Year of Innovation, Architecture & Design 2016 Events Programme Fund - Guidance Notes Deadline: Friday 24 July 2015 For events: 1 January – 31 December 2016 Initial Enquiries: 0131 471 2161 / 1. Introduction 2016 has been designated as a year in which Scotland’s achievements in Innovation, Architecture and Design will be showcased and celebrated with a programme of activity aimed at supporting and driving the nation’s tourism and events sector. The approach includes spotlighting existing activity and helping to create new activity designed to meet the aims and objectives of the year. Themed years are designed to give Scottish tourism an edge, galvanise partners and create a strong collaborative platform to promote Scotland and its valuable attributes. A Steering Group including representation from Architecture + Design Scotland, Historic Scotland, The National Trust for Scotland, Scottish Government, Creative Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Tourism Alliance, and VisitScotland has been formed to take the lead. 2016 is already shaping up to be an exciting year. The Festival of Architecture led and directed by The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland will connect Scottish communities and visitors with our architecture through events and exhibitions, Scotland-wide; The National Museum of Scotland turns 150 years old and will open ten new galleries showcasing Scotland’s internationally important collections of decorative art, design, fashion, science and technology; NVA’s plan to partially restore modernist masterpiece St Peter’s Seminary; the creation of the new V&A Museum of Design Dundee will gain pace; and the new Queensferry Crossing - set to be the longest three-tower, cable-stayed bridge in the world - will officially open. From textiles to technology, architecture to fashion and design, the year-long programme will shine the spotlight on our greatest assets and icons, as well as our hidden gems. 2. The Year of Innovation, Architecture & Design 2016 Aim and Objectives: Overarching Aim: the Year of Innovation, Architecture & Design (YIAD) will sustain and build upon the momentum generated by Homecoming Scotland 2014 and preceding themed years to spotlight, celebrate and promote Scotland’s rich and vibrant attributes in relation to innovation, architecture and design to the people of Scotland and our visitors. 1 Objectives: Promotion – raise the profile of Scotland nationally and internationally, showcasing our distinctive contributions to innovation, architecture and design with a co-ordinated marketing and communications programme Celebration – encourage and develop opportunities for the celebration of the key themes of the year within the tourism and events sectors Participation – inspire the people of Scotland and our visitors to participate in activity developed for and in response to YIAD, with particular emphasis on attracting new audiences Collaboration – encourage collaborative working between the sectors represented by the year’s themes and tourism sectors Business Engagement – communicate with a wide range of businesses in tourism and other relevant sectors in order to help them recognise the opportunities presented by the Year of Innovation, Architecture & Design and capitalise on those opportunities by developing new products and services and growing existing business 3. 2016 Themed Events Programme Objectives Events supported by the 2016 Themed Events Programme will: Increase awareness and provide opportunities to promote and celebrate Scotland’s achievements in innovation, architecture and design Create or expand opportunities for residents and visitors to participate and engage with activity that recognises and celebrates innovation, architecture and design Enhance the existing programme of events and activity showcasing innovation, architecture and design in 2016 Provide an opportunity for the events and festivals sector to embrace and contribute to the year, encouraging collaborative working between sectors The 2016 Themed Events Programme provides the opportunity for event organisers to access between £4,000 and £20,000 to enhance existing, or create new event activity, reflecting the themes and supporting the objectives of the year. A total fund of £200,000 has been made available. Applications will be assessed on their demonstrated ability to reflect the above stated objectives, and against the eligibility and evaluation criteria outlined below: 4. Eligibility Criteria Events must take place in Scotland in 2016 and be accessible to the public Applications must be made by a formally constituted organisation Funding will not be provided for core or capital purchase costs Applications will be accepted from both new and enhanced existing events Existing events need to demonstrate that they have the capacity to further develop and grow in terms of audience/spectator/participant numbers in 2016 Awards cannot offer replacement funding or fill budget gaps created by the withdrawal of another funder It is not intended that an award from this fund will provide the majority of funding for any supported event. Applicants are required to secure additional event funding from alternative sources 2 The level of award applied for should be supported by a clear business case that justifies the request If your event is currently supported via another EventScotland funding programme for 2016 you will not be eligible to apply to this fund. However, you should discuss with your event manager how to maximise the opportunity that the themed year presents. The Festival of Architecture is a key element of the year and will be separately funded. It is managed by the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland. Any event funded directly by the Festival of Architecture will not be eligible for funding through this route. 5. Evaluation Criteria Relevance and Fit Strength of event concept and relevance to at least one of the identified themes of the year: innovation, architecture or design The programme will embrace a wide range of activity and content aligned to the themes, however prioritisation will be given to activity that is most likely to drive national and international profile and tourism impact Applicants should also note that as 2017 will be the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology emphasis may be given to more contemporary themes in 2016 but not to the exclusion of our rich heritage Given the scope of the Festival of Architecture programme, prioritisation may be given to applications that celebrate design and/or innovation How the event fits within the overall programme of activity and helps achieve a good balance across the three themes It is aimed to support a wide geographic spread of events taking place throughout 2016 Viability Level of event management and delivery experience of the organising group Applications must demonstrate a viable budget showing additional income from alternative sources Proposed use of funds within the overall event budget – i.e. the difference it will make Degree of local support and the anticipated local benefits Impacts Potential of event to promote the 2016 themes to a wide audience through effective marketing Potential of event to generate print and broadcast media focus on themes Potential of event to drive social media engagement Potential of event to extend participation and engagement in themes Potential to enhance domestic and international tourism/attendances Event demonstrates a strong fit for the host region, aligning with local event strategies, celebrating local strengths and stories Potential to engage local communities and encourage participation The ongoing sustainability of the event and its environmental impact 3 6. Application Process: Potential applicants must contact EventScotland on 0131 472 2161/ to discuss their proposal in advance of preparing an application. Once applicants have discussed their proposal with EventScotland and are eligible to apply, they should complete the application form available at Applications must be submitted to EventScotland by 5pm on 24th July 2015 Applications will be assessed by EventScotland and recommendations brought to a panel including representatives from the Steering Group for decision Applicants will be advised of the status of their application in September 2015 Successful applicants will be required to sign a formal funding agreement, agree relevant performance indicators, provide acknowledgement of the Year of Innovation, Architecture & Design in all event materials, undertake appropriate visitor research and complete a Post Event Report. Funding will be paid in instalments against an agreed payment schedule. The final payment will be made after the event and following the organiser’s submission of the post event report. 4