Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Routen der CO2-Abscheidung in Kraftwerken E. Riensche, J. Nazarko, S. Schiebahn, M. Weber, L. Zhao, D. Stolten Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, D-52425 Jülich Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung – IEK-3: Brennstoffzellen Jahreshaupttagung der DPG - Arbeitskreis Energie (AKE) Dresden, 13.-16. März 2011 Introduction Three phases of power production from coal occur: • 20th century: Continually increasing efficiency up to ……………..….… ~45 % • Ending with: Flue gas cleaning (DeNOx, Dedust, DeSOx) ……….....… 1-2 %-points loss • 21th century: Necessity for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) … ~8-14 %-points loss Challenge of CCS: • Collecting CO2 as pure as possible • High efficiency of power production Current efficiency penalties of 12-14 %-points • CO2 separation degrees ~90% and • CO2 purities between ~90 and 99 mol% R&D: • Gas separation • Integrated CCS systems CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 2 CCS Process Steps CO2 separation 1 2 Potential power plant modifications • Further flue gas cleaning • CO shift • Recirculation Gas/gas separation • CO2/N2 • O2/N2, CO2/H2O • CO2/H2 CO2 transport and storage 3 4 5 Potential subsequent CO2 cleaning CO2 compression 1 100 bar liquefaction Further compression Exceptions: e.g. post comb. chilled ammonia 15-20 100 bar Power plant 6 Potential further compression Up to 1000 bar Pipeline e.g. 500 km pressure drop 200 100 bar Injection at significant depth e.g. aquifers in Germany 1 – 10 km • Up to 6 processes contribute to CCS energy demand Accumulated losses to be minimized CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 3 Data Base of Energy Content for Fossil Fuels CH4 10 LHV / MJ/kgCO2 203% Typical Coal C 10 117% 5 100% 0 MJ/kgfuel 32.8 25.0 50.0 MJ/kgCO2 kWhth/tCO2 8.94 2480 10.5 2910 18.2 5050 Emission: Nm³CO2/kWhth 0.205 0.175 0.101 0 Source: Reference power plant NRW, VGB 2004 • Typical coal: LHV = 2910 kWhth/tCO2 produced Efficiency loss = 1 %-point for CCS energy demand of 29 kWhe/tCO2 (100% separated) CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 4 LHV / kWhth/Nm³CO2 20 Separation Routes, Tasks and Methods Routes Postcombustion Oxyfuel Separation tasks Methods CO2 vs. N2 - from flue gas Absorption with liquids Carbonate Looping Adsorption with solids Membranes O2 vs. N2- from air Cryogenic air separation (standard) Chemical looping combustion Membranes (after CO shift to CO2) Absorption with liquids Carbonate looping Membranes H2 vs. CO2 Adsorption with solids Membranes CO2 vs. H2- from coal gas Precombustion CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 5 Prevalent Gas Separation Methods Separation methods Separation principles Materials Sep. gas Amines Chemical Amino salts Ammonia Absorption with liquids “Rectisol” Physical CO2 “Selexol” “Purisol” Cryogenic air separation Condensation & Rectification O2 Reaction with solids (Chemical Looping) Me <–> MeO Ni, Cu, Fe AO <–> ACO3 CaO, MgO, FeO CO2 Molecular transport Polymer Microporous CO2 or H2 MIEC for O2 sep. O2 Membranes Ionic / atomic transport MIEC: Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductor MPEC: Mixed Protonic-Electronic Conductor CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 MPEC for H2 sep. Metallic H2 Folie 6 Absorption with Liquids Purified Gas CO2 CO2 Capture Solvent Solvent + CO2 Gas with CO2 Solvent Regeneration Solvent make-up Spent solvent Solvent loading with CO2 Physical Henry´s law IGCC Flue gas Chemical pCO2~5-10 bar Energy Partial pressure of CO2 Chemical absorption for low CO2 partial pressures, e.g. flue gases Physical absorption for high CO2 partial pressures, e.g. coal gas (IGCC, pressurized) CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 7 Reaction with Solids CO2 + H2O Oxidation unit (Air reactor) Air NiO Ni Reduction unit (Fuel reactor) Fuel Oxyfuel via Chemical Looping Combustion CO2-free flue gas Absorption (Carbonizing) T = 650 °C Coal gas or flue gas with CO2 CO2 for compression CaCO3 CaO Regeneration (Calcining) T = 900 °C Ash CaO CaCO3 Make-up CaCO3 Fuel Oxygen Carbonate Looping • CLC: applicable for coal gas & natural gas • CLC: direct oxygen transport via a metal carrier CLC promises energy saving oxygen delivery for oxyfuel CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 8 Polymer Membranes: CO2 Separation from Natural Gas Example for a natural gas field p ~100 bar p ~100 bar Natural gas pCO2 ~10 bar p ~1 bar pCO2 ~1 bar CO2 • Transport: solution diffusion mechanism • Driving force: partial pressure difference • Compressors: not required in natural gas fields • Integration in coal power plants: - Limitation in operating temperature - Compression energy to be considered CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 9 Inorganic Membranes Inorganic Membranes Metallic Ceramic Microporous Dense Dense MPEC: Mixed Protonic-Electronic Conductors H+/e- Diffusion of Hatoms Amorphous: e.g. Sol-gel membranes Crystalline: e.g. Zeolites MIEC: Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors O2-/e- Up to 600 °C 150 - 400 °C 150 - 400 °C 800 - 1000 °C 500 - 800 °C O2/N2 – Oxy H2/CO2 – Pre(H2) H2/CO2 – Pre(H2) jH 2 S H 2 DH 2 / L CO2/N2 – Post CO2/N2 – Post H2/CO2 – Pre(H2) H2/CO2 – Pre(H2) pH 2 pH 2 j A PA pA pA CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 jO 2 RT 16 F 2 amb L ln pO 2 pO 2 Folie 10 Résumé: CCS Power Plant Classes Basic concept Route Gas separation task Post CO2 Oxy O2 Gas separation method Cond. Absorption / Reaction Membrane separation Cryog. Absorption w. liquids Reaction with solids air sepaPolymer Chemical Physical Adsorption Reaction ration SPP IGCC* SPP IGCC* SPP IGCC CO2 SPP IGCC IGCC + Shift SPP IGCC* Porous Metallic SPP IGCC* SPP IGCC IGCC + Shift Mixed cond. SPP IGCC IGCC + Shift Pre H2 IGCC + Shift IGCC + Shift** IGCC + Shift** IGCC + Shift** IGCC + Shift** * Flue gas recycle for higher CO2 concentration ** Flue gas recycle for membrane sweep with a large O2-poor N2 gas stream • Today: two power plant technologies: Steam Power Plant (SPP) and IGCC • Identified: 32 CCS power plant classes CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 11 Increase of CO2 Concentrations through Flue Gas Recycling IGCC Post-combustion (basic) Coal gas Post-combustion with flue gas recycling (advanced) CO2~6% λ~2.5 SG GT CO2 Coal gas ST Air CO2~13-15% λ~1 Steam power plant Air λ~1 CO2 Coal gas GT ST Air N2~70% O2~10% Coal Oxyfuel (with flue gas recycling) Air CO2 GT ST H2O N2~5% O2~0% CO2 Coal n/a N2, (H2O) λ~1 ASU O 2 CO2~12-14% ST CO2~90% Air CO2~90% λ~1 ASU O 2 CO2 ST H2O l: air ratio, ASU: air separation unit, GT: gas turbine, SG: steam generator, ST: steam turbine CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 12 Post-combustion: Amine Scrubbing CO2-free flue gas CO2+H2O 40°C 60°C 90°C Absorber Desorber Heat exchanger Flue gas 100°C 55°C Heat supply • Absorption heat is released at low temperature • Desorption requires heat at higher temperature • Heat supplied by steam condensation at the desorber CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 13 Compression energy / kWh/tCO2 120 4 For compression to 120 bar CO2 captured at 1 bar takes from efficiency 4 %-points (100% CO2 separation, 5 mol% N2) 100 3 Source: after Göttlicher 2004 80 60 2 40 1 20 0 Plant efficiency loss / %-points Final Compression of Captured CO2 to 120 bar 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 CO 2 pressure after capture / bar 120 CO2 released at 10 bar takes 2 %-points (e.g. Post-combustion/Chilled ammonia) CO2 released at 30 bar takes 1 %-point (e.g. Pre-combustion/H2 membrane) CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 14 CO2 Phase Diagram for Pure CO2 and CO2-N2 Mixtures Pipeline Source: Goos, Riedel, Zhao, Blum, GHGT-10, Amsterdam 2010 • Pure CO2: Two-phase behaviour only at the saturation line • Impure CO2: Two-phase regions occur - exceeding 100 bar Work hypothesis for pipeline transport: 5 mol% N2 tolerable CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 15 Conclusions CCS concepts encompass a broad variety of solutions • Post-combustion, Oxyfuel, Pre-combustion • Gas separation: Absorption, Adsorption, Reaction with solids, Rectification, Membranes. All concepts show potentials for further improvement • Materials´ and componenent development • Integration of components and “CCS waste heat” (from capture and compression). The minimum efficiency penalty for CCS is estimated to be • 4 %-points for CO2 capture from flue gas (90% separation) and • Even potentially lower, if separation of pure gases is avoided, e.g. by - Membrane sweep (permeation - dilution) and - Chemical looping (e.g. reaction of O2 with a metal carrier – directly in air). Successful development of CCS concepts will require in-depth dialogue between process engineers and material scientists. CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 16 Thank You for Your Attention! June 20-22-2011, Frankfurt am Main Efficient Carbon Capture for Coal Power Plants CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 17 Thank You for Your Attention! 2nd International Conference on Process Engineering Efficient Carbon Capture for Coal Power Plants June 20-22, 2011 Frankfurt am Main/ Germany Registration: CO2-Abscheidung, Vortrag D. Stolten, Dresden 16.03.2011 Folie 18