Final Exam Submitted by Bryant, Stacia (122457) on 5/6/2014 11:12:42 PM Points Awarded Points Missed Percentage 94.00 6.00 94.0% 1. A syllable placed at the end of a word is called a: A) combining form B) prefix C) root D) suffix Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 2. The foundation of a word is the: A) root B) combining vowel C) combining form D) prefix Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 3. The combining form eti/o means: A) between B) after C) cause D) within Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 4. The suffix ________ means knowledge. A) -gnosos B) -gnoses C) -gosis D) -gnosis Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 5. A chemical substance that destroys bacteria is a/an: A) infectant B) disinfectant C) detergent D) virustatic Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 6. A syllable placed at the beginning of a word is called a: A) suffix B) combining form C) root D) prefix Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 7. The study of the cause of disease is called: A) prognostication B) diagnosis C) prognosis D) etiology Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 8. When a suffix is added to a word, it: A) changes the meaning of the word B) reverses the meaning of the word C) makes it plural D) always makes the word a noun Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 9. In which of the following words was the combining vowel dropped? A) hematocrit B) hematuria C) basophil D) osteoblast Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 10. Diminutive suffixes are those that mean: A) many B) condition C) large D) small Table for Individual Question Feedback 0.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 11. Diagnosis means to determine the cause and nature of a disease ________ knowledge. A) over B) around C) under D) through Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 12. You are asked to concentrate on your school work. This means you should get ________ studying. A) with B) points for C) onto D) involved in Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 13. The man was diagnosed with bradypnea which means his breathing is: A) slow B) absent C) irregular D) fast Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 14. The medical term epigastric means pertaining to the region ________ the stomach. A) beside B) around C) above D) below Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 15. What does the term tachypnea mean? A) slow breathing B) irregular breathing C) difficult breathing D) fast breathing Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 16. The root in concentration is: A) cent B) concent C) centrat D) centra Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 17. Lying hidden, quiet or not active is termed: A) intermediary B) latent C) exacerbate D) all of the above Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 18. The ________ plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions. A) frontal B) midsagittal C) coronal D) transverse Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 19. In the term homeostasis, the prefix homeo- means: A) different B) equal C) same D) unequal Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 20. The term somatotrophic means pertaining to: A) decreasing process of body growth B) formation of the body C) destruction of the body D) stimulation of body growth Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 21. Which term means losing water from the body? A) diffusion B) dehydrate C) osmosis D) diaphoresis Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 22. The study of tissue is known as: A) pathology B) pathologist C) histologist D) histology Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 23. Fatty tissue throughout the body is called: A) celluloid B) adipose C) sebosis D) liposis Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 24. ________ is a slender physical body form. A) Pseudomorph B) Ectomorph C) Mesomorph D) Endomorph Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 25. The ________ system consists of the skin and its appendages. A) subcutaneous B) integumentary C) intergumentary D) cutaneous Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 26. Which term means pertaining to one side? A) bilateral B) unilateral C) medial D) lateral Table for Individual Question Feedback 0.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 27. The term used to describe being the farthest from the center is: A) distal B) proximal C) supine D) dorsal Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 28. The medical term that describes a person who has a round physical body form is: A) endomorph B) mesomorph C) ectomorph D) somamorph Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 29. The term systemic refers to: A) the body as a whole B) the front side of the body C) being near the surface D) an upward direction Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 30. The chemical name of a drug is usually: A) a descriptive chemical structure B) registered by the US Patent Office C) the formula of the drug D) all of the above Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 31. A patient's medical record officially belongs to the: A) patient B) health care provider C) insurance company D) family members Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 32. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was passed in: A) 1994 B) 1996 C) 1995 D) 1997 Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 33. In the acronym SOAP the S stands for: A) subject B) social History C) subjective D) suggestion Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 34. The skin is essentially composed of two layers known as: A) epidermis and papillary B) epidermis and dermis C) epidermis and epithelium D) epidermis and reticular Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 35. The medical term for skin tags is: A) bulla B) callus C) lentigo D) acrochordon Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 36. The medical term for a bedsore is: A) decubitus B) macula C) papule D) keloid Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 37. What is an abnormal redness of the skin occurring over widespread areas of the body called? A) erythroderma B) xeroderma C) leukoderma D) melanoderma Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 38. In the term jaundice, the root jaund means: A) red B) yellow C) orange D) green Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 39. The sweat glands secrete sweat for cooling by: A) radiation B) evaporation C) diaphoresis D) none of the above Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 40. A lateral curvature of the spine is known as: A) kyphosis B) scoliotone C) scoliosis D) lordosis Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 41. Inflammation of the bone and joint is: A) arthropathy B) arthritis C) osteoarthritis D) arthrectomy Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 42. The medical term for a fingerprint is: A) dactylogram B) dactylograph C) dactylic D) dactylogryposis Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 43. All of the following are functions of the muscular system except: A) produce heat B) hemopoiesis C) movement D) maintain posture Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 44. Smooth muscle is also called: A) voluntary B) cardiac C) striated D) visceral Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 45. A chronic disease characterized by muscular weakness is known as: A) atrophy B) myalgia C) dystonia D) myasthenia gravis Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 46. The point of attachment of a muscle to the part that it moves is called: A) levator B) insertion C) prime mover D) origin Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 47. A protein found in muscle cells is called: A) acetylcholine B) myotrophin C) dystrophin D) lactic dehydrogenase Table for Individual Question Feedback 0.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 48. ________ allows muscles to change shape by becoming shorter and thicker. A) Excitability B) Contractility C) Extensibility D) none of the above Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 49. The primary function/s of muscles is/are: A) movement B) to produce heat C) posture D) all of the above Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 50. All of the following are functions of the digestive system except: A) digestion B) locomotion C) elimination D) absorption Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 51. The ________ is the largest glandular organ in the body. A) pancreas B) liver C) heart D) gallbladder Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 52. A chronic autoimmune disease that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract but most commonly occurs in the ileum is: A) volvulus B) cirrhosis C) diverticulitis D) Crohn's Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 53. The study of the stomach and the intestine is: A) gastroenterology B) enterology C) enterogastrology D) gastrology Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 54. Inflammation of the liver is: A) nephritis B) nephroma C) hepatoma D) hepatitis Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 55. Inflammation of the pancreas is: A) pancreatic B) pancreasitis C) pancreatitis D) pancreatin Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 56. All of the following are common pulse points except: A) brachial B) popliteal C) carotid D) radial Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 57. Blood is transported from the right and left ventricles of the heart to all body parts by the: A) atria B) veins C) arteries D) capillaries Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 58. A condition in which there is a lack of rhythm of the heart beat is: A) palpitation B) fibrillation C) murmur D) arrhythmia Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 59. A slow heartbeat is called: A) tachycardia B) bradycardia C) brachycardia D) murmur Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 60. A type of medication which increases the tone of the heart is called: A) cardiotonic B) vasodilator C) vasotonic D) cardiopathy Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 61. Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system? A) produces thrombocytes B) protects the body against pathogens C) serves as a pathway for the absorption of fats D) transports proteins and fluids Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 62. The fluid part of the blood is called: A) plasma B) hemoglobin C) lymph D) serum Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 63. The clear, yellowish fluid that separates from the clot when blood clots is: A) plasma B) thrombin C) serum D) lymph Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 64. An agent that works against the formation of blood clots is: A) antigen B) anticoagulant C) antihemorrhagic D) antibody Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 65. All of the following are organs of the respiratory system except: A) tonsils B) nose C) pharynx D) lungs Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 66. A disease of the bronchi characterized by wheezing, dyspnea, and a feeling of constriction in the chest is: A) apnea B) anoxia C) asthma D) phonia Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 67. A ________ is an instrument used to measure the volume of respired air. A) pulmometer B) spirogram C) respirator D) spirometer Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 68. An acute, contagious respiratory infection caused by a virus is: A) pertussis B) influenza C) croup D) epistaxis Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 69. A routine urinalysis may include results for all of the following except: A) specific bacteria B) glucose C) protein D) specific gravity Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 70. Urine is secreted and travels through which of the following organs? (give the correct order) A) kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra B) kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra C) kidneys, bladder, urethra, ureters D) kidneys, urethra, bladder, ureters Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 71. The precipitate that settles at the bottom of a liquid, is called a/an: A) uric acid B) sediment C) urochrome D) urea Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 72. Difficult or painful urination is called: A) dysuria B) nocturia C) enuresis D) anuria Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 73. Prolactin is secreted by the: A) ovaries B) pineal gland C) posterior lobe of the pituitary D) anterior lobe of the pituitary Table for Individual Question Feedback 0.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 74. All are true statements concerning epinephrine except: A) it decreases the heart rate and cardiac output B) it elevates the systolic blood pressure C) it dilates the pupils D) it dilates the bronchial tubes Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 75. The pituitary gland is also known as the: A) hypophysis B) pituitarism C) parathyroid D) pineal Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 76. Melatonin is secreted by the: A) thyroid gland B) parathyroid gland C) pineal gland D) pancreas Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 77. Nerves that transmit impulses to the CNS are called: A) motor B) sensory C) autonomic D) receptors Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 78. The brain's major motor area is located in the: A) temporal lobe B) frontal lobe C) occipital lobe D) parietal lobe Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 79. A cerebrovascular accident may be called all of the following except: A) CVA B) brain attack C) stroke D) TIA Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 80. ________ are chemical substances that act as natural analgesics. A) Receptors B) Endorphins C) Acetylcholines D) Biogenic amines Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 81. Rapid, jerky, involuntary muscular movements of the limbs or face indicates: A) narcolepsy B) chorea C) palsy D) dysphasia Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 82. One who specializes in disorders of hearing is called a/an: A) otorhinolaryngologist B) otolaryngologist C) laryngologist D) audiologist Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 83. What is an instrument used to measure hearing called? A) audiometer B) audiphone C) otoscope D) myringoscope Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 84. The process of sharpening the focus of light on the retina is known as: A) vision B) dilation C) accommodation D) contraction Table for Individual Question Feedback 0.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 85. The colored tissue attached to the ciliary body is the: A) pupil B) iris C) sclera D) cornea Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 86. An agent that causes the pupil to contract is called: A) anisocoria B) miotic C) esotropia D) mydriatic Table for Individual Question Feedback 0.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 87. An instrument used to measure intraocular pressure is: A) optomyometer B) keratometer C) gonioscope D) tonometer Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 88. The study of the female is called: A) gynecology B) genioplasty C) gynecologist D) genitalia Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 89. The male or female reproductive organs are called: A) genetics B) genial C) genitalia D) genal Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 90. The onset of the menstrual cycle is termed: A) menarche B) premenstrual C) puberty D) none of the above Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 91. Menstruation marks the ________ phase. A) ovulatory B) secretory C) luteal D) follicular Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 92. The term for a woman who is bearing her first child is: A) unipara B) multipara C) nullipara D) primipara Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 93. The developing young in the uterus from the third month to birth is called: A) embryo B) zygote C) fetus D) neonatal Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: C Correct Answer(s): 94. What is the earliest time at which the fetal heartbeat can be detected by ultrasound? A) ten weeks B) three weeks C) seven weeks D) sixteen Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 95. All of the following are accessory glands of the male reproductive system except: A) testes B) prostate C) bulbourethral D) seminal vesicles Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 96. The process whereby normal cells have a distinct appearance and specialized function is: A) mitosis B) dedifferentiation C) anaplasia D) differentiation Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s): 97. All of the following are ways that malignant cells spread to body parts except for: A) metastasis B) effusion C) active migration D) direct extension Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 98. An individual who realizes his or her abilities, can cope with stress, and can work productively has: A) mental health B) affective disorder C) bipolar disorder D) anxiety Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: A Correct Answer(s): 99. Risk for suicide appears to be highest in people with: A) psychosis B) depression C) paranoia D) anxiety Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: B Correct Answer(s): 100. All of the following are characteristics of x-rays except: A) invisible form of radiant energy B) cause fluorescence C) cause ionization D) long wave lengths Table for Individual Question Feedback 1.0/1.0 Points Earned: D Correct Answer(s):