Freshmen English Curriculum ______________________________________________________________________________ English 9A Required Reading: o Odyssey (Homer), Selected Excerpts Holt Elements of Literature Third Course: Pages 1024-1101 o Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare) Holt Elements of Literature Third Course: Pages 796-948 Writing: Cause and Effect Essay: See below. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Cause and Effect Essay After reading William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, you will write a well-developed essay in which you identify which character you think is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. You may NOT choose Romeo or Juliet. Remember, when responding to literature, do not use first or second person narration. Additionally, you should avoid summarizing the story; assume your reader is familiar with the characters and basic plot elements. Your paper should be formatted as follows: Introduction: /8 /2 Introduces the title of the literary work and its author /2 States which character is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet /2 Lists (not explains) in chronological order, the three main reasons why this character is most responsible /2 Claim (thesis statement) is clear and easily identifiable within the introduction. Body Paragraphs (Total of three): /24 /2 Paragraph contains topic sentence introducing one of the main reasons identified in claim. /2 Explains how reason led to deaths of Romeo and Juliet (or how it was a contributing factor). /2 Provides a specific supporting example from the text. /2 Contains a quote from the text to offer further support. When writing quotes in an MLA formatted essay… Write the title of the work and the location of the quotation in parentheses after each quote. If none of this information is given in the text before the quote, then this information should be formatted: (Play. Act number. Scene number. Verse numbers). For example, if you are using a quote/line from Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo & Juliet, format your parenthetical citation as follows: (Romeo & Juliet. 3.1.22-23). Conclusion: /15 /5 Confirms that the character the author chose is indeed the most responsible /5 Restates claim or thesis statement in a different way /5 Wraps up the essay with a sentence that gives readers a sense of finality Mechanics/Conventions: /13 /3 Essay is submitted on time through /5 Conventions (spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.) /5 Formatting (Times New Roman, 12PT FONT, MLA Format) TOTAL /60 Be familiar with the following academic vocabulary terms and how they are used in Odyssey and Romeo and Juliet. Academic Vocabulary: approximate rhyme end rhyme protagonist antagonist monologue soliloquy aside epic epic hero epic simile medias res flashback invocation tragedy stanza epic hero Define the following language terms and be able to identify examples of each in a given sentence(s). Language Terms: noun pronoun adjective preposition Supplementary Reading: Read one of the novels from the list below, and complete the Book Review assignment that follows. Whirlgig The Fault in our Stars Dead End in Norvelt Stargirl Unwind Marcello in the Real World Jasper Jones Wonder Supplementary Novel Format and Requirements Paragraph 1: Introduce the title of the book, author, and genre (which ever order you choose). Briefly describe what the book is about WITHOUT revealing the ending pivotal twists in the plot. Paragraphs 2 and 3 should each do the following: Present one reason you liked the book by identifying what the author did well. Example : Throughout Journey to the Center of the Earth, Verne’s use of descriptive language helps the reader vividly picture his elaborate settings including the secret passage which is “full of rope-ladders, slip-nooses, torches, gourds, cramp-irons, pickaxes, alpenstocks, mattocks, [and] enough articles to load ten men at least” (Verne 25). Include at least one quote (as in the example above), effectively blended within the text, and properly using parenthetical citation. Paragraph 4: Provide one reason you did NOT like the book by identifying one thing the author did not do or could have done better. If there is nothing you disliked about the book, then paragraph 4 should describe a third reason for your liking the book (follow format of paragraphs 2 and 3). Include at least one quote to support your opinion, effectively blended within the text, with proper parenthetical citation. Paragraph 5: Wrap up your review! Rate your book using a scale of 1-5 stars with 5 being the highest rating possible. Briefly explain why the book earned x amount of stars. State what type of reader would enjoy your book (young adult readers? readers who enjoy mysteries?). End with some brief biographical information about the author and what other books he or she has published. Example: Born in a small, French coastal town on February 28, 1828, Jules Gabriel Verne early developed a love for the sea and for adventure. He went on to publish several more books including Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870) and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). Additional Requirements for Book Review: TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12PT FONT, DOUBLE-SPACED NO FIRST OR SECOND PERSON NARRATION WORKS CITED PAGE IN MLA FORMAT ____________________________________________________________________________________ English 9B Required Reading: o Of Mice and Men (1937) by John Steinbeck o Animal Farm (1945) by George Orwell o Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl (1947) by Anne Frank OR The Diary of Anne Frank (Play) Writing: Compare and Contrast Essay: See below. Animal Farm: Compare and Contrast Essay After reading George Orwell’s Animal Farm, write an essay in which you compare and contrast one character or event from the novel with its historical parallel to the Russian Revolution. Format: Introduction: Attention Getter, Thesis Statement or Claim, and Overview 3 Supporting Paragraphs (Each): Topic Sentence, Description, Explanation, Quotes and Support Conclusion-Restate Thesis Statement, Briefly Summarize Essay, Conclude A successful compare and contrast essay should: Clearly state the relationship being examined. Provide necessary background information. Make the relationship between the character/event and its historical parallel clear. Arrange details logically, and include transitions. Summarize the relationship in the conclusion. Essay Requirements: Six quotes (3 from the novel, and 3 from non-fiction sources about the Russian Revolution) Min. of 2-3 pages in length (typed and double spaced) MLA format and include a works referenced page EXAMPLES OF A THESIS STATEMENT OR CLAIM (A) In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Napoleon historically parallels Russia’s former Communist leader, Joseph Stalin, as represented by his political ideology, manipulative propaganda, and harsh totalitarian rule. (B) Animal’s Farms Squealer symbolizes Communist propaganda as portrayed by the lies he spreads around the farm, his support and false representation of Napoleon’s rule, and, most alarming of all, the manipulative language he uses to trick the other animals. Be familiar with the following academic vocabulary terms and how they relate to the required readings for English 9B: Academic Vocabulary: allegory genre inference context clue foreshadowing setting simile Define the following language terms, and be able to identify examples of each in a given sentence(s). Language Terms: Verb Adverb Interjection Conjunction Supplementary Reading: Read one of the novels from the list below and complete the Book Review assignment that follows. Whirlgig The Fault in our Stars Dead End in Norvelt Stargirl Unwind Marcello in the Real World Jasper Jones Wonder Supplementary Novel Format and Requirements Paragraph 1: Introduce the title of the book, author, and genre (which ever order you choose). Briefly describe what the book is about WITHOUT revealing the ending pivotal twists in the plot. Paragraphs 2 and 3 should each do the following: Present one reason you liked the book by identifying what the author did well. Example : Throughout Journey to the Center of the Earth, Verne’s use of descriptive language helps the reader vividly picture his elaborate settings including the secret passage which is “full of rope-ladders, slip-nooses, torches, gourds, cramp-irons, pickaxes, alpenstocks, mattocks, [and] enough articles to load ten men at least” (Verne 25). Include at least one quote (as in the example above), effectively blended within the text, and properly using parenthetical citation. Paragraph 4: Provide one reason you did NOT like the book by identifying one thing the author did not do or could have done better. If there is nothing you disliked about the book, then paragraph 4 should describe a third reason for your liking the book (follow format of paragraphs 2 and 3). Include at least one quote to support your opinion, effectively blended within the text, with proper parenthetical citation. Paragraph 5: Wrap up your review! Rate your book using a scale of 1-5 stars with 5 being the highest rating possible. Briefly explain why the book earned x amount of stars. State what type of reader would enjoy your book (young adult readers? readers who enjoy mysteries?). End with some brief biographical information about the author and what other books he or she has published. Example: Born in a small, French coastal town on February 28, 1828, Jules Gabriel Verne early developed a love for the sea and for adventure. He went on to publish several more books including Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870) and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). Additional Requirements for Book Reveiw: TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12PT FONT, DOUBLE-SPACED NO FIRST OR SECOND PERSON NARRATION WORKS CITED PAGE IN MLA FORMAT