M.A.R.S. Math Tasks Math Task 1: Measuring the Fuel Cost • During the mission you will need to calculate the amount of fuel burned during each leg of your flight path. • Your plane starts out with 20 kilograms (kg) of fuel. • Your plane burns .02 kg of fuel per kilometer. This is your fuel cost rate. Fuel Cost Formula • You will use the following formula to calculate the amount of fuel used for each leg of the flight path: Fuel Cost = Distance x Fuel Cost Rate OR F=DxC Example 1 • For the first leg of your flight, the distance (D) between site p and site a is 362 kilometers (km). • The fuel cost rate (C) is .02 kg/km. • Turn to page 2 of your handout. Calculate the fuel cost (F) of flying from site p to site a using the formula. F=D x C Example 1 (cont’d) • Now that you know the fuel cost of flying from site p to site a, you need to calculate what percentage of your total fuel was used. • To calculate what percentage of the fuel tank has been used during this leg of the flight, you will use the following equation: Percentage of Fuel Tank = F x 100% 20 What percentage of your fuel tank did you use? Now try the next example on page 2 of your handout. Math Task 2: Deciding Which Site to Visit • In your mission the best sites to visit are the ones that have the most hematite and will take the least amount of fuel to reach. • To see which site is the best, you will be using a graph that compares how much hematite the site contains relative to how much fuel you will need to burn to reach the site. Turn to page 3 of your handout. Decision-making Graph • The x axis is the horizontal axis on the graph. In our graph the x axis represents the amount of fuel that will be used to reach each site (fuel cost). Label the x axis on your graph. • The y axis is the vertical axis on the graph. In our graph the y axis represents the amount of hematite at each site (mineral density). Label the y axis on your graph. Example 1 • To choose the first site, you will be given a set of data for the first three sites that are within your range to visit. • This data is presented as coordinates (x,y), where x represents the fuel cost and y represents the mineral density. o Site a: (36%, 51%) o Site b: (35%, 62%) o Site c: (41%, 82%) Plot these points on your decision-making graph. Making Your Decision • Use a ruler to draw a line from the origin of the graph (0,0) to each point you have plotted. • The line with the greatest slope is usually the best site to visit. The slope is the measure of the steepness of the line. • You should choose the site that has the line with the greatest slope. • In example 1 which site would be the best site to visit? • Now complete example 2 on page 3 of your handout, using the next set of data for sites a, b, and c. Math Task 3: Calculating the Area of a Site • As a science/operations expert, you will need to calculate the area of each site your team chooses to visit. • Each site will be in the shape of a triangle, rectangle, circle, or quadrilateral. • You will use a formula to find the area of each site to determine if there is enough area to build the Mars base there. • We need to find a site with an area of at least 10 km2 to establish a base. • Turn to page 4 of your handout. Math Task 3 Formulas • Area of a triangle = B x H 2 • Area of a rectangle = B x H • Area of a circle = x r 2 ( = 3.14) • Area of a quadrilateral = B x (H1+ H2) 2 Example 1 • Look at the first site picture in your packet on page 4. • Decide which formula you should use to calculate the area. • Using the formula for the shape you have selected, find the area of the site. • What is the total area of the site? • Now try example 2 on page 4 of your handout. Math Task 4: Calculating Mineral Quantity • After you determine the area of your site, you need to calculate the total amount of hematite in that area, or the mineral quantity. • On your map you will be given the mineral density of hematite located at the site. The Formula for Calculating Mineral Quantity • You will use the following formula to calculate the amount of hematite contained in an area: Mineral quantity = density kg/km2 x site area in km2 Example 1 • The area of the first site you visited was 4.35 km2. • The mineral density of hematite contained at the site was 50 kg/km2. • Use the formula on page 5 of your packet to calculate the mineral quantity for this site. • Now try example 2 in your packet on page 5. Congratulations! You’ve completed the M.A.R.S. math practice. Good luck on mission day!