File - Speech Portfolio

Note: Follow this format EXACTLY. Everything in BOLD must apprear exactly as
is on your outline. Information in the parenthesis should be figured out and written
by you.
Name: Noa Moniz
Period: 2
Date: July 8, 2015
(Goodbye Death Penalty)
Koʻu Manaʻo Speech Outline
A. Attention-Getter – Rhetorical Question - (Have you ever imagined what
the death penalty was like? Have you seen it first hand? Or have you
even heard about it?)
B. Transition - Link to Thesis – (Hopefully today you can learn a little
something about the death penalty.)
C. Thesis Statement – (The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.)
D. Preview of Points- (I will be covering three things. First, the background
information on death penalty, second is the pros and cons of death penalty,
and lastly is my opinion and solution to death penalty.)
E. Transition: Signpost – (First I will be covering the background
information on the death penalty.)
A. Main Point 1 – (The death penalty is a very old technique with a lot of
history behind it.)
a. Subpoint 1- (It is estimated that 13,000 people died from
execution starting ever since colonial times.)
1. Form of support- (The death penalty or capital
punishment was at an all time high in the depression era or
the 1930’s. During this time period it had a historical
execution peak of deaths. But around the 1950’s and
1960’s is when a major decrease in executions came along.
No legal executions had occurred in 1967-1976. In 1972
the Supreme Court nullified the death penalty and just put
those who were facing the death penalty to life in prison.
Then in 1976, they ruled capital punishment as
constitutional and ever since then until 2009, 1,167 people
died because of the death penalty.) (Us Liberals)
b. Subpoint 2- (There are primary ways to kill people who are
charged with the death penalty.)
1. Form of support -(The 3 different ways are lethal
injection, electrocution, and the gas chamber. Lethal
injection is when the inmate is strapped to a gurney and
then two people with needles each inject the poison into
their skin. They use two people so that the people injecting
the lethal injection into the inmate don’t know if they killed
a person or not. Then there is electrocution, this is when
basically the inmate sits in the chair and gets electrocuted.
This is method is no longer in use. Next is the gas chamber
method. This is where the inmate sits in a chair where the
gas is under their seat. The warden then tells the
executioner to turn on the switch to release the gas, which
the inmate breathes and dies.) (
c. Transition: Review-Preview- (I just talked about the history
and ways of the death penalty and will be talking about the pros
and cons of death penalty.)
B. Main Point 2 – (Death penalty has many pros and cons, let me name a
a. Subpoint 1- (Many feel that we should get rid of death penalty
but there are also pros to it.)
1. Form of support- (I have two pros of the death penalty. It
establishes consequences for capital crimes and helps
reduce the inmate population. What I mean by establishing
consequences is that it shows that if you do something,
which is a capital crime, then the government will take care
of the situation and I agree with this. The next one is
reducing the inmate population. With the death penalty it
keeps less people in jail so that people with “less harsh”
crimes can go to jail and not have to be transported to a
different jail with more space. ) (
b. Subpoint 2- (But, with pros always comes cons.)
1. Form of support -(I also have two cons towards death
penalty. One is the cost and two is the eye for an eye type
of mentality. The first one is the cost; just being realistic
here is costs 2-5 times more money to execute then putting
that same inmate in jail. Why need to kill someone for so
much money when they can just be locked up in a jail cell.
Lastly is the eye for and eye mentality. I get that a family
may grieve for the person they have lost but it isn’t morally
right to have the other person killed just because they killed
someone you love. There are many different and more
logical ways to handling this type of situation.)
c. Transition: Internal Summary- (So far I have talked about the
history and ways of the death penalty and also the pros and cons
of the death penalty.
C. Main Point 3 – (Death penalty is a terrible thing and there are different
ways to handling it.)
a. Subpoint 1- (Death penalty is basically murder by the
government and isn’t what we should be doing as a society.)
1. Form of support- (We shouldn’t have the death penalty
for three reasons. One is because it costs way too much,
two is because the person who was just executed had
people he cared about and could have made a mistake and
lastly is because it is cruel and unusual punishment. The
first reasoning is because it costs way to much to execute
this one man when they could just put him in jail for life no
parole and use the money that would have been used on
something else that our country needs. Next is that the
person who is being executed has a family who cares about
him/her. What if this person just made a mistake or what if
this person didn’t even commit the crime and you kill them,
which is wrong of the government to do this. My last
reason against this is because it is cruel and unusual
punishment. I state this because do you think that isn’t
cruel or unusual at all that you are killing someone for
doing something wrong. That is my opinion on the death
(My Opinion)
b. Subpoint 2- (We need solutions to our issue and I will be
proposing my solution.)
1. Form of support -(In my opinion we should just lock up
those who are supposed to be sentenced to death penalty.
Also, what we should do is go through a program that will
test their brains to see if they were even thinking straight
while they committed the crime. To make sure this is
credible they can take the polygraph to see if they are
telling the truth. If they were telling the truth and if their
mind wasn’t all completely right then they should be taken
to a mental hospital jail for those who committed a crime,
while not mentally stable.) (My opinion)
c. Transition: Sign post - (Now let me summarize what I have just
A. Restate Thesis – -(The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.)
B. Review of Points – (Today I covered three things. First, the background
information on death penalty, second the pros and cons of death penalty,
and lastly my opinion and solution to the death penalty.)
C. Closing Statement – Rhetorical Question -(Hopefully you can now
imagine what it is like to have to deal with the death penalty, and also you
learned a lot about the death penalty. And with your help you may never
see the death penalty first hand if we abolish it! Thank you!
Works Cited
Connors, Paul G. Capital Punishment. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven,
2007. Print.
Evans, Kimberly Masters. Capital Punishment. 2014 ed. Farmington Hills,
Mich: Gale Cengage Learning, 2014. Print.
"Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty." US Liberal Politics., n.d.
Web. 7 July 2015.
Swift A. Americans: "Eye for an Eye" Top Reason for Death Penalty.
Gallup Poll Briefing [serial online]. October 23, 2014;:1. Available
from: Business Source Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 7, 2015.