I understand the cycles that occur on the earth:
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Study Guide:
Make a brochure “High-LIGHTING” the sun. (Buddy Task)
In a Venn Diagram compare revolutions to rotations (Buddy
Be a myth buster…“Debunk” the myth believed by most people about the cause of the seasons.
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In Ohio would your shadow be longer or shorter on June 15 when compared to January 15? (Prove it by providing
Can the Earth be compared to a giant chocolate chip cookie? (Prove it scientifically)
Earth---our biome in space
We exist as part of a solar system
1 . Our planets revolve around a star (Sun) a. made of 2 gases---hydrogen and helium b. Just an average size star but it looks large because it is the closest star to our planet c. many stars are actually larger and brighter than our sun but don't look that way because they are so far away...
2. We are the third planet from the Sun---we revolve around the sun in an elliptical orbit --- THIS DOES NOT CAUSE THE
****myth busters**** first principle...if energy hits you at a direct angle---you will absorb the full amount of that energy however if energy hits you at an indirect angle you will NOT receive the full amount of that energy
*** second principle*** the earth is tilted on its axis (imaginary line that runs through center of the Earth)
***third principle***the regions of the Earth that are hit with direct rays become warm because they receive the full amount of the Sun's light energy. The regions of the earth that get hit with indirect rays are cooler because they do not receive the full amount of the Sun's energy
The northern and southern hemisphere will always have the opposite seasons due to the tilt of the earth
A revolution(one trip around the sun)=365 days
3.The earth rotates on its axis--this causes day and night. One rotation takes 24 hours night
4. When the Earth is rotating...it is spinning counterclockwise...therefore the sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west
Summer sun versus the winter sun. The sun appears higher overhead in the summer (direct rays are causing warmer temperatures) In the winter it appears lower in the sky (indirect rays are causing lower temperatures)
S hadow length...?
Shadows appear shorter in summer and longer in winter
5. Internal workings of our planet --- Mother Nature's Meat loaf!
Crust ---Thin hard outside layer
Mantle ---Solid rock with the ability to flow
Core (inner and outer)Metals---heavy metals(nickel,iron,cobalt)---stay in the middle as the Earth spun during formation...light metal like aluminum went towards the crust
The great cookie--Plate tectonics
The theory that the Earth's crust is broken into large plates that shift and move.
Cause= CONVECTION --- the flow of heat through a liquid or a gas
Huge super continent made of all the continents together as one.
p roofs...
1. Continents fit together as a puzzle
2. fossil record: elephant remains in South America
3 types of fault zones...places where the earth's crust has cracks....
Divergent zones
The two plates are ripping apart---ex: Mid Atlantic Ridge ---
Africa and South America moving apart at 2 inches a year
Convergent zones two plates are colliding together ... forming mountains and volcanoes
Transform fault zones two plates are sliding side by side...Ex : San Andreas Fault in
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Study Guide:
1. How does the moon’s lack of an atmosphere affect the moon? How is the Earth different? (Prove it)
2. Why do hot air balloons float? ( Explain the science behind it)
3. Predict: In this room where will you find the hottest and the coldest air? ( Provide evidence) – (Buddy task)
4. Explain the various ways WATER or ICE transform the surface of the
Earth. (Buddy Task)
5. Is the moon a “geologic cookie” like the Earth? (Prove with evidence)
6. Can you lose weight by going to the Moon? (Prove with evidence)
7. In a Venn Diagram, compare the two types of eclipses.(Buddy task)
Earth compared to the nearest satellite ---the Moon...it revolves around the Earth
(A satellite revolves around another object )
Features of .....
1. 2/3 to 3/4 is water...
2. has an atmosphere where main gases are nitrogen 80 %, oxygen 16%, and rest 4%...this atmosphere protects us from space debris ... Friction ..( happens when two surfaces rub together and this produces heat )The space debris burns up before it ever reaches the ground
3. our surface is changed through weathering, erosion and deposition
W eathering and erosion is...caused by wind,water,ice and plants
* *** fast moving wind and water cause particles to be picked up and moved ****
**** slow moving wind and water cause deposition to occur ---
( sand bar and deltas )
Ice --frost wedging ...water gets in cracks and freezes in those cracks---which expands them until rock bursts apart
(plant roots do the same thing)
4. We have slow processes and fast processes that are constantly changing the surface of the Earth...( plate tectonics is building new surfaces while erosion and weathering are breaking it down )
Mountains being made....
deltas being made....
land slides...
The water ride...when storms happen the river speed picks up and erosion occurs then when the river enters another body of water the speed slows down and the soil is deposited
5. Has three states of matter
Solid ---molecules are close together and it can hold its own shape
-has fixed volume
L iquid --- molecules are more spread out and it takes the shape of its container---fixed volume
G as ---molecules are farthest apart and it takes the shape of its container---volume is not fixed...
Why hot substances rise and cold substances sink
The puppy principle of molecules...
cold molecules clump together (like puppies in a box) and hot molecules spread apart (like hot puppies spreading apart and laying all over)
Example...A "cube of air " has the weight of forty molecules of air but when you heat it ... the molecules expand and some of them move out of the cube so the cube weighs less and moves upward. It is lighter when heated
A "cube of air" has the weight of 40 molecules of air...
when cooled the molecules come together and allow room for new molecules to come in the cube. The "cube of cold air" will weigh more and sink
Therefore...cold gases,liquids and solids are usually more dense(more molecules are in a "cube of matter"...the cube weighs more and sinks) h ot gases,liquids, and solid are usually less dense(less molecules are in a "cube of matter"...the cube weighs less and floats)
Density refers to how tightly an objects molecules are packed together
The Moon...our nearest satellite (an object that orbits a celestial body)
Characteristics of the moon
1. Has NO atmosphere....therefore ...
A. no oxygen for humans
B. No sound because sound can only be produced where molecules are vibrating...no molecules=no vibrating
C. Extreme temperatures (The earth's atmosphere wraps us in a
"blanket" and protects us from extreme cold or heat)
The moon has no protection therefore the sun heats the moon to 260 Fahrenheit in day and
-280 Fahrenheit at night
D. No protection from space debris(On the Earth the atmosphere burns up meteors through friction as they rub against the molecules) Objects blast into the moon's surface making craters
2.Moon is 1/4 of Earth's mass and has 6 times less gravity( the force that pull all objects towards the center of the planet )
Therefore if you weighed 180 lbs on the Earth ... you would weigh 30 lbs on the moon---you would also be able to really jump! 20 inch vertical could become 10 foot vertical
Moon's mountains tell us it was once alive on the inside but for some reason it is now geologically dead ---no plate movements anymore
4. Rotation speed is much slower than the Earth...
one rotation takes 28 days ...a night is 14 days long/ and a day is 14 days long also
5. Revolution speed ... the moon orbits the Earth in 28 days( the
Earth orbits the sun in 365 days)
6. The moon is the brightest object in the night sky but gives off no light of its own.
Instead, it reflects light from the sun.
7 . Eclipses....the moon gets between Sun and Earth
Solar eclipses happen when the moon blocks the Sun's rays and cast a shadow on parts of the Earth
Lunar eclipse
Lunar eclipses happen during the full moon stage and happen as the Earth gets between the Sun and the Moon
Refraction not the reflection of light!
A s the sun's light goes past the Earth atmosphere...
it bends(refracts) the light waves and makes the moon look bright orange