Are We Still in the Jungle?

Are We Still in The Jungle?
Assignment: Create a PowerPoint presentation that
compares how 21st century America is the same or
different from Upton Sinclair’s America of 1906.
Include photos/graphs/charts/statistics gathered from
The Jungle,
Fast Food Nation, Food, Inc. (video)
or your own personal research.
TOPICS: The Food Industry / Labor / Food…
Then and Now….
• To find Evidence for your Arguments, review the following passages.…
• The Jungle
Excerpts from….Chapters 1,2,& 3
Ch.5 (pp.70-77)
Ch.6 (pp.86-89) & Author’s pt. of view on real estate agents;
Ch.9 (pp.115-120)
• Fast Food Nation
Ch. 10/Global realizations: ”an empire of fat” (pp.239-243)
Ch. 5/why the fries taste good (pp. 119-131)
Ch. 9/what’s in the meat (pp. 197-204)
Ch. 7/cogs in the wheel (pp. 160-164)
Suggested reading for homework:
Ch. 8/the most dangerous job (pp. 169-190)
• Food, Inc.
Chapters 1-9 handouts + film video (IN-CLASS ONLY)
American Literature/Ms. Basseas
Spring, 2014
Are We Still in The Jungle?
Student’s Name:
We Are/Are not Still in The Jungle
Paragraph #1 = Introduction
Attention-grabbing beginning, description of essay topic & opinion statement
Paragraph #2: The Food Industry Then (= Chicago’s Packingtown)
Argument + Evidence #1,#2,#3 (quotes, details & examples) + Explanations
Paragraph #2 (Cont’d): The Food Industry Now (=Fast Food Nation, Food, Inc.)
Argument + Evidence #1,#2,#3 (quotes, details & examples) + Explanations
Chicago’s Packingtown vs. Fast Food Nation photos/graphs/charts
Chicago’s Packingtown vs. Fast Food Nation photos/graphs/charts
Paragraph #3: Labor Then (= Workers in Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle)
Argument + Evidence #1,#2,#3 (quotes, details, & examples) + Explanations
Paragraph #3 (Cont’d): Labor Now (=Workers in Fast Food Nation, Food, Inc.)
Argument + Evidence #1,#2,#3(quotes, details, & examples) + Explanations
Labor photos/graphs/charts
Paragraph #4: Food Then (=Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle)
Argument + Evidence #1,#2,#3 (quotes ,details, & examples) + Explanations
Paragraph #4 (Cont’d): Food Now (=Fast Food Nation, Food, Inc.)
Argument + Evidence #1,#2,#3 (quotes, details, & examples) + Explanations
Food photos/graphs/charts
Food photos/graphs/charts
Paragraph #5 – America Then & Now Conclusion
Restate opinion, summarize (3) reasons, & call to action or closing statement
Subject: Are We Still in The
• Email completed presentations to:
• Save this presentation to your documents,
Rubric Score:_______/100
• Paragraph 1: Introduction (10 pts.)
• Paragraph 2: The Food Industry Then & Now (20 pts)
(Chicago’s Packingtown/Fast Food Nation)
• Paragraph 3: Labor Then & Now (20 pts.)
(immigrants/migrant workers…)
Paragraph 4: Food Then & Now (20 pts.)
(meat/corn…fast food)
Paragraph 5: Conclusion (10 pts.)
Photos/graphs/charts…..(20 pts.)