Policy & Transition Manager The Central Student Association (CSA) is the undergraduate students’ union at the University of Guelph. We advocate on behalf of our membership, representing collective interests on a diverse range of issues such as public transit, housing, student rights and the accessibility of education. In addition we offer numerous services and programs such as the universal bus pass, health and dental plan, and an advocacy centre. The position is responsible for advising and assisting the Executive in maintaining and improving the organisation’s responsiveness to, advocacy for, and representation of its membership. The overall position focuses on the training and transition of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and staff, with a focus on the democratic structure of the students’ union, the logistics of a non-profit, non-share-capital corporation, strategic planning, skills development, the administrative and governing structure of the organization and University, and other policies and legislations related to post-secondary education. The Policy and Transition Manager will be the primary contact for aid in managing, understanding, facilitating and interpreting any policy within the CSA, including but not limited to: CSA Bylaws, CSA Policies, and Operating Manuals for the various services (including the Bullring). Term: Hours: Supervisor: Salary: Benefits: September 29, 2014 35 hours per week, to be completed on site Human Resources & Operations Commissioner $34,580 per annum (pro-rated) 3% RESP/RRSP Contribution, Employee Medical Plan, Parking Pass Bylaw & Policy Management: To be a resource for any CSA member regarding interpreting, writing, and editing bylaws and policies. To coordinate and act as chair for the Policy and Bylaw Review Committee (PBRC) and adhere to committee terms of reference To write, edit and review bylaws and policies as organized by PBRC To establish a regular and comprehensive review of all CSA bylaws and policies on no more than a three-year rotation. To identify any policies or bylaws that require immediate review, and inform the responsible parties. To update and maintain bylaws and policies within two weeks of board approved changes To keep an updated list of bylaw changes to be approved at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM). All bylaw changes for the AGM must be clearly formatted with highlighted insertions and deletions since the last successful AGM To develop and maintain an archive of bylaws & policies Transition Management: To develop, facilitate and coordinate the year-end Executive Transition for both incoming and outgoing executive members. These transition sessions must be scheduled on the last five business days of the executive contractual term and continue on, for incoming executive, through the first five business days of the new fiscal year. Transition sessions should include (at a minimum): conflict resolution, anti-oppression, policy and bylaws, human resources management, permanent/full-time staff, CSA Budget Orientation, payroll and executive benefit information, , Board relations, executive reports, manuals, UofG Committee involvement, University and Student Leader Structure, , and a Year-in-Review session for outgoing Executives. To help guide the Executive in updating and completing their respective Executive Position Transition Manuals To develop, and coordinatea timeline and process for staff training workshops (including: Anti-Oppression, Workplace Harassment, Workplace Violence, Accessibility Provision Services Course), transition, operating manuals and job description reviews To ensure all contract staff have reviewed and updated the duties listed in their job description. This must be done in consultation with the programme coordinator and respective executive supervisor. These revisions must be forwarded to the Human Resources & Operations Commissioner and the Business Manager no later than end of the fall semester To develop, facilitate, and coordinate the Board training for each semester. Training will include resources, sections and modules on the following topics: student union purpose and structure, CSA membership outreach (campaigns, services, etc.), anti-oppression, Roberts Rules, Board responsibilities, Executive Responsibilities, Staff, Human Resources & HR structure, overview of bylaws and policies, a board year in review, Board Committees, Finances, and drafting motions. To present all the components of board training (board resource manual, course link website, deadlines & timelines) at the first board meeting of the summer and fall semester, To prepare annual board transition document highlighting/summarizing key motions, bylaw and policy changes and structural changes over the last academic year Board Administration: To be present at all board meetings and various committees as requested, and to act as a resource to the chair with matters regarding policies, bylaws, and Robert’s Rules To follow practices of accessibility in regards to new motions such as typing non-presented motions or amendments on a projector to be visible to all voting board members. To develop a board meeting schedule (including AGM, GMM) and book respective space and equipment (with CSA Programmer and Administrative Assistant), communicating finalized details with the Communications & Corporate Affairs Commissioner To compile the agenda/board packages 3 business days before each Board of Directors meeting To submit a report at each Board of Directors meeting that contains pertinent organizational information such as: details regarding training and transitioning, upcoming annual events (i.e., AGM, Elections), health and safety updates, and any other general corporate responsibilities the Board of Directors should be aware of . To compile the AGM packages for board approval at least 10 days before the AGM To review board minutes for accuracy and inconsistencies and flagging issues to the Board Scribe and/or Communications & Corporate Affairs Commissioner before submission to the Board for approval To ensure all minutes and meeting documents are uploaded onto the electronic archiving system once approved without further amendments. To maintain and act as the archivist with both board and committee meeting minutes and supplements Health & Safety: To act as the Health & Safety coordinator and to ensure the CSA complies with the Occupational Health & Safety Act jointly with the Human Resources & Operations Commissioner To receive Health & Safety Certifications every three years To co-chair the CSA’s Joint Health & Safety committee on behalf of the Human Resources & Operations Commissioner To maintain health and safety records, committee minutes, inspections, checklists, reports, manuals and to ensure this information is readily available to all staff, volunteers and inspectors To work with the Human Resources & Operations Commissioner and Bullring General Manager to develop Health & Safety policies, programs, training and protocols To develop and/or update a Health and Safety Plan for review by the committee by the end of the summer semester. The plan must include monthly objectives for both the CSA and Bullring To update and review inspection checklists for approval by the Joint Health & Safety Committee To develop an inspection schedule of the entire CSA for approval by the committee. This schedule must ensure that inspections are completed monthly and that each area of the CSA is inspected at least once every academic year. Areas include the Main Office, Bullring, Club and Staff offices, FoodBank, Bike Centre, and the SafeWalk Volunteer Office. To review completed inspection checklists and to ensure the Health & Safety Committee reviews the completed checklists To prepare recommendations to the Human Resources & Operations commissioner and/or Bullring General Manager on behalf of the Health & Safety committee To coordinate the review of Health & Safety policies on a yearly basis. Elections: To meet with the Communications & Corporate Affairs Commissioner and the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) to develop an election timeline for each semester in accordance to election bylaws and policies To meet with the Chief Electoral Officer and the Communications & Corporate Affairs Commissioner to review Election bylaws and policies in August and late November. To book the space and equipment (with the CSA Programmer) for the all-candidates forum(s) To review the final draft of the CEO’s elections reports and ensure copies are submitted to the Board of Directors, Executive, Business Office, and Student Affairs To create and maintain an archive of the election results for all Elections. Bus Pass Distribution: To brief the Local Affairs Commissioner on the timeline and scope of Bus Pass Distribution and maintain regular communication To call the a Bus Pass Distribution Planning meeting at least one month prior to the start of a semester and invite: Local Affairs Commissioner, Business Manager, Bookkeeper, Administrative Assistant, Human Resources & Operations Commissioner, Promotional Services & Graphic Designer, Communications & Corporate Affairs. Topics for discussion include distribution logistics, budget, temporary help, promotion, distribution days and hours, and location. The meetings for Summer Distribution will take place in March. To update the Bus Pass Assistant Application form and review training modules and submit it to the Local Affairs Commissioner for review To schedule Bus Pass Assistant Training session(s), at the discretion of the Local Affairs Commissioner To schedule the Bus Pass Assistants for the distribution days and to contact successful assistants To forward wage information to the Business Office To organize a debrief meeting and prepare recommendations for the next distribution General Responsibilities & Duties: To assist, advise, and support the Executive, Directors, and committees of the union and any subsidiary or affiliated organizations. To assist the Executive in long-range and strategic planning, establishing accountability measures of the corporation, setting annual goals and objectives, designing programs to meet future needs To develop and maintain an Operations Manual, and annual organizational calendar of deadlines and important dates as relevant to the CSA and each Executive’s responsibilities To develop and implement office policies to aid in the day-to-day operations and service delivery, as well as maintaining compliance to legislation, of both the CSA and any service-related offices To ensure the CSA website has the most up-to-date: bylaws and policies (within two weeks of board approved changes), board meeting schedule (including AGM, GMM), AGM package, board minutes (after board approval). To be a member of the Policy & Transition Manager review committee to enhance, build upon and fine tune the current job description and ensure the proper growth of this position. This committee will be composed of one other permanent staff member, the Communications & Corporate Affairs Commissioner, Human Resource & Operations Commissioner and a CSA Board Member. Any other duties mutually agreed upon as assigned by the Executive To provide 30 hours of training to the incoming Policy & Transition Manager prior to the end of their contract. Qualifications and Skills: Post-Secondary Education and/or relevant experience Experience with policy analysis and policy development Strong oral and written communication skills relevant to a work environment with an emphasis on conciseness and clarity Exceptional organizational, time-management, strategic planning, project management and prioritizing skills Familiarity with the objectives and operations of students’ unions, and the history and goals of the student movement. Demonstrated ability to problem solve and work under pressure Ability to lead and mentor by facilitating group consensus and by fostering a team-oriented work environment Ability to act as a resource and strive to provide unbiased input Experience with Microsoft Office Programs (specifically Word and Excel) Knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order Strong understanding of and commitment to anti-oppression Knowledge of the Occupational Health and Safety Act or Health and Safety certification(s) is an asset Familiarity working in a students’ union and/or not-for-profit, particularly in an environment where management and staff changes annually is an asset. General knowledge of the CSA and how it runs is an asset Ability to work flexible hours Deadline for applications is October 1, 2014 by 12pm (noon) Resumes and cover letters accepted at the CSA Front Office UC 274 or by e-mail to csajobs@uoguelph.ca (one PDF document preferred) For a complete copy of the CSA Hiring Policy, visit http://www.csaonline.ca. The CSA hiring policy is found in Appendix D of the Policy Manual, Section 4.0. The Central Student Association is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from members of diverse communities including: Aboriginal people, racialized persons, persons with disabilities, queer-identified individuals, trans people and women. Please note that the CSA is an independently incorporated students’ union operating within the University of Guelph community; this is not a University of Guelph position.