Introduction to Statistics, Final Project 2010 Overview: You will identify a researchable (testable) hypothesis with measurable variables, design a proper experiment, carry out the study, analyze the resulting data, and then draw conclusions based upon your data. Project Ideas: The following are suggestions on the type of project you might do. I want you to develop your project so that you will have fun with it and be interested in doing it. Does cold water rise to a boil faster than hot water? Which paper airplane design is most effective? Cognitive bias: Does packaging make a difference in a taste test? Influence of music on exercise output Microwave popcorn comparison: proportion of popped kernels for different varieties Comparison of various laundry detergents Are upper-formers better at game reaction time? Report: Your report must include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction telling what the project was/is about Justification for doing the project (why are you interested in it?, why is it important?) Experimental design section Clearly hypotheses--what do you anticipate will happen? Description on how you carried out your study (This must be specific and thorough … do not just say “randomly selected,” for example, but tell me exactly how you did your selection.) Actual data collected (perhaps as an appendix) Presentation of the data graphically and/or in tables Proper data summaries (e.g., 5-number summaries, mean, std. dev.) Conclusions Summary You will type your report in Word. Any graphs that you cannot make with Excel (such as boxplots) can be done neatly by hand. This report should be flawless—aesthetically pleasing, with proper headings, attractive graphs (properly labeled), and appropriate tables; grammatically correct; statistically correct; and read well. I encourage lots of questioning along the way! Timeline/Deadlines 1. Thursday, May 6: Write a paragraph describing your proposed project. I must approve the project before you can move forward. What is your central question? What are your hypotheses? How will you carry out your design? Bring your typed paragraph to class on this day. If you have an AP, you must email your paragraph. 2. Tuesday, May 11: Items 1-6 on the list above (in the “Report” section). 3. Thursday, May 13: Your graphs, calculations, descriptive stats. 4. Monday, May 17: The whole thing! At least 20% of your grade will consist of a score for meeting these deadlines and for class participation during the project.