Introduction - Province of British Columbia

A trusted source of health service provider information
Demonstration and Scenarios
Version 1.1
Copyright © 2003, Province of British Columbia
Press any key on any slide to continue
Your organization can use the Provider Registry in a
number of ways
Over the Internet using the web application
By submitting and receiving XML
By submitting and receiving HL7
This demonstration will present a sample of the
functions available in the web application
Login Screen
This is the Provider Registry web application login screen
Welcome Screen
Successful login will display the welcome screen
Use the menu tabs to navigate the application
Codes Menu
Provider Registry enables Registry Administrators the ability
to view and change many of the codes in the system
Code changes may be required as a result of changes
to business processes, permission settings, and
system upgrades
User Menu
This menu is used to manipulate Registry User data
Registry Users are Organizations that have been set
up in the Provider Registry in specific roles.
For example, a “Primary Source” Registry User
can add providers to the database, and control
access permissions for “Consumer” Registry
Provider Menu
Providers are persons or organizations that perform
services or provide goods of interest to the health sector
Registry Users can use this menu to record individuals
or organizations as providers, update information as
necessary, view provider records and resolve
duplicate provider records.
DPS Menu
The Data Permission Set menu is used by Registry
Administrators and Primary Sources to manage permissions
A DPS is a set of data access permissions which
control Consumers’ access to data
Files Menu
The Files Menu is used to submit data files for processing,
and retrieve various types of files
Registry users can submit and retrieve HL7 and XML
messages with provider data, HTML or XML reports,
and submission response files.
Report Menu
Registry users can order various reports using this menu
Users can control the contents of the report and report
transmission methods
Help Menu
Provider Registry has an extensive on-line help system,
including an on-line data dictionary
Users can access the Help from this menu, and by
means of Help buttons on each screen
Scenario 1 – Check Physician Status
Scenario 1 – Check Physician Status
A health authority wishes to confirm a provider’s good
standing with the College
The user clicks Provider, then Search
The user enters appropriate data to search for the provider
record and clicks the Search button
If more than one record matching the search criteria is
found, a list is displayed for the user to pick from
The list shows
the current
status for
each provider.
The user can
stop here,
They can click
on a record to
display details
for the provider
Then, the user can click on Statuses to see more details
Or the user can go back to
the list to pick a different
Scenario 2 – Find Work Location
Scenario 2 – Find Work Location
A lab may have test results to send to a physician, and
require the appropriate work location address
As in the first scenario, the lab technician uses the
Provider Search to locate the provider’s record
…then clicks on
the Work
dropdown to
display a list of
work locations
recorded for the
…and clicks the “lab
results” work location to
display details
Scenario 2 – Find Work Location
…then expands the Addresses dropdown, and
selects the address with the Lab Results work
location identifier
Scenario 3 – Review Physician Expertise
Scenario 3 – Review Expertise
A health authority wishes to confirm the expertise
(specialties) attributed to an individual provider
As in the first scenario, the health authority uses the
Provider Search to locate the provider’s record
…then clicks
on the
link to
recorded for
the provider
A trusted source of health service provider information
For more information, contact the BC PRS Registry Administrator, at
Or visit
Created by Jodi Harding
Provider Registry Project