LAHS COURSE INFORMATION SHEET Course Title: Physics Instructors: Karen Davis UC/CSU: Yes / Yes Textbook and other learning resource: Physics: 6th Edition, Cutnell & Johnson What Students Can Expect From This Course Course Description: The focus of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of classical physics . Topics to be studied include: kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, circular motion, impulse, momentum, energy, thermodynamics, waves, electrostatics, circuits, magnetism and electromagnetic induction, Students will use algebra II, right triangle trigonometry and concepts in physics to build mathematical models in an attempt to make predictions of naturally occurring phenomenon. Instructional approaches include demonstrations, lectures, laboratories, class discussions, student worksheets, daily homework, quizzes, tests, student projects and possibly guest speakers and field trips. Assessment and Grading: Per BP/AR 5121, teachers of the same course are expected to align their grading and assessment practices in the following areas: (a) the weight of assignments for the various categories of assessment, (b) homework policies, late/make up policies, opportunities for revision, extra credit and grading scales, (c) degrees of proficiency. In addition, the policy specifies that “group work is to be considered an essential part of the learning experience, and that grades earned through group participation are to reflect an individual student’s achievement on a designated academic standard and to be awarded to individuals rather than to groups of students. Extra credit is to be given only when it supports student achievement of academic standards for the course and when it is equitable for all students. 1. Grading practices are determined by course teams Grades are earned based on points on homework, labs, quizzes and tests. Approximate percentages: homework (20%), labs (20%), quizzes (25%), tests (35%). A = 100-90%, B = 89-80%, C = 79-70%, D = 69 – 60%, F = 59 – 0% Students should spend 30 minutes each school night working on physics at home. Unexcused late work is not accepted for credit. Every member of a group will turn in their own work having used the group as a resource for learning,. All group work will be done in class. There are no extra credit assignments. A New ERA at LAHS – Empower, Respect, Achieve We, at Los Altos High School value a learning environment in which students and staff support one another in a spirit of unity and mutual respect. We are committed to continuous learning and the appreciation of knowledge in the classroom and beyond. We value our diverse pathways and empower students with the skills they need to achieve their goals after graduation. Homework, labs, quizzes and free response test solutions are graded using a rubric based on the following 5 criteria: What Is Expected Of The Student Daily Assignments: 3.Logical, step-by-step, mathematical reasoning used to solve the problem for the variable quantity in Homework and in-class assignments will be assigned from the book and from supplementary workbooks. Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the due date. Do not expect all solutions to problems to be fully worked out to their conclusion in class; however, problem solving strategies and hints will be discussed. question. Attendance: 4. Correct numerical answer (using significant figures rounding rules) + units. ABSENCES: An “unexcused absence” is an absence in excess of a 30-minute period occurring in a given class. Students may not exceed 14 unexcused absences across their entire schedule. A full day, unexcused absence counts as 5, 6 or 7 absences depending on how many classes a student carries toward the total of 14. On the 15th unexcused absence, students may be referred to an alternative educational program/site pursuant to the District’s involuntary transfer policy (AR/OP 5113). 1. A sketch of the situation described in the problem including initial condition and a coordinate system. 2. Correct fundamental concept(s) in fundamental equation(s) written in variable form. 5. A box around the final answer with a brief description of meaning. The SIS grade book will be updated every two weeks or after unit tests. TARDIES: Students may not exceed 19 unexcused tardies across their entire schedule. An unexcused tardy is an absence from class from when the bell rings until up to 30 minutes of a class period. At the 15th unexcused tardy, there will be a mandatory parent conference with the student’s Assistant Principal. This conference will be scheduled to occur the morning after the family is contacted by the school. At the student/parent conference, consequences for continued tardiness are discussed and the student is assigned to Saturday School. An attendance contract will also be signed at this meeting. Failure to attend Saturday School may result in a transfer to an alternative educational program/site. Classroom Rules: You are expected to act as professionals in this class. This includes punctuality, using appropriate professional language (greeting one another courteously, using correct names of others, using correct terminology when talking about Physics), respecting and showing common courtesy to others in the classroom, professional conduct about the lesson and the classroom equipment. Professionalism includes continuous mental focus until the period ends. Be prepared to pay attention and engage in the daily lesson for the entire class period. Cheating Policy: The Board expects that students will not cheat, lie, plagiarize or commit other acts of academic dishonesty. Examples of cheating include: anyone who copies another’s work or turns in someone else’s ideas as his or her own, collaboration with another student or students could be considered cheating if students are expected to complete an assignment independently, copying homework, allowing someone else to copy your work, plagiarism, copying or allowing others to copy from another’s exam, improperly obtaining and/or using tests, questions, or answer keys, using unauthorized notes/materials or electronic equipment (calculators, cell phones, etc.), with greater access to the Internet and electronic sources, students need to be very clear about their responsibilities in using these tools with integrity. Check with your teachers if you are unsure or unclear about his/her expectations regarding the use of the Internet. Help and Contact Information Phone: 650-960-8800 Email: (this is best) A New ERA at LAHS – Empower, Respect, Achieve We, at Los Altos High School value a learning environment in which students and staff support one another in a spirit of unity and mutual respect. We are committed to continuous learning and the appreciation of knowledge in the classroom and beyond. We value our diverse pathways and empower students with the skills they need to achieve their goals after graduation.