Practical Stress Management for Busy People


Handling Stress in Today’s

Economic Environment

Larry Long, Ph.D., Senior


Counseling & Educational

Support Services

University of Kansas Medical


Some days go like this…

Who? Me?....


Potential Warning Signs of Stress

What Stresses You?

Top 3 Things That

Add Stress To

Your Life?

How Would Your Life Be

Different Without These


Some Level of Stress is

Necessary to be


Optimal Stress Level

What Is Burn Out?

“All Work & No Play Doesn’t Just Make

Jack Dull.

Jack becomes depleted, his work suffers, & his marriage falls apart.”

•Chronic (lifestyle) pattern of high output and lower rewards.

•What lifestyle are you building now?

Stress Response

Today’s Economy & Stress

80% of Americans say money and the economy are two significant stressors in their lives

Guess the common reactions to difficult financial times?

How might stress reactions lead to a person’s finances stay the same (or get worse)?

Adaptation Under Extreme

Pressure: How Do the Elite Do it?

Elite Performers:

How do they manage stress?

Balanced (deliberate) lifestyle

(i.e., nutrition & sleep)

Knowledgeable of sport

Effective performance skills

High dispositional hope (i.e., will power / way power)

* Gould, D., Dieffenbach, K., & Moffett, A. (2002).

Psychological characteristics and their development in Olympic champions. Journal of

Applied Sport Psychology, 14, 172-204.

Attributes of Elite Performers*

High determination & commitment

Effective moderation of mood states

Excellent ability to concentrate & focus

Uses positive imagery & self-talk

Moderate (or adaptive) perfectionism

* Gould, D., Dieffenbach, K., & Moffett, A. (2002).

Psychological characteristics and their development in Olympic champions. Journal of

Applied Sport Psychology, 14, 172-204.

Take Charge!

Active Coping and Controlling

What’s Controllable

Managing Time, Prioritizing, Taking


Adaptation is Key to Success

Active Coping

Active Versus Passive Coping

Locus of Control: Focusing upon what you can do about it!

Gratitude Journaling

Building Dispositional Hope

Using Self Talk (Active Coping)

What is your internal dialogue now?

Manage Distracting /

Negative Thinking

Constructing a new internal dialogue

Thought stopping

Cognitive restructuring

“Turning It Off”

How do you “turn off” your mind & let go?

Developing Your Mental

Skills to Compartmentalize

Do The Math! (Managing Time)

•168 hours in a week

•If you go to sleep at 11 PM and wake at 6

AM, you have 119 hours awake

•Where do you invest your time

–Work = ?

–Family / Partner Hours = ?

–Leisure Hours = ?

How do you manage your time?

Use a daily planner

Establish a realistic plan that includes work time, sleep, family/friends, exercise and fun

Set priorities

Identify what you can let go of

Put it at the bottom of the list

Use your social supports

Groups hold you accountable

Adaptation (When they move your cheese)

Be sure it’s wise / safe to share your upset about change

Grief over change is to be expected

Change your mental outlook

Change/Crisis = Opportunity

Keep site of your big picture goals as you determine new pathways to them

Making A (Lifestyle) Change: 101

Start by adjusting what you’re currently doing – add new “stress reducers” may add more stress.

Add a little at a time, tweak as you go, & focus upon maintenance.

Focus is both short and long- term.

Contact info:

Larry Long, Ph.D.


Other Resource for KUMC Employees:

HealthQuest – Stress Management


For KU Hospital Employees:

See your HR Staff member to be referred to the Employee Assistance

Program (EAP)
