Revised 1/21/11 II. Student Learning Outcomes and Instructional Support Services A. Student Learning Outcomes 1) Please describe the process(es) your program employs in developing student learning outcomes and assessment plans. Discussion and analysis: I&T division faculty members develop SLOs as they are revising and modifying Course Outlines. SLOs are reviewed and approved by Industry Advisory Committees, Industry Educators, and faculty within the discipline before being submitted to the CurricUNET system for approval. SLO Assessment Plans are developed by full time faculty members. In the unique instance of a full time faculty member and an adjunct faculty member teaching the same course with the same SLOs, the full time faculty member introduces the assessments to be used to the adjunct faculty member. If an adjunct faculty member is the only instructor teaching the course, a full time faculty member is assigned to develop and manage SLOs and Assessment Plan with that instructor. 2) Please list course name and SLO assessment progress for each course including the development of learning outcomes, assessment plans, results analyzed and dialogue complete. Also include the last date the course outline was updated. (Note: all courses should be updated a minimum of every 5 years) (Place an “X” in all columns completed for each course) (the entries in tables are for example purposes only!) Course Number & Name AERO AERO210 AERO211 AERO212 AERO213 AERO214 AERO215 ARCH ARCH010 ARCH011 ARCH013 ARCH014 ARCH020 ARCH021 ARCH070 ARCH071 Date Last Updated Learning Outcomes Developed Assessment Plans Developed Assessment Plans Analyzed 5/11/11 5/11/11 5/11/11 5/11/11 5/11/11 5/11/11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1-30-09 1-30-09 1-16-09 1-16-09 4-10-08 10-2-09 9-5-08 9-5-08 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review SLO Dialogue Response Plan Page 1 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 ARCH120 ARCH121AC ARCH130 ARCH133 ARCH134 ARCH151AD ARCH160 ARCH161AD ARCH162 ARCH163 ARCH190AD ARCH251AD AUTO AUTO 130 AUTO 131 AUTO 132 AUTO 133 AUTO 134 AUTO 135 AUTO 136 AUTO 137 AUTO 138 AUTO 142 AUTO 143 AUTO 190AD AUTO253AD AUTO254 AUTO255 AUTO256 AUTO262AD AUTO263AD AUTO264AD AUTO265 AUTO267 AUTO269 CT CT100 CT101 CT104 CT105 CT108 CT109 CT113AB CT214 CT215 3-31-08 3-27-09 3-24-08 1-16-09 1-16-09 10-22-09 8-28-09 11-2-10 2-6-09 10-20-09 11-13-09 11-6-09 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 3/1/2006 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6/21/10 In Cnet INACTIVE 4/11/11 INACTIVE 6/13/11 INACTIVE 6/21/10 3/14/11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 2 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 CT218 CT219 CT125 CT130 CT132 CT134 CT135 CT138 CT250 CT151 CT160 CT161 CT162 CT163 CT170 CT271 CT272 CT273 C274 CT275 CT276 CT180 CT190AD CT205 CT270 DRFT DRFT016AD DRFT112 DRFT113 DRFT114 DRFT115 DRFT151AD DRFT190AD DRFT251AD ECT ECT 200 ECT 201 ECT 260 ECT 261 ECT 262 ECT 263 ECT265 ECT266 ECT 280 ECT 281 6/21/10 6/13/11? INACTIVE 6/13/11 5/09/11 INACTIVE INACTIVE INACTIVE 6/21/10 INACTIVE 6/21/10 IN Cnet IN Cnet INACTIVE INACTIVE 4/11/11 10/11/10 10/11/10 3/14/11 IN Cnet 6/21/10 N/A INACTIVE 6/21/10 6/21/10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3-9-07 3-9-07 3-9-07 3-9-07 3-9-07 10-15-07 1-16-07 10-17-07 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10/13/2009 10/13/2008 06/21/2010 11/03/2008 06/09/2008 10/13/2010 4/20/2010 5/07/2008 10/13/2008 11/13/2008 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 3 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 ECT 282 ITEC 241 ITEC 242 ELEC ELEC160AC ET ET 200 ET 201 ET 202 ET 203 ET 204 ET 205 ET 220 ET206AB ET207AB GD GD159 GD160 GD161AD GD162AD GD163AD GD164AD GD190AD GD251AD GD151AD IT IT210 IT211AC IT212AC IT220 IT221AC IT222AC IT223AC IT230AC IT231AC IT232AC IT233AC IT190AD IT251AD ITEC ITEC100 ITEC101 ITEC105ad 11/03/2008 11/03/2008 11/03/2008 X X X X X X 9/1/2010 X X 3/14/11 3/14/11 3/14/11 3/14/11 3/14/11 3/14/11 11/3/08 3/14/11 3/14/11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9-4-08 1-29-10 3-26-09 3-21-09 3-21-09 7-23-09 11-13-09 11-6-09 10-22-09 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 9-1-2010 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5/5/2006 5/5/2006 3/2/2011 x x x x x x Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review X X X Page 4 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 ITEC216AD ITEC220 ITEC221 11/03/08 6/21/110 6/21/10 X X X X X X ITEC274 ITEC276 ITEC280 ITEC281 ITEC300 ITEC302 ITEC304 WELD WELD 105 AC WELD 106 AD WELD 161 WELD 162 WELD 171 WELD 172 WELD 175 WELD 276 AC WELD 273 WELD 274 WELD 275 WELD 264 WELD 181 1/28/2011 4/22/2010 4/14/2008 4/14/2008 6/09/2008 6/09/2008 6/09/2008 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4/10/2010 4/8/2010 3/9/2010 2/10/2011 6/21/2010 2/4/2011 6/21/2010 2/12/2010 3/10/2010 6/21/2010 4/10/2010 6/21/2010 6/21/2010 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3) Please describe assessments and results for SLOs of courses. Please include the data from the assessments. Include the assessments identified in your previous Annual Updates. (the entries in tables are for example purposes only!) Course Number, Name & Learning Outcome AERO AERO 210 safely and effectively operate aircraft by demonstrating mastery of the following flight operations to private pilot helicopter standards: preflight preparation, airport and heliport operations, hovering maneuvers, takeoffs, landings and goarounds, performance maneuvers, navigation, emergency operations, special Assessments (include dates of assessments) Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Assessment Results Success rate for this exam was 97%. Page 5 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 operations and post-flight procedures. AERO 211 Demonstrate through written tests, practical tests, and appropriate records, that he/she meets the knowledge, skill, and experience requirements necessary to obtain a Private Pilot Certificate. AERO 212 pass a written exam on aeromedical factors as applied to instrument flight, attitude instrument flying technique, radio instrumentation and navigation systems introduction. Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). Success rate for this exam was 95%. Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). Success rate for this exam was 98%. AERO 213 Given a helicopter, the student will perform the approved areas of operation for an instrument rating to an FAA designated examiner. The flight shall be conducted to the FAA approved standards for instrument pilot helicopter. The student must demonstrate mastery of the aircraft while operating under IFR with the successful outcome of each task performed never seriously in doubt; demonstrate sound judgment and aeronautical decision making and skilled competencies in crew resource management. Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). Success rate for this exam was 100%. AERO 214 Effectively correlate weather information, aircraft performance, knowledge of the national airspace system and FAA regulations regarding commercial pilot privileges and limitations to demonstrate sound judgment and effective decisionmaking as pilot-in-command of a helicopter conducting commercial operations. Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). Success rate for this exam was 97%. AERO 215 Upon completion of Practial Exam, student will receive additional training to instruct in the Robinson R-22 and Robinson R-44 aircraft Each student must satisfactorily complete an oral and practical exam conducted by the FAA (or designated representative). Success rate for this exam was 100%. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 6 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 to meet SFAR 73 (Special Federal Aviation Regulation #73 requirements) ARCH ARCH010 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH011 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH013 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH014 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH020 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH021 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH070 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH071 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH120 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH121AC Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH130 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH133 ARCH134 ARCH151AD ARCH160 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH161AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH162 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH163 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 82% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 82% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. Course has not been offered as of this date (enrollment challenges) Course has not been offered as of this date (enrollment challenges) Course has not been offered as of this date (enrollment challenges) 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 84% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Page 7 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 ARCH190AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ARCH251AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) AUTO Auto 130 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 131 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 132 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 133 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 134 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 135 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 136 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 137 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 138 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 142 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. Auto 143 Review and demonstrate safe automotive shop practices in vehicle repair and tool handling. AUTO 190AD Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Portfolio per industry standards. 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial Page 8 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 AUTO 201AD Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO253AD Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO254 Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO255 Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO256 Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO262AD Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO263AD Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO264AD Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO265 Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO267 Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students AUTO269 Each course textbook has an industry level safety exam that is given to students CT CT100 Each student has a portfolio assessment at the completion of the semester. CT101 Each student has a portfolio assessment at the completion of the semester. CT204 CT105 INACTIVE COURSE At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. 80% of the students completing the class completed portfolio work to industry standards. 80% of the students completing the class completed portfolio work to industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 79%. Page 9 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 CT108 CT109 CT13AB CT214AB INACTIVE COURSE Students are tested at semester end by comprehensive test related to course content. INACTIVE COURSE Students are given safety test at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. CT215 Students are given safety test at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. CT218 Students are given safety test at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. CT219 Students are given safety test at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. CT125 CT130 INACTIVE COURES Students given test at end of semester on course content. Students are given test at end of semester on course content INACTIVE COURSE INACTIVE COURSE INACTIVE COURSE Safety test given at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. CT132 CT134 CT135 CT138 CT250 CT151 CT260 INACTIVE COURSE Safety test given at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. CT261 Safety test given at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. CT162 CT163 CT170 CT271 INACTIVE COURSE INACTIVE COURSE INACTIVE COURSE At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. CT272 CT273 CT274 CT275 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review New course not yet having been taught. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. New course not yet taught Currently being taught for first time this semester. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 79%. Success rate for this exam was 82%. Success rate for this exam was 83%. Success rate for this exam was 81%. Success rate for this exam was 82%. Page 10 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 CT276 CT180 CT190AD CT205AB CT270 DRFT DRFT016AD At semester end students are given plan set and tested on contents. INACTIVE COURSE INACTIVE COURSE Safety test given at beginning of semester prior to using power tools. Students are tested by answering questions after each text chapter. Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) DRFT112 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) DRFT113 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) DRFT114 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) DRFT115 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) DRFT151AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) DRFT190AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) DRFT251AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) ECT ECT 200 Review and demonstrate proper electrical safety habits for themselves and coworkers. ECT 260 Review and demonstrate proper electrical safety habits for themselves and coworkers. ECT 280 Review and demonstrate proper electrical safety habits for themselves and coworkers. ECT 281 Review and demonstrate proper safety habits in the HVAC/R for themselves and coworkers ECT 261 Demonstrate through written and practical exams, that the student meets the entry level The third week of this course an entry level industry exam is given to students The third week of this course an entry level industry exam is given to students The first week of this course an entry level industry exam is given to students The first week of this course an entry level industry exam is given to students Each student must satisfactorily complete a practical exam given by the instructor at the end of the semester Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Success rate for this exam was 85%. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 70%. 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 82% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 84% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 84% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 84% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 87% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 80%. Page 11 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 skills that are required of a HVAC/R tech. at this level in the ECT program ECT 262 Demonstrate through written and practical exams, that the student meets the entry level skills that are required of a HVAC/R tech. at this level in the ECT program ECT 263 Demonstrate through written and practical exams, that the student meets the entry level skills that are required of a HVAC/R tech. at this level in the ECT program ECT 265 Demonstrate through written and practical exams, that the student meets the entry level skills that are required of a HVAC/R tech. at this level in the ECT program ECT 266 Demonstrate through written and practical exams, that the student meets the entry level skills that are required of a HVAC/R tech. at this level in the ECT program ECT 282 Demonstrate through written and practical exams, that the student meets the entry level skills that are required of a HVAC/R tech. at this level in the ECT program ITEC 242 Review Sheet metal safety practices and habits for themselves and coworkers ITEC 243 Review Sheet metal safety practices and habits for themselves and coworkers ELEC ELEC160AC ET ET 200 Given OSHA and NCCER standards ET 201 Given specific wiring patterns and specifications, students will be able to bend conduit to specified angles, correctly install anchors, Each student must satisfactorily complete a practical exam given by the instructor at the end of the semester Success rate for this exam was 79%. Each student must satisfactorily complete a practical exam given by the instructor at the end of the semester Success rate for this exam was 82%. Each student must satisfactorily complete a practical exam given by the instructor at the end of the semester Success rate for this exam was 81%. Each student must satisfactorily complete a practical exam given by the instructor at the end of the semester Success rate for this exam was 84%. Each student must satisfactorily complete a practical exam given by the instructor at the end of the semester Success rate for this exam was 80%. The first week of this course an entry level industry exam is given to students Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. The first week of this course an entry level industry exam is given to students Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Students must demonstrate mastery of the technology and manipulation of given components. Student success for this exam was 100%. students will be able to pass unit module #1a test Success rate for this exam was 75%. Students will perform the assessment according to industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 79%. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 12 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 correctly identify conduit fittings by name, correctly make conduit-to-box connection, determine correct number of branch circuits required for specified installation. ET 202 Given typical single pole lighting circuit, students will be able to correctly draw switching schematics, correctly identify motor applications, connect test leads to meters, connect and secure grounding conductors according to industry standards. Students will perform the assessment according to industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 80%. ET 203 Given NEMA standards for cable tray installation, correctly prepare cable ends for terminations and splices, students will be able to install main disconnect switches, panelboards, and overcurrent protection devices, contactors and relays for lighting control, lighting fixtures, and connect a simple control circuit. Students will meet or exceed National Electrician Code standards. Students will perform the assessment according to industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 82%. ET 204 Given several wiring schematics, students will be able to select correct conductor size for specified load, calculate correct let-through current values, calculate correct conduit fill and bending radii in specified boxes and cabinets, and determine maximum load allowed on specific wiring devices. Students will meet or exceed National Electrician Code standards. Students will perform the assessment according to industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 80%. ET 205 Given motor controllers and process controllers, students will be able to identify physical parts of various motors as identified by manufacturer's specifications Students will perform the assessment according to industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 70%. ET 206 Given a blueprint, students will be able to correctly Students will perform the assessment according to industry Success rate for this exam was 75%. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 13 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 calculate a lighting circuit load as to correctly identify classifications of specified lighting fixtures standards. ET 207 Given wiring diagrams and schematics, students will be able to correctly interpret motor control and correctly install and adjust thermostat, troubleshoot a defective motor, correctly complete splice and stress cones to industry standards. Students will perform the assessment according to industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 78%. ET 220 Demonstrate currency and knowledge of updated code Students will perform the assessment according to industry standards. Success rate for this exam was 81%. Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) 80% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 82% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 83% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 84% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 81% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 85% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 85% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 85% of students in this course completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. GD GD159 GD160 Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) GD161AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) GD162AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) GD163AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) GD164AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) GD190AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) GD251AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) GD151AD Final Portfolio. Assessed at conclusion of course (Fall/Spring) IT IT210 IT211AC IT212AC IT220 Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Success rate for this exam was 80%. Success rate for this exam was 82%. Success rate for this exam was 83%.level. Success rate for this exam was 80%. Page 14 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 IT221AC IT222AC IT223AC IT230AC IT231AC IT232AC IT233AC IT190AD IT251AD ITEC ITEC100 ITEC101 ITEC105AD ITEC216AD ITEC220 ITEC221 ITEC274 ITEC276 ITEC280 ITEC281 ITEC300 course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. Each student must complete an end of course practical exam. The student will complete prescribed lab assignments, and pass a written examination The student will complete prescribed lab assignments, and pass a written examination The student will complete prescribed lab assignments, and pass a written examination The student will complete prescribed lab assignments, and pass a written examination The student will complete a written exam in preparation for passing the Grade T1 and T2 written certification exam by the California Department of Public Health. The student will complete a written exam in preparation for passing the Grade T1 and T2 written certification exam by the California Department of Public Health. The student will complete prescribed lab assignments, and pass a written examination The student will complete prescribed lab assignments, and pass a written examination The student will complete prescribed lab assignments, and pass a written examination The student will complete prescribed lab assignments, and pass a written examination The student will progress one level for Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Success rate for this exam was 82%. Success rate for this exam was 83%. Success rate for this exam was 84%. Success rate for this exam was 87%. Success rate for this exam was 83%. Success rate for this exam was 86%. Success rate for this exam was 80%. Success rate for this exam was 85%. Success rate for this exam was 85%. Students passed exam at a 71% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 72% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 74% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 70% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 70% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 70% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 73% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 72% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 71% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 77% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 72% Page 15 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 Applied Measurement in the Workplace based on an assessment administered by the KeyTrains program. Each level of success will earn the student 1 unit of credit. The student will progress one level for Reading for information in the Workplace based on an assessment administered by the KeyTrains program. Each level of success will earn the student 1 unit of credit. The student will progress one level for Locating Information in the Workplace based on an assessment administered by the KeyTrains program. Each level of success will earn the student 1 unit of credit. based upon industry standards. WELD WELD 161- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 162- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 105 AC- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 106 AC- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 273- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 274- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 264- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 171- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 172- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 175- Demonstrate safe Within the first 2 weeks of this course Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% ITEC302 ITEC304 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Students passed exam at a 80% based upon industry standards. Students passed exam at a 82% based upon industry standards. Page 16 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 work habits for themselves and coworkers. and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 176- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 181- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. WELD 190AD- Demonstrate safe work habits for themselves and coworkers. Within the first 2 weeks of this course and all welding courses, students were given an industry level safety exam. which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. Success rate for this exam was 100% which is required by State Chancellors Office of all industrial laboratory courses. 4) Please show program mapping of courses to program learning outcomes and relate to institutional-level SLOs listed below. Place the appropriate numbers of the institutional-level SLO in parentheses for each program level SLO. Please note: for purposes of completing this section, the term “program” must include every degree and certificate offered by the particular program. Other programs that do not lead to a particular degree or certificate may be included at the discretion of the program completing the Program Review. Institutional Level Outcomes 1. Quantitative Reasoning: Apply quantitative and symbolic reasoning to obtain objective solutions to problems and equations. 2. Writing and Reading: Write coherently and effectively, adjusting to a variety of audiences and purposes, while taking into account other’s writings and ideas. 3. Oral and Listening Skills: Communicate effectively for a given purpose within the specific context of a communication event. 4. Information Literacy: Locate, evaluate and use information from a variety of sources to take action or make a decision. 5. Social Interaction: Demonstrate effective self-management and interpersonal skills with people from a variety of backgrounds to seek consensus , resolve conflicts and take responsibility. 6. Creative/Analytic Thinking: use appropriate creative and analytic methods to interpret ideas, solve problems, and present conclusions. 7. Wellness: Participate in active living and self-care practices that support health and wellness. (the entries in tables are for example purposes only!) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AERO Program Courses AERO-210, 211, 212, 213, Students who successfully Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 17 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 214, 215 complete the AERO program will have their ground school and flight training hours completed for a commercial helicopter pilot license. Students who choose to can also complete the certificate and AS degree requirements. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ARCHAS Degree Program Courses ARCH010, 011, 013, 014, 020, 021, 120, 121AC, 070, 071, 160, 161AD, 162, 163 & DRFT114 ARCH- Students who complete the AS Degree in Architecture will be able to create and appraise architectural designs utilizing a design concept, design process, and critiques. (1, 3, 4, 6) Students who complete the AS Degree in Architecture will be able to create and distinguish 2D & 3D visual communication drawings (tactile & digital). X X Students who complete the AS Degree in Architecture will be able to analyze and differentiate architecture history. (1, 3, 4, 6) (1, 3, 4, 6) X Students who complete the AS Degree in Architecture will be able to create and analyze documents related to construction technology, i.e. computer assisted drafting/design, construction materials & methods, detailing, conceptual structural analysis, and construction documents. (1, 3, 4, 6) X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 18 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 Achievement Certificate Program Courses Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Architecture will be able to create and appraise architectural designs utilizing a design concept, design process, and critiques. (1, 3, 4, 6) Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Architecture will be able to create and distinguish 2D & 3D visual communication drawings (tactile & digital). (1, 3, 4, 6) ARCH010, 011, 013, 014, 020, 021, 160, 161AD, 162, 163, & DRFT114 X X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ARCHSkill Certificate Design Program Courses ARCH010, 011, 013, 014 Students who complete the Skill Certificate in Architectural Design will be able to create and appraise architectural designs utilizing a design concept, design process, and critiques. (1, 3, 4, 6) X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ARCHSkill Certificate Drafting Program Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Architecture will be able to create and analyze documents related to construction technology, i.e. computer assisted drafting/design, construction materials & methods, detailing, conceptual structural analysis, and construction documents. (1, 3, 4, 6) X Students who Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 19 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 Courses ARCH160, 161AD, 162, 163, & DRFT114 complete the Skill Certificate in Architectural Drafting will be able to create and analyze documents related to architectural drafting, i.e. computer assisted drafting/design, construction materials & methods, detailing, conceptual structural analysis, and construction documents. (1, 3, 4, 6) X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ARCHSkill Certificate Visual Communication Program Courses ARCH020, 021, 120, 121AC Students who complete the Skill Certificate in Architectural Visual Communication will be able to create and distinguish 2D & 3D visual communication drawings (tactile & digital). (1, 3, 4, 6) X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ARCHSkill Certificate History Program Courses Students who complete the Skill Certificate in Architectural History will be Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 20 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 ARCH070, 071 able to analyze and differentiate architecture history. (1, 3, 4, 6) X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AUTOAS Degree Program Courses AUTO 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138 Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to properly maintain and service and repair an automobile. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to use correct diagnostic procedures to locate and repair a failed component or circuit on an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) X X X X X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AUTOAchievement Certificate Program Courses Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to properly maintain and service and repair an automobile. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to use correct diagnostic procedures to locate and repair a failed component or circuit on an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AUTOSkill Certificate Auto Air Conditioning Program Courses Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to properly maintain and Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, Students shall be able to use correct diagnostic procedures to locate and Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly Page 21 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 service and repair an automobile. (1,4&6) repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) repair a failed component or circuit on an automobile (1,4&6) failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) AUTO 130, 136, 137 Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AUTOSkill Certificate Auto Brake Systems Program Courses Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to use correct diagnostic procedures to locate and repair a failed component or circuit on an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) AUTO 130, 135, 136 Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AUTOSkill Certificate Auto Chassis Program Courses Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to use correct diagnostic procedures to locate and repair a failed component or circuit on an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) AUTO 130, 134, 135, 136 AUTOSkill Certificate Auto Electrical Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 22 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 Program Courses Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to use correct diagnostic procedures to locate and repair a failed component or circuit on an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) AUTO 130, 136, 137 Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AUTOSkill Certificate Auto Emissions Program Courses Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to use correct diagnostic procedures to locate and repair a failed component or circuit on an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) AUTO 142, 143, 263AD, 264AD Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AUTOSkill Certificate Auto Engine Program Courses Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to use correct diagnostic procedures to locate and repair a failed component or circuit on an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) AUTO 130, Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 23 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 131, 136, 254 Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) AUTOSkill Certificate Auto Power Train Systems Program Courses Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to properly use the correct tools to service, repair and maintain an automobile (1,4&6) Students shall be able to read a schematic diagram to properly locate, test and repair a failed circuit or component. (1,4&6) Students shall be able to follow an operation manual to properly remove and replace a failed component. (1,4&6) AUTO 130, 132, 133, 136 Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) CT-AS Degree in CT Program Courses CT100, CT101 CT130, CT105 CT214, CT215 CT218, CT219 CT250, CT260 Students will be able to read a given residential plan set to list building site location, square footage and finish floor elevation. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to demonstrate one of the safe and industry accepted methods of crosscutting lumber with a hand held circular saw. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to schedule a given type of residential building inspection. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to install cabinets to excepted industry standards. (1, 4, 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) CTAchievement Certificate in CT Program Courses CT100, CT101 CT130, CT105 CT214, CT215 CT218, CT219 CT250, CT260 Students will be able to compile a door and window list from a residential plan set. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to read a given residential plan set to list building site location, square footage and Students will be able to compile a door and window list from a residential Students will be able to demonstrate one of the safe and industry accepted methods of Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Students will be able to schedule a given type of residential building inspection. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to schedule a given type of residential building inspection. Page 24 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 finish floor elevation. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to locate and list the name of the local code authority organization for a given building location within Tulare Co. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to locate and list the name of the local code authority organization for a given building location within Tulare Co. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to prepare a residential building site for a given type of inspection relative to local requirements. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to list the major inspections for a residence within the local code authority jurisdiction. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to list the name of the code organization under which the local code authority operates. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to list the required tests for continued employment as residential building inspector in the local code authority area. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to prepare a residential building site for a given type of inspection relative to local requirements. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to list the major inspections for a residence within the local code authority jurisdiction. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to list the name of the code organization under which the local code authority operates. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to list the required tests for continued employment as residential building inspector in the local code authority area. (1, 4, 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) CT-Skill Certificate in Plumbing Program Courses CT205,CT275 (1, 4, 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) CTAchievement Certificate in CI Program Courses CT271, CT272 CT273, CT274 CT275, CT276 CT132, CT109 crosscutting lumber with a hand held circular saw. (1, 4, 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) CT-AS Degree in CI Program Courses CT271, CT272 CT273, CT274 CT275, CT276 CT132, CT109 plan set. (1, 4, 6) Students will be able to join copper, ABS, PVC, and steel pipe according to manufactures specifications. Students will be able properly install residential plumbing fixtures. Students will be able to calculate drain vent opening requirements according to local code Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Students will be able to install polyethylene water supply systems in residential applications Students will be able to read pluming plans sufficient to determine drain pipe Page 25 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 (1, 4, 6) (1, 4, 6) requirements. (1, 4, 6) according to local areas plumbing code. (1, 4, 6) fixture locations on a residential foundation site according to local plumbing codes. (1, 4, 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) DRFTAS Degree Program Courses Students who complete the AS Degree in Drafting Technology will be able to create and analyze documents related to computer assisted and tactile drafting/design. (1, 2, 4, 6) Students who complete the AS Degree in Drafting Technology will be able to create and distinguish tactile 2D & 3D visual communication drawings. (1, 2, 4, 6) Students who complete the AS Degree in Drafting Technology will be able to manage and explain computer operating systems and the world wide web. (1, 2, 4, 6) Students who complete the AS Degree in Drafting Technology will be able to create and distinguish graphic design projects, i.e. illustrations, and web page design & development. (1, 2, 4, 6) Students who complete the AS Degree in Drafting Technology will be able to create and analyze documents related to construction technology, i.e. construction materials & methods, detailing, and construction documents. (1, 2, 4, 6) ARCH020, 120, 161AD, 160, 163, COMP140, 229, 228, GD159, DRFT112, 113, 114, 115, & 016 X X X X X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) DRFTAchievement Certificate Program Courses Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Mechanical Drafting will be able to create and analyze documents related to mechanical drafting, i.e. computer assisted and Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 26 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 DRFT112, 113, 114, 115, & 016 tactile drafting/design. (1, 2, 4, 6) X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ECT- AS Degree Program Courses Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to read an electrical schematics, trouble shoot a basic air conditioning system to industry standards.(1, 4 and 6 ECT 280 ECT 281 ECT 282 X X X Student shall be able to: choose the correct test instruments and tools to repair system to industry standards. (1 ,4 and 6 Students shall be able charge a system correctly by selecting one of several methods used by industry standards.( 1,4 and 6) Students shall be able to design a basic air conditioning and heating electrical schematic and apply this skill to a live trainer.(1,4 and 6) Students shall be able to draft, fabricate and assemble various basic air conditioning and heating fittings use in the sheet metal industry. (1, 4 and 6) X X X X X X ITEC 242 X X ITEC 243 Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ECTAchievement Certificate Program Courses Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to read an electrical schematics, trouble shoot a basic air conditioning system to industry standards.(1, 4 and 6 ECT 280 ECT 281 ECT 282 ITEC 242 X X X x Student shall be able to: choose the correct test instruments and tools to repair system to industry standards. (1 ,4 and 6 Students shall be able charge a system correctly by selecting one of several methods used by industry standards.( 1,4 and 6) Students shall be able to design a basic air conditioning and heating electrical schematic and apply this skill to a live trainer.(1,4 and 6) Students shall be able to draft, fabricate and assemble various basic air conditioning and heating fittings use in the sheet metal industry. (1, 4 and 6) X X X X X Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review X X Page 27 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 ITEC 243 X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ETAchievement Certificate Electrician Training Program Courses ET-200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 220AC, 225, 230 Students who complete the electrician training certificate will have completed all of the National Construction Center for Education and Research (NCCER) certification process. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) GDAS Degree Program Courses Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs related to digital imaging for artists, desktop publishing for business, and web page design & development utilizing various graphic design computer programs. (1, 2, 4, 6) ART006, 008, 025AD, ART128AD or ART130AC, COMP229, GD159, 160, 161AD, 162AD, X Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to graphic design applications and integrated graphics utilizing the Adobe Illustrator computer program. (1, 2, 4, 6) X Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to graphic design applications and integrated graphics utilizing the Adobe PhotoShop computer program. (1, 2, 4, 6) Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to integrated graphics and digital mechanicals utilizing the Adobe InDesign computer program. (1, 2, 4, 6) Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise 3D animations utilizing the Autodesk Maya computer program. (1, 2, 4, 6) X X X Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 28 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 163AD, & 164AD Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) GDAchievement Certificate Program Courses Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs related to digital imaging for artists, desktop publishing for business, and web page design & development utilizing various graphic design computer programs. (1, 2, 4, 6) ART025AD, COMP135, 229, GD159, 160, 161AD, 162AD, 163AD, & 164AD X Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to graphic design applications and integrated graphics utilizing the Adobe PhotoShop computer program. (1, 2, 4, 6) Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to integrated graphics and digital mechanicals utilizing the Adobe InDesign computer program. (1, 2, 4, 6) Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise 3D animations utilizing the Autodesk Maya computer program. (1, 2, 4, 6) X X X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) IT- Skill Certificate CISCO Program Courses Students who complete the Achievement Certificate in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to graphic design applications and integrated graphics utilizing the Adobe Illustrator computer program. (1, 2, 4, 6) X Students who complete the CISCO CCNA Certificate will be able to identify, research, and report on the installation, use, and troubleshooting of CISCO networking components. 1, 2, 4, 6 Students who complete the CISCO CCNA Certificate will be able to load, configure, and troubleshoot operating systems, server software, application software, Device updates and upgrades, and network troubleshooting, maintenance, and configuration Students who complete the CISCO CCNA Certificate will be able to safely build, maintain, repair, and upgrade CSICO networks. 1, 4, 6, 7 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Students who complete the CISCO CCNA Certificate will be able to work in a group to research solutions to problems in CISCO networks, and will be able to help others solve network problems through on-line information, help-desk assistance, and Page 29 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 utilities. 1, 4, 6 IT 230 IT 231 IT 232 IT 233 x x x Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) IT- Skill Certificate Comp TIA A+ Program Courses Students who complete the COMPTIA A+ Certificate will be able to identify, research, and report on the installation, use, and troubleshooting of common personal computer components. 1, 2, 4, 6 Students who complete the COMPTIA A+ Certificate will be able to load, configure, and troubleshoot operating systems, application software, and utility routines on a personal computer. 1, 4, 6 Students who complete the COMPTIA A+ Certificate will be able to safely build, maintain, repair, and upgrade personal computers. 1, 4, 6, 7 IT 210 IT 211 IT 112 Comp 5 or 130 x x x Students who complete the COMPTIA A+ Certificate will be able to work in a group to research solutions to problems in personal computers, and will be able to help others solve computer problems through on-line information, help-desk assistance, and personal intervention. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 x Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) IT- Skill Certificate Comp TIA Network + Program Courses personal intervention. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 x Students who complete the COMPTIA Network + Certificate will be able to identify, research, and report on the installation, use, and troubleshooting of common networking components. 1, 2, 4, 6 Students who complete the COMPTIA Network + Certificate will be able to load, configure, and troubleshoot operating systems, server software, application Students who complete the COMPTIA Network + Certificate will be able to safely build, maintain, repair, and upgrade computer networks. 1, 4, 6, 7 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Students who complete the COMPTIA Network + Certificate will be able to work in a group to research solutions to problems in computer networks, and will be able to help others solve network Page 30 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 software, and utilities. 1, 4, 6 IT 220 IT 221 IT 222 IT 223 x x Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to read an electrical schematics, trouble shoot a basic industrial systems to industry standards.(1, 4 and 6 ITECAchievement Certificate Option A Student shall be able to: diagnose and repair an industrial three phase circuit.(1 ,4 and 6 Students will be able to program a variable frequency drive to original equipment standards.( 1,4 and 6) Students shall be able to design and construct a working hydraulic circuit similar to an industrial application.(1,4 and 6) Students will be able to effect welds that meet the needs of industrial repair and installation. (1, 4 and 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ITEC- AS Degree Option B Program Courses ITEC100,101,105ad x Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ITEC- AS Degree Option A Program Courses ITEC100,101,105ad problems through on-line information, help-desk assistance, and personal intervention. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 x Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to read an electrical schematics, trouble shoot a basic industrial systems to industry standards.(1, 4 and 6 Student shall be able to: diagnose and repair an industrial three phase circuit.(1 ,4 and 6 Students will be able to program a variable frequency drive to original equipment standards.( 1,4 and 6) Students shall be able to design and construct a working hydraulic circuit similar to an industrial application.(1,4 and 6) Students will be able to effect welds that meet the needs of industrial repair and installation. (1, 4 and 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) Program Courses Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 31 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 ITEC100,101,105ad Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to read an electrical schematics, trouble shoot a basic industrial systems to industry standards.(1, 4 and 6 Student shall be able to: diagnose and repair an industrial three phase circuit.(1 ,4 and 6 Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to read an electrical schematics, trouble shoot a basic industrial systems to industry standards.(1, 4 and 6 Student shall be able to: diagnose and repair an industrial three phase circuit.(1 ,4 and 6 ITEC- Skill Students will be able to effect welds that meet the needs of industrial repair and installation. (1, 4 and 6) Students will be able to program a variable frequency drive to original equipment standards.( 1,4 and 6) Students shall be able to design and construct a working hydraulic circuit similar to an industrial application.(1,4 and 6) Students will be able to effect welds that meet the needs of industrial repair and installation. (1, 4 and 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ITEC- Skill Certificate Programmable Logic Controllers Program Courses ITEC274 & 276 Students shall be able to design and construct a working hydraulic circuit similar to an industrial application.(1,4 and 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) ITECAchievement Certificate Option B Program Courses ITEC100,101,105ad Students will be able to program a variable frequency drive to original equipment standards.( 1,4 and 6) Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to design or interpret a Programmable Logic program. The student will be able to either write new programs or effect changes to existing programs. (1,4, 6) The student will be able to write new PLC programs.. The Student will be able to effect changes to existing PLC programs. The student will be able to diagnose fault codes for programs. Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 32 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 Certificate Waste Water Treatment Program Courses ITEC220 & 221 Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to read an electrical schematics, trouble shoot a basic industrial systems to industry standards.(1, 4 and 6 Students who complete the waste water certificate consisting of the ITEC 220 and 221 courses will be prepared to take the Grade T1 and T2 treatment plant operator certification exams. (1, 4, 6) Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) WELDAS Degree Program Courses WELD 105 AC WELD 106 AD WELD 161 WELD 162 WELD 171 WELD 172 WELD 175 Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to adjust, operate and troubleshoot shielded metal arc welding, gas welding, gas tungsten arc welding, oxyfuel welding and cutting apparatuses to industry standards. (1,4, and 6) Student shall be able to: choose the correct joint prep process for the weld metal joints and complete that joint prep to industry standards. (1,2,4, and 6) X X X X X X X X X X X X X Students shall be able to perform groove, lap, fillet and seam welds using SMAW, GTAW and OFW apparatuses to industry standards. (1,2, and 6) Students shall be able to produce simple effective orthographic drawings used for cutting, fitup and welding of metal weldments. These drawings shall include the use of the American Welding Society welding symbols. All drawings shall be done to industry standards. (4.2. and 1) X X X X X Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review X Page 33 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 WELD 276 AC WELD 273 WELD 274 WELD 275 WELD 264 X X X X X WELD 181 X X X X X X X X X X Program Student Learning Outcomes (Institutional SLO) WELDAchievement Certificate Program Courses Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to adjust, operate and troubleshoot shielded metal arc welding, gas welding, gas tungsten arc welding, oxyfuel welding and cutting apparatuses to industry standards. (1,4, and 6) Student shall be able to: choose the correct joint prep process for the weld metal joints and complete that joint prep to industry standards. (1,2,4, and 6) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WELD 105 AC WELD 106 AD WELD 161 WELD 162 WELD 171 WELD 172 WELD 175 WELD 276 AC X X X X X WELD 273 WELD 274 WELD 275 WELD 264 WELD 181 Students shall be able to perform groove, lap, fillet and seam welds using SMAW, GTAW and OFW apparatuses to industry standards. (1,2, and 6) Students shall be able to produce simple effective orthographic drawings used for cutting, fitup and welding of metal weldments. These drawings shall include the use of the American Welding Society welding symbols. All drawings shall be done to industry standards. (4.2. and 1) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5) Please describe assessment results for program SLOs. Program Student Learning Outcome Assessments (include dates) Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Assessment Results Page 34 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 AERO ARCH AUTO CT DRFT ECT ELEC ET GD IT Students received their helicopter pilot license in the Spring 2011. Industry/university standard portfolios. Upon completion of each course an End of Program test is taken. These are NATEF Industry standard tests that insure skill and knowledge assessment. Upon completion of each course student will have completed section tests for that course. Accumulated passage of all section tests constitute passage of program test. Industry/university standard portfolios. No program assessments done to date. No degree or certificates. Students who successfully complete each ET course will complete certain NCCER modules toward certification. Industry/university standard portfolios. Industry level certification exam: COMPTIA A+ Certification Exams. Industry level certification exam: COMPTIA Network + Certification Exam. Industry level certification exam: CISCO Systems CCNA Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review 100% of students passed the State administered exam by the FAA. 70% of the students passed their industry standard portfolio. 70% of the students have passed NATEF industry standard test. 80% of the students have passed all accumulative section test. 70% of the students passed their industry standard portfolio. 70% of the students have passed the NCCER modules for certification. 70% of the students passed their industry standard portfolio. 70% of the students passed COMPTIA A+ certification exam. 70% of the students passed COMPTIA Network + certification exam. 80% of the students passed CISCO Systems CCNA certification exam. Page 35 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 ITEC WASTE WATER WELD Certification Exam. No program assessments done to date. Industry level exam of the Grade 1 and 2 State Exam administered by the state department of Public Health. Industry level certification exam: AWS-A6 Certification Industry level certification exam: AWS-B7 Certification Industry level certification exam: AWS-A5.5 Certification 70% of the students passed Grade 1 and 2 State Exam. 90% of the students passed the AWSA6 certification exam. 90% of the students passed the AWSB7 certification exam. 90% of the students passed the AWSA5.5 certification exam. 6) Please describe your program’s plans to complete SLO assessment for all courses and programs. Discussion and analysis: AERO Adjunct faculty will assess measurable SLOs annually for 100% of courses. Program level assessment will be conducted after course assessments have been analyzed. ARCH Full time faculty member has revised all course SLOs and assessments for 100% courses. Program level assessments will be conducted after core certificate and major SLOs course data has been analyzed. AUTO Current course SLO assessments are being reviewed at this time for the course/program five year review. CT The CT full time faculty will complete one course SLO assessment per year. Full time faculty will start with the core transferrable classes for assessment and will begin program level assessments with the completion of the indicated courses. CT is in the final stages rewriting all (23) of its’ course outlines, removing redundant curriculum, and realigning with its’ CSU model and renewing articulation with same. To date two courses are not yet through the course outline process. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 36 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 DRFT Full time faculty member has revised all course SLOs and assessments for 100% courses. Program level assessments will be conducted after core certificate and major SLOs course data has been analyzed. ECT SLO’s are in all coursed that are offered. The SLO’s assessments will be reviewed by instructors annually. ELEC All course assessments shall be reviewed and measured annually one per year. No certificate or major offered in this program. ET SLO’s are in all coursed that are offered. The SLO’s assessments will be reviewed by instructors annually. GD Full time faculty member has revised all course SLOs and assessments for 100% courses. Program level assessments will be conducted after core certificate and major SLOs course data has been analyzed. IT All courses have SLOs complete and have implemented at least one assessment per course per SLO. Full time faculty will continue to implement assessments for courses one per year. Program SLOs and assessments will be analyzed by Fall 2014. ITEC The SLO’s have been updated in the recent five year review and will be incorporated in the future reviews. Program assessments will be analyzed as students begin to complete core courses offered. WELD Full time faculty have revised current course SLO’s and have measured courses taught in fall 2010 for safety. Assessment of 100% of courses will be done annually. Program assessments will be completed when all course assessments have been implemented and analyzed. 7) Please describe your program’s process for keeping curriculum current. Discussion and analysis: The I&T division full time and adjunct faculty members review approximately 20% of all Course Outlines on a yearly basis. Full time faculty members within each discipline have lead responsibility for keeping curriculum current. All Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 37 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 courses both being developed as being new and modifications are directed by Industry Advisory Committees specific to each program. The Course Outline load is divided among the full time faculty members when there is more than one member in that discipline. 8) Please describe any progress in achieving measurable outcomes of program plan or implementing your program plans in Student Learning Outcomes from your previous Program Review and Annual Updates. Describe alternative solutions to achieve the measurable outcomes of your program plans. Discussion and analysis AERO Program Student Learning Outcome AERONAUTICS Assessment Assessment Result This is a new program that was not reviewed during the previous Program Review however SLO’s have been identified and submitted for future purposes ARCH Program Student Learning Outcome ARCHITECTURE 1. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Architecture will be able to create and appraise architectural designs utilizing a design concept, design process, and critiques. Assessment Assessment Result A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 80% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 2. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Architecture will be able to create and distinguish 2D & 3D visual communication drawings (tactile & digital). A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 81% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. 3. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Architecture will be able to analyze and differentiate architecture history. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 82% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 38 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 4. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Architecture will be able to create and analyze documents related to construction technology, i.e. computer assisted drafting/design, construction materials & methods, detailing, conceptual structural analysis, and construction documents. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 80% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 80% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 81% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. Quizzes and exams for program were assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 85% of students in this program completed assessment thru quizzes and exams. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 82% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 80% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. DRFT DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY 1. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Drafting Technology will be able to create and analyze documents related to computer assisted and tactile drafting/design. 2. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Drafting Technology will be able to create and distinguish tactile 2D & 3D visual communication drawings. 3. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Drafting Technology will be able to manage and explain computer operating systems and the world wide web. 4. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Drafting Technology will be able to create and distinguish graphic design projects, i.e. illustrations, and web page design & development. 5. Students who complete the AS Degree and various Certificates in Drafting Technology will be able to create and analyze Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 39 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 documents related to construction technology, i.e. construction materials & methods, detailing, and construction documents. GD GRAPHIC DESIGN 1. Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs related to digital imaging for artists, desktop publishing for business, and web page design & development utilizing various graphic design computer programs. 2. Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to graphic design applications and integrated graphics utilizing the Adobe Illustrator computer program. 3. Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to graphic design applications and integrated graphics utilizing the Adobe PhotoShop computer program. 4. Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise graphic designs (2D & 3D) related to integrated graphics and digital mechanicals utilizing the Adobe InDesign computer program. 5. Students who complete the AS Degree in Graphic Design will be able to create and appraise 3D Quizzes and exams for program were assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 80% of students in this program passed assessment thru quizzes and exams. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 82% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 81% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 83% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. A Final Student Portfolio for program was assessed during the Fall 2009 & Spring 2010. 80% of students in this program completed assessment of Final Portfolio per industry standards. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 40 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 animations utilizing the Autodesk Maya computer program. AUTO Program Student Learning Outcome Students completing an automotive certificate will be able to pass a NATEF test and become certified in that area. Students completing the automotive program certificate will be able to pass the NATEF test and become Master Certified. Assessment Assessment Result End of Program tests completed, results being analyzed. ASE tests given and results analyzed. Results being analyzed. End of Program tests completed, results being analyzed. ASE tests given and results analyzed. 70% of the students passed this program assessment. CT Program Student Learning Outcome Students who complete an AS degree in CT will be able to apply basic construction knowledge to a variety of construction careers thus widening opportunities for success in employment in a very diverse industry. Assessment End of Program test being developed to assess application skills to various career paths. Assessment Result Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee ECT Program Student Learning Outcome ECT 280 Students that pass exams and complete projects with a C grade can advance forward. ECT 281 Students that pass exams and complete projects with a C grade can advance forward. ECT 282 Students that pass exams and complete projects Assessment Assessment Result 12/18/2010 passing grade and advance to the next level in the ECT certificate or degree program Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee 12/18/2010 passing grade and advance to the next level in the ECT certificate or degree program Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee 5/19/2010 18 students received a certificate in ECT Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 41 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 with a C grade will be able to prepare for the NATE exam ITEC 242 Students that pass exams and complete projects with a C grade can advance forward. 5/19/2010 18 students received a certificate in ECT Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee Assessment Assessment Result ELEC Program Student Learning Outcome Students that complete ELEC 160 will be able to design, assemble, troubleshoot, and describe the operation of simple electronic circuits. Students must complete a final project. 100% of students successfully complete the final project per industry standards. ET Program Student Learning Outcome Modify all courses to meet NCCR standards identifying and include SLOs. Assessment All electrician training courses have updated curriculum to NCCER standards and SLO’s have been identified and submitted Assessment Result 100% of the students in this program completed each course and satisfactorily passed the module for NCCER certification. Upon completion the students are entered into the national database of NCCER. IT Program Student Learning Outcome Assessment Assessment Result Students completing the COMPTIA A+ coursework will be able to pass the industry standard A+ exam. A simulated A+ exam is the final assessment 100% of the students passed the final assessment per industry standards. Students completing the COMPTIA Network + coursework will be able to pass the industry standard A+ exam. Students completing the CISCO CCNA A simulated Network + exam is the final assessment 100% of the students passed the final assessment per industry standards. A simulated CCNA exam is the final assessment 100% of the students passed the final assessment per industry standards. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 42 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 coursework will be able to pass the industry standard A+ exam. ITEC Program Student Learning Outcome Students that complete laboratory testing, written exams, and required hours achieve a certificate Students acquired basic programming and application skills with Programmable Logic controllers. Students completed lab skill requirements, passed written exams, and work experience and were awarded a certificate Assessment Assessment Result 5/20/2010 Forty one certificates awarded 92% of the students completed all requirements for certification per industry standards. 5/20/2010 Fifteen students received passing grade. 50% of the students completed all requirements for certification per industry standards. 5/20/2010 Three students received certificates. 30% of the students completed all requirements for certification per industry standards.. WELD Program Student Learning Outcome Assessment Assessment Result Upon completion of all units in this certificate/degree, students will be able to adjust, operate, and troubleshoot Shielded metal arc welding, Gas tungsten arc welding Gas metal arc welding , Oxyfuel welding, and Oxyfuel cutting apparatuses to industry standards Students shall be able to: choose the correct joint prep process for the weld metals joints and completed that joint to industry standers. AWS Certificates Awarded COS Certificates Awarded COS AS Degrees Awarded 38 5/11/10 8 3 Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee. AWS Certificates Awarded 38 Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee. Students shall be able to perform groove, lap, fillet, and seam welds using SMAW, GTAW, GMAW ,and OFW to AWS Certificates Awarded 38 5/11/10 5/11/10 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee. Page 43 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 industry standers Students shall be able to produce simple effective orthographic drawings used for cutting,fitup and welding of metal weldments. These drawing shall use the AWS welding symbols. 85 % of class completed drawing in portfolio at a 90% level Program assessments being analyzed by faculty and Advisory Committee. 9) Please describe your program’s plans to improve student learning and curriculum quality based on assessments (plan description, responsible party, resources needed, plan timeline, measurable outcomes, indicate if plan supports a strategic plan of the college). Your plans should be prioritized within each year. Year 1 Plan Description AERO Use industry standard FAA testing for assessment of SLOs ARCH Assign student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all architecture courses AUTO Use Industry standard NATEF and EOP testing for assessment of SLOs CT Continue to develop SLOs for CT courses DRFT Assign student final portfolios to Responsible Party(s) Resources Needed Plan Timeline Measurable Outcomes Strategic Plan CTE Dean None required Fall 2010 & Spring 2011 70% of the IIB, IIC, students passed VIA, VIC the assessment with a 75% score or better ARCH faculty Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2011 80% of the IIA, IIB, students passed VIA, VIC the assessment with an 82% score or better AUTO faculty None required Fall 2010 & Spring 2011 70% of the IIB, IIC, students passed VIA, VIC the assessment with an 77% score or better CT faculty Reimbursement Fall 2011 for adjunct & Spring faculty 2012 Approval of IIB, IIC, course outlines VIA, VIC and measurable SLO with assessments DRFT faculty Material costs for final 80% of the IIA, IIB, students passed VIA, VIC Spring 2011 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 44 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 assess SLOs in all drafting courses ECT Use Industry standard HVAC for Excellence testing for assessment of SLOs ELEC Use Industry standard CISCO and CCNA testing for assessment of SLOs ET Use Industry standard NCCER testing for assessment of SLOs GD Assign student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all graphic design courses IT Utilizing industry standards update certifications for this program. ITEC Updated SLO’s will be developed in collaboration with Industry Advisory Council. WELD Develop assessments based upon AWS industry standards aligned with portfolio lamination and comb binding the assessment with an 82% score or better ECT faculty None required Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 72% of the IIA, IIB, students passed VIA, VIC the assessment with an 75% score or better ELEC faculty None required Fall 2010 & Spring 2011 70% of the IIB, IIC, students passed VIA, VIC the assessment with an 81% score or better ET faculty None required Fall 2010 & Spring 2011 80% of the IIB, IIC, students passed VIA, VIC the assessment with an 85% score or better GD faculty Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2011 80% of the IIA, IIB, students passed VIA, VIC the assessment with an 82% score or better IT faculty Reimbursement Fall 2011 for adjunct faculty Implement updated assessments. ITEC faculty Reimbursement Fall 2011 for adjunct faculty Assessments to IIA, IIB, be developed VIA, VIC beginning Fall 2011 for implementation Spring 2012 WELD faculty None required 100% of the IIA, IIB, students passed VIA, VIC the safety assessment at 100% level Fall 2010 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Page 45 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 program and course SLOs Year 2 Plan Description AERO With input from industry partners continue to improve the use of industry standard FAA testing for assessment of SLOs ARCH Through consultation with industry advisory committee improvement will be made to assess student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all architecture courses AUTO Incorporate new industry standards to use NATEF and EOP testing for assessment of SLOs CT Continue to develop SLOs for CT courses DRFT Through consultation with industry advisory Responsible Party(s) Resources Needed Plan Timeline Measurable Outcomes Strategic Plan CTE Dean None required Fall 2011 & Spring 2012 72% of the students will pass the assessment with a is a 76% score or better score IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC ARCH faculty Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2012 80% of the students will pass the assessment with an 82% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC AUTO faculty None required Fall 2011& Spring 2012 72% of the students will pass the assessment with a 77% score or better IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC CT faculty Reimbursement Fall 2011 for adjunct & Spring faculty 2012 Approval of IIB, IIC, course outlines VIA, VIC and measurable SLO with assessment plan DRFT faculty Material costs for final portfolio 80% of the students will pass the Spring 2012 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Page 46 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 committee improvement will be made to assess student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all drafting courses ECT Update assessment to maintain alignment with HVAC for Excellence testing for assessment of SLOs ELEC Continue updating assessments to maintain parody with CISCO and CCNA testing for assessment of SLOs ET Implement any new state mandated assessments to maintain alignment with NCCER testing for assessment of SLOs GD Through consultation with industry advisory committee improvement will be made to assess student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all graphic design courses lamination and comb binding assessment with an 82% score or better ECT faculty None required Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 72% of the students will pass the assessment with a 75% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC ELEC faculty None required Fall 2011& Spring 2012 72% of the students will pass the assessment with a 81% score or better IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC ET faculty None required Fall 2011 & Spring 2012 81% of the students will pass the assessment with an 85% score or better IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC GD faculty Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2012 80% of the students of the students will pass the assessment with an 82% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 47 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 IT Implement updated standards for certification for this program ITEC Updated SLO’s will be developed in collaboration with Industry Advisory Council. WELD Implement new industry based assessment to maintain alignment with AWS industry standards aligned with program and course SLOs IT faculty Reimbursement Fall 2012 for adjunct faculty 78% of the students will pass the assessment based upon industry standards. ITEC faculty Reimbursement Fall 2012 for adjunct faculty 78% of the IIA, IIB, students will VIA, VIC pass the assessment with 81% score or better. WELD faculty None required 80% of the students will complete the assessment to industry standards. Fall 2011 IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Year 3 Plan Description Responsible Party(s) AERO With input from CTE Dean industry partners continue to improve the use of industry standard FAA testing for assessment of SLOs ARCH Through ARCH consultation with faculty industry advisory committee improvement will be made to assess Resources Needed Plan Timeline Measurable Outcomes Strategic Plan None required Fall 2012 & Spring 2013 74% of the students will pass the assessment with an 76% score or better core IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2013 81% of the students will pass the assessment with an 82% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 48 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all architecture courses AUTO Incorporate new industry standards to use NATEF and EOP testing for assessment of SLOs CT With input from industry partners develop 2 assessments for each CT course DRFT Through consultation with industry advisory committee improvement will be made to assess student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all drafting courses ECT Update assessment to maintain alignment with HVAC for Excellence testing for assessment of SLOs ELEC Continue updating assessments to maintain parody with CISCO and CCNA testing for AUTO faculty None required CT faculty Fall 2012& Spring 2013 73% of the students will pass the assessment with an 77% score or better IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC Reimbursement Fall 2012 for adjunct & Spring faculty 2013 72% of the students will pass the assessment based on industry standards IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC DRFT faculty Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2013 81% of the students will pass the assessment with an 82% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC ECT faculty None required Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 73% will pass certification based on industry standards IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC ELEC faculty None required Fall 2012& Spring 2013 73% of the students will pass the assessment with an 81% IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 49 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 assessment of SLOs ET Implement any ET faculty new state mandated assessments to maintain alignment with NCCER testing for assessment of SLOs GD Through GD faculty consultation with industry advisory committee improvement will be made to assess student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all graphic design courses IT Implementation of IT faculty 2 assessment plans ITEC Updated SLO’s will be developed in collaboration with Industry Advisory Council. WELD Implement new industry based assessment to maintain alignment with AWS industry standards aligned score or better None required Fall 2012 & Spring 2013 81% of the students will pass the assessment with an 85% score or better IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2013 81% of the students will pass the assessment with an 82% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Reimbursement Fall 2013 for adjunct faculty 80% of the IIA, IIB, students will VIA, VIC pass the assessment with 81% score or better. ITEC faculty Reimbursement Fall 2013 for adjunct faculty 80% of the IIA, IIB, students will VIA, VIC pass the assessment with 81% score or better. WELD faculty None required 81% of the students will pass the assessment to industry standards. Fall 2012 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Page 50 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 with program and course SLOs Year 4 Plan Description AERO With input from industry partners continue to improve the use of industry standard FAA testing for assessment of SLOs ARCH Through consultation with industry advisory committee improvement will be made to assess student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all architecture courses AUTO Incorporate new industry standards to use NATEF and EOP testing for assessment of SLOs CT With input from industry partners develop 2 assessments for each CT course DRFT Through consultation with Responsible Party(s) Resources Needed Plan Timeline Measurable Outcomes Strategic Plan CTE Dean None required Fall 2013 & Spring 2014 75% of the students will pass the assessment with a 77% score or better core IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC ARCH faculty Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2014 82% of the students will pass the assessment with an 82% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC AUTO faculty None required Fall 2013& Spring 2014 75% of the students will pass the assessment with an 77% score or better IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC CT faculty Reimbursement Fall 2013 for adjunct & Spring faculty 2014 73% of the students will pass the assessment based on industry standards IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC DRFT faculty Material costs for final 82% of the students will IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Spring 2014 Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 51 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 industry advisory committee improvement will be made to assess student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all drafting courses ECT Update assessment to maintain alignment with HVAC for Excellence testing for assessment of SLOs ELEC Continue updating assessments to maintain parody with CISCO and CCNA testing for assessment of SLOs ET Implement any new state mandated assessments to maintain alignment with NCCER testing for assessment of SLOs GD Through consultation with industry advisory committee improvement will be made to assess student final portfolios to assess SLOs in all graphic design portfolio lamination and comb binding pass the assessment with an 82% score or better ECT faculty None required Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 75% of the students will pass the assessment with a 75% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC ELEC faculty None required Fall 2013& Spring 2014 73% of the students will pass the assessment with an 81% score or better IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC ET faculty None required Fall 2013& Spring 2014 82% of the students will pass the assessment with an 85% score or better IIB, IIC, VIA, VIC GD faculty Material costs for final portfolio lamination and comb binding Spring 2014 81% of the students will pass the assessment with an 82% score or better IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 52 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 courses IT Implementation of IT faculty 2 assessment plans ITEC Updated SLO’s will be developed in collaboration with Industry Advisory Council. WELD Implement new industry based assessment to maintain alignment with AWS industry standards aligned with program and course SLOs Reimbursement Fall 2014 for adjunct faculty 81% of the IIA, IIB, students will VIA, VIC pass the assessment with 81% score or better. ITEC faculty Reimbursement Fall 2014 for adjunct faculty 80% of the IIA, IIB, students will VIA, VIC pass the assessment with 81% score or better. WELD faculty None required 82% of the students will pass the assessment to industry standards. Fall 2013 IIA, IIB, VIA, VIC 10) Please provide a narrative describing your plans to improve Student Learning Outcomes. The narrative should identify key needs or issues, describe how the plans will address the issues and describe how the plans will be implemented over the next several years. Describe how your plans will support any strategic plan indicated in the table. I&T Division The I&T division full time faculty plans on revising 15% of course outlines every year. Course outlines will be divided among full time faculty members by department. Disciplines that depend solely on adjunct instructional support will have a full time faculty member assigned to review SLOs and PLOs. The overall challenge for the I&T division is finding time to coordinate meetings with industry advisory committees, development and revision of course SLOs and PLOs and industry relevant assessments. Without additional resources (release time) it will be difficult for the I&T division to accomplish all of its goals in respect to the previous 4 year plan. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIA, IIB, VIA, & VIC. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 53 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 AERO During this and the next five year review cycle SLO’s will be reviewed by the advisory committee and faculty to insure SLO’s are on track with current industry standards and recommendations. The program shall also be assessed by the course and program completers. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. ARCH Through consultation with industry advisory committee; improvements will be identified to assess student final portfolios when assessing SLOs and PLOs in architecture program. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. AUTO During this and the next five year review cycle SLO’s will be reviewed by the advisory committee and full time faculty to insure SLO’s are on track with current industry standards and recommendations. The program shall also be assessed by the course and program completers. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. CT With input from industry partners develop all assessments for all CT courses and program. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IVA, VIA, & VIC. DRFT Through consultation with industry advisory committee; improvements will be identified to assess student final portfolios when assessing SLOs and PLOs in drafting program. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. ECT Over the next 5 years, the ECT program will be implementing all course SLO assessments for each ECT course and applying program SLO’s to each program completers. Course and program SLO’s will be updated based upon industry advisory committee recommendations. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. ELEC Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 54 of 55 Revised 1/21/11 Continue updating assessments to maintain parody with CISCO and CCNA testing for assessment of SLOs and PLOs. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. ET During this and the next five year review cycle SLO’s will be reviewed by the advisory committee and faculty to insure SLO’s are on track with current industry standards and recommendations. The program shall also be assessed by the course and program completers. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIB, IIC, VIA, & VIC. GD Through consultation with industry advisory committee; improvements will be identified to assess student final portfolios when assessing SLOs and PLOs in graphic design program. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. IT Implementation of 2 assessment plans per year to measure effectiveness of SLOs and PLOs. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIB, & VIA. ITEC In collaboration with the Industry Advisory Council, new SLO’s and PLOs will be added to the curriculum. Great effort has been placed in the 5 year review process to keep curriculum and Student Learning Objectives current with what will benefit students as they enter the work force. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. WELD Over the next 5 years, the welding program will be implementing all course SLO assessments for each welding course and applying program SLO’s to each program completers. Course and program SLO’s will be updated based upon industry advisory committee recommendations. This supports the Strategic Plan areas of focus IIC, VIA, & VIC. Student Learning Outcomes/ Academic Program Review Page 55 of 55