TT study guide test 2-answers - DiMaggio

Test 2- Study Guide
Part 3 and 4 of WYSIWYG
Atoms and the Periodic Table and Composition and Changes of Matter
CRCT Review:
1. What is the difference between mass and weight? Mass does not change with location,
weight does change with location
2. Describe how the particles move in each state of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.
Solid- slow, vibrate in place
Liquid- rolls over each other, medium speed
Gas- very fast and far a part
3. What happens to the particles when you heat something up or cool something down?
(do they speed up or slow down) heat something up = particles speed up, cool
something down = particles slow down
4. List some observations you could make about an object you see in the room.
Some observations include: color, texture, shape, size
5. By looking at a density chart (with numbers)- how can you tell which object is the
densest? It has the largest number (ex: 13.9)
Atoms and the Periodic Table of Elements:
6. Define atom: smallest piece of matter
7. List the particles of an atom. Electron, proton, neutron
8. Label the following diagram with: nucleus, neutron, electron, and proton.
9. Atomic number = the number of protons
10. Atomic mass = the number of neutrons + protons
11. How do you know how many electrons an element has? Same number as protons which
is the same number as the atomic number
12. How do you find the number of neutrons an element has? Atomic mass – atomic
number (big number – little number)
13. Element name: iron
Symbol: Fe
Atomic #: 26
Atomic Mass: 55.847
# of protons: 26
# of electrons: 26
# of neutrons: 30
14. Element name: Phosphorous
Symbol: P
Atomic #: 15
Atomic Mass: 30.974
# of protons: 15
# of electrons: 15
# of neutrons: 16
15. Look at your periodic table:
a. Where are metals located? Left of the zigzag line
b. Where are nonmetals located? Right of the zigzag line
c. Where are metalloids located? In between the metals and the nonmetals
16. List at least 3 differences between metals and nonmetals. Metals are shiny, good
conductors of electricity and malleable (bendable), nonmetals are not shiny (dull), poor
conductors of electricity and not malleable
17. Do groups go up and down or left to right? What about periods? Groups go up and
down (vertical columns) periods go left to right (horizontal rows)
18. List 3 elements that belong to each group below and tell me what number that
group/family is:
a. Alkali Metals: group 1: lithium, sodium, potassium
b. Alkaline Earth Metals: group2: calcium, barium, radium
c. Transition Metals: groups 3-12: gold, iron, nickel
d. Halogens: group 17, chlorine, fluorine, iodine
e. Noble Gases: group 18, neon, helium, argon
19. Which of the above groups/family is the:
a. Most reactive metals: alkali metals
b. Least reactive nonmetals: noble gases
c. Most reactive nonmetals: halogens
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
20. Compare and contrast elements, compounds and mixtures. Be sure to include both
similarities of each and differences of each!
Differences: Elements: 1 type of atom, cannot be broken down, compounds: 2 or more
elements chemically combined, can be broken down chemically, mixtures: 2 or more
substances physically together, can be broken down physically
Similarities: elements and compounds = pure, compounds and mixtures = both 2 or more
substances combined, elements and mixtures = both keep their original properties,
elements, compounds and mixtures = all matter
21. What is the difference between atoms and molecules? Atoms are single (just 1) and
molecules are more than one atom
22. Define pure substance. Which ones are pure: elements, compounds, mixtures? Pure
substance- something that is the same throughout
23. Identify each picture as an element, compound or mixture:
24. Give 2 examples of each: homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures.
a. Homogenous: lemonade, kool-aid and salt water
b. Heterogenous: trail mix, salads
Physical and Chemical Changes:
25. Explain what happens in a physical change. It changes the way it looks but not its
chemical makeup (cut grass is still grass)
26. Explain what happens in a chemical change. Something new is created- changes the
chemical makeup and you cannot return it to its original form (frying an egg makes a
raw egg into a fried egg)
27. Give 3 examples of physical changes. Cutting paper, painting a wall, molding clay
28. Give 3 examples of chemical changes. Burning wood, baking a cake, rusting