…
– If bx = bx+1, then take a look at NCx+1 / NCx
– NCx+1 / NCx = [bx+1 • (D(T)r / D(T)x+1) • är(12)] / [bx • (D(T)r
/ D(T)x) • är(12)]
– NCx+1 / NCx = D(T)x / D(T)x+1 = vx lx / vx+1 lx+1
– NCx+1 / NCx = 1 / (v • px)
– That boiled down to something pretty
simple…which means that exam constructors can
make a problem look really difficult and have it be
solved fairly quickly!