Monday, 10/7 Objective: How can you create five different values

Monday, 10/7
Objective: How can you create five different values using pencil?
How can mapping an image on a grid help you enlarge or reduce an
image as well as develop drawing skills?
Goal: Draw an image using grid mapping in order to develop
observational drawing skills.
• Drill
1. What is another word for adornment?
2. What is a symbol?
3. Give an example of a symbol and what
it stands for.
4. What are two reasons why humans
have been decorating their bodies
since ancient times?
5. How can choices regarding a person’s
body adornment function
value : An element of art that refers to the
lightness or darkness of a color.
A value scale shows the gradations from dark to
light in steps.
Grid: a series of squares that help copy, enlarge
or reduce an image by breaking the image
down into smaller areas.
To Do
• Demonstration: Creating a five step value
scale with pencil.
• On a white piece of paper placed in your
binder create a five-step value scale with a
Mapping an image using a grid:
- How to plot the squares.
- What to look for in drawing the squares.
- Positive and negative space.
- Placing the values.
- Why is this a puzzle?
To Do
• Map and draw the image using the grid
• Use your pencil to add values by comparing
the values on the paper to the values on your
value scale.
Exit Ticket
• How can mapping an image on a grid help you
enlarge or reduce an image as well as develop
drawing skills?
Wednesday, 10/9
Objective: How is a value scale a tool for identifying and placing values
on a drawing?
Goal: Identify values on a black and white image with the help of a
value scale and render them in charcoal on a larger piece of paper.
• Drill
1. The element of art that refers to the
lightness or darkness of a color is called
2. A tool that shows the step by step change
from dark to light is called a _____.
3. A series of squares that help you copy,
enlarge or reduce an image is called a ___.
4. How is a grid helpful in copying an image
from an 8”x10” drawing to a large wall?
Wednesday, 10/9
Objective: How is a value scale a tool for identifying and placing values
on a drawing?
Goal: Identify values on a black and white image with the help of a
value scale and render them in charcoal on a larger piece of paper.
value : An element of art that refers to
the lightness or darkness of a color.
A value scale shows the gradations from
dark to light in steps.
Grid: a series of squares that help copy,
enlarge or reduce an image by
breaking the image down into smaller
The Role of Value in Drawing
The Work of Robert Longo
Other Portraits done in Charcoal
Thursday, 10/10
Objective: How is a value scale a tool for identifying and placing values
on a drawing?
Goal: Identify values on a black and white image with the help of a
value scale and render them in charcoal on a larger piece of paper.
• Drill
1. The element of art that refers to the
lightness or darkness of a color is
called ____.
2. A tool that shows the step by step
change from dark to light is called a
To Do
• Create a six step value scale in charcoal and label
the gradations from 1-6 one being the darkest
and six the lightest.
• Observe the values in the grid square you
received. Label them from 1-6 based on your
value scale and by comparing them to the other
values on the paper.
• On the paper square you were given, render each
value in the appropriate space using your value
scale as a guide.
Exit Ticket
• How is a value scale a tool for identifying and
placing values on a drawing?
Thursday, 10/10
Objective: How is a value scale a tool for identifying and placing values
on a drawing?
Goal: Identify values on a black and white image with the help of a
value scale and render them in charcoal on a larger piece of paper.
• Drill
1. On a six point value scale you are creating dark to
light values in ___ steps.
2. What number did we give the darkest dark on the
value scale?
3. If you are using the value scales you made
yesterday, a black area in an image would be the
same as which number on the value scale?
4. What numbers would a medium gray area
correspond to?
5. What number would an almost black (dark gray
area) correspond to?
6. How can this exercise be seen as shading by
To Do
• Create a six step value scale in charcoal and label the gradations
from 1-6 one being the darkest and six the lightest if you did not do
so yesterday.
• Observe the values in the grid square you received. Label them
from 1-6 based on your value scale and by comparing them to the
other values on the paper.
• On the paper square you were given, render each value in the
appropriate space using your value scale as a guide.
• Repeat the procedure until you have finished five squares total.
• Place your name on the back of all squares.
• Make sure the grid number is visible on the square.
Exit Ticket
• How does using the grid method help in
creating a very big drawing?
Monday, 10/21
Objective: Practice creating value gradations with charcoal and
graphite by completing a seven point value scale for each medium and
completing a value gradation exercise.
• Drill
1. The element of art that has to do
with lightness and darkness of a
color is _____.
2. A five point value scale goes from
dark to light in how many steps?
3. How can you create dark and light
values with the same graphite
Today’s Agenda
• Demonstration on creating value scales with
graphite and pencil (repeated).
• Demonstration on how to create a shattered
value drawing with graphite and pencil.
• Individual work time/going over grades and
what you can do to improve your grade.
Tomorrow: Make up day (details to be discussed
during individual conferences)
To Do
• Complete the first value scale with
- You can control the darkness by how much you press
your pencil.
- Fill the entire box with the same value.
- Avoid streaking.
• Complete the second value scale with
- You can control the darkness by how much charcoal is
present and smeared on
the area.
- Fill the entire box with the same value.
•Complete the shattered value (value
gradation) exercise as demonstrated.
Exit Ticket
• What is the main difference between working
with graphite to create value and working
with charcoal?
Monday, 10/28
Objective: Construct a 2”x2” grid on an 18”x24” paper.
Construct a 1”x1” grid on the copy of your photograph.
• Drill
1. A series of squares used for accurately
copying or enlarging an image is called a
2. To make a picture gridded on 2”x2”
squares double in size, the new grid
squares should be measured to ____.
3. What do you need to pay attention to
when copying an image using a grid in
order to have an accurate drawing of the
original image?
• Horizontal Line (direction): Goes from left to
Vertical Line (direction): Goes up and down
Today’s Agenda
• Assignment overview:
- What we have done so far.
- Discussion of examples.
- The big question.
• Demonstration on measuring a grid.
• Measure and draw a 2”x 2” grid on large white paper.
• Measure and draw a 1” x 1” grid on your photograph
with the line drawing.
• How to draw a grid.
• Understanding direction.
• Measuring and marking the points.
• Connecting the dots.
• The importance of drawing light.
• Take remaining pictures.
To Do
To Measure the Vertical Line
• With your paper placed
vertically, place your ruler
horizontally towards the top
of the page and measure
spaces at 2” intervals – place a
small dot every two inches.
• Repeat the procedure in the
middle and bottom of the
• Place your ruler vertically so
that the edge touches all three
dots and lightly draw a line
with your pencil.
• Connect each line of dots in
the same manner.
To Measure the Horizontal Line
• With your paper placed
horizontally, place your ruler
horizontally towards the top
of the page and measure
spaces at 2” intervals – place a
small dot every two inches.
• Repeat the procedure in the
middle and bottom of the
• Place your ruler vertically so
that the edge touches all three
dots and lightly draw a line
with your pencil.
• Connect each line of dots in
the same manner.
To Do
• Repeat the grid drawing procedure straight on
your photograph, this time drawing 1”x 1”
Exit Ticket
• How much bigger than the original picture is
your drawing going to be based on the grids
you drew?
Tuesday, 10/29
Objective: Construct a 2”x2” grid on an 18”x24” paper.
Construct a 1”x1” grid on the copy of your photograph.
Create an enlarged drawing of yourself by drawing the
contours of the face and facial features from the photograph using the
grid method.
• Drill
1. The squares over the image on the
right are called a ____.
2. What is the purpose of the squares
over the image on the right?
3. How would you go about drawing the
image using the grid? What do you
have to do first, second etc.?
4. What is the relationship between the
size of the grid squares and the size
you want the final image to be?
Today’s Agenda
• Instructional Time:
- Review how to draw a grid.
- Demonstration on using the grid to draw the
• Work time:
- Complete drawing the large grid on white paper
(2” x 2”)
- Draw a 1” x 1” grid over the line drawing of your
- Begin drawing the image square by square.
To Do
To Measure the Vertical Line
• With your paper placed
vertically, place your ruler
horizontally towards the top
of the page and measure
spaces at 2” intervals – place a
small dot every two inches.
• Repeat the procedure in the
middle and bottom of the
• Place your ruler vertically so
that the edge touches all three
dots and lightly draw a line
with your pencil.
• Connect each line of dots in
the same manner.
To Measure the Horizontal Line
• With your paper placed
horizontally, place your ruler
horizontally towards the top
of the page and measure
spaces at 2” intervals – place a
small dot every two inches.
• Repeat the procedure in the
middle and bottom of the
• Place your ruler vertically so
that the edge touches all three
dots and lightly draw a line
with your pencil.
• Connect each line of dots in
the same manner.
Exit Ticket
• In order to have an accurate line drawing of
the image you are enlarging with a grid, what
two things are important for you to pay
attention to?
Wednesday, 10/30
Objective: Construct a 2”x2” grid on an 18”x24” paper.
Construct a 1”x1” grid on the copy of your photograph.
Create an enlarged drawing of yourself by drawing the
contours of the face and facial features from the photograph using the
grid method.
• Drill
Draw the image on the right as
close to the original as you
possible can.
1. Start by drawing the grid
2. Draw the lines that are in each
square by looking at one
square at a time.
Today’s Agenda
• Instructional Time:
- Demonstration on using the grid to draw the image
- Focus on one square at a time.
- Determine the degree and direction of lines and where they touch
the edges of the square.
• Work time:
- Complete drawing the large grid on white paper (2” x 2”) if you
have not done so.
- Draw a 1” x 1” grid over the line drawing of your photograph.
- Begin drawing the image square by square. Use a hiding paper if
Exit Ticket
• Evaluate your drawing.
What do you think works?
What, if anything, do you think needs to be
Wednesday, 10/31
Objective: Construct a 1”x1” grid on the copy of your photograph.
Create an enlarged drawing of yourself by drawing the
contours of the face and facial features from the photograph using the
grid method.
• Drill
Draw the image on the right as
close to the original as you
possibly can.
1. Start by drawing the grid
2. Draw the lines that are in
each square by looking at
one square at a time.
Today’s Agenda
• Instructional Time:
- Demonstration on using the grid to draw the image
- Focus on one square at a time.
- Determine the degree and direction of lines and where they touch the
edges of the square.
• Work time:
- Complete drawing the large grid on white paper (2” x 2”) if you have not
done so.
- Draw a 1” x 1” grid over the line drawing of your photograph.
- Begin drawing the image square by square. Use a hiding paper if
- Erase all the grid lines completely.
- Begin working with charcoal to add value to your drawing
Exit Ticket
• Evaluate your drawing.
What do you think works?
What, if anything, do you think needs to be
Monday, 11/4
Objective: Create an enlarged drawing of yourself by drawing the
contours of the face and facial features from the photograph using the
grid method.
Render the features of the face using charcoal in order to make your
face appear three-dimensional.
• Drill
Draw the image on the right as
close to the original as you
possibly can.
1. Start by drawing the grid
2. Draw the lines that are in
each square by looking at
one square at a time.
• Adding value using charcoal to create the
illusion of form.
• Identifying light and dark areas.
• How light falls your face.
To Do
• Finish enlarging your drawing using the grid.
• Identify the dark and light values on your face.
• Begin by applying a layer of medium gray on the upper
part of the face.
• Darken the dark areas and lighten the light areas.
• Keep referring to the black and white picture as you
Exit Ticket
• How does adding value to a drawing make the
work appear three-dimesnional?
Tuesday, 11/5
Objective: Create an enlarged drawing of yourself by drawing the
contours of the face and facial features from the photograph using the
grid method.
Render the features of the face using charcoal in order to make your
face appear three-dimensional.
• Drill
1. The element of art that has to do
with the lightness and darkness of
a subject is called ______.
2. What makes the work on the right
appear three-dimensional?
3. Where are the darkest darks on
the subject on the right?
4. Where is the lightest light?
5. Where do you think the light was
coming from and why?
• Shadow: the darkest dark on a subject or an
image. The area that receives no light.
• Highlight: the lightest light on a subject. The
area where light directly hits an object.
To Do
• Take you work and move to the table you
were assigned.
• Pay attention to the demonstration at your
• Work on the task assigned to your table.
Exit Ticket
• Evaluate how far you got today:
- What do you need to work on next for this
- What do you need to improve on?
Wednesday, 11/6
Objective: Create an enlarged drawing of yourself by drawing the
contours of the face and facial features from the photograph using the
grid method.
Render the features of the face using charcoal in order to make your
face appear three-dimensional.
• Drill
1. What makes each nose on the
right appear three-dimensional?
2. Which part of the nose appears
to receive more light (is the
3. Which part appears to receive
the least light (shadow?)
4. What do you think you need to
pay attention to when adding
value to noses?
The Nose
The Rest of the Week
• Today: Work on shading details and bringing
out the three-dimensionality of the face on
your portraits.
(Work on alternative assignment)
• Thursday: Discussion and reading on how the
adornment choices we make send a message
to others about who we are. (Groups)
• Friday: Work on completing drawings and/or
journal entries.
To Do
- If you chose to work on the alternative
assignment get your materials and get to
- If you are working on shading, make sure you
have a medium gray layer over your drawing
and then work on drawing value details by
darkening the darker areas (adding charcoal)
and lightening the light areas (by erasing).
- If you are still working on enlarging the image
using the grid look at one box at a time and
draw the lines as you see them.
Exit Ticket
• Evaluate how far you got today:
- What do you need to work on next for this
- What do you need to improve on?
Thursday, 11/7
Objective: What are the main parts of the eye structure and how does
understanding the structure of the eye help you draw and shade the
eye area more effectively?
Objective: Create the illusion of depth on a self portrait drawing by
adding value with charcoal. (Focus on the eyes and eye structure)
• Drill
1. The element of art that refers to the
lightness or darkness of an object is
called _____.
2. Which parts of the drawing on the
right are lower or sunken in?
3. Which area in the drawing is higher
than the rest?
4. In what ways does the image appear
5. What details can you identify on the
Today’s Agenda
• Today’s Focus: Eye structure – how does understanding
the eye structure help you draw and shade the eyes
Watch video on eye structure.
Discuss video and label the eye parts on a diagram.
Watch video on drawing the eye.
Discuss the steps and relate them to what we have
done so far.
• Pair critique and suggestions on ways to improve the
eye area of the drawings based on what we learned
from the video and eye structure.
• Work time – focus on the eyes
• Exit Ticket
Eye Structure Video (8.5 minutes)
Complete the Diagram on your handout
Label the parts of the eye discussed in the video
Brow ridge
Eyelids (top and bottom)
Tear Duct
Drawing the Eye Video
Drawing the Eye Steps
• Step 1: Lay in
• Step 2: Two values
• Step 3: Full value dark accents
• Step 4: Halftones and highlights
• Step 5: Clean edges and shapes
Pair Critique (5 minutes)
• Exchange drawings with the person across from
• Observe the eye area of the drawing.
• Based on what we have learned today about the
structure of the eye and how to draw the eye give
your partner two specific suggestions on ways to
improve the way they drew and shaded the eyes.
Work Time
• Continue working on your drawings by adding details
on the values to bring out the facial features.
• Focus on the eyes and make improvements based on
what we have learned today and the suggestions of
your partner.
• If you are finished, work on the extension and
enrichment assignment.
• If you have not yet started the grid or are nowhere
near having a line drawing work on the alternative
Exit Ticket
• How does understanding the structure of the
eye help you draw and shade the eye area
more effectively?
Name: ______________________________________
Extension Assignment
To be completed if you have finished your portrait
• Using the simplified line picture of yourself draw one of your eyes
only on a piece of paper.
• Make it large. (You can use a grid or try to draw it freehand.)
• Add a new element to the eye in a way that it becomes part of the
eye. See examples below.
• Be creative. You can be serious, funny, creepy etc.
• Shade in the eye using the black and white picture of yourself.
• You can choose to shade in the added element or use color for
Friday, 11/8
Objective: What are the main parts of the lip structure and how does
understanding the structure of the lips help you draw and shade the lip
area more effectively?
Objective: Create the illusion of depth on a self portrait drawing by
adding value with charcoal. (Focus on the lips and lip structure)
• Drill
1. Where are the darkest
shadows on the lips to the
2. How are the lips separated
from the skin around them?
3. What kind of details do you
Today’s Agenda
• Today’s Focus: Lip structure – how does
understanding the lip structure help you draw
and shade the lips better?
• Watch video on lip structure.
• Watch video on drawing the lips.
• Discuss the videos as they relate to our
• Pair critique and suggestions on ways to improve
the lip area of the drawings based on what we
learned from the video and lip structure.
• Work time – focus on the lips
• Exit Ticket
Lip Structure
How to Draw Lips
How can we apply what we have
learned from the video to our work
• The structure of the lips
• Where to look for shadows
• The lips from different angles
• Details
• The area around the lips
Pair Critique (5 minutes)
• Exchange drawings with the person across from
• Observe the lip area of the drawing.
• Based on what we have learned today about the
structure of the lips and how to draw the lips give
your partner two specific suggestions on ways to
improve the way they drew and shaded the lips.
Work Time
• Continue working on your drawings by adding details
on the values to bring out the facial features.
• Focus on the lips and make improvements based on
what we have learned today and the suggestions of
your partner.
• If you are finished, work on the extension and
enrichment assignment.
• If you have not yet started the grid or are nowhere
near having a line drawing work on the alternative
Exit Ticket
• What are the main parts of the lip structure
and how does understanding the structure of
the lips help you draw and shade the lip area
more effectively?
Monday, 11/11
Objective: Create the illusion of depth on a self portrait drawing by
adding value with charcoal. (Focus on the hair)
• Drill
1. Where are the darkest values in
the drawing to the right?
2. Where are the lightest values?
3. Based on the placement of the
dark and light values, where
would you say the light is
coming from?
4. What makes the drawing
appear mysterious?
To Do
• Add details to your portrait, such shadows around the eyes,
lips and nose.
• Make sure you address the shadows and values on the
• Complete the hair last.
• You may add a light background.
• If you are finished, work on painting the new layer with
gesso. (I will demonstrate)
Tuesday, 11/12
Objective: Identify ways in which adornment choices transmit
messages about who we are by reading and discussing excerpts from
an interview based on the Smithsonian Institution’s “Will to Adorn”
• Drill
1. What do we mean by
2. List two things that would be
considered adornment
elements in the image on the
3. Based on what you see, what do
you think this image is about?
Who are these people?
Group Classwork
• Introduction to NPR interview “The Will to
Adorn: What we Wear and what it Says About
• Take ten minutes to Quietly read the article.
• Be prepared to discuss Key Points
• Sit with your assigned group
• Take ten minutes to quietly read your assigned
• On the top of the large piece of paper write the
main item of adornment the section focused on
• Write a summary of what you read.
• Go around the group twice, each offering an
opinion, or comment about the topic.
• Write your comments on the topic down.
Black Panthers
Exit Ticket
• In what ways do our clothing choices make
references to the time and culture in which we
Wednesday, 11/13
Objective: Adorn your self portrait with at least two elements of
adornment that communicate a message about who you are by
drawing adornment elements on a second layer of paper .
• Drill
1. Another word for decoration or
ornamentation is ______.
2. List two things that we adorn our
bodies with on a daily basis.
3. List three other things that people
might use to adorn themselves with.
4. What kinds of messages about
ourselves can our adornment choices
Which of the following hats would a
person likely wear:
A. At church
B. If they want to stand
out or appear unique
C. If they are spending
time outdoors on a
cold day
D. On a regular day
E. If they want to show
support or preference
for a team
List adornment elements that can
communicate a message and explain
what that message might be.
List ways you adorn yourself and
explain what message each adornment
choice communicates about you.
To Do
• Tape a piece of tracing paper over your finished
and fixed charcoal portrait.
• Paint the entire area around the face black.
Eliminate all hair and clothing information so that
only the face, facial features and neck are visible.
• Allow to dry.
• While the work is drying, sketch three different
ideas for adornment choices on a blank page.
(Each idea should contain at least two adornment
elements that communicate a message about
who you are or who you would like to be)
Exit Ticket
• Clean and return all materials to their
assigned places.
Thursday, 11/14
Objective: Adorn your self portrait with at least two elements of
adornment that communicate a message about who you are by
drawing adornment elements on a second layer of paper .
• Drill
1. In what ways can your adornment choices be an indication
that you are trying to fit in a group?
2. In what ways can your adornment choices point to a
religious belief?
3. In what ways can your adornment choices point out that you
are a person that is unique and creative and wants to stand
4. In what ways can your adornment choices show that you are
a person that holds power within a group?
5. In what ways can your adornment choices indicate that you
are a person with lots of money?
To Do (Due Date: Tuesday, 11/19)
• Tape a piece of tracing paper over your finished and fixed
charcoal portrait.
• Paint the entire area around the face black. Eliminate all
hair and clothing information so that only the face, facial
features and neck are visible.
• Allow to dry.
• Complete the adornment messages worksheet.
• While the work is drying, sketch three different ideas for
adornment choices on a blank page. (Each idea should
contain at least two adornment elements that
communicate a message about who you are or who you
would like to be).
• Draw the adornment elements on the black area of the
paper using chalk or oil pastel.
Monday, 11/18
Objective: Adorn your self portrait with at least two elements of
adornment that communicate a message about who you are by
drawing adornment elements on a second layer of paper .
• Drill
1. What do you need to include on the second
layer of your portrait?
2. What do you need to consider when deciding
what to include on the second layer of your