SECTION 15200 – MECHANICAL INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 The General Provisions of the Contract, including General, Supplementary and Special Conditions, apply to the work specified in this Section. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Install all insulation in conformance with manufacturer's recommendations and these specifications. B. Insulation materials manufactured by the following list of companies will be acceptable provided their materials conform to these specifications (see Paragraph on Substitution): Armstrong, CertainTeed, Childers, Foster, Insulphen, Knauf, Koolphen, Manville, OwensCorning, Pabco, Pittsburg-Corning and SPI. C. Flame Spread and Smoke Requirements: 01 All jackets, adhesives, coatings, insulating materials and vapor barrier mastics for air distribution systems shall meet the requirements of NFPA Bulletin 90-A with a flame spread of 25 or less and smoke developed rating not higher than 50. 02 All jackets, adhesives, coatings, insulating materials and vapor barrier mastics for piping and equipment shall have a flame spread not higher than 25 and smoke developed rating not higher than 50. 03 All materials containers shall have a U. L. Label. D. At each pipe support point, install a hard section of Koolphen K or Insulphen phenolic foam pipe insulation, minimum 18" length, on lower 180° of piping, 360° if clamps are used on top of pipe, same thickness as adjacent insulation, to prevent compression at support bearing area. Seal and finish to match adjoining insulation. Provide formed 16 gage galvanized sheetmetal saddles, same length as hard section, to completely cover hard section. E. Install aluminum covers on insulated pipe inside that is exposed to view in finished areas. Cover is not required in mechanical or AHU rooms. Jacketing in contact with soil shall be .010" stainless steel. PART 2 - MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 CHILLED WATER PIPING A. GENERAL: Insulate all chilled water piping, valves, fittings, rolairtrol, tanks, filter feeders and other items subject to condensation. Insulate chiller connections to chiller barrel insulation so there is no break in the insulation of the system. B. PIPE: 01 MATERIALS: Molded Koolphen K or Insulphen phenolic foam pipe insulation, 3.7 pounds per cubic foot density, conductivity (k) not higher than .14 at 100° mean temperature difference with factory attached fire retardant, vapor barrier jacket. Insulation above ceilings, or 7 feet above floor or roof may be 2.2 pound Section 15200 Mechanical Insulation Page 1 Project 1528 per cubic foot density. C. D. 2.2 2.3 EXECUTION: Install insulation over pipe and carefully connect self sealing laps. Provide 3" butt strips at each joint between sections, sealed with Foster 85-20. 03 MATERIALS OUTSIDE BUILDING: Molded Koolphen K phenolic foam pipe insulation, 3.7 pounds per cubic foot density, conductivity (k) not higher than .14 at 100° mean temperature difference with factory attached fire retardant, vapor barrier jacket. 04 EXECUTION: Seal laps on jacket with white Foster 85-60 and staple at 4" on center. Vapor seal staples with Foster 30-35. Provide 3" butt strips at each joint between sections, seal as above. Install a vapor stop every 15'-0", using Foster 30-80. VALVES, FITTINGS AND OTHER COMPONENTS: 01 MATERIALS: covering. Pre-molded cover of same materials and thickness as pipe 02 EXECUTION: Provide vapor barrier consisting of a tack coat of white Foster 3080 with glass fabric, finished with a 1/16" thick coating of Foster 30-80. Finish all joints and seams smooth and even. KOOLPHEN INSULATION THICKNESS: 01 Piping outside or in non-air conditioned spaces inside building shall be 2” thick. 02 Piping inside in conditioned spaces including air handling unit rooms and return air spaces shall be 1” thick. BUILDING HEATING WATER PIPING A. Insulate all hot water piping with factory molded pipe covering made from glass fibers; 2" thick (1½” thick for pipes 1½” and smaller) with density not less than 3 pounds per cubic foot; conductivity (k) not higher than .25 at 100° mean temperature difference; with factory attached fire retardant jacket. Piping insulation outside shall be 1/2“ thicker. B. Secure all laps and joints with staples at 4" on center. Provide 3" butt strips at each joint between sections. C. Insulate fittings with pre-molded cover of same materials and thickness as pipe covering. LAP AND JOINT ATTACHMENT A. 2.4 02 Self-sealing type jackets will be acceptable provided the laps are sealed per the manufacturers recommendations and the installation is 100% visually inspected by the insulation contractor's foreman. DUCT INSULATION A. GENERAL: Patch duct insulation to match existing where controls components are installed in or on ducts. END OF SECTION Section 15200 Mechanical Insulation Page 2 Project 1528