The French Revolution

The French
Grudgeball Review
Which estate was forced to pay the most taxes (taille)
BEFORE the Revolution?
 The
Third Estate
What did the Declaration of the Rights of Man and
Citizen promise to the French people?
 Equal
rights and liberty for all men
 The right to do whatever they wanted as
long as it did not harm another person
What was the name of the woman who rewrote the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and
what was her version called?
 Olympe
de Gouges
 The Declaration of the Rights of Woman
and [Female] Citizens
What was the vow made during the Tennis Court
Who made it?
(must answer both questions)
 Not
to leave the tennis court until a new
Constitution had been written
 The Third Estate
What event marked the beginning of the violent
phase of the French Revolution?
 The
Storming of the Bastille
What was the Woman’s Riot (march) about?
 Letting
the King and Queen known how
outrageous the price of grain and bread
had become
BONUS SHOT: What was the significant result of the
Woman’s Riot?
 It
forced the King and Queen out of
Versailles and into Paris
Who was leader of the Reign of Terror?
 Maxilimien
What was the Thermodorian Reaction?
 The
point where the National Convention
tried to cool down the tensions that had
existed during the Reign of Terror
What document ordered the clergy to swear
allegiance to the state and the National Assembly?
 Civil
Constitution of the Clergy
Who ruled during the Directory?
two-house legislature and a five-man
Who wrote the book “What is the Third Estate?” and
what did it convince the Third Estate to do?
 Emmanuel-Joseph
 To break away from the Estates-General
and form the National Assembly
What was the political party of the radicals in France?
 Jacobin
Who invaded France during the Revolution, after the
National Convention ignored their order to preserve
the King’s life?
 Prussia
and Austria
 Later, they were joined by Britain, Spain,
and Holland
Under Robespierre, the Committee of Public Safety
and the National Convention tried to de-Christianize
France, what was one way this was done?
 Reforming
the calendar to remove the
religious significance
BONUS SHOT: What was the other way this deChristianization was done?
 Closing
down all the churches in Paris
Explain the Great Fear.
 The
peasants in the countryside heard
about the violence in Paris and in fear
they started to attack the nobles in the
Why were Marie Antoinette and Louis captured after
they tried to flee Paris?
 Someone
recognized Louis from a coin
BONUS QUESTION: What city were the captured in?
 Varennes
Who was the Jacobin who was killed in his bathtub
and who killed him?
 Jean-Paul
Marat and Charlotte Corday
BONUS QUESTION: Why did she assassinate him?
 She
did not like the fact that he supported
the death of the king
Who was the symbol of excess during the Revolution?
 Marie
Why did Louis call the Estates-General in 1789?
 To
get them to officially tax the second
estate (nobles)
Why was Louis XVI executed?
 Charges
of treason and because they
wanted to get rid of the king
Why did the National Convention institute the draft of
French citizens into the army?
 Britain,
Holland, and Spain joined on the
side of Prussia and Austria, allowing them
to start to push the French back