Faith Formation and Evangelization TRI-PARISH YOUTH NEWS CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF CHRIST THE KING + HOLY TRINITY + ST. PATRICK One Body – One Faith – One Mission TRI-PARISH CONFIRMATION CEREMONY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 , 2013 11am MASS @ HOLY TRINITY WITH RECEPTION TO FOLLOW IN THE PARISH HALL. ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH, 2013 THERE WILL BE MASS AT ST. PATRICK @ 8:30am AND CHRIST the KING @ 11am TH There was an error in last weekend’s bulletin and three Confirmation Candidates were left off the list: Please pray for: November 10, 2013 TRI-PARISH FAITH FORMATION SCHEDULES FOR NOVEMBER ST. PATRICK & HOLY TRINITY NO FAITH FORMATION ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH OR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH CHRIST the KING Gretchen Spence Alec Schmitt Robert Webster Thanks again for all those who participated in the St. Patrick’s Halloween Party on October 30th---see the photo of all the ghosts, goblins, beauty, and special guest-Mother Superior!! THE NET RETREAT was a great success, as there were approximately 30 Youth participating from Christ The King, Holy Trinity, St. Patrick’s, and the CTC in Huntington. A good time was had by all that attended. The theme was Why Catholic? and the hosting team of young adults did a wonderful job of presenting the learning in a fun way!! Faith, Food, and Fun--- GENERAL DIRECTORY Office Phone: 304-755-0791; Fax: 304-755-3473; Address: PO Box 339, Nitro, WV 25143 Office Hours: Mon. & Fri. = Leave Message; Tue., Wed., Thur. = 9 AM -1 PM E-mail:; Website: bulletin. ADDRESS OF CHURCHES Christ the King Church 1504 Grosscup Ave. Dunbar, WV25064 Phone: 304-755-0791 NO FAITH FORMATION ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH Any questions contact: ISSUE NO. 144 Holy Trinity Church 2219 22nd St. Nitro, WV25143 Phone: 304-755-0791 St. Patrick Church 207 Jefferson St. Bancroft, WV25011 Phone: 304-586-3485 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor--- Rev. Fr. Joseph Tuscan,OFM CAP Deacon --------------- Rev. Mr. Dennis Nesser Tri Parish Coordinator--------Marion Musilli Office Manager----------------------Angie Pugh RCIA Coordinator ------------- Tom McCarthy HT Hall Manager ----------------- Joan Savilla WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil at HT-------------5:00 PM Sunday at CK -------------------11:00 AM Sunday at SP ---------------------8:30 AM Sunday at HT -------------------- 9:45 AM Traditional Latin Mass at HT-2:00 PM WEEKDAY MASSES Wednesday at SP ----------- 12:00 Noon Thursday at HT -------------- 12:00 Noon Friday at CK ------------------- 12:00 Noon FIRST FRIDAY Mass at SP --------------------- 6:00 PM Youth Ministry-------------- Beth Brumley IT Coordinator----------------Michele Bays HT DRE ---------------------- Cindy Norden CK DRE------------------------- Betsy Green SP DRE--------------------------- Lisa Bailey Tri-Parish Music Director - Jamie Miller SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at HT ------------------- 4:00 PM Sunday at CK ------------------ 10:30 AM Sunday at SP -------------------- 8:00 AM Tues-Sat at HT ----------------- 6:30 AM HOLY HOUR Tues-Sat at HT----------------- 6:00 AM TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS Tues-Sat at HT------------------ 7:00 AM BAPTISM - Please Call Parish Office. MATRIMONY- Call 6 months in advance SACRAMENT OF THE SICK – Please call the Church Office at any time. HOLY DAY -To be Announced. TRI-PARISH VISION In the heart of our three churches resides the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Born of Divine Life our three churches unfold like leaves of one tree of life. Each church is unique in character, yet all are bonded in one baptismal call – becoming One Body, professing One Faith, and living One Mission. Encircled by wheels of collaboration in building the Kingdom of God, we reach out to all four corners of the world proclaiming by the testament of our lives the saving power of Christ’s Cross. SocialMINISTRY Concerns and Community Life SCHEDULE FOR 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 10, 2013 Ministry Schedule November 16 & 17, 2013 Ministry ENDURING WITNESS Mass Schedule and Intentions Sat. Nov 9 HT 5:00 PM Tom Donegan (Rose Graley) Sun. Nov 10 S SP 8:30AM HT 9:45AM Brenda Woodyard (Bubar Family) CTK 11:00AM Ed Cannon (Carolyn Cannon) Wed. Nov 13 SP Noon Thur. Nov 14 HT Noon Fri. Nov 15 CTK Noon Sat. Nov 16 HT 5:00 PM Lew Roman (Angelina Prezel) Sun. Nov 17 S SP 8:30AM HT 9:45AM CTK “Martyr” and “confessor” are two words for “enduring witness.” The lists of our holy ancestors in the faith are full of those people giving witness to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus and its consequence for life. Our faith is based on those witnesses tracing a line all the way to the first Easter Sunday. We sign ourselves, we recite the Creed, and we pray the Our Father as they, and we, were taught at baptism. Our solidarity with them in faith and the Eucharist gives us strength to endure for our lives, too. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001, OCP. All rights reserved Illustration © 2001 S,Erspamer . 11:00AM Fonnie Ianello (The Ianello Family) Saturdays Rosary prior to Mass by K of C at HT First Friday Eucharistic Adoration after Mass 7-8 PM at SP CTK Sanctuary Candle Light Intention: Memory of Mark & Dixie Trivision (Beth & Tom White) Registration of Parish membership Catholics who wish to be members of any of our three churches can pick-up a registration form at any scheduled mass of by calling or e-mailing the church office. Ministry of the Sick and Home Bound: Janet Haught, Marie Stidd, Arlene Trivison, Margaret Boyle, Karen Evans, Mellisa Ghanem, Pat Romano, Velma Burdette, Steven Haught, Sal Ciaravella, Ed Papciak, Janet Sydnor, Roger Nunn, Ed Burke and Norma Montalvo Vargas. (Please contact the church office when we need to remove names from this list.) Prayer Chain Contact Persons: Dot Bakoski @ CTK 768-0508, Rosemary Clendenin @ HT 755-0658, Vada Zitzelsberger @ SP 755-4235 or call church office @ 755-0791. Bulletin announcements must be received by 5:00 PM on Tuesday; please send announcements to Readings for next Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Wisdom 1:1-7, Psalms 139:1b-3-10, Luke 17:1-6 Wisdom 2:23—3:9, Psalms 34:2-3, 16-19, Luke 17:7-10 Wisdom 6:1-11, Psalms 82:3-4, 6-7, Luke 17:11-19 Wisdom 7:22b—8:1, Psalms 119:89, 90, 91, 130, 135, 175, Luke 17:20-25 Christ the King Holy Trinity (Sat. Nov 9) Cross Bearer Servers Lectors C. Seymour P. Green, Jr., P. Green B. Green Alec Schmitt Alec Schmitt John Gatens E Ministers D. Hanlon, T. Haid Sandy Gatens, Nell Mata Children’s Liturgy Ushers Z. Green G. Mallory, D. Brown Counters B. White, T. White Minister to Sick M. White Larry Donegan, Leonard Mata Larry Donegan, Leonard Mata CHRIST THE KING NEWS Feast of Christ the King – Mark your calendars and plan to attend our dinner on the Feast of Christ the King, Sunday, November 24, immediately after Mass. More details to follow. THANK YOU - A big thanks to Mike Wallace for having all the outside metal doors repainted (after 28 years, they needed It). Mike also had the rectory porch redone. Again, “Thank You” Mike. HOLY TRINITY NEWS “Thank you” to all the tech volunteers and Dolly Savilla, Pam Perkins, Dale Parkins, Beth, Mike and Sarah Brumley, the Price sisters, Melody McCutcheon, Karen Evans and Ron King for your continued Support with the S.A.L.T. meal this past Sunday! Thank you to Mardi Gras Casino for donating 30lbs of beef for our meal! And “Thank you” to Graziano Family for your continued support for our SALT Meal! We are ALWAYS in need of sandwich baggies if anyone runs into a good sale please keep us in mind! Stuffing Mix – we are collecting 350 boxes of stuffing for our annual stuffing tree to fill boxes for those in need for Christmas in our area! Start looking for those sales on stuffing and bringing it in! Fri Wisdom 13:1-9, Psalms 19:2-3, 4-5ab, Luke 17:26-37 Angel Tree - . Angels will be available the week before Thanksgiving for those of you wanting to hit those black Friday sales! Sat Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9, Psalms 105:2-3, 3637, 42-43, Luke 18:1-8 Needed! A boy’s winter coat size 10. Sun 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14, 2 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5, Luke 20:27-38 November 3 Weekly Collection Totals: Christ the King-Regular Offering $1,406.00 Holy Trinity- Regular Offering $2,730.09 St. Patrick Regular Offering $928.00 Reminder: Help needed for the Appreciation Dinner for our towns workers scheduled 11-2 Friday Nov 22. Desserts and casseroles needed! Remember – Giving Thanks Dinner, November 20th following 6:30pm Mass. Please sign up on the sheet in the Gathering Area. Bring a dessert to share and bring boxes of stuffing mix for Social Concerns Christmas project. Nov. 17 – There will be no 9:45am Mass – Mass at 11am for Tri-Parish Confirmation with luncheon following in hall. Holy Trinity Alec Schmitt Johnny Brumley Tom McCarthy, Mary Gene Kapicak Richard Gerkin, Garnet McKinley, Bill McKinley, Angie Pugh, Barbara Bubar Mel and Robert Webster Ed Pugh, Marion Musilli St. Patrick David Milhorn David Milhorn, Tyler Randolph Sheila Shipston David and Kathy Milhorn Gifts: Eric and Dorothy Stueber Mary Jordan, Dorothy Stueber Ed Pugh, Marion Musilli ST. PATRICK’S NEWS Social Concerns continues to collect food for 2 families in need from our community—please be generous and bring your non-perishable food donations in as soon as possible. A coat drive is also underway— collecting new or slightly used coats to help those in need during the winter months. See Vada Zitzelsberger with any questions. The rosary will be said after Mass this Sunday. Please stay and join the Faith Formation classes in prayer. November 17, 2013 - Confirmation Mass and Reception, at Holy Trinity, beginning at 11:00AM. We have 7 youth from our Parish being confirmed. Ross Armstrong, Elizabeth Bell, Lauren Cartwright, Sam Petrunyak,, McKinley Randolph, Casey Skeens, and Justin Skeens. Please plan to join in this wonderful Sacrament of Confirmation and Celebration with our Youth. The Women’s Guild needs help in bringing cold salads for the reception. Please see Vada Zitzelsberger after Mass if you can help. Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be on Sunday, Nov 24, 2013, from noon-3:00pm. Everyone is encouraged to attend, and please bring friends and guests from our Community. The menu is turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing/dressing, veggies, and desserts. Please bring your favorite vegetable or a pie (all pies should be apple, pecan, or pumpkin). Any questions, please see Shaunie Randolph. Advent Retreat at St. Patrick’s on Sunday, Dec 1st through Tuesday, Dec 3rd. Sessions begin at 6:30pm. We will be hosting 4 nuns that represent the Sisters of Reparation and they will be staying in the trailer. If anyone would like to volunteer to make a home cooked dinner meal (4:30pm), for the sisters, on either Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, please see Helen Winter or Shaunie Randolph. Additional information available in the flyer posted on the bulletin board. TRI-PARISH NEWS New Web Page address – remember to turn in your image permission slip from last week’s bulletin for pictures on the web page. Contact Michele Bays at or 304-755-0791 ex 1155.