AMS 572.01 Data Analysis Fall, 2010 INSTRUCTOR: Professor Wei Zhu E-MAIL: PHONE: 632-8374 OFFICE: Math Tower 1-116 OFFICE HOURS: Monday/Friday 11:40AM-12:40PM CLASS: Monday/Friday 12:50-02:10PM, Engineering 145 WEBSITE: TA: Hao Han E-MAIL: PHONE: 632-1884 OFFICE: Harriman 018(4) OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday & Thursday 10:10AM-11:10AM TA: HyeJoo Lee E-MAIL: PHONE: n/a OFFICE: Harriman 027 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday & Thursday 2:30PM-3:30PM Pre-requisite: The pre-requisite of this class is AMS 312 ‘Introduction to Mathematical Statistics’ or equivalent. Text Books: 1. Statistics and Data Analysis; by Tamhane and Dunlop; Prentice Hall. * We will cover Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 in lectures. * Chapters 11, 13, 14, 15 will be covered in group projects. * You must review Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 by yourselves. 2. Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language, 5th or latest edition, by Cody and Smith. * We will cover Chapters 3, 5, 6, 7 in lectures. * Chapters 8, 9, 10 will be covered in group projects. * The computer lab is located at Math Tower S-235 (math lab sinc site). * You should also purchase the SAS program, with your student ID, from the Seawolves MarketPlace located just off the main lobby in the Student Activities Center (SAC). * You are also recommended to learn more SAS from its on-line resources: Homework: Assignments will be given every Friday – they will not be collected – the solutions will be posted on our class website. The related questions are good candidates for quizzes, midterm and final exam. Tests: (All exams are close book exams) Quizzes: one per week, close book exam. Midterm Exam: October 25, Monday, in class. Final Exam: Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 2:15-4:45PM, in class. Group Project: Due November 29, Monday, before class. Grading: Course grade will be assigned based on the better of (1. cumulative score, 2. final exam alone) 1. Cumulative score, 100%: Quizzes: 15% Midterm Exam 30% Group Project: 25% Final Exam 30% 2. Final exam alone, 100%